Page Three !!iil!!I!ill!l!!l!H CANBY Dr. John Fuller jl ffif if t? if jf t? P if af jf jf K" PROMINEANT YOUNG PEOPLE OF CANBY ARE MARRIED ?-r?- -; "n i . Jtr I I - . I 1 ' I I THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER U, 1922. tf7 T TTTPt KAY Sill . ' ' i6 . .V A- .. , 1923. Western Newspaper Union.) j 3 frf j J fjfytj M 4 F. E. Stolle and Miss Laura Pennell of Canby were married Saturday, De cember 9th, surprising and delighting their many friends in that community. Mr. Stolle is a son of Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Stolle, prominent farmers, living one mile west of Canby. His wife itf a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pennell of Barlow. Mr. Stolle is one of the efficient clerks in the C. & R. store and his wife is employed as a clerk in the First National Bank of Canby. Miss Pennell graduated from the Canby High school in 1920, since which time she has held positions of high honor and trust in a business way in Canby. The anticipation and wish of the en tire community, for them, is "a happy life and a good home, with social and financial success. Congratulations. Sunshine and joy with an abundant prosperity to you, our young friends. William Knight . William Knight was born at Pine Creek, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, April 17th, 1839, and died at his home in Canby, Oregon, December 8th, 1922, aged 83 years, 7 months and 21 days. At the age of six years, Mr. Knight moved, with his parents, from the place of his birth to Bethel, Missouir, where they lived until 1865. At this date the family started from Missouri for the northwest. After six months' travel toy ox team, enjoying and en during the pleasures and incidents of I spoonful of the batter, leaving plenty j this long and perilous journey, ineyyor space to nse. t-iace in a pan oi reached the point of their destination, settling near where. Butteville now stands. A few years later, the family pur chased the land holdings of the Joslin and Cross estates, which included the land where Canby is now located. Mr. Knight was married June 10th, 1873, to Miss Martha Birtchet. To this union were born 5 children; one son and four daughters, who with the mother and one brother and one sister of Mr. Knight, survive him. His child are: Mrs. Bertha Lee; Miss Josie Knight,, of Canby; Two twins, Mrs. Vesta Clark of Canby, and Mrs. Veva Bradle of Aurora, Oregon, and Arthur Knight, of Portland. A brother, John Knight of Potland, and one sister,. Miss Mary Bucham of Cottage Grove, are the only surviving members of his fathers family. During Mr. Knight's active daysjn Clackamas County, he served as post master at Canby, was for some years ' agent for the S. P. Railroad Company, and engaged in the mercantile busi ness. In 1884, he was elected Sheriff of Clackamas County, and served two terms in that office. During his long and useful career, Mr. Knight gave 40 years of clerkship to the Canby public school, and will be long remembered by teachers and pupils for his prompt and accurate ser vice. After an impressive service held at tha M. E. Church in Canby at 10 o'clock Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. Boyd Moore, the large concourse of relatives, friends and neighbors, fol lowed the bier to Zion. Cemetery. Paul Schaubel, who recently pur chased an interest in his fathed's meat market at Canby, and also purchased a home here, has sold his interest to his brother Joe Schaubel and with his eood wife, moved to Portland. We are sorry to loose these good people. and wish them, the very best of suc cess. They made many warm friends during their short stay here, and will be missed generally. A. H. Knight has been appointed by "Uncle Sam," to the nostmastership in the Canby postoffice. The community church, recently or ganized at Barlow, held their first services .last Sunday. At the morning service Rev. Bates of Pacific Univer sity, at Forest Grove, conducted the session, and at the evening service a sermon by Rev. Baird of Eugene, was enjoyed by the goodly -number present Wm. Beason and wife were Portland visitors last Monday. The Literary Society, recently or ganized at the Mundorff school house, are planning an Xmas entertainment. V.'ti & ii as easy to cook as to tell how ' ' to cook . ; An 4 a Wish were a dish We could uine from our book. SOME FRUGAL PUDDINGS' One of the simplest to prepare and also one of the most whelesome for children' is the old fashioned Minute Pud ding. Scald one pint of milk and stir In one-hali tea spoonful of salt and one fourth cup of sugar. Cook until the starch In thfe flour Is well cooked. Serve with cream and a little grated nutmeg. Kiss Pudding. Put two cupfuls of milk Into a double boiler with the yolks of two eggs that have been well beaten. Add two tablespoonfuls, level, of cornstarch and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Cook until thoroughly done. Beat the whites of