THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 Page Seven News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY .j jijtjtjtjtjijtjtjtjijijtjijt CARVER J Mrs. J. J. Hatton J ry.jt jt j jt jt jt jt jt jt JH jt ji jt jt Mrs. J. W. Watts and Mrs. E. K. Dart of Molalla were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hattan Thursday. Mrs. H. S. Anderson, who had the misfortune to sprain her back, is now able to be up and around again. . Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Byers and family went to The Dalles .on Thursday to visit the formers brother, W. A. Byers and family. The Pleasant Home Club met with Ms. Charles Huttan on Thursday. They took for their subject of discussion he topic "Thanksgiving." Refresh ments were served and a very pleasant and profitable day was spent.. Mr. J. A. Byers has been ill thejast few days but is feeling better aTthis writing. Mrs. Nan Mumpower and son Vergil . of Portland, Mrs. Schmit and Miss Schmit of Sunnyside were visiting at the home of jar. and Mrs. Paul Mum power Sunday. The Sunday evening service held by Rev J. A. Ware of Oregon City was well attended. Mr. Ware spoke on the theme of "Thanksgiving." f ij Jt Jt FROGPOND Jt V J'jC ?" K' fc" tf J" t" fK'lS" Everybody remember the masquer ade dance at the Grange Hall, Thanks giving Eve. Prizes will be given for the best costumes. George Oldenstadt, Harry Gosser, Otis Robbins, Harold Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Nola Turner and Norman Turner attended the dance given at Willamette. ' E. W. Born, Mrs. Annie Robbins, Otis Robbins, Erma Robbins and Aura Robbins were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sharp, 'Monday .evening. Mr. and Mrs. John spent Friday afternoon in Oregon City. The regular monthly meeting of the Grange was held Saturday. About 30 members were present. The next meet ing will be held the last Saturday in December. Mrs. Annie RoUbins; Aura Rob bins and Erma Robbins visited Mrs. Artie Thompson Sunday aftesnoon. Ervin Sharp recently sold 14 turkeys and 18 chickens in the Oregon City market. Howard Turner and Chester Koello anier spent part of Sunday morning at Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Koellomier's of Willamette. Hugh Moulton, Norman Turner SRent part of Sunday morning in Wil lamette. jj jt jtjtjtjtjtjtjijtjtjtjxjtjt jt J " jt Jt UPPER HIGHLAND Jt Jt By Mrs. C. C. Handle jt 1? & & & & & The Highland Literary society met November 24. A program and kan garoo court served as entertainment APH0MPT KICIi-OIF in the coldest weather Zerolene good cold test oil now freely and lubricate per fectly in zero weather protect the bear ingi increase the power and flexibility of your engine. The cafeteria lunch and grab bag net ted fifteen dollars, the proceeds being used for the benefit of our school. The next meeting will be the 22nd of De cember, and the committee is already at work for a community Christmas tree and Rrogram, with gifts for all. Miss Esther Moser called on Mrs. B. Aeby and Mrs. Percy Jones, Satur day afternoon. O. Hoffman motored to Portland, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Smith and son Willie visited at the M. E. Handle home, Saturday evening. - Mr. and Mrs. T. Cornwell were Ore gon City visitors, Friday. Mrs. C. C. Handle spent Sunday and monoay visiung rnentts in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wehrman spent the week-end at the L. Martin home. Mrs. G. Fonander went to Portland. 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waneck have re turned from their visit with friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Graves, Sunday. The party given at the Martin home was well attended and everybody re ports a fine time. The evening was spent in dancing and lunch was served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nelson and Mrs. Iva"McVay were Oregon City visitors, Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Nicholas of Portland is visit ing her hon, Frank Nicholas. jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtg BOLTON Jt xulltired Mckiilican Jt Jt Mrs. Anna Gallinger of Oregon City visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. D. McLarty, Saturday after noon. Gordon Mammerle had his ankle Dut in a cast last Friday afternoon, after an x-ray picture revealed a broken bone at the side. The injury was sus tained while practicing football and it was