Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1922. ARAGRAPHS M ABOUT TOWN Heating Stove at Bargain Prices. J. H. MatUey, 906 7th Street. . Miss Clyde Schuebel returned to Eu gene Sunday night to resume her stud ies. . Miss Grace Alldredge, who has been very ill at her home here, is very much improved. Ed. R. Leek, a prominent fanner of Clackamas county, transacted business in Oregon City, Saturday. Mrs. Thail Nelson vent to- Portland Thursday last, to visit her cousin, Mrs. Nixon Blair, who is ill. Mrs. Mary Green of West Linn vis ited her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Shephard, at Scotts Mi's. Thanksgiving day. Dr. and Mrs. Ice, son William and dughter Jane, spent the week-end at their summer home on the Clackamas. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Cooper spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Roll, and family, at Portland. Miss Agnes Clifford, a grade teacher at the Eastham school, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her moth er in Molalla. Charles Andrews has returned to O. A. C. to resume his studies, after spending Thanksgiving with his par ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young have re turned to their home at Salem, after being in Oregon City to attend the Young-Wallace wedding. Miss Pauline Pace spent her Thanks giving vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace. Miss Pace is a student at O. A. C. -Mrs. William Mott, wife of Dr. Win. Mott of Salem, has arrived in Oregon City, to care for her mother, Mrs. S. V. Francis, who is ill at her home at Mt. View. Cleo Howell was home from Pacific University at Forest Grove for Thanks giving. C. L. Landsvery of Oak Grove was an Oregon City visitor on Saturday of last week. Special Bargains in Wardrobe Trunks. Make nice Christmas pres sents. J. H. Mattley 906 7th Street Mrs. Ray Cole, who hag been visit ing her sister, "Mrs. Will "Howell, of Oregon City, has returned to her home in Portland. " ' ' . Mrs. Emily Robertson of Portland was in Oregon City last Saturday, vis iting her sister, Mrs. Fred Greenman, who has been. ill. ' A little daughter, Barbara Jean, ar rived ,at "the Oregon City hospital Monday, December 4, for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, Jr. - Mrs. Willis Yonce, who has been quite ill at her home on Fifth street, is improving slowly. Mrs. Yonce suf fered a serious attack of la grippe. . Miss Catherine Edgar, who is a stu dent at the University of Oregon, spent her Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Woodward and daughters Helen and Hazel Jean, were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mrs. Woodward's parents at Estacada. Mrs. Julia Tingle, mother of Mrs. Harvey E. Cross, is very ill at her home on Arlington street, Gladstone. Mrs. Clarence Frost has been in at tendance. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, formerly pastor of the Congregational church, now a resident of Portland, and his daughter Misg Alice, who is a student at Pacific University, Forest Grove, were guests, Thanksgiving day, of the former's son and the tatter's brother, Charles Boll inger, and family, of Oregon City. Phillip Paine has returned to his work with the Hurley-Mason Construc tion Company on the upper Clacka mas river, -after spending the Thanks giving week-end with his parents in Oregon City. - A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ryan, Friday, De cember 1. The little fellow, who has been given the name of Marshall Thomas, Jr.; is the first grandchild of Judge Thomas F Ryan. Among the college students who were home to spend Thanksgiving with their parents, were: Gordon Wilson and Lot Beattie of the University of Oregon; Miss Fayne Burden of O. A. C, and Ted Miller of Reed College. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. W. Everett Taylor and children of Vancouver, Wash., were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. an4 Mrs. I. D. Taylor in Oregon City. Lawrence Hull returned to Eugene, Sunday evening, to resume his studies at the University of Oregon, after a few days' vacation, spent in Oregon City with his mother, Mrs. Gussie Hull, and his sister. Miss Mildred Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young and chil dren of Camas, Wash., attended the wedding of Miss Myrtle Young and Charles S. Wallace, which was solem nized at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young, of this place.' Miss Marie Andresen, a student at the University of Oregon, and Miss Helen Andresen, a student of Oregon Agricultural College, have returned to resume their studies after spending their Thanksgiving vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Andre sen, here. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Causey and chil dren, formerly of Oregon City, but who have been at The Dalles for some time, were in town last week, spend ing a few days with Mrs. Causey's brother, Jakie Bingham, and family. On Wednesday of last week they left for Salem, where Mr. Causey has been transferred. Mrs. . Causey was Miss Dade Bingham before her marriage. 