THE : BANNER-COURIER, i OEEGON CITY,. OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1922. Page Mve I i 4 IP AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK NEWS Up-to-date Information to Help Develop Progressive Farming O. A. C. CORRESPONDENCE SHORT COURSES OFFERED IN MANY .FARM SUBJECTS i si J 1 Seven short courses : In practical farming are offered Oregon fanners this-winter by the agricultural college as follows: , Eleven weeks in tractor mechanics, January 2 to March 17. Eleven weeks in general agriculture, same dates. Eleven weeks In horticulture, same dates. ,"- - - w Frroraentha as dairy herdsman,-Jan uary 2 to June 10. Four weeks in dairy manufacture, January 2 to 27; repeated January 28 to February 24 . Sliort acm9 Mn horticultural jellies pro- etc., ducts canning, drying, . February 5 to '24. One week Iaibee1leejm'g, "aar:h 19 to 24. i'ZHsi work IdaaTa wii rnaefhod HMrcrsg -heading croMfisfanlmg Xbk livestock, learning to runtrcfQEjand . .Make that Bids of the house open that-faces away from the prevailing storm -winds and toward the winter sun, if possible. Sunlight is the best of all disinfectants. In the damp sea son of the year,, every bit of sunlight should be utilized for the warmth of the birds and the. drying and Bweeten-J Ing of the hen house. - It is well to have the house screened in, with duck or other semi-transparent cloth -curtain that may be - dropped when it becomes too stormy or cold to Justify free access to the open. . In front of this open side where the light is good is the best place for the scratching floor. Be sure that it is a good floor. Co not have cracks in it that will permit the fine part of the litter and some of the grain to drop through and form an insanitary, decay ing mass under the building. Build the floor up off the ground far enough to insure against dampness from the soil and against surface water running in twhen it rains or when the snow melts. " Do everything possible to keep the house dry floor, walls, ceiling. Damp ness Is a great enemy of hens. Many care for it, handling the orchard, gar- 'iteljerifOaW are contracted because of it, .w,n.a.S.&&a. to have the hen over- and ice-cream making, managing bees. and, Jon-yefting: f fih fruit and ve tabies Mtd conserved WoSSc&S. H -r w rThottrae ,ES:plainwf ia,fc$mjj f.'i II i ft. Vi pamphlffrce'"to' "tnbse interested. , Write Q. A. C, Corvallij, Oregon. Dairy rterdamfcom')yM lsol Cala rt 9ft hrtgWIoi niro wa a man A hf S'JiJferQ'tesing-sstwiations in Oc tober to reducefWsUpf.JYf'flW and increase thV "profits Of'daTrying. , One; ,poresbEed., burl wvas,hoag:ht 40, xe.-J a ikki teilkis for the future. Many more cows were tested than in October last odor jn it is ljnpleaganttp youi It Js year,, and xhe-average -proaut4oa of- certain -that-Itig-not-qnlr unpleasant fat 1 more. WHITE bcister TO BE HEJ5S" Si The third whitSJMfe af&BSrfifet' conference will meet in Portland, Nov of the hoard of horticulture, and pathology at pregon AgriqultUe..Cpy lege, are meiSej ohi&?