Page Two 1 . THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922. You Are Hoping to Do Some thing Soon Here's to the World's Sweethearts! May -This Christmas Bring Them Gifts of Gold and Silver EVERYONE Is. It may mean going into business for yourself or rising to the top in the company where you are employed. It may be marriage to the girl, or maybe you are married already and the thing you are hoping to do is to build a cozy little "home of your own. PERHAPS it is an education for your children or merely something big for yourself. Whatever it is, the thing you are hoping to do can't just happen. iTlMist be worked for and fought for and the surest way to bring it about is a cash reserve, for K without money your ambition will always remain a remote hope. START saving now. Be sure you are ready when opportunity comes. . Bank of Oregon City Oldest Bank in Clackamas County Organized Fortyone Years Ago. ARAGRAPHS ABOUT TOWN Mrs. A. J. Burdette of Canby visited her sister, Mrs. George Osborne, a few days last week. Mrs. A. M. Sinnott, who has been ill the past week with an attack of neu ralgia, has improved. Mrs. Cora Roberts, a resident of Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. Arthur G. Beattie, Sunday. . Charles H. Gale of Portland, a form er resident of this city, transacted business here on Friday of last week, Carl Green, who has been in Atlan ta, Georgia, for the past three weeks, returned t phis home in this city, Fri day night. Mrs. Gerber, a resident of Logan county, visited Mrs. Belle Wilson at the Oregon City hospital, on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nolan, accom panied by Mrs. W. Wood of Portland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Jack Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler and daughter Mildred were Sunday guests of Mrs. Legler's parents, Mr. and Mrs S. V. Francis, of Mt View. Miss Florence McGeehan, who is teaching school in the Logaa district, spent the week-end with her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. M. McGeehan. Ralph Green, son of Mr. and Mrs John V. Green of Oregon City, who has been suffering a severe attack of la grippe, is very much improved. Miss Mary Mitchell has returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Justin, in Oregon City, from Honolulu, where she spent several months. Drs. D. E. Hardenbrook and Clyde Mount attended the annual meeting of the Oregon State Dental Association, held in Portland on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week. C. Schuebel, W. C. Green, J. C. Cochran and N. W. Bowland attended the dedication of the new Westmore land Presbyterian church of Portland, which was held Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Chinn, a resident of Central Point, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberts, on Friday of last week. Mrs. Chinn was Miss Violet Roberts before her marriage. Mrs. Clyde G. Huntley and daughter. Miss . Mildred of Portland, were in town. Tuesday, where they visited Mrs. Huntleys father, Thomas Miller, and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller. A son arrived at the Oregon City hospital on December 5th, for Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Grimm of Scotts Mills. The little fellow tipped the scales at ten pounds and has been given the name of Richard Victor. County school superintendent Bren ton Vedder, delivered an address on ed ucation at the Presbyterian church, Sunday night, and a teachers' quartette from the Eastham school sang several splendid numbers. Henry Meldrum of-Earl, Oregon, ac companied by his daughter, Mrs. Har ley Stevens, of Portland, visited relatives-in Oregon City on Thursday of last week. Mr. Meldrum was formerly for many years a resident of this place. The monthly meeting of the teachers of tSe Presbyterian Sunday school was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Green, 710 Center street, on Monday evening. Plans were finished for the Christmas entertainment. Mrs. Geo. Eberl, superintendent of the Sunday school, presided at the meeting. Mrs. Roy O. Woodward entertained her Sunday school class of young la dies at a six o'clock dinner on Tuesday evening, at her home on Fourth street At the prettily decorated table, which was laden with all kinds of good things to eat, places were laid for twenty-two young ladies. After the dinner a short business meeting "was held, followed by a splendid social time. Thisclass is one of the largest and best attended in the Presbyterian Sunday-school. Kenneth Renner, after spending a few days last week with his sister, Miss Ona Renner, has returned to Cor- vallis to resume his studies at O. A. C. Mrs. Homer Rowan of Colton was in Oregon City on Friday of last week, visitin g her sister-in-law, Mrs. Belle Wilson, who is at the Oregon City hospital. Mrs. E. L. Jones and little son Ellas Leonard have returned to their home in West Linn from the Oregon City hospital, where the young man was born on November 27. - Judge H. S. Anderson, formerly of Oregon City, but now of Logan, was in town, Tuesday. Judge and Mrs. An derson recently completed a bunga low on their farm at