V Page Twelve THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1922. WEEKLY PROGRAM S 1 1 i w OF THE BEST PICTURES Thur Fri. Dec. 7 S John M. Stahl'a Production "ONE CLEAR CALL" "Haunted Houe" Comedy t Pathe New Price 10 and 25c JOHN GILBERT In ; "HONOR FIRST" Also Two-Part Century Comedy Matinee Price 10 and 25c Saturday Night Hlckman-Bessey Stock Co. Presents "MOTHER OF MINE" Taken from the 8tage Success "Turn to the Right" Prices 25 and 50c - Sun Moni Dec. 1011 MARY CARR, the "mother" in "Over the Hill," in . "SILVER WINGS" "Torchy's Ghost" Comedy Pathe News Prices 10 and 35c Tues. Wed. Dec. 1213 ,TOM MIX in "DO AND DARE" " Also . ' Chapt. 11 "The Timber Queen" Wednesday Night Frank Hayward's Amateur Vau- deville and Country Store Prices 10 and 25c THE STAR Frl-Sat. Dec 89 SHIRLEY MASON in "YOUTH MUST HAVE LOVE" And Chapt. 12 "In the Days of Buffalo Bill" Sun. Mon. Dec. 10 11 MATT MOORE and MARGURITE De La MOTTE tn "THE JILT" Also a Good Comedy Prices 10 and 20c The British Government got out a new half-penny stamp, for the West Indies, containing a picture of Christo pher Columbus looking through a spy glass as he discovered the islands in 1492. Columbus died more than a cen tury before the first telescope was de vised. Five thousand dollars was paid for a single branch of red apples in Ferrell, New Jersey, by a nursery firm. A record and agreement of purchase have been filed with the couuty clerk. The owner received fl.OO outright for the purchase of the apple branch, and will receive $4,000 additional in install ments at the rate of two cents each for every tree budded from this branch, which is to remain on the tree in the orchard, according to reports. Ji Ji Ji Ji jt Ji jt ji Jt Ji Ji Jt Ji Ji v ji , SANDY jt , , jt JP JP Jf J? P J? Jf P I?" JP 1? " Jf" J? J? The regular community song ser vice will be held at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening, Decembef 10th, when a program consisting of old time ballads and songs will be given. There will be a Christmas program there December 24th, announcements of which wilL appear later. Public Invited To Eat Pie. The Sandy Parent Teacher's Asso ciation will put on a short snappy pro gram at the Community Church next Wednesday evening, December 13th, after which the pies the ladies are donating, will foe auctioned off, and every one will indulge in a pie feast. Proceeds to be applied on the piano fund. Popular B'y Ce!br.v:es. About sixty friends gathered at the J. J. DeShozer home near Firewood last Saturday evening to celebrate the twenty first birthday of Grant DsShozer. A midnight lunch was serv ed, and the guests passed the hours happily with cards and dancing. Geo. Beers ancf Mrs. Alma Maroney fur nished the music. Firewood School Celebrates. The Firewood gave a most enjoyable Thanksgiving programe. Those taking part were, Otto Spaller,, Louise Lam per, Gladys, Harold and Lucile Wil kens, Marie Spaller, Nellie Lamper, Florence DeShozer, Laura and Velma Kesiker and' Crynithia Shuck. Flor ence DeShozer, Gladys Wilkins and Marie Spaller sang "Beautiful Oregon Rose". The patrons of the school serv ed cookies and punch, after which Miss Hazel Shuck favored with sev eral vocal and instrumental numbers. Miss Helen Stuben is the efficient teacher this year. Emmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fniiiiiiiii -' M-'J - -- - t ...r.- . ... - ., , J feaaia.i'JAlrtaA'-v1 l MBBM What Does He Want For CHRISTMAS? One of the hardest things a woman has to do is to select "His" Christmas gift. You'll be surprised how quickly and satisfactorily you can be served if you follow my plan. Come to this man's store and ask my advise or my salesmens' ad vtse. If it doesn't prove to be the best suggestion you ever had I'll, well I'll be very much mistaken. The Quality Store of Clackamas County An Amazing Shoe Special For Women In order to bring you into our Footwear Dept., we offer, as long as they last, the following: 65 pairs of Black and Brown Kid, French Heel Boots, Regular $9.00 to $12.50 per pair, at , $1.95 per paif We have all sizes in the lot, and while they are mostly of the narrower widths, there are some wide pairs. WOMEN'S SHOE SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday Only Several hundred pairs of new stock, with Goodyear welt soles and substantial military heels with rubber toplifts Regular Price $6.00 per pair Black Kid or Patent Leather Two-Strap 00 QC - ymuw 1 Slippers H Black and Brown Kid Oxfords Such values in women's footwear seldom offered. 3.95 BLANKETS AND ROBES ' We are proud of our pure-wool robe and blanket stock - In low price, best qualities, and large,- colorful selection of artistic de signs, it is unexcelled At Our Prices DURABLE WOOL PRODUCTS MAKE THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFTS IMAGINABLE. SPECIAL SALE OF . Clothcraft Suits FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN We have sold hundreds "of these fall and winter Clothcraft guaranteed (in writing) suits.- Every customer has been satisfied because: 1. The price is lowest. 2. The wear is longest. 