$c9We) committee. )oC sThB.;IS21 conference asked afia; priation of congress for investigation fBeIIsterum$ warm. Colds come from too warm Quarters more often than from too cold. oridefaaterins system that will tasuipln4yofwater, not too cold. Ttbroughout the winter days. Fresh wafer,, and. jplente,, of,. ;it is one of the cheapest poultry "feeds" aTid condi tioners. Arrange It so that? the birds cannot,makejtt fpul,, jSeep' ifu clean; keep i-fresh keep'the Ice'ani $ it 1 1 "' ' And then, clean the housed regularly jabflf.jjtf'lmelU'clean to you wnen you gpf in (n, jnvmommg, jtqu may be 8Ureattilkiincleanvji thf it will work much' better if the inocu lated form of sulphur is used. Sulphur when applied to most soils, causes that soil to become acid in reaction. Bac teria are present which breaks down the sluphur and adds it ta the (materi als already in the soil. If the bacteria are added to the sulphur before it is applied to the soil the reaction; takes place much more rapidly than would be the case were they not added. - The use Of common dusting sulphur with out innoculation at the rate of ' 200 to 400' pounds per acre results usually in .reducing the amount .of scab. When potatoes are planted in a soil which is distinctly acid in reaction they do not scab. " RECIPES Contributions to this column are invited. BroWfi Sugar Cookies ..Two cups brown sugar, two cups shortening (meat drippings are good), one cup sour or buttermilk, one full teaspoon of soda, cinnamon or Other' spice as desired. If no eggs are handy they may be omitted, but will make more cookies if two are added. One half teaspoon of salt, three cups of flour and mold as soft as can be handl ed and sprinkle whit sugar over the tops before cutting out, and roll softly witht lulling pin. AW. A uXD ift Vt. .. - U Sc'dUoped Cctfn.'Vv1tW Timato Soup If you want eggs, give the! nehs i rth'aacejtojlayTfhenw, If they tpend all their energy trying to overcome ad- e conditions of feeding and hous ing, they have no energy 'left Vtth twjich to produce eggs. i ! CAREFUtlNCRANKINQ TRUCK One cuij canned corn, one cun .to'mar. i& soiib.1 one1 tfacie efilmbsA twdi, ablespooiii buWe,rv!6nV-fialf teaapoon i salt one-naif teasnoorf-fcelet-v aaMa-nnM fourth teaspoon.' ohion le'ppef. ' Xil ontBarfley e-Hbride, J3.73; Carl Peterson, Hull. 'SB.eoy Toifii' Jubb.' $7.98: Pres B6wW$2.i9-Rv-abMr:1 ihU. oafel Jff.96:,TDaiiM ?zo.y 6.:. .3.; a.-. ,Hnyaer, ja.aii ; . .a.' wmWc $art.r $9J8frii A. Duncan,1 $15.98: N. Put a' layer of crumbs in. btitf' gaking dishl- !Add torn'-and ,'otip tnpi-: of -crumba. COtrtihued iayerufot;jajepcj aiiLu an is nsea. ijoi wiin pilSjpri;put,-; ter aiid bake In' a hot oven for half an hour"' "ii!K -iat,l'Ia oi ,A i Driver uunt .'OOO ,-f., to Be Sore , That 'the I Fully RetardedUPIan i''"je 10 Avgio injur. Before cranking the engine,, the driver vt n'motdrtfticlr-ghonM; be sure r th-oi4h-Wsir9efrt 10, 1' -t .; 1 nance scouting, investigation and some eradieaiwajof; therKtift.yhforMiB Iasnmwestiyi5iaiqitfti4eri wero established at Oregon Agriculture Col legeperiaeBEttiojii.Ad3en (eolleCT men were emnloved during the Rum- "Oregon has some important stands that the crears are in neutral. ! If it" Is attended to 'crank the engine with Uie spaxk leye.radvanced, thfc chances are that the engine will bactflre; pos- 1. lbly, resulUng -In a broken , arm. Is irf '"-'" ... T .L4...' i!Tinnermore, a me anver succeeas in " Shorteake Fbr'Fnup a One and pne-half cups f, flour, two, teaspoon's.;; bakpg,fjppder(3 dessert