the eggs with two tablespoonfuls of sugar and spread on top ; brown in the oven. Fifteen-Minute Pudding. Take one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder and one-half teaspoon ful of salt ; , add one-half cupful of milk or enough to make a drop batter. Add a spoonful to each of four small buttered cups, then a spoonful of canned cherries or any Juicy fruit two or three tablespoonfuls will be better then - finish with another ! - - - - W , : ft n : ? mmm wwmmmm0fw mmmmmmm 1 1 1 iimnw 11111111 jm ' iinitu 1 1 . m mi .nw miiipim n 1 t hot water, cover closely and steam fifteen minutes. Serve unmolded with sugar and cream. Talent Pudding. Take one cupful of New Orleans molasses, one and one-half cupfuls of flour, one-half tea spoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of ginger. Mix the flour, molasses, gin ger and salt thoroughly; Dissolve one teaspoonful of soda In two-thirds of a cupful of boiling water, add to the first mixture and pour into a well buttered mold to -steam one and one half hours. Saucer-Take two table spoonfuls of butter well mixed with one tablespoonful of flour, . add one and one-half capfuls of boiling water, two-thirds of a cupful of sugar, nutmeg and a dash of vinegar for flavor. Boil until smooth. Serve hot. Bread and Fruit Pudding. Spread slices of bread with butter, pour over boiling hot blueberry sauce. Cover with a plate and let stand until well soaked. Unmold and serve with sugar and cream. REDLAND LADIES LIVE WIRE CLUB ENTERTAINS (By Mrs. G. J. Newell) " On Thursday evening, December 7, 1922, the Redland Ladies Live Wires entertained their husbands and friends at the Firgrove School. A program which consisted of Readings by Mrs. E. C. Criteser, games and fortune tell ing were greatly enjoyed. While lunch was being prepared an old fashoned spelling bee was put on. At the close of this, doughnuts, pump kin pie and coffee was served. This meeting was held to exhibit work of the past five months. The club has been furnishing a room for the W. C. T. U. Childrens Home at Corvallis. Up to date the following articles have been made and completed or pur chased: 2 quilts; 1 bed spread, 1 white Idjouible cotton iblanket, 4 sheets,- 4 pillow cases, 1 pillow, 1 bureau scarf, 3 bath tawels, 5 hand towels, 3 cur tains, 2 braided rag rugs, 12 tea towels, 10 holders and 1 dust cap. - Mrs. W. H. Bonny, president of the club gave a very interesting talk which was followed by a brief but interesting one by Mr. George Armstrong in be half of the men; thanking the ladies for their hospitality. The meeting adjourned at midnight, everyone wishing that such meeting might be held more often, The next meeting January 4, 1923, will be held at the H. A. Allen home. Election of officers at that time and every mem ber is urged to be present. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dittert entertain ed the Sharnke and Kubitza families at Sunday dinner recently. U. of O. Schedules Basketball Oregon University athletes are now devoting full attention to varsity bas ketball practice. Coach George Bohler, has seven lettermen among his squad of candidates, and the team promises better than last year. The following is the schedule for the season. Jan. 12. Oregon vs. N. P. Dental College and Pacific U. at Eugene. 13 Oregon vs. Multnomah Club at Portland. 19. Oregon vs. Willamette at Eu gene. , 20. 25. 27. Feb, vallis. 3. Oregon vs. O. A C. at Corvallis. 5. Oregon vs. W. S. C. at Eugene, 9. Oregon vs. O. A. C at Eugene. 10. Oregon vs. O. A.' C. at Eugene. 17. Oregon vs. Whitman at Walla Walla. 19. Oregon vs. Idaho at Moscow. 21. Oregon vs. W. S. C. at Pullman. 22. Oregon vs. Spokane A. A. C. at Spokane. . 23. Oregon vs. U. of W. at Seattle. Oregon vs. Idaho at Eugene. Oregon vs. U. of W. at Eugene. Oregon vs. Willamette at Salem. 2. Oregon vs. O. A. C. at uor- The Hub GROCERY 6n the Hill New Arrangement. Ee was a contractor and after building nine houses on the same plan, blue prints were of no conse quence to him. The tenth house was well under way before he gave much attention to the details. He surveyed the structure and" was astonished to find that a fireplace had been built In the kitchen. His other houses had all faced th west. This one faced the east. WE have a good as sortment of choc olates in one lb. boxes that will make nice gifts. They are priced at 50c - $1.00 and $1.25 We are selling our plain mixed and Xmas mixed candies at 20c per pound. Buy "him' a pound box of Tuxedo, Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco in , a fancy Xmas I Package. Th'eRexall Store is ready to help you solve your Christmas problems tQ solve them economically and yet to provide you with Christmas Gifts that you will be proud to give and your friends glad to receive. But we ask you to come early while we can give voir the service" you are en titled to. Visit us now and any article you mav select will be held for you until later. Fountain Pens and Pencils We are Headquarters f or Christmas Fountain Pens and Pencils. From our stock of over 250 you may select a Waterman a Schaef fer a Parker an Eversharp. SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS Schaeffer Life Time Pens are guaranteed forever against defect and accidents. They are indeed a "Life Time" Gift. Price $8.75. Other styles of Schaeffer Pens $2.50 up. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENS The Wa'terman is the oldest of them all. It comes in plain sizes at $2.50' to $8.00. Gold mounted $3.50 to $10.00. Other styles are in Gold and Silver at prices from $10.00 up PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS The Parker Duo-Fold with the red barrel car ries a 25 year guarantee. It comes in two sizes, $5.00 and $7.00. A beau tiful pen and "different" Santa Claus has not dealt fairly with the child who does not get some Christmas Book. What ever else the children get they must have books. For the Boys & Girls 10 to 16 we have the books recommended by Libraries and teachers. They vary in price from 75c, to $5.00. We offer an intelligent help in selecting. . ' 4 Eversharp Pencils make popular gifts. The prices start at 50c and go to $10.00." Th,e quality is always the same. The price de pends on the finish. ' - v Schaeffer Propel Repel Expel Pencils, combined with Schaef fer Fountain Pens both in one box make beautiful gift sets. . Good Stationery - $5 0 The. war is over and beautiful g Dolls are again obtainable at prices only of what they were . two or three years ago. . 12 in. Doll with natural hair and closing eyes .60 1 16 in. size . . .$1.00 12 in. Dressed Dolls L$1.00 m 16 in Dressed Doll........: $1.95 H Mama Dolls Unbreakable $3.00 g Doll Heads with hair and clos- ingeyes . 60 g Dolls Heads Unbreakable ,.95 Give her a HOOVER and you give her - the best The Hoover Electric "Suction Sweeper makes Christmas merry. Is an ever welcome gift. We offer you nothing but Good station ery. tWe carry no cheap wood-pulp paper made to sell. at price. You may select from Lord Baltimore Symphony Lawn, Highland Linen Cranes Whiting's', all standard brands. ; Prices start plain 1 qr. boxes .40 Will put this .Victrola in your home for Christmas. 'Pay the balance, $95' in 12 equal monthly, payments without interest. . Other styles of genuine Victrolas $25.00 to $350.00. LEATHER GOODS Make nice, lasting gifts. " Our stock is large and contains no goods too cheap to guarantee. Men's Purses, 35c to $2.50 Men's Bill Folds, 75c to $6.00 Brief Cases, $5.00 to $12.50 V Travelling Bags $6.75 to $30.00 Suit Cases, $6.00 to $18.00 Music Rolls, $1.00 to $5.00 Ladies' Purses & Bags, $1 - $15 Loose Leaf Memos, 90c up Address Books, 50c Ladies' Vanity Cases, $1.75 up 'Fancy Boxes with different colored jjaper in 2, 3 or 4 qrs $1 to $5. HOOVER BIBLES Some friend will appreciate a bible more than any other gift. We carry the Nelson large-type Bibles, both King James and Re vised editions. New Testaments ... Bibles ". Prayer Books .;..20c to $1.50 90c to $10.00 -50c up TOILET ARTICLES ROYCROFT COPPER Roycroft Copper is hand beaten. -Everybody who has seen this line says "Its Beau tiful." We have a variety of practical and ornamental prices, Candlesticks, Sconces, Vases, Trays, and Bowls. It's worthlan examination if you, like artistic things. ' A KODAK Makes a worth while gift. Doesn't need to be expensive either. We offer you a choice from 20 different models. - Br, ownie' Kodaks .. : . $2.00 up Pocket Kodaks . $6.50 up Free instruction goes with every camera sale. Himtley-Draper Drug Co. 'entail Store Please most girls and women.' A visit to our Toilet Article Counter will suggest many desirable gifts. You will find all the popular imported-and domestic Perfumes and Toilet Waters and other Toilet Accessories. TJie Main Street OREGON CITY, OREGON , UMBRELLAS We buy pur umbrellas direct from the manufacturer and they carry no middlemans profit'. You will find them better values than usual. The quality is such that we stand behind every one with our guarantee whatever the price. Fancy colored silks at $4.75 CHRISTMAS CARDS Dainty in design, beautiful in color and carrying a sincere Christmas wish just the kind that you will want to send to your friends. They are arranged for easy select ion Prices lc to 50c. : LUSTRE WARE This Pottery is not only ar tistic in design, but has the most beautiful coloring that we have ever seen. We have it in Vases, Candlesticks, Bowls of -all sizes. Priced start at 50c. PICTURE FRAMING We offer you a selection from 300 styles and sizes. We give you artistic work and guarantee satisfaction. But place your order at once to dayif you want to be sure of early delivery. FOR SMOKERS You will find here all kinds of things that smokers like. Ash trays Smoker Sets Humidors Cigar and Cig-. arette cases Cigarette hold ers. You may spend what .you choose. 25c -50c a dol lar up to $10. 1