Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1922. CARSON HEIGHTS & 0-- CAPITOL HILL J Mrs. Geo. Hartmam J '- . The mothers and honoray mothers of Brownie Troop No. 1, who met at the home of Mrs. George Hartman, last Tuesday, put in a busy afternoon. Be sides sewing to finish up the quilt for their bazaar and making up the uni forms, plans were completed for the appearance of the troop at the armory, Saturday afternoon, forthe Girl Scout rally. The long looked-foward-to entertain ment at the Carson Heights church will be held Friday evening, December 7. The church is ery fortunate to ob tain the services of Mrs. Hugh Gruwell, a well-known elocutionist and dramatic reader, who will put on her entire pro gram. Tickets for adults, 25 cents; children, 10 cents. The bazaar held by the St. Claires . Roman Catholic church of Capitol Hill was a splendid success. A most en joyable time was had by everyone who attended and over $700 was cleared. At a meeting of the electric light committee, last Tuesday, it was report ed that 17 homes had been wired, bringing the total number to 91. The friends and neighbors of Mrs. C. J. Frank, who has been ill at the hos pital, will be pleased to hear that she is expected to return home within a few days. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Carson Heights Com munity church will meet at the home of Mrs. George Smith Brown, Thurs day afternoon. Ms. Conrad Price was in charge of the handkerchief booth at the bazaar, held by the Woman's Guild of the Good Shepherd church, jn the Parish hall, December 7. Mr., and Mrs. Bell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Polier and family, who have been living in California for a year or more, have returned to their former homes. The Southwest Portland Improve ment .League will meet next Thurs day evening, December 7. Invitations for this "meeting are being sent out to impress upon the people that every one is cordially invited to attend wives) mothers, children, the whole family. There will be a brief, snappy business meeting, then a social time with dancing, good music, refresh ments all free. A most enjoyable time was had last Wednesday evening at Knox hall, when a basket social and entertainment was "held by the community. The affair was well attended and good music made dancing a real pleasure. It is to be regretted that there is at present no president of the Capitoi . Hill Circle of the Parent-Teachers' association, and a meeting will be call ed in the near future to elect one. A most delightful affair was the en tertainment and dance held by the Owl Club, last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mins provided a most excellent program from local talent, augmented by Portland friends. W. Moore and Mrs. Jack Long furnished vocal selections, accompanied by Mrs. Moore, and Miss Florence Nelson gave artistic ballett dancing. Characteris tic recitations rounded out he program,'! the concluding number being a sur prise on the president, Mrs. H. Schle gelmilsch, of a splendid birthday cake illuminated with candles, a gift from the club members in recognition of her services. Plans are on foot to organize the Boy Scout troops for some efficient Christinas work. This will be in the nature of locating poor and needy fam ilies and supplying them with' wood, food, clothing, etc. The get-together meeting of the older Scouts, which was recently held at Camp Brockway, near Troutdale, was so successful that it has been de cided to form a veteran scout organ ization for similar meetings. It was a wide-awake, enthusiastic, full of energy troop of Brownies who took part at the Girl Scout rally, held at. the auditorium recently, when Brownie troop No. 1, of twenty-two children under the age of ten years., line dup for their grand salute. Miss Daisy Stewart, reginoal director, was in i6c wiu uver ninety uifl SCOUTS took Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Finke entertain ed recently with a card party at their home. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McGriw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Priggie, Mr. and Mrs. Heny Kopp and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman; A most delicious buffet sup per of creamed chicken, hot biscuits, mocha cake and coffee was served. , Now the everywhere roaas. Tne property owners along Second street in Kilpatrick tract, from the Boones Ferry road back for several blocks, are grading, preparatory to laying a layer of crushed rock. Mr. Schlegelmilsch is in charge of the grading. ESTIMATED BUDGET OF COUNTY EXPENDITURES REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN VARIOUS OFFICES, COURTS AND OTHER DEPART MENTS OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT, SHOWING THE AMOUNT " OF MONEY PROPOSED TO BE EXPENDED BY CLACKAMAS .COUNTY FOR ALL PURPOSES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR, 1023, AS COMPILED BY THE BUDGET COMMITTEE, APPOINTED BY THE COURT. Clackamas County Budget FOR THE YEAR, 1923. - Estimated amounts of money necessary to maintain the various office courts and schools of the county, together with the- estimated amounts fori S1te tax and maintenance of Roads and Bridges, with a showing of the unit costs of the various offices, material and supplies for the fiscal year nert preceding the current year, and the budget allowances and expenditures for the 6 months of the current year. - CIRCUIT COURT Estimated expenses COUNTY COURT Salary of County Judge County Commissioners Stamps & Stationery Total JUSTICE COURT Estimated expenses JUVENILE COURT Estimated expenses SHERIFF'S OFFICE . Sheriff's salary Chief deputy. Spec. Deputy .with car Stationery & Stamps Bond Traffic officer with car 6000.00 1600.00 2500.00 100.00 4200.00 . 1922 3875.60 1921 6612.00 1920 5534.00 1919 5515.27 INSANE COURT HOUSE Janitor Fuel Supplies, Materials and Repairs Total 386.47 155.04 400.00 129.50 377.38 1320.00 1000.00 1500.00 3820.00 1573.12 4340.69 4387.22 3121.98 1745.26 4595.10 4256.71 4533.24 3500.00 1801.95 4508.82 1632.93 1305.89 l'OOO.OO 2100.00 1200.00 2000.00 320.00 50.00 2000.00 684.09 892.18 851.80 1098.85 2903.06 6680.72 7017.60 4215.04 INSURANCE Cattle Indemnity . Indigent Soldier Widow's Pension Care of Poor Prisoners Board and Petty Exp. (Jail) Scalp Bounty Tax Rebates Printing and Advertising State and County Fair Sealer of Weights and Measures Forest Patrol Experting Books Damages Agricultural Agent Assistant Leader Interest on General and District Road Warrants 5 Interest on Road Bonds In the sum of $390,450.00 Second Payment on -New Bridge at O. C. of $45,000 Interest on above at 5 . Machinery Paving Prohibition Law Enforcement under con trol of District Attorney Emergency Total County General-.. Less cash in the Treasury, December 1st, 1922 500.00 1000.00 500.00 -10000.00 14000.00 2000.00 400.00 400.00 1400.00 1000.00 442.80 350.00 400.00 1000.00 2300.00 1750.00 22000.00 386.40 185.87 330.00 3915.00 7234.39 1270.01 463.00 4ff4.39 701.12 500.00 193.91 388.01 400.00 710.75 1162.50 1478.65 501.50 9325.04 13711.73 1381.80 323.00 198.13 1800.12 .400.00 433.74 202.93 400.00 . 1493.97 2309.41 157.24 412.10 " 12571.30 16170.53 534.24 297.00' 150.40 1246.26 945.04 418.63 341.08 500.00 1061.24 2000.00 685.29 407.77 430.00 11704.26 15010.67 471.87 222.00 12.92 737.75 1488.56 470.00 335,57 - 175.00 408.20 2983.36 19522.50 11825.00 TAX DEPARTMENT Chief Deputy's salary Second Deputy One Clerk One Clerk Three Clerks 3 months Overtime Stamps , Premium on Bonds Office supplies Total 7670.00 1440.00 1080.00 1020.00 1020.00 720.00 600.00 400.00 297.00 1010.00 Total net General ESTIMATED RECEIPTS County Clerk's Office ; : .: $10,000.00 County Recorder's Office Z : 8,000.00 Justice Court Fines : 14,000.00 County Treasurer's Office, interest on Bank Deposits 6,000.00 Sheriff's Office 600.00 7587.00 2867.24 7673.45 6998.70 4457.51 CLERK'S OFFICE Clerk's Salary . 1800.00 Chief Deputy 1320.00 Deputy (recording and registration 1080.00 Deputy Bookkeeper 1080.00 Assistant Bookkeeper 960.00 Stationery & Supplies 675.00 Clerk's Bond Premium 35.00 Circuit Court Supplies 155.00 Forgery Bond - 25.00 Juvenile Court Blanks . 75.00 Probate Court Blanks 90.00 Commissioners Court-Warrants '207.00 Miscellaneous Marriage Record Birth & Death Record Chattel Lien Record Dog Lie. and Collars -Files & Equipment Machine & Record repairs 430.00 Total 7932.00 RECORDER'S OFFICE Salary of Recorder -1500.00 Chief Deputy 1200.00 2 Typists 2040.00 Extra Help ' 150.00 Material & Supplies 705.95 Equipment, Records and Bonds . 