Page Three IfTVri'ilsJii fail r BEEE (Emmmuutit IMiz 7 . 14 Shopping Days Order By Mail News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY OREGON CITY tCSTKIM i THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1922. JtJtJtjtjtJtJtJtJtJtJtJtJtJtJt JEiN JUNGS LODGE . ; . ip p ip if r f if if if ie ? i? r if k Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Fleming and children will leave In a few days for California, where they will spend the winter, returning home about March first. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boyd will leave the coming week for Powers, Oregon, where they will spend the Christmas holidays. They will visit Mrs. Boone, a sister of Mrs. Boyd. Mrs. Mabel Pierce and son, with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Fleming and chil dren, spent Thanksgiving in Portland, guests at the C. J. Daunells home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Heathman and family spent Thanksgiving in Port land, at the home of G. E. Heathman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Binkley of Portland have leased the Pierce cottage on the river road for the winter. Mrs. Sylvia Wilcox and family spent Thanksgiving In Portland, at the home of C. J. Holden. Others at this Thanksgiving reunion, which is an an nual affair, were Mrs. E. G. Rickets and family and S. Van Fleet of North Yakima. Mrs. Lucy Allen, who spent the Thanksgiving vacation with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. L Blinstone, returned to Corvallis, Sunday afternoon. Miss Alva Eads, a student at O. A. C., spent Tranksgiving with her moth er, Mrs. Ellen Eads. O. E. Kiggins, who Has been serious ly ill for several menths, has bean re moved to the Oregon City hospital. Mrs. Ida Clohessy has been spend- Ing the past week in Portland. Elaine Bechtel, student In the eighth grade, who, with the oher members of her class, reviewed their sixth and sev enth grade work, received a marking of 100, being the only member of the class to attain this marking. Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner enter tained at a Thanksgiving dinner at their home in Meldrum. Covers were laid for eight. Charles Meldrum has returned from the I. O. O. F. state convention, held at Roseburg. .. Tommy Robbies is ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bobbins, of Jennings avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grady had as their guests Thanksgiving day, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. "and Mrs. Hurd, Mrs. and Miss McHugh of Portland! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bretscher enter tained at dinner Thanksgiving day. Covers were laid fo nine. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Deter, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Campbell were guests, Thanksgiving day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Deter. The C. R. Hollaway family of this place snent Thanksgiving day with Mr. Halloway's father and sister, in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Moritz and the Weberg family spent Thanksgiving at Multno mah, as the guests of the Nippolt fam ily. -Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pau, who recent ly moved into their new home on the river road, were very pleasantly sur prised by a number of their Oregon City friends, November 25. Cards were ' enjoyed during the evening. A supper was served the visitors. Elizabeth Bruechert spent the week end at Hazelia, the guest of Mrs. El vador Wanker. - " Mrs. W. F. Hartwell Is suffering from severe bruises, caused by being struck by an auto last week Monday. The accident occurred while she was walking on the highway near her home. Lloyd Tlllson attended the Older Boys' conference this week, at Eu gene, as a delegate from this place. Mrs. Delilah Pratt and Miss Jennie Pratt of The Dalles, visited at the home of Mrs. Henry I. Smith, the past week. Harry Rice, William Finley, Willie Bruechert, Halmar Roberts, Charles Halloway, C. R. Halloway and Mary Stevens were among those from this place who attended the Franklin-Wash ington football game, Saturday. W. A. Tillman, who has been con fined to his home, is rapidly recover ' tag. Mrs. Will Jennings is seriously sick at her home on the Willamette river. H. M. Hayles of Airlie, Oregon, was a guest at the Hugh Roberts home, the past week. Eleanor Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, has returned home from Willamette College, to spend the holiday with her parents, r Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, son John and daughter Wilms, spent the week end with relatives in Molalla. Mrs. Roy Baker of MC Pleasant spent Wednesday and Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brown spent Thursday at the GuiUiam residence. Mninie Edwards, who has been work lag in Highland has returned home