3. The appearance is of the best. 4. The fitting qualities are perfect. What more can you desire in a suit? We have made acash reduction of f rom$5.00 to $10.00 on these Clothcraft suits and this weekend the special price is 50 See These Suits in Our Windows. Our Annual Pre-Christmas g Sale of Coats, and Dresses Our entire modish line of beautiful Sperling Silk and Wool Dresses in the newer shades Every Women's, Misses' and Childs Coat in our large jj this-season's stock H ON SALE AT 25 PER CENT REDUCTION From Our Very Low Late Fall Prices! - s3 DRESSES $35 CANTON CREPE,.Now $35 to $45 POIRET TWILLS, Now $26,25 - $33.75 H $35 to $45 TRICOTINES, Now J26i25 " $33.7? B These are the fashionable Sperling Dresses, sold the country over in exclusive Ready-to-Wear shops, in the newest shades. A COATS H Velours, Polo Cloths, and in the g higher grades, Normandies, Gero- fl nas and Bolivias, $11.95 to $65.00 M Coats Now $8.95 to $43.75 'j A fine lot, mostly Velours and g Polos, $8.75 to $20.00 Coats m Now ..$6.55 to $15.00 j $6.85 to $15.75 Coats Now priced H at $5.15 to $11.95 m VISIT OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. FOR EX- H CEPTIONAL PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS, m For Women For Misses For Children FELT SLIPPERS There is nothing better for a Christmas gift. We bought near ly a thousand pairs at the lowest prices in years. We offer them at bedrock prices to our trade, the lowest priced being, per pair , '. ..... 65c All sizes for Men, Women and Children." PURE WOOL SKIRTINGS tasteful new "plaids, stripes and 54-inch Prunella 1 Fabrics, in bars, of pure wool and silk. Regular $3.50 to $5.50 per yard, $2.49 MILLINERY . EVERY HAT AT HALF PRICE Our up-to-date Millinery on the Mezzanine Floor j still has a good selection of the season's modish crea- m tions. . , j There is still time to profit by this half-price offering ! These Are Shirts That He Will Like It's most natural that he should be pleased with these shirts, for they're the newest that men are wearing now. To make you extra thankful we are fea turing $5.00 English Broadcloth Silk Shirts all colors, aU sizes, at Other Shirts $1.50 - $2.00 - $2.50 to $8.50 Men Do Like to Receive Sox vFancy wools or sik and mixtures hose are aU the "go" now. Our selection is. really wonderful. You can't go wrong if you have J30X on your list. Priced from 25c to 50c - 65c - 75c - 85c to $1.75 Ties Are So Easy to Give . One doesn't have to know the size to give ties. It's simply a question of picking the prettiest pattern. That's easy here. We have every kind .in knits and sils at 50c - 65c - $1.00 - $1.50 to" $2.50 Effective Rat Clean-Up The bad results of carelessness in leaving breaks in the basement walls of a building originally intended to be rat proof are shown in a case recently reported to the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agri culture. In the course of a rat cam paign in Portland, Ore., in which the rodent-control men from the depart ment were backed by the city bureau of health and the chamber of com merce, a building with unrepaired breaks of this sort was - visited. The owner was advised to clean up all the rubbish in his basement, repair the breaks in the cement wall, use barium carbonate on hamburg steak to poison the rats, and also to set some traps. A few days later it was learned that in removing the trash three rat nests were uncovered, one of which contain ed 15 young. Thirty-six adult rats were found dead the morning after the poison was spread. The Columbia River is now famous because of its wonderful scenic high way. Once it was famous because of its salmon, but year by year shrinkage of both the quality and quantity of its tamed Chinook, together with the ex termination of the blueback, has rele gaed it into a second-class salmon stream. Other Reminders Silk Shirts Pajamas Path Robes Belts Suspenders Mackinaws Overcoats Mufflers Umbrellas Garters Slippers Jewelry, etc. A smaU deposit reserves anything until Christmas. J For Fancy GROCERIES of all kinds for the Holidays: Call on us and get our prices. Tropical Fruits Fine Apples Candy Nuts at all times and at lowest prices. i v i-a A Few Suggestions for Your Gi ft ist We have marked our entire, assortment of Holiday Goods much lower than in former years and no matter how small your Christmas ppcketbook may be you will find here a wide assortment of acceptable gifts within your reach. Electrical Gifts mmm 6- and 9-cup Coffee Urns, from . Universal Modern Toaster Universal Waffle Iron Themax Electric Irons. ..$7.50 to $t7.00 $ 8.00 $12.00 ..$ 5.00 Trays . Hair Brushes large assortment Clocks ..... Gifts of Ivory 2 For Milady's Boudoir .25c to $ 6.00 ..$1.50 to $10.00 - ..$2.00 to $15.00 ..$2.00 to $ 5.00 Armstrong Grill combination griddle,waf- fle iron and broiler'., : $12.00 Curling Irons 1 . .$2.50 and $4.00 Hot plate, special for- 4 2.25 Decorative ".Electric Lights for Christmas tree ... $2.25 and $3.50 Jewel Boxes Hair Receivers and Powder and Puff Boxes ; ; .25c to $ 4.00 Ivory and Shell Manicuring and Toilet Sets, from . $1.00 to $50.00 Stationery White & Wickofs, Kieths, Mammermill Bond and other brands of fancy box stationery. Jgvinile Stationery .for the Kiddies 25c to $2.00 Photo Supplies Buster Brown Cameras and Brownies Ansco Memory Kit ' No. 1 Ansco Camera. - A supply of Ansco speeder films and a com partment receptical of solid mahogany for keep ing camera and films always conveniently to gether" i ..$15.00 Cameras, all sizes, . Priced from $1.50 to $50.00 The latest styles and shapes, all sizes, at tractively boxed 25c to $5.00 Leather Lap Pads, filled with stationery a useful gift $1.00 to $ 4.00 These are but a few items taken at random from our store. We also have scores of other gifts gifts for the whole family Toys for the Kiddies Dolls, books, perfumes, leather goods, knives, etc. Shop early The assortments are complete. D. M. KLEMSEN & SON JONES DRUG GO. 6th and Main Oregon City Bridge Corner Oregon City m