Logan. Mrs. C. F. Croll of Portland Miss Genevieve Jones before her marriage and Miss Helen Ann Jones, a student at O. A. C, spent a part of last week with their mother, Mrs. J. E. Jones, of this city. Mr', and Mrs. A. N. Badger have re turned to their home in Oregon City, after spending ten months in southern Caliiornia. Before returning home they visited in several cities in Cali fornia. Mrs. Charles McCormack, who is a isidentof Sellwood, was in town on Thursday, where she visited her sis ter, Mrs. Isetta Allbright, and her mother, Mrs. Rider. Mrs. McCormack was formerly a resident of Oregon City. I Lovers in every clime and in every age have looked to Christmas as the best opportunity of the year to exchange tokens of affection and of love divine. And what gift more endurable, more expressive ol the heart's tenderest sentiment than a gift of Jewelry? G u r Jewel r y S ho p I s a D el i gh t f u 1 PI ace! Mrs, "A. G. .Beattie Hostess. The members of Chapter P. P. E. O. enjoyed a delicious luncheon at the hom eof Mrs. Arthur Beattie on Tues day, when Mrs. E. W. Scott was joint hostess. " After the business meeting, Mrs. F. J. Tooze entertained the members with and illustrated talk on "Art-of-the Netherlands," which was both instruc tive and entertaining. Mrs. Chas Gratke and Mrs. W. A. Holt were guests of the chapter. .Members enjoying Mrs. Beattie's hos pitality were: Mesdames. Chas. Cau field, Raymond Caufield, W. A. Holt, N. W; Bowland, F. J. Tooze, C. Schue bel, Harry Paine, John F. Clark, Orel Welsh, Wm. Andresen, James Burrows, E. W. Scott, John R. Oatfield and John Risley. Former Pastor Weds. (Sandy Special Correspondence.) The following item from Sheridan, Oregon, will be of interest to many m this vicinity. "December 2. Willa- mina members of the Methodist church are preparing to welcome their pastor, Rev. Earl B. Cotton and his bride, formerly Miss Ruth Wheatdon. of Fruitland, Idaho. Word of their mar riage in Idaho was received recently. They are expected at Willamkia in about ten days. Rev. Cotton was for two years the Methodist -minister supDlyine Sandv and Pleasant Home. Marmot Girl Weds. (Sandy Special Correspondence.) Miss Lillian Ten Eyck and Arthur C. Krey were married in Portland Thanksgiving day. Miss Ten Eyck is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ten Eyck, pioneer residents of the Marmot county. They came out to the Ten Eyck home recently where a beautiful wedding feast was served to a large number of relatives. The young couple will go to Eugene to live where Mr. Krey is in his junior year at the University of Oegon. Mrs. Krey will also enter in January to complete her course there, being in her third year. Several of the Frace children have been on the sick list. The books from the Travellinz lib rary located at Scales Store are called in immediately. . F. D. Eason and small daughter. Mary, have been quite sick with grippe. The High School expects to be in its ne wbuilding the first of the year. We do printing of all kinds at the Banner-Courier the best workman ship at lowest prices. Engraving By Experts Fine engraving Is essential, for it adds the final touch of refinement. Engraving of he newest designs, correctly and artistically executed will en hance the value of your gift. Our engravers are experts and to this you will agree. An "aU-aglow-with-holiday-cheer" place d and a place of infinite resourceful ness : Here you may find "the diamonds for my lady bright" which is the most adequate tribute for her who sways your heart; the sumptuous sterling silver piece that conveys your holiday greetings to all the family; the hand some watch a substantial token between man and man; and hosts of other beautiful things down to the tiniest trinket which yet may charmingly convey the warmth of your Christmas wish. Prices surprisingly moderate and an amazingly beautiful stock of new gifts to select from. Just a Few Suggestions of Re-' membrances Appropriate for "Her" Diamond Necklace Signet Ring Diamond Ring Pendant Diamond Brooch Perfume Bottle Diamond Ear Screws Manicure Set Bracelet Watch Eversharp Pencil Jewel Case Waterman Pens Locket and Chain ' Kodaka Gold Lavalliere Kodak Albums Gold Brooch Silk Umbrellas ' Bracelet Chinaware Bar Pin Phonographs Baby Pin Cut Glass . Crosses Book ends Beautiful Gifts of Py-ra-lin To assist you in choosing we offer below some suggestions in Ivory Py-ra-lin. This beautiful ware proves a most ac ceptable gift. At B. & A.'s a wonderful display of Py-ra-lin will greet you. Gifts Prepared for " Giving We take pleasure in p'repar-. ing your package just right for giving that It may carry with it the true sentiment of thoughtfulness. If you desire you may leave it in the store until Christmas time and have it delivered special. Talcum Cain Holders Dresser Trays Puff Boxes Hair Receivers Hand Mirrors Hair Brushes Military Brushes, pair Combs Clothes Brushes Whisk Brooms Picture Frames Botton Hooks Shoe Horns Hat Brushes Cream or Salve Boxes Soap Boxes Jewel Boxes Tooth Brush Holders Perfume Bottles Nail Files Nail and Cuticle Scissors Cuticle Knives , Handsome . CAMEO BROOCHES AND RINGS Every woman loves the