for a brief time. The Ladies' Aid aeld its 'weekly meeting at the Ed. Brown home, Wed nesday. Miss Stiner, teacher of the Cams school, spent the week-end with her sister In Oregon City. Delores and Doris witherble spent their Thanksgiving in Portland, re turning home Sunday evening. Msr. A. A. Spangler spent a few days in Portland last week, Mrs. J. R. Lewis spent Monday in Portland shopping. Paula Fisher and Mrs. Floyd Traf ton were shopping in Oregon City, Wed nesday. Mrs. Dan Jones entertained the Jones clan at Thanksgiving dinner. Robert Swenson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swenson, of Portland, is spending the week-end at the John Griffiths home, Alfred Beatie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beatie is here for the Thanks giving holidays. G. R. Guilliam journeyed to Mulino Friday with a load of oats. Mr. and Mrs. John and Vern Calvar-ley- returned to Carus Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with their parents. John Lehman underwent a slight op eration, Saturday. He had his ade noids removed. Mrs. G. Guilliam and son Richard, were In Oregon City on business, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Spangler, daugh ters Helen and Virginia, spent Sunday at the Charles Casto home In Clack amas. Mrs. McDonald and children were visiting at the John Evans home last week, jtjtjtjtjtjBjitjljtjtitjtjtjtjtg GLADSTONE Jt Alice Freytag Jt jt Jt IP C if if if P P if if if IP If if if Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore entertain ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nash of Hu- sum. Wash., parents of Mrs. Moore, over Thanksgiving. Rev. and Mrs. George E. Williams have returned, after a month's absence doing evangelical work throughout the state. " The annual bazaar of the Baptist church will be held at the church Fri day evening, December 8. Supper will be served at six o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. TL E. Gault entertained at dinner Thanksgiving day. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Gault, Eftie Gault, Virginia Gault, of West Linn; Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gault and Mr. nad Mrs. S. Ducas, of Portland, and Mrs. Carrie N. Parker. . The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian church, met at the home of Mrs. R. M. MoGetchie", Wednesday afternoon. Th eannual bazaar of the Christian church will be held at the church on Wednesday, December 13. The sale will start at 2:30 p. m. Dinner will he served at six. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch enter tained at dinner on Thanksgiving day. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Win nifred - Knight and Miss Amy Peck over, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peckover and Charles Peckover. Mrs. Rauch was assisted by Vivian and Vea trice Rauch. Mrs. Sam Arnold of Portland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch, Monday. Mrs. Julia Tingle is quite ill at her home on Arlington street Mrs. Fred Peckover is seriously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dryden, in Oregon City. 1 The W. C. T..U. met at the home of Mrs. Ada Sievers, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. C. Parker has returned, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Ames, In Albany, and Mrs. Laura Flue, in Corvallis. Miss Fayne Burden has returned to Corvallis, after spending the Thanks giving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burdon. Reggie Russell was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Russell, Thanksgiving day. CARUS J Jehm Lehman J ip ip ip ip ip if ip if if if if if if ip C. Jones, who is employed at the Davis farm, was home on a visit to h's sister, Mrs. A. Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Martian and sons William and David, -were dinner guests at the Nathan Caseday home, Thurs day. Dick Davis and son Earl, who had their tonsils removed two weeks ago, are reported doing nicely. Mrs. Gene Yergen, daughter Jane, and son Glenn, Mrs. Griscenwalte and Gertrude Griffiths enjoyed Thanksgiv ing at the A. A. Spangler home. Charles Kilgore, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Kilgore, returned home Wednes day from the University of Oregon, to remain over tne honaay. Reed and Florence Jagger are home from U. of 0. on their Thanksgiving vacation. CORRAL CREEK By Corral Creek School. Blanche Brown, Teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham and Miss Josephine Graham served a Thanksgiving dinner to the school last Friday. At 3 o'clock the children gave a short program, after which the Moth ers' Club held a business meeting, fol lowed by refreshments. Oreraid Baker visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker, over Thanks giving. He returned to Portland Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham and daughters Helen and Thelma. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham and daugh ters Josephine and Lillian, spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Doris Yuong and family at Wilson vine. . Christina and Henry Rldder have been ill and unable to attend school for several days. Mr .and Mrs. Roy Baker of Multno mah visited Mr. and Mrs. Allison Bak er, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones and fam- JEW El p 7 SHOP is a delightful place. Hours may be enjoyed in leisurely looking for, and selecting appropriate Christmas remembrances. Bur meister & Andresen's is an "aH-aglow-with-hoUday-cheer" place and a place of definite resourcefulness. Here you will find the very Diamond for "her," which is a' most adequate tribute ; beautiful Silver, that will convey your Christmas greetings to the fam ily; the handsome Watch, a substantial token between man and man; and worlds of other charming gifts down to the dainty little trinket of a value to properly deliver your Christmas wish. Sensible prices on our amazingly large and beautiful stock. , Your gift should come from Burmeister & Andresen's. Our courteous salespeople will assist you in every way possible to make your, holiday shopping days most pleasant. - , - JUST A FEW SUFFESTIONS OF REMEMBERANCES APPRO PRIATE FOR "HER" Eversharp Pencils Bar Pin Waterman Pens .Baby Pin Kodaks Crosses - Silk Umbrellas Signet Ring Chinaware Pendant Candle Sticks Perfume Bottle Serving Trays Manicure Set Cut Glass Set Ring . Phonographs Gold Thimble Kodak Albums Veil Pin Agate Rings Toilet Set Stationery Boudoir Clock Incense Burners Gold Watch Chains Diamond Ring Gold Watch ' Diamond Brooch Pearl Necklace Diamond Ear Screws Silverware Bracelet Watch Cut Glass Jewel Case Hand Painted China ' Locket and Chain Bead Necklace Gold Lavalliere Ear Drops Gold Brooch . Eyeglass Chain Bracelet Locket Hand Mirror Seal Ring s---Diamonds The Burmeister & Andresen Diamond collec tion is in readiness for your call of inspection. Private Diamond salesroom. Surely it will be a Burmeister & Andresen Diamond for her this Christmas. Our large purchases direct from the cutters demand the finest Diamonds at the lowest prices.- Beautiful mountings in platinum or white gold. Plain or fancy regular gold ring for $25.00, $35.00, $50.00, $100.00 and up. ' . Fancy white gold or platinum top rings for $35.00, $40.00, $50.00, $100.00, $150 and up. Platinum rings in Claw or Bezel mountings, for $150.00, $200.00, $500.00 and up. GIFTS OF IVORY Wonderful (collection of beautiful pieces and sets of Ivory. 3-piece set Comb, Brush and Mirror very at tractive patterns. In case only $10.00. Same, larger mirror, long handle, only $12.50. Powder Puffs $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 up. Hair Receivers to match $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and up. - Perfume Bottles $1.00 up. t Jewel Cases $4.50 and up. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS OF REMEMBERANCES APPRO PRIATE FOR "HIM" Wrist Watch Watch Diamond Stud Brass Ash Tray Diamond Ring Initial Ring Lodge Emblem Cigarette Case Key Chain Shaving Set Shirt Sets Set of Brashes Cuff Links - Initial Cuff Links Watch Fob Fountain Pen Watch Chain Waldemar Chain . Set Ring Watch Charm Card Case Photo Frame Cigar Jars Eversharp Pencil , Hat Brush Waterman's Pens Eyeglass Chains Kodaks Fancy Stone Rings Book Ends Stick Pins Safety Razors Scarf Pins Silver Belt Buckle Fancy Pencil Military Brushes Desk Clock Gold Knives Tie Clasps Pocket Combs Pencils Emblem Charm ' Card Cases ' " ' . 4 The Pride of the Household Housewives'pride themselves on the richness and beauty of their Silverware whenever they entertain. Picture, then, the thrill of pleasure a gift of Silverware Is on Christmas morning. Here you will find a wonderful assortment of Silver at very moderate prices. Complete 26 pieces in attractive chest, only $ 12.75. This set consists of 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 table spoons, 1 butter knife and 1 sugar spoon. All pieces are guaranteed for 20 years la family life. Complete 26 pieees in velvet-lined chest Guaranteed permanently, $31.50 up. Finest Hollow Handle Knives with stainless blades. Other chests for 920.00, $22.50, $26.50 and m. Bread Trays $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. Sandwich Trays, $6-00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00. Wrist and Pocket Watches Beautiful and Useful Gifts. This year we have given unusual attention to the selection of Watches, and we are proud to say we now have a display that will hold your attention for hours. Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Illinois, Gruen, Hamilton and others. Beautiful cases with ribbon or adjustable brace lets. White gold, green gold or regular gold, with silver, gold, platinum or fancy dials. Prices $12.50, $15.0.0, $20.00, $25.00, $35.00 up. See our de pendable $25.00 Wrist Watch. Guaranteed gold 1116 case with Elgin movements, at $20.00 and $25.00.