spoony butter, one ;teaspppn'suga,rj)nej- fourth , rteaspopn ' saltrl4irwater - to make a, sof,txd.ougiV; -.ot ; ai ' TM3M ,.,f;n,e met.noa.oL.mjng lsne same. One' solid Xpint'of, berries. -t : can sVs stretched ser'ye ,pui;fut (Serving tf Road District "No. 40Joe Wieder.1 noid, $10(5.72; Jack. jones, $25.19:0 ictey $4.98 a 32JTOV, ! ,r; -rock Road' Digtrfct md4 rlO.;Night ingale.SJ9.6CT: Elliott Lumber, CeL, $22.g3f HobbidS'BrosaO'r P.; 6,- berriei; ia V -bit scimpy M i ta efiyin.JBH? Milled $,74;-j"Gw l V-1 rrrv,W- Wf kWf nr &b uiajr cf LOL& l auu a uu v v uiiu auu w of western white pine and sugar pineJ -which leads her to be interesleT inHhel the truck and other property as well. . Instead . of baking , the ake jnJoiiel maufl., uBSB.aj.iinqtJirepareQ, juat ..lKpine, pig .sporjca: less controversy over the r "biegest piece", and . te. short., cake. is easier t serve when individual pakes, are tmaa. OlllUtLlUU, speaking of wmitjAnsginsbth jStatft j 3 ,"Fortupately f.thec jusi- fias; rnQt; rye 4h- vaaea uregon, as aeterminea oy tne the cost oft akin ii a chance means pos- U.U.J XBkkUU V. . ' ' V . vruw of Injury to the'driver,';iand the other . "Reports of the agencteg-whtcff have ' p.s' -ixoL plaaa. will ba madft io-pf ftveat Ihai- - i advance of the menace which is how ! well established in British Columbia and scattered in western Washington." Winter Com ling Many a farm gets few eggs in winter because the condtions under which the hens are htfased and fed are poor, as well as because of lack of laying char acteristics in toe birds themselves. TheT Dest nen wu( be; a pope layer if ner feed and cajrel ar poor.?--iNo4pub ishe will lay mpie ps'thaafUliije sbtub hen, but that is" no excuse for giving her poor treatment If the poultry house is not already prepared for the cold and wet season, right now is the time to put it in order. In doing so, one should remember a few fundamental principles. The hen uses a great deal of oxygen. Probably no other animal of her size requires as much. This means that she must have fresh air. Likewise, she breathes oft a great deal of moisture. This moisture must be supplied in the form of drink, and provision must be made for letting it out of theBfi-JouS&thefsf he walls and cefiihgLfceeiB dampj.ind clammy. hi PJ &T1 kt . Both these Saite etfne iTtbiB-ln& mean it emphatically good vgnJHa tion. But in ventilating, do not permit drafts to blow upon the hens. Prob ably the best method of providing fresh air is to have three sides of the house closed tightly, leaving the fourth side open. This will admit plenty of fresh air and at the same time prevent the bsJr 1 kt rv, -.j n wiin snortcaKe tnaa r plain cream. Cream, swells, ,to one-third its bulfc when ..whipped. a. ' i , ' .Shortcake is of ten made with sponge cake instead i0l,;biscuit dough, j In this case w.hippectfiam ia.aUiaysi served and the berries are not' crushed. dsljiOTedtraeriiliorteattei fSIstwlwd4eaIHtl it as a luncheon dessert orhMih alrt' dinner. Clear soup, fish saJacL brown bread and butter old-fashuxh4d :straw berry shortcake and coffee wsphlcf ntake h: Before Cranking a Truck Be Sure That' Gear Are In Neutral. on accouhtvpf property damage of one sort or another. There have been cases where damage suits have arisen