Cameo, and well they should. . They are just as popular to day as ever. We are showing a wonderful assortment in both the brooch and- the ring. Chinaware for Every Purpose There are countless combinations appropri ate for desirable Christmas gifts in our American and Nippon China. There are . many different patterns to select from, some in white with floral designs and some in the riclrry colored luster. Separate pieces may be purchased from the larger sets. Have a set reserved for you-for future delivery. -Diamonds' 1 Just a Few Suggestions of Re membrances Appropriate ' for "Him" Wrist Watch Card Cases - Diamond Stud Watch Diamond Ring Brass Ash Tray " Lodge Emblem Initial Ring ' Shirt Sets - Toilet Set Cuff Links Cigarette Case Watch Fob - Shaving Set Watch Chain Set of Brushes Card Case Waldemar Chain Hat Brush Eversharp Pencils Eyeglass Chains Waterman Pens Fancy Stone Rings Kodaks Stick Pins Silver Belt Buckles Scarf Pins Gold' Knives Tie Clasps Pocket Combs The Gift Supreme The Burmeister & Andresen Diamond collection is in readiness for your call of inspection. Private Diamond salesroom. Surely it will be a Burmeister & Andresen Diamond for her this Christmas. " , Our large purchases direct from the cutters demands the finest Diamonds at the lowest prices. Beautiful mountings in platinum or white, gold, green or regular gold. Plain or fancy regular gold ring for $25.00, $35.00, $50.00, $100.00 and up. Fancy white gold or platinum top, rings for $35.QQ, $40,000, $50.00, $100, $150 and up. Platinum rings in Claw or Bezel mountings for $150, $200, $500 and up. Cut Glass She Will Gladly Accept Our private Cut-Glass room is fairly glitter ing with beautiful Cut Glass of every de scription. From the small, dainty pieces to the huge pieces and pleasing sets, you will find plenty to interest you while here. Silverware for Every Purpose The question of Silverware will be settled to your entire satisfaction. There's so much here in sterling and plated silver that it would be folly on our part to attempt a description. Just let us invite you to the store at a time when you can spare ample time for a careful inspection. JEVtELERS OREGON CITY OPllCWfa SINCE 1873 1 ' m f Your Gift Will Be Fully Appreciated If It Comes From B & A's jl BANNER THOUGHTS IN POETRY Myself By Edgar A. Guest. I have to live with myself and so I want to be fit for myself to know. I want to be able, as days go by, Always to look myself straight in the eye; I don't want to stand, with the setting sun, And hate myself for things I've done. I don't want to keep on a closet shelf A lot of secrets about myself, And fool myself, as I come and go, Into thinking that nobody else will know The kind of a man that I really am; I don't want to dress myself in sham. I want to go out with my head erect, , I want to deserve all men's respect; But here in the struggle for fame and self I want to be able to like myself. don't want to look at myself and know That I'm bluster and bluff and empty show. I can never hide myself from me; I see what others may never see; r know what others may never know. I can never fool myself, and so, Whatever happens, I want to be , Self respecting and conscience-free. TURKEY SHOOT Rifle and Trap Shooting Match, Sunday, December 7th. Place, six miles east of Oregon City on Abernathy road. Plenty of fat turkeys, geese and ducks for everyone. " Lunch served. Otto W. Fisher. 4 hues or seams.wiba isnact&i If Mf" SIC HUM) ESS RESULTS . The long winter evenings are with su again. How about that new pair of glasses you have been planning to get? ' Courteous service and satis fying results are here for you with nineteen years practical ex perience to insure comfortable glasses at reasonable charge. Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 207-8 Masonic Bldfl., Oregon City, Ore. Phone 380 for appointment 1 1 MILLER'S SHOE STORE I Men's every-day-wear shoes, rubbers, gloves. Expert Shoe Repairing. 1 419 Main St. Oregon City. ! Special FOR THE ; HOLIDAYS Walnuts 50c -35c lb. Almonds, Soft Shell 30c lb. Brazil Nuts 20c lb. All this year's crop. CANDY Santa Mixed 50c Crystal Mixed .. 55c Ribbon and Royal Chocolates -..55c - 30c Your Christmas Cigars in small boxes 12 to 25 in box $155 to $2.00 SPECIAL Catsup, bottle 50c Cocoa, 3 lbs. 25c We also carry a fine line of seasonable fruits Apples, Oranges, Cranberries, etc. . D. M. Klcmscn & Son Next to Post Office Oregon City. Mite4 Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. The Surety of Purity Therearenomiracles in cook ing. What goes into the food must inevitably come out. Even the baking perfection that results from the use of Royal Baking Powder is no miracle. It is simply the result of ab solute purity entering the food and emerging again. Royal is made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes. It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste CALLS THE REDDAWAY TRUCK LINE for . Long Distance Hauls Three Trips Each Day Each Way Between Oregon City, and Portland Portland 516 91 Phones Oregon City 501 '1 ' ' ' . V mmr!t a lb aawotaBiii'iiT'i etz: ', it.'iktit.ii. iKy.-.v r , ,), , rum-en (Say it with blowers'