km THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1922. Page Five The RED FRON Clothing Store Oregon City, Ore. : - IJ ; :;; , : -; - : .. 1 -" -1 " ... , . - . . a v m s n nr n rMn nr n T o) pj (qji I r IU r Mlh M ro) s i 1 LJ i 1 x u u 1UJ LJ VJ N, y f ' - ',"7" .,- ----- ;;' : rgn minim I WE &vifr?r7rrf jf tj 1 y r4 i w.y v """""" a v a v v 3 j& i Air- ..... . - We Must Raise In the neighborhood of $10,000 Cash Within the Next 2 weeks to Pay Overdue Bills There is only one way this can be done quickly and that is to sacrifice prices and put onareal honest-to-good-ness Sale, and that's exactly what we shall do. We would like to publish a com plete price-list, but you know that is impossible in such a limited space. But there are enough here to make you understand and bring the crowds pell mell. So here goes. A lUot of "Price-Cuts Lasting for 2 Weeks Beginning at 9 o'clock Saturday We Will Launch a Great Which Will Be the Talk of This Section of the County for a Long Time to Come Every Article In this house, without any exception has been' Cut to the Bone For This Particular Sale But don't get away with the idea that this sale and prices will run indefi nately - Nothing of the sort - We ex pect to raise that $10,000 in less than two weeks time, no matter how much of loss we may sustain. As it is impossible to predict and tell beforehand what items will sell out completely in a hurry. Mail orders will be filled at senders risk only. It will pay you to come to town as often as you can during the process of this sale and load up while this golden opportunity is at your dis posal. UNDERWEAR way below present market value $1.50 quality mottled Shirts and Drawers, going in this sale at 79c Our famous $2.65 kind Men's Merino Underwear for for this Sale at 1.59 Staple $1.75 quality heavy cotton ribbed Union Suits $1.19 $2.50 Heavy Fleeced UNIONSUITS Placed on Sale for the first time. $1.49 Wonderful Bargains which will crowd the store to capacity through , out this Sale Regular 25c quality, SOFT COLLARS in amy style wanted Regular 50c grade SUSPENDERS . in splendid styles Regular $1.25 quality MEN'S RUBBERS L as long as the supply lasts 10c quality, white handkerchiefs without restriction as to quantity Staple 35c kind SATIN GARTERS in all colors 75c and $1.00 Knit and Satin TIES Regular 15c kind CANVAS GLOVES 20c Double Strength COTTON SOX 9c 29c 69c or 6 for LOO. 17c 49c 9c 10c YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Come down with a crash during this sale Regular $22.50 to $25 quality $1195 OVERCOATS Follow Suit with a big come down. Excellent $20.00 qualify, going at $1U5 Raincoats Too The cloth, finished kind with rubberized plaid back. $12 and $15 grades at $6.95 The usual $10 grades down to $4.95 Snatched at Random From throughout the Store r $1.50 grade i DRESS SHIRTS Put in this Sale at $3.00 grade j FLANNEL SHIRTS H at the very low price fj MOLESKIN COATS . with high fur? collars never less than $10 $3.50 and $4.00 MEN'S HATS . to be sacrificed for $1.75 grade Heavy Cotton SWEATERS At the Wonderful Price Of We Will SeU The $1.75 Quality KHAKI PANTS $2.00 Mens UMBRELLAS $1.50 Childrens , UMBRELLAS $ 98c 1.95 6.95 1.79 98c 1.29 $1.29 98c SHOES At Tremendous Savings One Special Lot Up to $7.00 DRESS SHOES Every other Shoe in the ' Store Subject to a Big Discount. Prevailing Prices on PANTS Slashed Right and Left $3.00 and $3.50 Grades $2,10 $6.00 &$7.00 ones of all Sizes EXTRA FOR THE LADIES $4.85 Buster Brown HOSE 25c quality 15c This is the way we are going at it $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Quality 0ft MEWS CAPS V oSfC Here is a great item for the boys BOYS' CAPS in any style 25c fit Irir oM Lie tore MAIN ST opposite postoffice OREGON CITY - . , 1 ;rr.:iczz Reclaimed Army OVERCOATS. Going on Sale for $2.85 .You'll never buy these.again for this price Reclaimed Army A A FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.4"