- We have the most skilled and painstaking watch makers on the coast. . Indestructible Pearls 244nch indestructible Pearl Necklace for $6.00. Others for $7.50, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 up. Hand Painted China Salts and Peppers, gold and white, fancy luster neat flower designs $1.00 and up. Gold etched, per pair $1.75. Larger sizes, assorted designs, In glassware $1.50 and up." Bread and Butter Plates, great variety $L15. Mbm Mm 1" i Early Gift Purchases Will Be Carefully Wrapped and Held for Christmas Delivery if Desired Jewelers OREGON CITY fO27CU10 SINCE 1873 E3E BE ily had Thanksgiving dinner in Port land, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Say entertained Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham and family at dinner, Friday evening. Mrs. Blanche Brown spent the holi day vacation with her parents at Ha-eelia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fickens and family spent Thanksgiving with rela tives near Sherwood. J jt J UPPER HIGHLAND i J By Mrs. C. C. Kandle HP C P JP JP JPy J? J? if if ? j? The spirit of winter was revealed Sunday morning when we awoke to find the ground covered with snow. On account of th is wintry weather, C. C. Kandle and Bert Stein brought the cattle in from the mountains. A Thanksgiving address tttis deliv ered Wednesday evening by Stev. A. J. Ware, and we were also entertained with a short program by the school children. Rev. A. J. Ware was a dinner guest at the Owens home, Sunday. The following were dinner guests at Mrs. E. A. Graves', Sunday: Misses Elma, Elva and Aris Nicholas, Miss Cecelia Panek, Lawrence Mudgett and George Stewart Miss Annie Schmidt of Portland spent the week-end at the home of her parents. Dick Hlnkel of Redland was a visitor at the 'Rambo home, Sunday. Mrs. Cora Nicholas spent the week end in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. M. E Kandle and L. Skidmore and son Harold, were dinner guests on Thanksgiving day, at the C. C. Kandle home. . Mrs. E. Blakely spent the week-end In Portland. Mrs. P. Wetmore Is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Roberts, of The Dalles. , - James Hanhart, Lewis Hoffman and Willie Swank were visitors at the 3. Schmidt home, Sunday. ' Mrs. J. Hanhart entertained Mr. and Mrs. O. Hoffman, Miss Mae Hoffman and Lewis Hoffman at Thanksgiving dinner. Mrs. and Mrs. C. H. Nelson were Oregon City visitors, Monday. Mrs. Ora Trotter of Buckner Creek is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. McVay. R, Beattie "and son Robert were vis itors at Highland, last Friday. Mildred Lewis was on the sick list last week, but is able to be at. school again. - . ' . - Miss Esther Moser ' spent Thanks giving with her parents at Stafford. Jt J j j J Jt j Jt jt jt j j j j jtg jt & CHERRYVILLE Parnell Averill . ' - j & J & S S S jX jt Jt j j j jig Stern winter is at hand. Some snow has fallen, but it soon disappeared. The basket social at the school house was well attended and an at tractive program was presented by the teacher and her pupjls. Over $20 was realized from the sale of baskets. A party was here recently to buy a tract of land on which to start a fox farm He Intends to raise silver foxes and cross-breeds. " Meeting at the church Sunday at 3 o'clock. Rev. Berriman will occupy the pulpit. ' Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ten Eyck, from over Marmot way, spent Thanks giving at the bungalow. Charles Marshall transacted busi in Oregon City, the other day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schiewe have returned from Portland, where they have been visiting. The rock crusher will be at work this week three miles east at Wild Cat Creek. - The shingle and lumber mill, five miles east of here, are running full blast and turning out a large output daily. When the flume is completed over the river in another month, lum ber will be sent to Bull Run by flume, a distance of nearly ten miles. t Jt Jt jt jt jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt JX Jt WTTIftT T .T1VM WEST LINN Dennis Kidby : Miss Margaret Clark and Miss Jean Moffatt, students at the University of Oregon, were home for the Thanksgiv ing holidays. - Miss Alethea Kidby, a senior at the Oregon St ate Normal, was among those home for the holidays. Thomas Lovett of the University of Oregon, spent Thanksgiving with his parents.. The dance held last week at the Crown-Willamette Inn, was a success in every way. All attending report a great time. Ray Buckles and Gordon Tuor of Willamette visited John Moffatt, last Monday evening. We do printing of all kinds at the Banner-Couriei- the best workman- J ship at lowest prices. - -