from Injuries done teoutslde persons other than the -driver,; all because this rule was not obeyed. n JiyiPeftatoes Scab - jFS'ScaSby potatoes are usually, Caused bykitr soil bacteria which hasfurned parasitic on the plant and attacked it. resulting in damage. Scab cuts down the yield and also destroys the Quality of the potatoes. Besides causing waste 4rLj-,Tcesgifetinar removal of thicTt tfHce'Wis&iif, badly scabbed po tatoes have an earthy taste that is dis agreeable to some people. An alkaline condition of the soil has undesirable draft vbeefo cpntrojrhediseas, jbut m : J2S?r Q at a wise Woman Knows . t 1 ,7T onde in ner bakmc and health is never won awayrjiO i rrom ivuial oaiung Powder. She knows that it !s anso-r able that for over 50 svemrs it has been used in hg Uhe hest; homes in Ubei cbury. W : t Confazni No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste v $4.98; George Davenport, $55. '" Road District No. 22 Schuld Broth ers,. $63; c P. R. I & P. Co.,' $57.96; John Valberg, $4.49; M, H. Wheeler, $23..94; Jv A.- Hite, - $4.98; W. E. Wheeler,! $7.48 ; J. W. Wheeler, $4.04. C. A. Wheeler, $4.98; C. Banfield,- $62. 97; B. C-Kimbley, $4.98; C. J. Lek bergr $14 John Duly, $1.24; Lon Sut ton,. $1.24. ; Road District No. 23 Schuld Broth ers, $10; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $175.14; Fred Wagner, $9. 73; W. H. Banke, $11.23; George Cnristensen, $7.48 ; Peter Houghlum, $7.48; L. U Griffin, 7.48; Al. Hay wortn, $7.48;. D. Brooks Hogan, $7.48; M. Peterson, $2.49. -; Road District No. 25 Paul R. Mei- mg, $12.94; Schuld Brothers, -$30; A. ilkstrom, $230.24; G. Ten Eyck, $33 90; 1m W. Tice,$19.9l; R. Akins, $29.94; Thomas Hagan, $11.19; Thomas " Mc-Guire,- $9.96; Fred GUbert, $9.96; Joe Vaeritti, $19.96. - " . Road District No. 26 Paul R. Mei nig, $4.40; C. W Harris. $10.45: ' J. Friel, $11.94; E. Hart, $2.99; L. Green, $7.46; I. Cox, $1.50; Harry Nichols, $1.50; W. A. Stone, $36.66. Road District No. 28 Wm Widmer. $7.98; A. M. Mowery, $ .99. Road District No. 32 Aug. Swanson, $2.49; Chas. W. Holanberg. $11.97: 'A. Carlson, $2.49. . Koad- District No. 33 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $108 ; R. - J. Mat toon, $31.50; Lake Smith, $1.49; J. R. Livesay, $7.47; C. R. Livesay, $31.41. ioaa District wo. 34 Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $7; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $3; C. T. Blackburn, $22.- 71. Road District No. 35 Wm. Braatz, $15.96;- E. Laresen, $7.48; Ervin Sterns, $7.48; Phil Weismandel, $4.98; T. Nor man, $2.49; Wm. Grlffeth. $2.49. Road District No. 36 E. J. Lankins, $11.98; E. T. Bateson, $5.99; J. E. La Croy, $13.98; Es Staub, $2.99; J. Mc Comb, $5.98; E. J. Lankina, $8.96; W. Mattoon, $4.48; E. Ficken. $1.50. Road District No. 37 John L. Gard, $33.04; William WaUace, $8.74; Fred Bruner, $5.98; William Bottemiller, $9.-, 98; Willie Rogers, $9.96; Roscoe Gard, $14.94 ; ' Alvin Gard, $18.67 ; Richard Griffith, $56.15; Hosie Rigers, $12.45; Rafle Gard, $7.47. ' Road District No. 38 F. Madden & JC0.1,-$2.75; Kaake & Jubb Luniber Co., ?r.9Z; M. Henthome, $16.78; P. T. MoHr06;$0.61: WUey Howell. $12.47: Vngef;9;98'jT,A'Yls;;'9.9&h 4-. FtaVf -Q 68 V:'1 A niitipari 1 1K0a-'TM Henricksfen,.l$48: .Walter Lemon'$4.7. .'98W!Hoider;.'