THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 16, 1922. . Page Seven News From Over . CLACKAMAS COUNTY frirrTiirs;fnt!t7r.iri ts jc at at at at at jt at at at at at at jt, WILLAMETTE Beulah Snidow J j? K" v? js ? j? f V jf - sr K" Mrs. Ed. Buckles, Sr., entertained the members of the Sewing Circle at her home, Thursday afternoon. At the close of the afternoon luncheon was served to Mesdafnes iM. J. Brown, Cox, Ed.- Carpenter, C. B. Wilson, Baty, Tuor, Silverman, Denton and the hos tess. Mrs. Andy Fromong and Miss Flor ence Fromong were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rowland, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dollar motored to Mountain Road on Sunday and spent the afternoon visiting at the Anderson and Koellermier homes. Mr. and Mrs. St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Hyde spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ridder. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Blain of Stettlsr, Alberta, Canada, accompanied byt Joe Baker and Mr Rauch, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Williams, left Tuesday morning for Los Angeles, where they will spend the winter. The trip is being made by auiomoDiie ana they nave ,tound the roads in good condition. Mr. Blain is a brother of Mrs. Williams. A masquerade dance will be given at Leisman's hall, Saturday evening, A $5 prize will be given for the best costumed person. - Charles Lindquist, Ted Ostrom and Clem Rhodes were in Portland Wed nesday, and enjoyed the livestock ex position. On" elec'tionday MrShipley voted for the fifty-seventh time in this pre cint. He has never missed voting since he was of age and has voted more times in this precinct than any other person. Rex Guilford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guilford, former residents of Wil lamette, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Dollar. He is a member of the Boys' and Girls' Club and was sent to the stock show as a member of a stock judging team. Miss Esther Moser, who. is teaching at Highlands, spent the week-end vis iting Miss Gladys Fredericks. M?s. Peter Olsen and two children of Portland, visited last week with rela tives in Willamette. ' - M. R. Snidow and family have mov ed to Clackamas Heights and will live there during the winter. J Harold and Lydia Greaves were host and hostess at a party at their home, Saturday afternoon. The house was darkened, lighted only by jack-o-lan-terns and candles. Dinner was served at one o'clock, after which games were played leave. Saturday and Sunday with ' Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Reilly, in Portland. ' Miss Edna Gray entertained the Camp Fire Girls, Wednesday. Miss Juanita Bullock was the house guest of her aunt, Mrs. George Bul lock last week. Mrs. Reuben Confer will be hostess at a "500" party next Wednesday after noon. ' Little Roma Confer, who has been quite ill, is much better now and will be able to go to school in a few days. Mrs. Walter Wessling will entertain the Oswego Woman's Club, next Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Terry has as her house guest, Mrs. A. Morrison of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord' entertained the evening "500" Club, Saturday eve ning. Prizes were won by Mrs. Borg horst, Mrs. Fulton, Mr. Borghorst and Dr. Sumption. Next Wednesday evening is the clos ing night for the contest that is being carried on in the Woodcraft Lodge. The team bringing in the most mem bers and gaining most points will be the winner and will enjoy a big sup per, given by the losing team. ed to investigate and report on the ad visability of building a cannery here in the near future. Frank, Oldenburg, W. Clark and A. Gasser are the com mittee. Another committee wag ap pointed to see that we have a live de bating match at the next meeting, De cember 9th. Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke and A. Oldenburg were appointed on this committee. F Landau made a re port on "Cover Crops in the Orchard." at atatatjjtatatatatatjsatatat ates GARUS John Lehman a tt tjC t it tjt t tt Cg MOLALLA , & Mis. A. jj. vow r- Jt J George Stote is home again, after spending some time visiting in Lewis- ton, Idaho. Mrs. iShanbeck and son Albert of Portland, sffent a few days visiting with relatives in and around Molalla. Harold Ridings was home over the. week-end, and attended the football game between Multnomah and O. A. C. at Portland. . , Miss Alice Larson went to Portland Saturday to visit her sister. The football game tfetween the Can- by and Molalla High schools was play ed Armistice Day and resulted in a 40 to 6 score in favor of Canby. Dean Butler of Oregon City spoke in the High school, Friday. Mr. Zackumensky