Page Two THE BANKER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 ft jCocai 9ews -? Ml Gifts of Ivory Daitny in design, substantial in con struction and always useful Gifts ot Pyralin Ivory are especially accept able as a Christmas remembrance. We carry a complete stock of. the Genuine Ivory Pyralin in complete sets and separate pieces. Priced from 55c to $45.00. In purchasing single pieces we can match them for you in years to come. We engrave Ivory we sell free of charge.. 'Engraving makes it more per sonal and distinctive. ' j ( I I I ' OREGON CITY Qpxsm -'lit n as. j4 3F 1 I" 6UMMONS. In the. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. ROSE SHEARER, Plaintiff, ' vs. ELMER SHEARER, Defendant. To Elmer Shearer, the above named defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff filed against you in tire above en ttled suit on or before six weeks from the 23rd day of November, 1922, that being the date of the first publication of the summons herein, and if you so fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tlie complaint to-wit: For a decree dis solving the marriage contract hereto fore and now exisiting between plain tiff and defendant in this cause; that plaintiff be awarded the care, custody and control of Helen Shearer, minor child of plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equifc able in the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to the order of the Hon. H. E. Cross, County Judge, in the absence of Hon. J. U. Camp bell Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 23rd day of November, 1922, and which -order directed that service of summons in this cause be made upon you by publication thereof for six con secutive and successive weeks in the 'Banner-Courier," a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub lished in Clackamas 'County, State of Oregon. CALL THE REDDAWAY TRUCK LINE f.or Long Distance Hauls Three Trips Each Day Each Way Between Oregon City and Portland Portland 516 91 Phones Oregon City 501 MILLER'S SHOE STORE 'i t Men's every-day-wear shoes, rubbers, gloves. Expert Shoe Repairing. t 419 Main St. Oregon City. :: It's Mincemeat Time and we have all the in gredients for making it. New crop raisins, currants, walnuts, apples, citron, vine- gar, as well as the best of readymade mincemeat in bulk and packages. Besides the regulation Turkey you will need Celery Olives Cranberries Sweet Potatoes and a host of other eatables to round out the meal. Our stock is complete, order early to insure delivery. Larsen & Co. 10th and Main Phone 70 Oregon City Date of first publication, Nov. 23, 1922. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MUL.VEY, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Address : Room 10, Hogg Bldg., (ll-23-7t) Oregon City, Oregon. Are You ough on Batteries? Everybody is likely to , forget once in a while about putting in water or charging, or having the battery looked after. That's why the average driver needs the toughest, most re liable, longest lived battery he can find the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery. It's a tough battery for rough trips. All sizes. Con Hilgers MAIN AT TWELFTH OREGON CITY OFFICIAL BOSCH SERVICE STATION Bosch Parts, Products and Service Representing Willard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and Batteries (WOOD SEPARATORS I Hi I mum - ftwiiiiKJLywwftALiXJpig FLOURS AND FEEDS Retailed at . Wholesale Prices Mulino Flour Mills Mulino, Oregon. . Full line Boys' Dress and Work It fanoes. Army Store, Jiiiectric Motel uunaing. Mrs. Fred Greenman who has been ill at her home on Ninth and Madison streets is very much Improved. Richard Frederick was a Portland visitor on Monday of this week where he went on business. Army Overcoats - Blouses - Breeches Leggings Army Store, Electric Hotel Building. House wiring must be done right the first time. Hodgson-Cannon Electric Co., 4th and Main Sts. Mrfe. Oiarles Babcock of 'Oregon City visited her son Charles Jr., and family in, Portland on Sunday. Mrs. Mat E. Handle, who is a resi dent of Highland, was an Oregon City visitor on Friday of last week. Mrs. Robert Ginther has had as her guest on Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Theodore Pottratz of Malksbury. Mrs. William Daniels, an old time resident of Beaver Creek, visited in Oregon City on Monday of this week. Mrs. Eunna James of Oregon City visited her nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Young at Portland on Sunday. Leather Jerkins, Sheepskin coats, Cordoray and Leather coats. Navy Pea Jackets. Army Store. Electric Hotel Building. -TTlA littlu enn f TMV anA HJTia T? n"h Green is verv ill at tha hnma nf his parents. He Is suffering from Bron- cniai pneumonia. Mrs. Karl Hartka of Mt Pleasant. and Mrs. Gordon McKellican of Bol ton were Portland visitors on Monday of this week Hin Rubber hnnta J!3 QR nair Short Rubber boots 12.95 nair TiVll TJne Rubber Clothing. Army Store, Elec tric Hotel Building; George Ward who has