thought at first that the ankle was only sprained. Miss Mildred McKillican had as her guests, Saturday, Mrs. Frances Larios of Oregon City, and Mrs. Ruth Bellvue, of Knappa, Ore. The Bolton Community Club, which has been organized but a short time, is making rapid progress and is doing much toward the improvement of the fire hall. At the last meeting Mrs. N. McHiHican, Mrs. J. McKillican and Miss E. Schoenheinz had charge of a "fish pond," at which about six dollars was realized. This is to be used in the purchase of dishes for the hall. Mr. and Mrs. E. Schoenheinz enter tained during the past week-end a par ty of friends from Portland. jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt j jt jt jt jt J Jt MOLALLA Mrs. A. D. Cow r- Jt J IP V? jf jf J? f ? jf j? j? K" tP tP Mr. and, Mrs. Will Philpot and little son went to Lents, last Sunday, to visit friends. 100 power at once. Your motor kicks off the moment you step on the starter. That's "Red Crown" the quickest-starting motor fuel on the market. "Red Crown" vaporizes rap idly and uniformly . in the. carburetor, no matter how cold it gets. Play safe. Use quick-action "Red .Crown" and nothing else, and you'll go a long ways toward eliminating winter-driving troubles. Fill at the Red Crown sign at service stations, garages and dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Quidstartingf 1OOAP0WER C. J. Larson went to Portland and Vancouver last week-end on business. Mrs. L. Duchet went to Oregon City on business, last week. " Miss Mabel Lundell of Portland is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Fredrickson. ' Mr. Ducket of Yakima, who is vis iting his father and another, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ducket, in Molalla, went to Silverton Wednesday and spent a few days there with friends and relatives. ( Mr. Slope was bo unfortunate as to get his hand against the saw at the mill. He ' was taken to a Portland hospital, where it was found neces sary to amputate the second finger of his right hand. Monday was turkey day at Molalla, as oa that day several farmers ship were oh their way to southern Oregon. Thanksgiving trade. . The price re ceived was around thirty-five cents a pound.. Rev. A. Purden, who has been away on a business trip, returned last Wed nesday. . ' Miss Doris Wood returned Thursday from Underwood, Washington, where she has been packing apples. . Emil Itchner, Wort Cockrell and Joe Case left for Klamath Falls, Wednes day. Clem Marsh is very sick at his home near Molalla. Miss Ethel Renney, a teacher in the Molalla High school, visited her par ents at McMinnville, last week. Lawrence Masterton, S. J. Vaughn, Wayne and Donald Bauer, Alvin Ellis and Walter Taylor motored to Corval- lis Saturday, and attended the foot ball game. Carl Deardorf, who has been work ing in Leroy, Oregon, for the past few months, returned home last Wednes day. Mrs. F. J. Clemo of Ontario, Oregon, spent a few days the past week with Rev. and Mrs. Clemo. Gordon Taylor has purchased the Daily Pottery Products Company's land in the Shaver addition. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holman motor1- ed to Corvallis last week to attend the football game. Emory Worth and Vern Furie motor ed to Corvallis one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Osburn were Portland visitors a few days last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Corner and son of Portland spent a few days last week at the Clarence Osburn home. They were on their wa yto southern Oregon. igiC jC tt ijf iS t tt i it tjt tt j4 tjt CARSON HEIGH1S & CAPITOL HILL Mis. Geo. fiaruuaa Jt J? J? ? Jf ? ? XT P JT Sf JT JC IP If At the meeting of the electf c light committee' last Thursday evening, it was found that seventy-three homes are wired and a remaining twenty-sev en to be wired. Of the twemy-seven, ten have their orders placed with Mr Johnson, who has keen too busy tj get around: Committee meats again next week. All mothers and honorary mothers ui oromuu uroop xso. i, wno are in terested in helping put the quilt to gether, are invited to meet at the home of Mrs. George Hartman, Tuesday, at ociock. Bring needles and be pre pared to sew. Refreshments will be served and all mothers are urged to attend. Dr. H. T. Green and wife met with the Sunday school teachers at the Car son Heights Community church, last Wednesday afternoon, for a social, helpful talk on Sunday