of Oregon City has moved to his homestead near Molalla Clem Marsh attended the stock show in Portland last weekj Mr, and Mrs. Fred Bixel and daugh ter were week-end visitors at the home of Mr Bixel's parents. There was a very pleasant birthday dinner at the home of Mrs. Levi Rob bins, last Sunday, in commemoration of her eightieth birthday. All the fam ily were Dresent but Mrs. W. A. until time for the guests to Shaver, who is in a hospital in Port- xnose present were: letna, iiand 31? sr ic jr jr j? i? it? r j? jp j? jr tr j?3. It is reported that Melvin Stewart won third, John Bliss third and Ad rian Jones received fifth prize on their fine pigs, at the stock show. Lena Schmeiser and John Davis were married on' Wednesday, Novem ber 8th, in Portland Mrs. A. A. Spangler spent Thurs day at the Dan McMahan residence, in Gladstone. Mrs. Crawford, sister of Al. Curtiss, was taken by surprise, when a group of friends called unexpectedly one day last week. Mrs. Trafton spent Thursday shop ping in Oregon City. John Griffith was suddenly taken ill Thursday morning. He is reported much improved. Saturday evening a bridge party was held at the David L. Jones home. After the games, cake and sandwiches were served. A delightful time is "reported hr all nraaant - " ".V . Miss Erma Caseday spent the week end with her friend, Maude O'Leary. at at & a & at at at at at a at at atg Catherine. Virginia and Blair Shadle Kenneth Montgomery, Gerald and Dor othy Baty and Lydia and Harold Greaves. Mrs. George Batdorf and Mrs. Wil liams were visitors in Portland last Wednesday. While there they visited the stock show, where Mrs. Batdorf's lister, Miss Luela Hill, had a large ex hibit of poultry. Miss Hill, -who is a former resident of Willamette, now owns a large poultry ranch "on the Powell Valley road and has had great success with it. Mr. and Mrs. R. A Junken, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and son Milner and Miss Esther Larson, motored to Portland Friday, and attended the stock show. Mr. Matlaski conduced a shooting match at Schonerr's Park, last Sun day. Many people attended and brought home turkey and geese. Mr. and Mrs. John Casey and daugh ter Mary Jane, Mrs. Ewald Leisman and Mrs. Lucy Mathers, attended the wedding of Lloyd Mathers and Miss Lorraine Martin, at the bride's homJ Sunday. BOLTON J 0 mildred McKlUican ' JC 2s V jf S? Kl sf- if sf af a? j? j? j? K1 John Hogan a student at O A r spent the week-end with friends and relatives here. William Nixon sustained a badly In jured knee in the football game Armis tice Day, between the West'Lann and Hillsboro High school squads.. Nixon is one of the stars of the team and his return to the lineup is being eager ly looked forward to. . . W. Thompson, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ellwood Thompson, has arrived here from eastern Oregon for an extended visit. ' -.s Among those fron Bolton who at tended the Sunday school conference at the Baptist church last Friday eve ning, were: 'Mildred McKillican, Ber tha McKillican, Gladys Wright, Mrs. E Thompson and Glenn Smith Miss Nelta Draper spent the week- Bd with Miss Blanche Junken, at Willamette. A shadow social is being planned bv the students of the Bolton grammar school for November 25th. A well ar ranged program will be presented and following this, the "shadows" of the ladies will be sold. All the ladies are invited to bring baskets and- take a part in the evenig's entertainment. Forest Grove over the week-end. J. C. Hewitt is having a chimney built on his store. Mt. Hewitt has just completed an addition to his store building which adds very much to its appearance. -- ' Messrs. Harvey and Emery Hess and their wives and sons of Wyeth, Oregon, were week-end visitors at the home of W. E. Mumpower. The men are employed in a tie plant at that place. ' s Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hattan and children spent Sunday at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Rajr Dunmire, Gladstone. Mrs.'M. J. Byers had for her suests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Portland, Mrs. Charles Law and son Donald of Clackamas. Mrs. Law was for several months a resident of this community. J. C. Hewitt motored over to Yam hill Sunday, to visit with his son Wil liam, and wife. - . Mrs. George Dallas of Lents' was a caller in Carver, Monday. Mr. and (Mrs. Slocum of Portland, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hewitt Mr. Slocum was formerly cashier of the Carver State Bank. He is now with the Broadway Bank in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. ' Frank Alldredse of Oregon City visited L. A. Byers, Sun. day. . - Mrs. Wilfred Hutchins and son Bob by of Bend, Oregon, are