$4.98; Wm. J,jfor $2,99 Jo6'J4lchael$4-99j;.'arj;jt fgebtty $2.49'; Geo."-- XJisen $19.92; wiiHs Stanatnger, $4.98; VWmWjdtaisaL, $2.49 - '. Boyer;.' $t2 n(Road' Dmct,'Ntf.'4--'R.-lAi Wright SlB.s'k' :,pallrey$23.94: .J , Whipped, ,. cream will'go" i f ttHlief faIsttictimS!iifflWP Iilli' 95; Jerry De Young, $11.96; Richard BeU, $17.97; C. B. Perkins, $71.88. Special ' No.' 25-A.I Ekatrom, $1, 143.01; Geo. A.' Ten Eyck, $59.84: I W. Tice, $95.95. . ' " Special No. 28 Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $27; Francis Welsh, $9.25; R.-J. Mattoon,; $27.90; J.. R. Livesay, $2.99; C. R. Livesay, $7.98. , , Special No. 34 Dave Meyrick, $11. 96; A. Fisher, $15.96; H. Fisher, $11. 97; R.' Edwards, $1.87; H. Kamrath, $4.99; C. Jones, $2.49; E. Jones, $9.96; E. Anderson, $14.96; J. Hughes, $14. 93; Chas. ; Jones; $13.69; E. Roberts, $24.89: G. Roberts. $32.36: E. Wil liams, $24.89; E. Sheppard,. $21.42; F. Kamrath, $41.89 ; F. Shaw, $19.96; Wm. Martin, $22.21; A. Thomas. $41.- 88; D. E. Jones, $32.89; W, Bohlander, $17.43; J. Leatherberry, $2.99; E. O. Hughes, $1.24; W. D. Jones. $9.96: Wm. Daniels, $22.44; B. Kleber $10.84; (jnas. Jones, $13.60; J. Hughes. $13.69 : R. Edwards, $12.47; G. Hollmann, $15. 59; N. Christner, $12.47; V. JBohlander, $12.47; C. Steiner, $1.49. , . Special No. 36 J. C. Mattoon, $20. 97; A, Stuab, $2.99; John Hamilton. $5.98; Steve Fellows, $11.96; Ed. Staub, $z.ay; A. Granam,. $5.98; Andrew Gra ham, $8.97. Special No. 38 P. T. Monroe, $2. Special No. 40 Joe Wiederhold, $210.85; Carl Rath, $20.45; Berge Tor- kieson, $28.05; Ed. Harders. . $29.18; Ted Harders, $3.99; Chris IQinker. $57.43; Henry Schmidt, $14.30; Gus Zweirman, $9.95; Louis Ochs, $14.30; John Marshall, $14.30; O. P. Califf, $18.68; Albert Hubert, $25.81; Adolf Welderhold, $15.55; Calvin Beebe, $13. 05; A. H Miller, $27.92; Frank Ochs, $13.05; N. Rath, $13.05 ; M. Grafenhain, $13.05; Roy MUlery $1.24; Ralph. Cha ney, $18.95. . ..:., .. .' . ; Special No. 42 J. A. Wall, $22.05; Dick Lampman, $28.63; C. E. Wid strand, $28.63 ; - C. B. Mann, $24.90; Emil .Lind, $13.46; G. Lind, $8.97; Chas. Backman, $8.97; Andrew' John son, $8.97; Philip Putz, $20.97; Victor Backman,. $14.97; C. J. Renhard, $14. 97; O. G. Nyquist, $14.97; .E. -Nelson, $14.97; C. A. Adolfson, . $14.97 ; -Alfred Swanson, $10.57; Emil Peterson, $4.98; C. E. Bergstrom, $7.47; John Johnson, $2.49; A. J. Staffanson, $7.47; Peter Johnson, $8.39; C. Nelson, $2.49; E. F. Wallace, $6.83;.T. M. Fellows, $T.78. l. Special No. 43 O. Jeff Davis,' $46.40; B. L. Lewis,: $37.42; GeoKoos, $19.96; Joseph Z&aker, $9.98; Guy Dibble; $9. 98; . Jack Feyrer, . $33.67; Art Scott $67.36; Milt Strean, $24.95; Clay Engle, $12.47; O. J. Davies, $2.49;. Willis Standinger, $6.23; Edw. Feyrer, . $43. 88b.William Dodge. $17.43: A. H. Breniaer, $4.98; Harold Butler, $26.14; iWaiiamiButler, $9.96; Lee Jones, $1.- 24; R. J. Bruce, $10.58; William Loury. $2.49; William Feyrer, $19.19; I Jack Feyrer, $9.99,- Henry- Kyllo, $9.99r " Special , No, 46 Almon Johnson, 134.93; Melvin THahlum, $14.97; J. R. Pitts, $34.93 ;iF. A. Wigant, $9.98; S. W. Bany, $34.93; J. W. Hylton, $17.43; Roscoe - Miller, $17.43 ; Conrad Her man, $9.96; F. B. Needham, $17.43; Geo. Koehler, $23.94; Wm. Weiner, $19.96; V. Skinner, $4.99. Special ' No." ' 47 Ernest Bauman, $12.47; Fred W. Sohn, $9.97: Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $35,- Special' No; 50 Oregon City Sand & Gravel. Co., ' $120; Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co., $90; Ed- Mitts, $7.48; . Roy " Nckalson, $9.98: Wm. Dreher, $9.98; S. G. NickoUon, $4.98; G. E. Wyland, $78.57. -23. ' Market Road No. 2 Estacada Tele phone & Telegraph Co., $ 5; The People's Store, $ .75; Crawford Bros. Motor ' Co., - $2.50; Stenstrom Bros., $877.39; Standard Oil Co., $68.67: Paul R. Meinig, $1.82; A. W. Andreson, $26.- 05;. Fred Una; $8.25; Carl Rath, $28. 50;. Joe .Wiederhold, $431.22;: Wm. Rhoades, $6.14;; Smith Hardware Co., -I i MASON HEAVY DUTY COR! Oversize 30x3 32x4 33x4 34x4 $13.75 ( 24.501 24.70 255 (Continued on Page Seven) I TTTP. TPTY 'TTAT OTini .t ,We Fix Anything . Bicycles, ' Guns, Umbrellas, . re- 6 X . paired; Saws filed; Lawn Mow-. A ers, Scissors, Knives, sharpened. , X Y All kinds of soldering done, y Keys made and fitted. . X HOWARD & ' K A NNEY,.i Prop." . . 109 Seventh St. - ' Oregon City New Standard Size 30x3 Also 30 xZy2 11.30 and 31 x 4 , straight" sides. Goodrich motorcycle and - bicycle tires. florthWest Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett, Prop. 407 Main St . Oregon City 12 Iv O 10 0- 9 UO..S1U.Z8. . T.iipiJsl 5.ROad' District No: '4fr-Road Builders EoufiiineTit Go: $36.60: S. W. , Beny. $14.97 i iGe6.0Koieller;$i6.52 f W.W ner, $17i46f 'CF."Pipka;l$4.98'; Wruefr;! son, $14.97; WRv-Ayers, $9.9$; Road DIstrict'tNo.Ul7Lela" KeiL Ht.WiVumen! $4;99V'jErneet!wIiaji,I fman, $9.98; Fred W. Sohn, $6.l8:cprer gonuuy sana urayei yp.,. ,38 jint J -Rbad )istrc,e", NW 48thdmaih Piep, ka, $13.071:. Zimmerman, $17.94 dm. ZetgleF,c$3.49;?.V?SHrineit :$2.49;s a Bollattdi, $X48;- Pi Bollaad,. $2 A9i iEi , Tl. B...TT TT . n . j T . . T!T?um,ir 4Zammerman,$M9; ,,G.(ZeW,-l5H ! I ' CVinnc lift. TIT O "DotiTT. tlL. fV. Dxiio. - ire 4 A " Rpaff District, Jio. 49-r;anbj tHard fwkrt "Implement Cft'.,.'; $4d idJika: Waisn,u:$ib.BS; en" Krause, $4.v;, Johaa 3Cammerf"$2i.495iludolpW Klaus, $11.97?).Jahi!Heintz $2.49iii'J" .SC6 B -Road District N.,j50NeedjiiBrick & Tile Factory $9-nf! srMUi'wM , .Uild Road District- No.!52r1Ai.. Jf-liFOusnei!. ! 8S: i. iM.'- 'Oroshohe: $9.73: R.Dl Groshbng3.73iC. S. Hfll, $2.49. ." - EtOad District No. 53 F. Madden & Co., $2.75;-aafce'& Jubb $86.40 J; W. Marrs, II4i.4rf'ilvanx tacey, $2k9j;.D. Haraer,'$2;49;3J!32a ns j ;t,. fc Road Distncti aN. ?.66 R. Scnuepe, 'irt tounty iiui Hi i ! City, !Sii Cltyibi Or ( Road District No. 1 (Jlty.r fj&zT; City of Ot?gpn t4 KM) ' i Hi i I Road District No. 2 Citji pf West Linn, $6,247.08. I ij! j j Road District No. 3 City-pl Oswego, $1,086.08. IS; t Road District No. 4 City- of iMHwau". kie. $1,333.04. - fill l.t-H Road District No. 5 Cityilpf Glad stone, $814.03. 1 lli ! ! Road District No. 6 Cityibf Bandy. $145.67. i . Road District No. 8-Citt'M Canbyi $789.58. Road District No, $72.99. Road District No. 10 Cifas if ! MotehGtrlrenB TT.47 : R. HeipIeTTI2.a7 : ia, ?ozu.t3. t Jtoad District No. 11 S. NV Pldhajn, $184.38; H. Gebsardt, $211,873 iHl Geb- hardt. $22.50: S. G. Bullocks: S7S6.88: F:-E.'.pavidson, $109.75; J. Rlsfeji $71. 