school work. Beginning Sunday, the Sunday school will begin at 10:30 a. m. There is to be a prize for the class havin er the greatest attendance for six Sundays. The entertainment to be give by Mrs. Hugh Gruwell at the church, un der the auspices of the Woman's For eign Missionary society promises to be something especially good. The date set is December 8, Friday evening. Mrs. Gruwell 13 an elocutionist of note and we are fortunate in obtaining her services. R. A Watson has left for The Dalles. where he has found congenial employ ment for the winter. Robert Meyers Bpent the week-end at Camp Brockway, where a number of the old-time Boy Scouts were invited to a get-together social time. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Brotchi are re- ceivine congratulations over the birth of a fine baby girl, November 27. Mrs. Sandidge and daughter Ruth. formerly of Collins View, now residing at Tillamook, are visiting old friends ana neighbors, being the guests of Mrs. W. Mack. Miss Josephine Troutwine returned home last week, after nearly two years spent in Honolulu, the Hawaiian Is lands and Arizona, Mrs M. F. Hardwich entertained her Sunday school class with a Darty. last DTiaay evening. As each pupil was auowea to invite a friend, it was a large, Jolly crowd of girls who filled the home. . A special meeting of the Bov Scout Troop No. 105. Carson Heights, was held last Friday evening at the church. ior the initiation of Robert Meyers, who was made assistant scout master. George Brown and Mr. Whitmore, as committeemen, assisted. The troop presented their scout master, Robert Bruce Horsfaii. with a scout button. Mr. Meyers has received his registra tion papers from New York. Another meeting of the (property owners on Seventh street. Carson Heights, was held last week to facili tate work on their road. Mr. Coffin, who has charge of the work, broke his truck, causing a delay. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Price and son Trevor, visited the barracks at Van couver, Wash., as the guest of the cnapiain and his wife. There is a movement afoot among his old neighbors, to surprise H. K. Liuce with a radio phone. Mr. Luce has been bed-ridden as a paralytic for over a year. Mr. Probst has promised to furnish Borne of the material and to make the radio. Anyone wishing to make donations towards the expense may leave same with George Brown or Mrs. George Hartman. The days seem long when one lies helpless all the tune. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Harper, who left some time ago for a ranch at Beaver- ton, are returning to their old home in Collins View. Mrs Phillips underwent an operation at the hospital last week, and her little daughter Jean visited with Mr. and Sirs. Sim. The regular meeting of the Portland Council of the Parent-Teachers' asso ciation will be held Friday in Room A, Central library, from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. On account of Thanksgiving falling on the date set for the session of the social service department, the meeting will be deferred. Miss Alice Genevieve Smflth was hostess to her students at the Ellison- White studio, last Friday evening. At the meeting last week of Brownie Troop No 1, it was decided to call the troop "Hill Brownies," because they live on the hill, and for their symbol they chose the fern. The Hill Brown ies will participate in the rally to be held December 2, putting on their "Grand Salute." - Jt Jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jtg jt - jt JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck J jtjtJtJtJtjtjIJfJtJIIJIIJtjUjitJtjf Mrs. R. F. Deter enjoyed a visit with her sister, who was here from Medf ord several days the past week . Dr. S. F. Scripture of Portland, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rob erts and children, motored to Wood burn, Sunday afternoon, where they visited the Fitch family, former resi dents of this place. Theroux's school orchestra spent the week-end at Bolton. - Calvin Morse visited his sisters, Mrs. Hugh Roberts and "Mrs. Bess Bruechert, Friday. He was enroute to Halsey, Oregon, to look after his in terests in a stock ranch which he re cently purchased at that place. Mrs. Warren Swart spent several days the past week in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Albright, who is confined to her home with a sprain ed knee. Mrs. Jennie Butts has gone to In