visiting at tne home of Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Hut chins and other relatives. Mrs. Hut chins expects to spend Thanksgiving with the home folks here. The W. Ct T. U-ladies will give an entertainment and oyster supper at Carver Hall, Saturday, the 18th. All are invited. The proceeds will be used for the W. C. T. U. children's home at Corvallis. . The Carver postoffice, which has been in the bank building, is being moved to H. Hitler's store. Mr. Hiller has just put in new counters and has enlarged the interior. J J. and Frank Hattan, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan and J. G. Mumpower were called as witnesses of the Fredrich bridge ac cident, which happened some months! ago. Mrs. Madge Byershas been sum moned to act on the jury for this term of court. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed as ad ministrator of the estate of Wm. W. Quinn, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. Any and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the - same duly verified as by law required with prop er vouchers to me at the office of my attorneys G. B. Dimick & W. I Mulvey, Room 10. Hogg Building, Ore gon City, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of th nlrst publication of this notice. Dated November 16th 1922. JOHN F. QUINN. . Administrator of .the estate of Wm. W. Quinn. deceased. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVEY Attorneys for administrator. - ll-16-5t Easy to Prevent Goiter. "Simple goiter is the. easiest of all diseases to prevent," wrote Doctor Marine, the great specialist in this disease, some time ago. Iodine Is known to be necessary to the normal function of the thyroid gland. Goiter Is an expression of deficiency of Iodine In the thyroid, and the elaborate ex periments made recently by Dr. O. P. Kimball on the school children of Akron, "Ohio-, furnish conclusive evi dence that administering a minute quantity of iodine every day acts as a preventive in such regioas where goi-. ter prevails. I jt at jt jt jt & jt jt Jttg CANBY Dr. John d uiler Dr. and Mrs. Prehn were weeK-end visitors .in Vancouver, Wash. The city election was held in Mo lalla Tuesday, November 7, and the following officers chosen: Mayor, Geo. Blatchford; city treasurer, W. W. Everhart; city recorder, S. A. Knapp; councllmen, O. W. Rob'bins and Arthur Farr. Mr. Pierce, who recently moved from Portland onto his homestead, is build ing a new barn and making other need ed improvements. Dee Meyers is putting an extension on his barn. Mr Meyers is specializ ing in goats. Joshua, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory, passed away suddenly Thursday, at his parents' home. He had had diphtheria and was thought to be better, but died sudden ly from heart failure. The funeral was held Friday afternoon. Interment in the Adams cemetery. Miss Ranny spent the week-end at her home in Portland. Frank Yackebie has returned to liiJiu! Portland to take up his work- again, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, who have been visiting Mrs. Rhodes mother,' Mrs. Lindquist, have returned to their home , at Ocean Falls. Mr. -and Mrs. W. L. Larson, Mrs. C. A. Ridder. and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Snidow motored to Aurora Sunday, and spent the afternoon at the home of friends. Willamette was well represented at the Older Boys' and Girls' conference at Oregon City, last Friday and Satur day. Those attending were: Misses Mamie and Helen Wallis, Janess Sut ton, Annette Adcock, Eunice Carlson, Frances Shipley, Marie and Alberta Barnes, Gladys Fredericks and Beulah Snidow; Elmer Garrison, George Pat erson, Earl Cox, J. L. Gary and W. W. Davis. Mrs. Telecky and children of eastern Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis. Ten new members took the pledge and were taken into the Epworth Lea gue at the devotional meeting, last Sunday evening. Sunday was the be ginning of the "win my chum" cam paign. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berdine and children spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Berdine's father, Mr. Shipley. Miss Nelta Draper spent the week end at the home of Miss Blanche Junken. Jfl 8 j8 OSWEGO J Gladys Emrich IP . JP jfi jp jp jp jr jp p jp t? jc jr jr jf jf j? j? 4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham and son Billy have moved to Marshfield, Oregon, for the winter. Ernest Schaubel, who has been em ployed by the Phoenix Utility Com pany of Hood River, visited relatives in Oswego last week. . G. W. Montgomery and Donald Davis have gone to the Tillamook country on a week's hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs'. I. A. Lord attended a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Reidleman, at Portland, last Friday evening. Miss Emma Meussig was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Meussig, Sun day.' Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich spent much improved in health. tt iC (it c tt MT. PLEASANT & jt & tC P P P P JP V? JP if JP P JP JP JP JP Yes, we are getting ready for Thanksgiving. Turkeys seem to real ize the fact, as some of them are roosting high. The farmers have been busy and most of them have their , grain sown. Herman Fisher has a crew of men building a rock wall where the recent road construction made a fill neces sary. Mr. W. M. Randall, our road 'boss. has a crew of men engaged in grading. Election has come and gone, as usual. Who would want a better country than Oregon to live in, when, on Nov ember 12th, you can go out and pick ripe strawberries for dinner, as the writer did. Sunday. The farmers are complaining that there is no market for their spuds and no pigs to feed the spuds to. There will be a special road meeting Saturday at 2 p. m. at Central Point. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shoenheinz an daughter Loreen spent Sunday with relatives in Woodburn, Mr. Schoenheinz recently purchased a Chevrolet and tne trip was made in the new machine. The Misses Mildred and Bertha Mc Killican entertained Miss Elva Ship ley of Springwater and Miss Evange line Christienson of Oswego. While here, the visitors attended the Sunday school conference at Oregon City. Miss Christienson was elected presi dent of the girls' conference for the coming year. Miss Ruby Hogan was absent from school a part of this week, suffering from a sprained ankle. Miss Olive Dowd of West Linn was a guest of Miss Jean Schultz, Sunday aiternoon. Miss Dowd resided here betore moving to West Linn. Running wafer is being installed in the fire hall. This will be a decided improvement. jt jt jt jit j jt jx jt jt jfg jt CLARKES Albert Gasser J jp jPjPjPjpjPjrK,jrjpjPjpjrjpjf8,i Several farmers from here took in the International Stock Show at North Portland, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Katz were dn Portland the other day. Leichtweis Bros, transacted business at Beaver Creek, last Saturday. Otto Gasser motored to Beaver Cre6k last week. The government tuberculosis inspec tor was here last week and his inspec tion of the Clarkes vicinity showed that our stock is in a good healthy condition. Clarkes is one place in Clackamas county that tries to make improvements. The regular farm bureau meeting was called to order last Saturday evening at the hall by E E. Berger, president. A committee was appoint- jt j at jt jt jt jt . jt sy PARKPLACE J Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh Jt V ft? JP Jf P P P JP P JP.JP JP JP JT JP JP8 Mrs. Sam Wyrick is ill at St Vin cent's hospital, Portland. She under went an operation Thursday morning. Lowrie Mills underwent an opera tion for acute appendicitis at St. Vin cent's hospital, Thursday. Frederick and Margaret Rosebraufrh are confined to their home with chick en pox. . Grace Malo spent the "week-end with friends in Gervais. The Parent-Teachers' association met at the school building, Friday aft- emuun. it was voted to jam with the ladies of the Grange in giving a ba zaar, oaturaay. .December 16. in the assembly room. Mrs. Santell of Clackamas Heights is visiting relatives in New York state. Mrs. Maude Rittenhouse underwent a serious operation at the Oregon City hospital, Saturday morning. The Sewing Club of the Grange met Thursday and held an all-day meeting, at the home of Mrs. Rivers. Quilting and making aprons for the bazaar oc cupied the day. Lunch was served. Cecil Shaw and William Conrull, two young lads of Clackamas Heights, have been sentenced to the industrial school at Salem. . Stanley Klyce and sister Virginia, of Portland, spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kruger. Mrs. Charles Augestine was an Ore gon City visitors on Sunday. The work of installing electric lights in fifty houses on Clackamas Heights is being completed (by the P. R. L. & P. Co, With few exceptions, the wiring was done by the Turner brothers of Portland. . , . Robert Barnett, formerly teacher in the Parkplace school, is teaching in Portland. On Friday night, October 10th. a trailor loaded with dynamite, broke loose from the truck to which it was attached, ran approximatelv one hun dred feet backward, striking one side of the bridge at the foot of the New Era hill and turned on its side The dynamite was uninjured and was re loaded to another truck and made its escape down, the "highway. An outside fire escape is being con structed at the Canby High school building. ' Gus Croisence, wife and -two ' chil