548.00 . Total 6143.95 TREASURER'S OFFICE Salary of Treasurer 1500.00 Chief Deputy 1200.00 Extra Clerk hire 275.00 Bonds of Treasurer 315.00 Material & Supplies 350.00 Total ' 3640.00 WW- .SURVEYORS OFFICE Salary of Surveyor 1800.00 Assistants 1200.00 Stenographer 120.00 Axmen and Chainmen 800.00 Mileage 400.00 Office and Field Supplies 350.00 Road Viewers 300.00" Total 4970.00 ASSESSOR'S OFFICE Assessor's Salary , 1500.00 Chief Deputy . 1200.00 Second Deputy 1020.00 Third Deputy 1020.00 Field Deputies 3000.00 Extending Tax Roll and Index Book 700.00 Bond & Office Supplies 1280.00 Total 9720.00 HEALTH OFFICER and Expenses 800.00 COUNTY PHYSICIAN and Expenses 1000.00 CORONER Estimated Expense 800.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT 1700.00 Net County General Schools and Library.. High Schools State Tax. Aurora Bridge Bridges GeneraL.. Market Roads, estimated 70 District and 30 General Roads To reduce County indebtedness Total Tax Notice is hereby given that a tax Dayers meeting will -be held at the Moose Hall, in Oregon City, Oregon, on December 30th, 1922, at 10:00 a. m. for the purpose of discussing the above estimates with the levying board of Clackamas County, as by law provided. . ' . Done at Oregon City, Oregon, this 27th day of November, 1922. Joe J. Thornton. H. E. Cross Secretary " . Chairman and County Judge A. D. Gribble, 4 W. F. Harris. W. Kanne, - Commissioner Budget Committee. W. A. Proctor, Commissioner. 4183.09 8044.50 7076.80 6343.49 5124.25 5991.32 5860.01 4899.83 1741.74 4583.56 3369.92 2987-01 2789.5S 4693.32 4878.75 4781.71 4310.76 9401.73 9077.11 8362.04 249.05 500.00 616.70 1074.83 2493.41 1720.90 899.35 707.30 613.60 Daa weatner has set in, ' Salary of Superintendent there is a cry for tood i Supt's. Expenses j-:xx:xX"::xk:k:::: T X Supervisor's Salary Supervisor's Expenses Stenographers Salary Supplies & Materials Total 400.00 . 1440.00 650.00 1080.00 1415.00 6685.00 1114.57 6619.46 5033.95 5161.17 1 "9-1 ? T T t ? ? X T Y X Y Y ? ? x i x : CHOICE MEATS $ From the best meats I we can buy we offer X you the choicest cuts, at x prices no more than you X have paid elsewhere for x less aualitv. $ i I Oregon City ! Closing Out Groceries I desire to close out my entire stock of . GROCERIES 15000.00 1500.00 15000.00 2000.00 10000.00 15000.00 750.00 10513.62 8134.68 36466.17 16112.11 .$198,333.25 7.353.39 $190,979.86 38,600.00 .$129,542.60 95,367.25 $152,379.86 224,909.85 13,000.00 30,000.00 55,000.00 196,486.35 Gut down die Fuel Bill Fill a good oil heater with Pearl Ofl. At the touch of a match you have a cheery, friendly heat for very little cost. And you can easily carry this comfortable warmth from room to room wherever it is wanted with no heat wasted in unused rooms. Pearl Oil is economical. Every drop delivers real heat when and where it is needed. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process, making it clean burning no dirt no smoke no odor. Sold in cans and in bulk by dealers everywhere. For your own protec tion order by name Pearl Oil. (KEROSENE) HEAT AND LIGHT Jrnrt ST&NDARD " TtjMiS COMPANY 1311 1 (.CmllJimU) " nil ) ) VIVlVYl II VYi.TYrVTVTYfV H. !l " i " ' I 4 Say it with J towers' TRY THE BANNER-COURIER WANT ADS Will Make Prices to Move Them Also Bargains in All Other Lines TRUCK TIRES and the Service of A. L. BEATIE 11th and Main Streets, Phone 101 J T 1 I Oregon City, Oregon . Make sure your trucks are operating full time. The truck that's moving is the truck that's paying. Go over your tires, for hauling efficiency is dependent on proper tire equipment. Firestone Truck Tires are built in types to meet all trucking conditions light delivery service, medium and heavy duty hauling. Their extra resilience gives the maximum protection against the constant battering of The Firestone Truck Type Cord Its carcass of gum-dipped cords is the strongest that can be built. Thebroad,flat tread gives a more effec tive road grip. The tough, flexible tread stock extends from bead to bead and protects against rut-wear. road-impacts that endanger truck mechanism. They cushion loads over the roughest going. They are Most Miles per Dollar Tires that have held the respect and endorsement of users since the beginning of motor transport Recent Firestone developments along these lines are worth your knowing about. It will mean not only lower costs, but better, more reliable service. Most Miles per Dollar ft MzsA Jr Cash Market I Ruconich & Roppel $ y Y ? 5! J. H. MATLEY i Props. X Phone Pacific 75 218 Main St : xxxxx-X"X xx i 40$ 7th Street Oregon City