06; J. P. Cook, $55.31; O. Ei ipftvfdson. $59.80; M. Weidman, $12,705; fH.i Koch, $4-49. T;M I Road District No. 12 M Smith, $653.45; A. Worthington,'$83-?7;j. Si grfst, $68.77H. Koenig, $57.83;i!L. In- dizzi. $25.40: S. M. BrantlaChi' 1249 Road District No. 13 Aden's Btofe $13.65; Carlson & Sherk Co; $102.5u Concrete Pino C.n. S29 OK- X :;Ai VnMi $25.96; Lloyd Jones, $29.94jiF! Ifooze, $9,ft73L.ii ..Wallace A9i ;Jo $4.99; RayejrJ?; acnueoei, .8. Tf1r ,.3,T ,, unaq instnci White, Fred era,. $40;, P. .R, Li&.PCpr-! $50k0;.,N.i $;Xm,. $59:85: G-, A Heiple $2;49;,.A. amun, s.z; j. uowty, jir. ; c. Erickson, Famce, $9.98; A. $9.P8;JW Hle, $1.24jfCruiler,i-$i24; F Hale, $2.49 ; X Tninnell, $24f95 , B. C i;XiiiilJo,Buy ompt!i.if5J V1 BoUfiOilduq' 9, t is. ykjfhej-si ajeno J)uylng laYnoD edJ en en ways4" K'iVinTiyfersI'rushis -ftiid vSIPllow aa-jiifaycnpiwartt11 tynomeia b farm or any nroDerty'fo&H' thsm saver ; feew3(tenl aveXAmo.'. : S Obm' inian seV what?f 'Ita-wU v --'.'-. o -. 1 DO jaoSeeniMrtroagoftpairleC fire. .Baceldent, bnimwglaryj 10 forgjayj:-! iiicatMainyj Ruto,"-,':'", isaas moil banAdsb iev9i -l v d , yv nTv v rt ft . .t..j . - 1 1 ' 111 .noB--"J it . -i If irl limoa 1 Xb aoinwox ' l ' ' II ol IriMOoO II IKol a V-l LI I " I i ai-CpJl-' . .suijUlupa Ln sin n.. ll - . r u ' - -w m r i I T" lOlJi'L, ri) at ;JtblDJ o coon 09jnloJ5 .-Ala ba e leiniil &no ) sauii-i iaoI 3o xbi aoMiuoi ,tio lo 4 baa t ,H .393 coUsoildUQ. JaaJ loo j aaMAv oetrd'nvef nate enjQyea real emaency, econ wifiijaim nvenienCe4Xlenliaes& jn.trieir;kit- chens had they riot obeyed the hatiqrraHlogan 3JA3 8iiMi?1,v vuiro I lul . "ilt - ... . bodalldua jtl -19u ; - j iioUsoi ..... ; .lisdaam'J .U .t eidaiouoil siiJ lo jCountless4housarid8i oJKAmencan housewives' 9j lo riuoO jUwilO atu fil rM-x ilwayLigfit Power Co. I r,, nt tp1 n-! vdTri at noKioVI ijosner. $49.90- G.rB.iI4hiU:$6,22; E. ESickspn, $458;pWiJveH,J $H 94; H $4.99. ! nfr';ro uRoad DifJri.!Nps?59A. C. Cdgswellj W.40; P- R- L. & P. Co., $270.901 186.68. ! Road District No. 61--T. C. TJhi m.EftsrfrfaxweHelfbfa. t!5.96l :sy2-A9& kraw?5iilia, $2-49; E. Day, $2.49; U O. Dayx$15.98'.l . $2.49; F. Krouse, $2.49; F. Kisr.'I6TT-RoaT"'Distnct-No.. 63rGL. Notdurft,' 19; B. Case, $11.21; R. Leir$J.6JU.9JJUnjsrl48iJltdj Road District No. 14 Coast ;Ciivert Road District No. 65 Carl Dropu- & Flume Co., $115.07; Bill Saget, $9.96; BamflTDJOT f r r A T iiqhjas, J. "M. Turner. $55.86: Ernfest; Wilke. $i7.47: Walter Wanker, $7.47: Ifohn Wanker, $1.24; Bob Shatz, $Sf.t8; iCarl Eisle. $4.98: Mike Aldrige !$2.4S: C. Tiedeman, $16.21; Adolph Deleri $2. 49. llMil Road District No 16-J. Wli gc?iuld, $25.43; Pete Schuld, $142.80c iiPorfland jRUway, Light & Power Cp.ttS189; $172.81; Chas. Moran, $35.82 44..H4nry, $11.95; J. S. Booth, $38.87; Esifa. Itoe the, $29.95; C. Skaag, $23.96; CJ jpen rici, $7.98; C. D. Atchley, $2S.'96: !r. S. Blair. $11.96;' H. Emil, $5.99;! Fred fVal- let. $7.48; J. H. McLillian, $16.37;! 4. H. Frommyer, $26.95; Sam Pet$$.8. Road . .JDJsjtrict No. 17 Waiwaikie Service Station, $35.68; C. El! Batten, $52.35;., Blackburn, $41.88; iridk iBat- tin, $16.44; tO. Walsh, $29.9Q;! G. Bee- oaaai,f $i?'.84 C. H. counseiiji 531.92; tJno, Shields, $65.89; (Wm. Strahge, $11.98f W. Hi Counsell, $71.81 !;DJ Maz zle, $54.92. i j( i i Road District No. 18 jMM jGrfeen slade, $4. "iijltlj Road District No. 21 Porlland! Sail way, Light & Power Co., $324a; Jake De Young, $7.98jArtbUtJlran,.$4i98; Tdhaiiflaeiion$ta&f -it- ft oeUe, SRnftjt inisSrfct fo 5fi6-Crt Dn litih, $59:501' Will B"ufekT6rt,$3t85. Road District No. 42 Fete berg. $81.50; J. A. Wall, $30'i & Rowan, $9.85; Oscar Lindbeck, $13. 75; Hi LundmarkLr$2,4?. 4 J ciSDetiialNo.-ill-OoaBt JCultertIJ& 9ftDelaI N6V'13-I.lli.. WboSPttfMl :G. Jpnea. I $8;$7 ; , B.Mph, .tt.99Di3e wormanson,; JiTearTr.arreni,j $68.3Qj JWiF.VBstO $I4.95f1E.-Toaff,-t ters, $14.95 ; rirviger, f?i4.j)&; ritaytteai-! eKO$34.b:JParreti 38.1 H-' PhilliMAi$34.a; vfi Kruinirtc$ri.$4y Ffed'Kruger, $13.45; Emil Ficken, $11.-1 6 ; - Frank Zehiny, $135i Alison, $2 99. TH3fl SO S3XG9 Tl?0"l3 -Special NO.-14 F, Falnedskerr $4.9M Al Vogt, $7.47; GAndrews$49; J. M. Turner, $195.aoqsb ami no blsq Special No. 20 George Gibbs, $8.97r Joe RelLi47.S4-. Joe PaDsoh. S1TLB4: John MoKSCP'onSS; Marion TTOngf (M; waiter young, $91.77; J. C. Royer, $41.97'?!P...Kel 4er $17.46 , Casper. , Schmuki, .7.48; RayiDallas:S7'.48-lEmU Papsch; $4.99: C. F. Eckert, $50.83; iGufflinglei' $14.-l unBiofti' lo JauoO SiiJ ffU .8 Saturdays Marshall 5080 dj; f .VlOOSilO ' Most In Value - i .BJiffliiJlOiilJ UO (ji'Mit io n0iJiiiio fc&JLVf;fftfyA4 iaidJ, 1 Bfili D 11 9 T A QOIf!i pia nl &a ir iTATa mod sdJ ia ,Sei 1. vtanoO: iluOJ ii "-""-H -rn ... Lia 0.1 r v (! l i ,- TH EB SllN jQUAJUvTY t W EoMOSTj IN VALU j rr , liii-i,, ,r . , ), ( i inn ,,! rtK,.MSll;UO- j tt, 5i3Q ,P, ;M. oij.aturdaya. iq'A rilSX ,l)tjjjvl .ill 'io Hom y sit. wis'. .0 in n1a ID n- notfl- lit ) SB a.-ii i hif- 93fl o no J3X :b9laI(iinoo nsad efid Siowi , . fllJj m0 jnnanJl ti )a& V! oiiiu i ti.iui'.r mi u'f ":,! uii 4i inn .- rfc .na in tfM 1 )0 0 " .9 VT3 ami Yuen-.,, &ji nfljt .MI T . Li-'-.lir-m afi?-3fi luDIO jTjB io ami xiHefe is an Opportune Undfcraricin;wThlsson:sbtyi'iiiJ SS?ftOiepr.feQMwg. . rv .... atatu i.mtlIM-JJlS Jl .. , ..... .. fcff Io sLia ylisiaa oUJi iwii lo uiiaii:assor' : iir S ,,,....,f1 til!H iiiiiflJiJi'Jii! weaves, mtterns-aiisl 2) vinow-J .(61) ajama ,tai) . W .0 8 9lU lo tXJniioCl lo VKl) fl Ijiijs mil. io .(r ..I -flswJ,(S) Vaunt ,,UJi!'u A";idJ no iliw ftJJia bisa 3o lojintHinim .ta .a 08:? lo mod Air iMirt ,(vUM'.41Wi n.blBi,ail J eUt 93yhq JB sUai ahabiaov)?. wl .fSFWrsi AW.2TSZjH7j!iL jivirr-ii. St-itiJaxttH mWI) no .l Superior :ilimwO0ieDatill stWMw807ol chilla trvfcn&'iwltiefe pJaidihackocoatingSjms &s ew " ... winter Sn4ae (n aaJa-rnidJ ban .(US) aasis-v .; ,., vrf lnioa JAMESTOWH0OLJcPI41IT?JSir i -i- t-iiLT.'l fivUi4 'iir'?Jiai4 j?-- "'-f. jua'-t. t--r-,ainiiltd ImibI oj snil vibiiuod miij sb bo i9".'-icJ:i''-ri;;,.r, rft hiu, vi8i.ii .1 dot io .XflbiBJfiS no .lI.UvT'a lltriMvC!bnj! unoiJasnwiolB ril ot . er.tS imf-Bld eKV iirlflia.T"M " .k. choice at ths special lOwprivjle. 38inch check's iiidJ plains jajnuira''darfe v)orini:'( . jon vih 3-7, ArtN 'ft ; ATMrKT?3WTiTTirj TTT'T rMflF.R.rR It ' l' ; i ro iu sai&isai , mason ni3 ra f VTO , JJ. men s na -btd samara RA3 ers in all sizje i.rt -at $9.00 We are c-j'I .20iH.rU 3iJ bU lo ola-i jct Alilje of the fkmous 'TocMipdP 1 niAt stock. I -d'"!,voV1 "i0 flU3t!"ufii .1UH-'HJ ,'iJUUU'i .0 . vfl l.JAia;s-l, r- ? n I r.rr