dependence, Oregon, where she will spend Thanksgiving with her son. Mrs. H. H. Emmons entertained at a luncheon at the Knickerbocker, last Friday, In honor of Mrs. Garlock and Mrs. Ballou, of Portland. Covers were laid for six: M'mes. Garlock and Bal lou will leave the last of the week for a tour of the world. George Ingalls of Hood River has been visiting his mother the past week. Mrs. Gump and two children of Port land have been visiting Mrs. E. C. Cams of Hull avenue. Mrs. S. O. Griffith entertained at a luncheon last Friday, a t her home on Railroad avenue, in honor of Mrs. Qouthit, of Oregon City. Covers were laid for six. In the afternoon the guests played "500." Mrs. Kelly of Morse avenue receiv ed a message last week, announcing the death, in the east, of her mother, Mrs. Gertrude E. Willever, of Bloom ington, Illinois, who had reached the ripe age of 88 years. Mr. and .Mrs. George Bidgood of Troutdale were guests, the past week, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Ad- die street Mrs. Norman Chapman entertained the Luncheon Club Tuesday, at her home on the river. Mrs. Lucy Allen arrived Dednesday from Corvallis, and will spend her Thanksgiving vacation with her daughter, Mrs. W. I. Blinestone. Mrs. Julia Haskell of Oregon City, spent Tuesday afternoon with Jen nings Lodge friends. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider left Tues day for Forest Grove, where they will spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Snider's mother and brother. W. A. Rush is home from Monmouth Normal school for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bretscher were dinner guests of relatives in Portland, Saturday evening. Mrs. Gertrude Wanker of Oswego, spent Saturday and Sunday at- the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Jennings avenue. rjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtff CANBY Dr. John Fuller ' J afjPifaCiPaOifjfK'jPtfiPK' Social Functions On Wednesday afternoon, Nov 22, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Canby M. E. church, a very enjoyable social gathering took place, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r. Webber, two miles east of Canby. About thirty-five members and friends of the society were present A social time was enjoyed by all, following which refreshments were served by Mrs. Webber, who acted in the capac ity of hostess. This social phase of the aid society is to take place once each month as an aid toward cultivating a broader acquaintance and closer fellowship be tween the ladies of the community E wish to thank the Fire Boys for the I great work they I did in saving our stock of goods from destruction in Monday nights fire. y Also those who carried I dry place. The Hub GROCERY On the Hill I w who wis h to take part in church activ ities. Tuesday evening, November 20, Kirk Rebekah Lodge, No. 124, nominated the following officers for the new term, which begins January 18, 1923: Noble Grand, 'Mrs. Anna Lents ; vice-grand, jvirs. Clara Melum; rec. sec, Clarence Eid; fin. sec, Mrs. A. H. Knight; treasurer, Mrs. H. H. Eccles. After selection of these officers, five new members were initiated into the order. The Molalla degree team and staff from Oak Lodge, No. 159, guests of the Canby lodge, took charge of the degree work. The degree team con sisted of about twenty members and their work challenged the admiration of all who witnessed it. At the close of the initiatory work a fellowship session was held, followed by refreshments, served by the local lodge. Football On the Canby field, Friday, Novem ber 24, the third of a series of foot ball - games 'between the Canby and Hubbard High schools, was won by Canby, 38 to 0. Both teams played well and the game was enjoyed by a large and appreciative crowd. Prof. Gislie of the Canby High school is proving to be a genius as a coach. " LOCALS. The following Canbyites left Wed nesday for a Thanksgiving week-end trip to Seaside: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles', Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Grant White. They expect to return to Canby Sunday evening. This trip tol Oregon's popular beach is an annual affair. I Last Friday night the Canby and Barlow congregations of the Lutheran church met in union meeting at the Barlow church, where 200 members and their friends enjoyed a basket social, followed by speaking, vocal and instrumental