dren of Lyons, Oregon, are spending a few days at the home of Mrs. Anna Cantwell. Dell Cross, recently of near Oregon City, is putting up a building on the property he purchased last week, through C. L. .Bates, realtor, of Canby. The property is next door to the Bates real estate office and will make an ideal location for a harness shop, which Mr. Cross will conduct in the new building. Frank E. Godskesen, a twenty-one year old boy of Portland, was brought into Canby Monday night, dead. He, in company with Carl Johnson of Van couver, Wash., were on their way home tram a trip to California. After short stop at Salem, where you .; Johnson purchased a bottle of cout . medicine, they proceeded: on their journey to Portland. Johnson, who was driving the car, stated that God skesen complained of feeling sick and asked him to drive with more speed. as he was anxious to get home. A few minutes later conversation ceased and when they reached Canby young God skesen was lying against the back cushion of the seat, dead. They drove to the home of Dr. Dedman, who call eiLoroner O. A. Pace of Oregon City. Coroner Pace is investigating as to the cause of the boy's death. His father was notified and came to Canby to look after details. Charles Prouty, who has been on the sick list at his home in Portland for several weeks, was able to return to Canby last Monday, to check up on his business affairs here. While conval escing, Mr. Prouty will take a trip to Chehalis, Wash., this week. Dr. Hicks, a noted lecturer in the newly born kingdom of the K. K. K., announces a lecture to be given in the I. O. O. F. hall at Aurora, on Wednes day night of this week. A number of Canbyites are planning to attend. The weather mechanic, on Monday night, presented to ye Canby bunch the first frost of the season. Mrs. Carrie Seaton, who for two years has made her home dn Portland, has again taken, up her residence in Canby Ernest Hove, in company with his father, attended Armistice Day exer cises at Portland, and witnessed the exercises connected with the unveiling of the Roosevelt monument. Many poultry raisers gradually be gin to slight the importance of grit Lack of grit means poor digestion and Impaired health. v Regular poultry grit should be kept before the fowls In boxes or hoppers at all times. In ad dition, a load of gravel near the chick ens' home would improve the health and increase the egg yield on many a farm. CARVER Mrs. J. J. Hatton '..,.- Jt at J J J jt jt at jt jt jfg Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Loomis and eon Robert visited with the home folks at A Problem In Battery Cost A battery lasts two years and costs say, $24! Another lasts 18. months, and costs 19.50. Which is the most economical? The first, of course. The buyer of the sec ond pays $1.50 more for service - from his lower priced battery; his advantage is 'the first-cost saving he makes. The SJ (oversize) Willard Threaded Rub ber Battery is still .the standard battery and the most economical battery you can buy. The SR (full size) Js lower in price, and far more economical lhan the ordinary battery. SR (6-volt. ll-Dlate $30.20 S J (6-volt, ll-plate) $33.75 Con Hilgers MAIN AT TWELFTH OREGON CITY OFt 'CIAL GOSCH SERVICE STATION Bosch Parts, Products j-id Service Representing Willard Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and Batteries (WOOD SEPARATORS) A Spoonful of Purity One uses so little baking powder in comparison with the other materials used in baking that it al . ways pays to use the best For making the finest and mct wholesome food there is no substitute for ROYAL , Baking Powder. It is made from Cream of Tartar de rived from grapes and is ab solutely pure. Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste For Less Than Two Cents A Day You Can Keep Your Valuables In A Safe Deposit Box. Think that ovtr now and . then come in and talk it over. Bring your precious papers and valuables with you. Bank of Oregon City Oldest Bank in Claekamas County Orzanixed Ftrtytne Years Ago. i p.'' -".Net Contents lBTluidDxaclml -Mi infill ' 1 1 ""t.H.i.fn," " T i n. 9 . Hi mi w CASTORIA xt r.nHor.-a PER CEHT. B ttogtAeStanandBowgrf ChcediiIflcssaridBestWiBi neither Opliun Jforphlne m Mineral. Not narcotic A Cbn5tJpationmdDiarrft3e and Feverisnneas Loss of Sleep For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of A. It U J LA i .-ft- In Use for Over thirty Years t 4 ct"W)rKiJ Exact Copy of Wrapper. ielE' kJ Satisfies the sweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. v A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit Don't miss the joy of the new WXIGLEY'S P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! Sava the wrappers Good for valuable premiums