been visiting at the home of his sister Mrs. Melvin Hart in Oregon City, has returned to his home at Coquille. A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Wells of 105 Tenth Street, Oregon City, on Saturday morning, November 25. Mrs. Eliza J. Alldredge. who has been spending a month with her Bon josepn, at Portland has returned to her home at Oregon City. ' The Ladies Aid of the Presbvterian church held a food sale at Eddy's Store on Saturday afternoon of last week. $ 60 was realized from the sale. Westinghouse batteries. An iron clad guarantee and the fame of a great name behind them. Hodgson-Cannon Electric Co., 4th and Main Sts. ,Miss Bulah Morgan, formerly a teacher in the Oregon City high school, but now of Eugene, was a guest of Mr and Mrs. Hal E Hoss last week. Mr and .Mrs. Walter Wentworth and son Eugene, motored to Portland Sunday, and spjent the day with Mr. Wentworth's sister, Mrs. S. S. Mohler. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herminger and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rau, attended the Hawley-Metchan wedding, which was held 'at Portland on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Ray Wilcox and daughters Viv ian, Thelma, and Erma were week end guests of Mrs. Wilcox's sister, Mrs. Roy Woodward. Their home is at Estacada. Mrs. W. C, Green, accompanied by Mrs. Hary W. Paine and Miss Alma Moore, motored to New Era on Wed nesday of last week where they visit ed Mrs. Howard Beaton. - . Mr and Mrs. George Pusey attended the wedding of the formers nephew, Mr. Willard Hawley, who was married to Miss Dorothy Metschan in Portland on Saturday evening of last week. Mr. andMrs. J B. Caldwell of Port land visited Mrs. Caldwells' parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Scheubel on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Caldwell was Miss Roberta Scheubel before her marriage. Mrs. Fred Peckover, who has been very ill at her home at Park Place, has Improved so as to be able to be brought to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden in Oregon City. - Mr and Mrs. Mark P. Chapman mo tored to Portland Sunday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. .Harmon and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. John Green. The two Mr Green's are brothers of Mrs. Chapman.- - Mrs. Sherman W. Moody and daugh ter Roberta, arrived in Oregon City on Saturday of last week and Bpent a week visiting Mrs. .Moody's son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Miehells Burlev. and her sister, Mrs. Mildred Stafford. Mrs. Annie Fremayne of Barlow ac companied by her daughter. Miss Gladys Fremayne were Oregon City visitors on Saturday of last week. Miss Gladys who Is a student at Mon mouth is spending a week iwfth her mother. Mrs. Fred Erickson of Oregon City has gone to Seattle for an indefinite stay. Mrs Erickson accompanied her daughter. Mrs. Mav Penrsnn home. who has been in Oregon City visiting her parents. Mrs. Minnie Donvan, who has been in Des Moines. Iowa, where ahn went as a delegate to the Womens Relief iorp., Convention has returned to lier home in Oregon City-, while in the East, Mrs. Donovan visited relatives at Burt and Algona, Jowa. Mrs. C. P. Scroeeina and sister-in- law, Mrs. Bert Padgett, have returned to their homes in Oregon City from The Dalles, where thev want to attend the funeral of Mrs. Scoggjns brother, Your Christmas Piano We Are Representatives for Clackamas County for the entire line of Pianos and Player Pianos of Sherman, Pay & Co. Sherman Clay & Co. is the leading One-Price Music House of the Pacific Coast and we are able to sell and deliver to you, here in Oregon City and vicinity, any of their lines of instruments at ex actly the same price and terms quoted in their Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and other main stores. We. offer you a choice from the following pianos : Steinway, Weber A. B. Chase, Steck, Esty, Emerson, Aldrich. Kutzmann Bambrach, Vose, Krakouer, Wheelock, Davenport & Tracy, Briggs and others, including the famous Duo Art. We have pianos on our floor for your examination, or we will gladlyhave you visit the big Sherman-Clay & Co. store in Port land, at our expense, and make your selections there. - Old instruments taken in exchange. Terms to suit your .convenience. " Player Pianos $420 Up. Huntley-Draper Drug Co. Victrola Depot SIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIE J. D. Padgett, which was held Tues day of last week Mrs. William Laxton, who has been making her home in the upper Clack amas County, has arrived in Oregon City to make a visit of several weeks to he parents, Mr and Mrs. George Hard ing. Mrs. Laxton was Miss Evelyn Harding before her marriage. Mauna Mary, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green, whose funeral was held from the Holman-Pace-funeral parlors on Sunday after noon, was laid to rest in the Mountain View cemetery. Everett Greet is a son of Mrs. Mary Green of West Linn Dr. Irene Hunt, who has been vis iting her aunt, Miss Cora Hunt, in Oregon City has returned to Roseburg, where she will visit her mother, Mrs. F. W. Hunt, before returning to San Francisco, where she is to take a special course in medicine. She will then return to Portland to practice her profession. A Thanksgiving dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green at 710 Center Street on Tuesday of this week. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. John L. Green and 'son; Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Green and daughter of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chap man and Gordon Green; Mr and Mrs. ,Will Green; Mrs. Carl Green and Children of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartke entertained at dinner on Sunday at their home at South Oregon City. Those enjoy ing the sumptous dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKillican; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hartke; Mr and Mrs. Homer Bucholz; Mrs. Ed Bucholz; Misses Elma and Selma Bucholz; Ira and Wellis Bucholz; Cecil Wilson; Louie Hartke; Gretchen, Walter Herbert; Harold Robert and Dorothy Hartke, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hartke.. There were 22 at the table and two large turkeys and all the accessories to go with them were thoroughly enjoyed. an iron pipe set at the most western corner of a tract of land owned by Marshall N. Dana and Nora V. Dana, as recorded on Page 620 of Book 167 of Clackamas County Deed Records, and from thence running north 59 deg. 20 min. west a distance of 108.22 ft. to an iron pipe, thence north 61 deg. 50 min. east 426.74 ft. to land owned by John F.'Risley, thence south 8 deg. 52 min. east 98.11 ft. to the aforemention ed Dana land, thence tracing the Northwestern boundary thereof south 61 deg. 50 min. west a distance of 338.3 ft. to the place of beginning. Together with all the right, title and interest which the said decedent had therein at the time of her death. Said sale of said tract will be partly for cash and partly on credit Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, 29th November, 1922. H. G. STARKWEATHER, Administrator of the Estate of Alice M. Starkweather, Deceased. J. J. Fitzgerald, Attorney, 421 Mohawk Building, Portland. Oregon. (ll-29-5t) THE PRAISE CONTINUES Everywhere We Hear Good Reports Of Doan's Kidney Pills Oregon City is no exception. Every section of the U. S. resounds with praise of Doan's Kidney Puis. Fifty thousand persons are giving testimony in their home newspapers. The sin cerity of these witnesses, the fact that they live so near, is the best proof of the merit of Doan's. Here's an Ore gon City case. C. W. Bagby , contractor and builder, 203 17th St, says: "I know the value of Doan's Kidney Pills and gladly recommend them. My kidneys troubl ed me often. I had a weak and aching back which made it hard for me to stoop. My kidneys didn't act right, but Doan's Kidney pills from the Hunt ly Drug Co. soon fixed me in good shape by strengthening my back and kidneys." ' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply "ask for a kidney (remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Bagby had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. We do printing of all kinds at the Banner-Courier the best, workman ship at lowest prices. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the County Court of the State of Oreg on for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 26th day of September, 1921, and entered and recorded on page 466 of Volume 9 of the Probate Journal of said court, in the matter of the Estate of Alice M. Starkweather, deceased, the adminis trator of said estate will, on the 30th day of December, 1922, offer for sale at privat e sale, at the residence of H. G. Starkweather, the undersigned, on the River Road near Oak Grove, Clacka mas Countv. Oresron. the following- de scribed tract of land: A part of the J. S. Risley DLC in Townsnip z soutn, Kange l juast or me Willamette Meridian , in Clackamas County, Oregon, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point marked by Under New Management E- Birry and W. Moessner Formerly, of Benson and Portland Hotels Announce they have taken over The Paramount Restaurant We are here to serve our patrons, societies, and private parties with clean cooked food at Reasonable Prices THANKSGIVING DINNER From 12 M. to 8 P. M. 75 cents Celery Olives Cream of Chicken Soup with Rice Boiled Halibut, Hollandaise Sauce Saratoga Chips Roast Young Turkey, Chestnut Dressing Giblet Sauce, Cranberries String Beans in Butter, Mashed Potatoes Combination Salad, French Dressing x Plum Pudding, Lemon Sauce Mince Pie Coffee Tea Milk Special 35 cent Luncheon Cream of Chicken, with Rice (Choice of one meat or fish.) Boiled Halibut, Hollondaise Sauce Small Sirloin Steak, Smothered in Onions Roast Pork, Apple Sauce Prime Ribs of Beef, with Gravy String Beans in Butter, Mashed Potatoes , Coffee, Tea, Milk -Desserts, 10c" Extra