music. Good things to eat were in abundance and the occa sion was very much enjoyed by all at tending About $50 was realized on the sale of the baskets. Mrs. Esther P. McGraw, formerly Mrs. Geo. R. Schrieber, whose hus band once taught in the Canby school, has recently returned from several years' missionary service in China. This native daughter of Oregon, who has rendered years of self-sacrificing service among the Mongolian race, gave a very interesting and much ap preciated lecture at the Canby Evan gelical church, last Sunday night She was assisted .in the service by special music by Prof. Franklin Launer of Willamette University, and a vocal solo by Miss Lorraine Lee of Canby. The large audience listened to some thrilling reminiscences of the personal experience of one who fought many moral and spiritual battles at a point where Christianity and paganism mee NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Rebecca Jennie Vincent Niles, de ceased, has filed his final account in the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, and said Court has set Tuesday, the. 26th day of December, 1922, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the County Court Room in the County Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final report, and the discharge of said administrator. Dated, November 22nd, 1922. RALPH W. NILES, Administrator of the Estate of Re becca Jennie Vincent Niles, Deceased. G. B. Dimick & M. L. Mulvey, Attorneys for Administrator. ll-23-5t Day aud Night Service 7 V J t THE AUTOMOBILE GIFT STORE g DIRECTORY OF PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS FIRMS (Pie itjte Jilfop ALWAYS THE NEW THINGS FIRST. Ladies' and Children's Ready-To-War 209 7th Street - - - Oregon City SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW 6 Per Cent State School Money To Loan on Farms. General Practice Bank of Oregon City Building -Oregon City, Oregon HUTCHINSON MATERNITY HOME " Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop. Reasonable Rates Sixth and J. Q. Adams Sts. Phone 498R Oregon City, Oregon Holman & Pace FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Seventh and Water Sta. Tel. 86 ; , mu 1 Wm. Stone ATTORN1YAT-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON CHARLES T. SIEVERS LAWYER Caufleld Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON DR. E. A. GIBBS, Nervous and Chronic Diseases a Specialty. Room 2 Beaver Block Oregon City. PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney at Law Oregon City, Oregon Beaver Building Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 J. C. DOWNEY MONEY TO LOAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW GENERAL PRACTICE 612 Main St Oregon City, Ore. V Phone 711 J ) Mrs. Emma James . Magnetic Therapeutics and 7 Maternity Nursing A T Room 16 Oregon t I Hogg Bldg. City $. xx:x-xw-x:X"X5x::-5 Christmas TJEMEMBER your friends who own cars. Think of the pleasant rides they have given you. You can't hurt their feelings with an automotive gift Let us show you what will prove welcome. C.G.MJLLERCD -IHCDRPIWTID Every need dp an automobile n , , i..nnn.i,h inn 11 li it nimilnii I imi 'liwt l-lTKiii lin-mainaMMieB'""" 1 ir-"fl MONEY TO LOAN Paul C. Fischer Beaver Bldg. Oregon City , W. G. H. Krueger CONTRACTOR House Moving, Raising and Repairing Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile Construction Estimates Given Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington SL LOANS Money loaned for ' you or to yon at - current rates. Farm loans only. GRANT B. DIMICK Oregon City, Oregon C. D. & D. C. Latourette" AND EARC LATOURETTE Atorneys-at-Law EsUtes settled Money loaned Prac tice In all Courts of the U. 8. First National Bank Building OREGON CITY, ORE. Phone Pacific 405 GEO. HOEYE - Chiropractor Phone 636W Caufleld Bldg, Oregon City, Ore. WM. GARDNER OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. Dr. L. G. Ice DENTIST Oregon City O. D. Eby ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Over Bank of Oregon C$y OREGON CITY, OREGON HUGH R. ROBERTSON & COMPANY Member American Institute of Accountants Accountants Income Tax Service Auditors I Portland, Ore. Minneapolis, Minn. J 1517 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. xk:-A'::"M'':":":":"::X"M"::':: 4 JOE ORMAN i Tailor i I to : i Men and Women $ J 207 7th St. Oregon City. X''X'XXXXXXX"X-'XXX Nrrr Phone 77 Oregon City Ore. A