1111 IS 1:1 1 1-3 m i i c E '5 t x c fl II II I s Li ri 3 2 '3 E 3 la 3 II 11 M k ll&vlfi 5j ii For His Xmas Gift Hats Priced Gaps Silk Hose Wool Hose Cotton Hose Silk Ties Knit Ties Silk Shirts Silk Stripe Shirts Cotton Shirts Gloves 43.00 $2.00 .75 .65 . .25 .65 .65 ..$4.65 $2.50 41.75 42.50 and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up Slippers Pajamas .... Mufflers Cuff Links .... Belts Sweater Coats Slip-over Sweaters Flannel Shirts Garter Sets - 41.75 and up 4Z.0U and up i 42.50 and up 1 .. .50 and up 1 .75 and up .$3.45 and up .$3.45 and up ..$1.95 and up - .50 and up Fancy, arm band Sets .50 and up Umbrellas Prices $2.00f and up. We also have many other practical gifts too numerous to mention. " v We will be glad to help you select HIS GIFT We know what he wants. For your Xmas Suit and Overcoat, you will find no better values anywhere than ours. Kirschhaum and Society Brand Clothes SUITS Overcoats $25 to $45 $20 to $45 On 7th Near Elevator ' . men's wea r - INC THE WUSfc V? QUALITY where f&ttittijT&mt&fMht&aresofd On 7th Near Elevator Christ mas mg is a jf ieasiire For The Little Ones -Dolls Teddy Bears Stuffed Animals Jumping Monkeys A. B. C. Blocks Games Spelling Boards Picture Books Painting Books Indoor Balls . Tinker Toys .. Modeling Clay Dolls to Dress Celluloid Toys Candies if done here and done early a worry if put off till the last when stocks are depleted and clerks are worn out. Come today and see the many desirable gifts in our big stocks at prices that you can afford to pay. CHRISTMAS CARDS convey the Christmas spirit and the kindly thought just as well as much more expensive things. We have an artistic selection from which to choose . ' 5c to 50c For The Boys and Girls Carrom Boards Flinch Pitt , Authors Rook Mathematical Games Erectors Magic Outfits Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils -Foot Balls . Athletic Goods Books Bibles Diaries Toilet Articles Kodaks STATIONERY ' Makes a mose acceptable gift for apy girl or woman. We have it In many styles and sizes and finishes and colors in plain boxes for 35c on up to beautiful Cretonne Boxes for $5. FOUNTAIN PENS EVERSHARP PENCILS These are real practical gifts that will delight young or old and yet are within the means of most people. We carry a stock of 300 pens and pencils to select from. All standard brands that the manufacturers as well as ourselves fully guarantee. Waterman's Ideal Pens $2.50 up Schaefers Regular Pens $2.50 up Schaeffers Life Time Pens $8.75 Parkers Duofold Pens $5 and $7 Sanfords Pen with clip $1.75 Eversharp Pencils 50c to $5 UMBRELLAS ARE REAL OREGON GIFTS. This store is noted for its good Umbrellas at - modest prices More than that we stand back of every Umbrella we sell, re gardless of the price. In other words nothing shoddy made just to sell. Cotton Umbrellas $155 Silk Mixtures $230 Silks, blackor colors$5 to $15 DOLLS Yes, Dolls are Cheaper this year and Prettier too. You can buy a doll with real hair and eyes that close for 98c You can buy a 12-in. dressed doll with hair and movable eyes for $155 Other styles and sizes from 50c to $5.00. Come in and see them. r ' LEATHER GOODS MAKE RICH GIFTS And yet they need not be ex pensive unless you choose. , Ladies Bags Vanity Cases Men's Purses . Bill Folds Bill Books . Music Rolls Brief Cases $1.00 to $15 .$2.00 to $10 50c to $4 $1.00 to $6 -;...$1.50 to $6 $1.00 to $6 .$9 up BOOKS SOLVE MANY PROBLEMS . For man or woman, boy or girl, old or young, there is a suitable book that will make a most desireable gift a gift that will last for years as a pleasant reminder of the giver. You may pay as little as 50c or as much as $5. Come in and look them over. A THERMOS BOTTLE PICTURE FRAMING Would make some friend of yours happy. Pint Bottles : 98c to $7.50 Quarts Bottles- Lunch Kits . -$2.10 to $18 . $2.75 KODAK Should be ordered at once if you want to be sure of it for Christmas. We do artistic framing that we are proud to show in competition with that done anywhere. We offer you about 300 sizes and styles of mouldings to select from. GIVE HER A HOOVER and you give her the best. The Hoover Electric Suction Sweeper makes Christmas merry. TOILET ARTICLES In this store you will find a real toilet goods department. The finest of imported and do mestic Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Face Powders and. Talcums. Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles from 35c nail files to $35 Toilet Cases containing every desired rticle for miladys table. You re invited to look them over. The person who "gets a Kodak for phristm.a s will be hap py indeed. It's a life time gift' We offer you a stock of 100 Kodaks and Brownies to select from. Prices $2 to $75 untley-Draper Drug Co. Tte l&xaSJL Store BAGS and SUIT CASES From our large assortment you can find an ideal gift for some friend or relative. They make a 'gift that lasts and is al ways a pleasure to use. Prices $6 to $32 Special Prices on Leather Handbags. J. H. Mattley 906 7th Street. The Westminster Guild of the Pres byterian church of Oregon City will meet at the home of Miss Valera Mey er, Seventh and Jackson streets, Fri day night of this week. Mrs. Etta Kirk, mother of City Sup erintendent Kirk, arrived at the home of her 'son recently and will spend several months here. Mrs. Allen E. Fro it and daughter Dorothy, who have been spending a few days with Mrs. Frost's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Andrews, at Mt Pleasant, returned to their home at Corvallis, Sunday evening. They were accompanied by' Mr. Frost, who mo tored down Saturday evening. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratis of the estate of Francis a Welch, deceased, and any and all per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney, Frederick H. Drake within six months from the date of this notice. Dated December 5th, 1922. SARA JANE WELCH Administrix of the estate of Francis A. Welch, deceased. FREDERICK H. DRAKE Title & Trust Bldg, Portland, Oregon. Attorney for Administratrix. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ap portionment of the cost of the improve ment of the alley in Block 4 of Oregon City, from the Westerly line of Main Street to the Easterly line of Water Street, and of Harrison Street of Ore gon City, from the South side of Seven th Street to the South side of Divis ofion Sreet and of Division Street of Oregon City from the Westerly side of Molalla Ave., to the East side of Harrison Street has been ascertained and proposed assessment thereof has been apportioned and is now on file in the office of the Recorder of Ore gon City and subject to examination. Any objections that may be made, in writings to the Council of Oregon City and filed with the Recorder thereof within ten (10) days after the-first publication of his notice, will be heard and determined by the Council before the passage of any ordinance assessing On the alley in said Block 4, lying between the , Northerly line of said alley and the Southerly line of Sixth Street of said City and between the Southerly line of said alley and the Northerly line of Fifth Street of said City. On Harrison Street, lyitig between the Westerly line of said- Street and a line parallel with said street drawn through the center of blocks 34 and 33 of said Oregon City and between the Easterly line of'said street and a line parallel with said street drawn through the center of blocks 39 and 40 of said Oregon City. Also all tliat portion of Block 1, Holmes Addition to Oregon City, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of Block 1 of Holmes Addition, where the "Easterly line of Harrison Street produced intersects the same; thence Southerly at right angles to he North erly line of said Block 1 to the center line thereof; thence Westerly, parallel to the Northerly line of said Block 1, 72.9 feet to a point; thence Northerly to the Northerly line of said Block 1, at the point of intersection with the Westerly side of Harrison Street pro duced; thence Easterly to the place of beginning. On Division Street of Oregon City, lying between ' the Northerly line of said street and a line drawn parallel with said street 100 feet Northerly therefrom through Blocks 39, 40 and 41, extending from the Easterly line of Harrison Street to the Westerly line of Taylor Street, and lying be tween the Northerly line of Blocks 1 and 2 of Holmes Addition and a line drawn parallel with the Northerly line of said lots and 105 feet distant and Southerly therefrom, and extending from the Westerly line of Molalla Ave nue to a point in the Center line of said Block 1, Holmes Addition, which point is at right angles to and 105 feet distant from the intersection of the Northerly line of said Block 1 with the Easterly line of Harrison Street ex tended. This notice is published In the Ban ner-Courier, the first publication be ing the 7th day of December, 1922, and the City Council hasset the 15th ' day of December, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., at the Council Chamber of Ore gon City, as the time and place of hearing said objections. C. W. KELLY, (12-7-lt) Recorder. 'Upfxrpart fer Distance Xn oU-ft,lJ WOCal plataljr ' radjWikr.SiU RKWOKS hani dafljmnj NtjMotbe distinguished tmr lower vision tensny Egrgmg Kry ptoks When you thin of bifocal glasses think of Kryptoks, the only invisible bifocal lenses. When properly fitted to your distant .vision and also for close work they give real comfort and satisfac tion. Have your next pair of glasses ' fitted and ground ati my office. ' Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 207-8 Masonic Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. Phone 380 for appointment I I 1 1 m FOOTBALLS The Ideal Gift of the Boy Priced $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 up to $9.00 STRIKING BAGS $3.50, $550, $7.50 up to $11.00 BOXING GLOVES $4.00, 5.00; $7.50, $13.00 ATHLETIC GIFT BOXES FOR THE BOY Including Baseball, Boxing Gloves, Striking Bag $7.50 1 . Open Day and Night C.G.Miller Co INCQQPOQATED- Every need of an automobile Phone 77 the cost of said improvement. wmmmm The property assessed for said im III!! ilir provement is as follows: