' ,THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1922. Page Three News From Over ; CLACKAMAS COUNTY Vftjt jtjtjtjljtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jtyg J UPPER HIGHLAND .Jl J By Mrs; C. C. Kandle Jl . -- ' J ? I? P i? K" ? ? if j? i?" je r f K1 The Young People's Society will have a social good time on Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. Iva Mc Vay. A number of the Highland boys and girls attended the conference at Ore gon City last week and all report a profitable as well as enjoyable time. A party, in celebration of Armistice Day, was given at the Martin home, Saturday night Many were present to enjoy the evening and a midnight luncheon, consisting of sandwiches, cake and coffee, was served. The Misses Florence and May Hoff man and .Anna Schmidt spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen and children, Charles, Vera and Lloyd, aacompanied by J. Skidmore, spent Sunday with friends in "Portland. ; . Miss Esther Moser spent the week end with her parents at Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle spent Monday in Portland. Mrs. Lida Wehrman and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace and children, were guests of Mrs. Martin, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. L. Skidmore was called home on account of the serious illness of her mother, whose home is in Canada. Frank Shute is under the doctor's care. He recently suffered an injury to his eye at the mill. M. E. Kandle and B. Stein left for the mountains, Sunday. - - Mrs. J Trotter and children visited Mrs. iva McVay last week. ' Miss Loeta Nicholas and Frank Nicholas vesited at their home over Saturday night , "Miss Avis Nicholas, who has been sick for several weeks, is improving rapidly, and will be able to return to school within a few weeks. Miss Cecilia Panic of Oregon City has been visiting a few of her friends at Highland for the past week. Oliver Leek and Orville Imel were visitors at the Nicholas home, Sun day. -x Mrs Joe Powers and son George are visiting at the Martin home this week. Everyone" is asked to come to the literary meeting, which will be held at the - school house November 24. A program and mock trial will furnish entertainment for the evening. A caf eteria lunch, consisting of sandwiches, cake, candy and coffee, will be served. The proceeds will be used for the ben efit of the 6chool. bt CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL . J Mrs. Geo. Hartmam Jt J St? ajf' f Couple Celebrate 50th Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Kapischla cel ebrated their golden jubilee wedding anniversary at the home of then daughter, Mrs G. Goodis, at Vancouver, Wash., Sunday, November 5. In the morning Mr. and Mrs. Kapischla at tended services at the Second Baptist church in Portland, where special serv ices were held in their honor, and they were presented with a gold piece and a beautiful bouquet of roses. Dinner was served at the home, which was beautifully decorated in gold and white, with huge yellow and white chrysanthemums. A wedding cake with a dove bearing two golden rings grac ed the center of the table. Covers were laid for eighteen, four daughters and two sons, all married, and four grand children, anffthe Rev. Frederick Hoffman and wife, being mong the guests. Mrs Kapischla is the mother of Mrs. J Wandler. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Dully entertained with a Hallowe'en party for the friends of their son and daughter, Franklin and Evelyn. The children wore cos tumes as goblins and ghosts. The eve ning was spent in Hallowe'en games and a delicious lunch was served with jacK-o-lantern favors. The home was beautifully decorated ' in autumn foli age with silhouettes of hick cast, owls, and bats. There were over twenty-five guests. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duhrkoop enter tained with a party at Knox hall, last Friday, the occasion being their third wedding nniversary. The evening was spent in dancing and a jolly good time was had by all present. The children of Capitol Hill school have been busily gathering papers for a paper drive, the proceeds of wMch will be expended for records for their phonograph, base balls and bats. Miss Grashorne's room won the prize for the greatest amount collected. Mrs. J. V. Patton entertained with a luncheon last Friday, in honor of guests from Collins View. The many friends of Mrs. Joy of Huddleson Tract, will be pleased to hear that she is recovering from a se vere Illness Mrs. Johanna Duhrkoop, mother of P. A. Duhrkoop, Is leaving for an ex tended trip of several years through the Phillippine Islands. Mrs. Duhr koop will visit San Diego, California, where she will attend the wedding of her daughter. A. Anderson ds spending several weeks in southern Oregon on contract work. George H. Maxim, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is now convalescing. - Mrs. J. G. Murray and. son, who have been on an extended trip visiting relatives In Los Angeles, have re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Bonds and family of Capitol Hill moved to California last wek Mr. and Mrs. George Brown are en joying riding in a Ford sedan, recentlly purchased. Mrs. E. E. Larkin of Collns View has rented her home and moved to Port land for the winter. . - Mr. Bert Smith has been enjoying a - visit from - his brother from La Grande, Oregon, who has now found employment in, Portland and so will settle here. Mrs M Verset is in Portland nurs ing her daughter, who is slowly re covering from an operation, raving just left the Good Samartan hospital. Mrs. A Dully was surprised recently to receive a visit from an old-time school mate from California. Mrs. J. J. Knox visited her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harvey Knox, in Portland last Tuesday, and while there attended a dinner party, the occasion being her son's birthday. It is now considered a certainty that the P. R L & P Co: will establish elec tric service throughout these districts, people are wiring their homes as a re sult of the interest aroused at the last meeting of the Southwest Portland Im provement League. The Mother's Council " of Brownies Troop No. 1 is called to meet with the hase, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Clark, Wednesday, November 15, at 2 p. m. Important matters are to come before the council, concerning the growth of our Troop. Be there. . Mrs J. L. Wandler entertained the Ladies' Foreign Missionary society of the. Advent Christian church one day last week. The day was spent in sewing, proceeds of which will be do nated to Foreign missions. Mr. Robert 'Bruce Horsfall, Or. spent the week-end at the Boy Scout Camp at Troutdale, working on merit badge exams. - Last week the property owners along Seventh street, in Carson Heights, from the Taylor Ferry road to the church, got together and decided to take action to fix their road which is at present the despair of all motor ists. They will grade eighteen feet wide, "and Mr. Coffin will haul iron cinders The silver tea given by the. Good Sheperd Guild at the home of Mrs. Conrad Price, last Wednesday after noon, was a decided success. A' fea ture of the occasion was a demonstra tion by the Bazola Oil representative. Mrs. F. W. Swanton, of Palatine Hill, is entertaining her neice Miss ;Leota Day, of Victoria, B. C. After an extended visit in Portland where she will be the guest at a number of affairs planned in her honor, Miss Day, will join her mother in California. The girls of Girl Scout Troop No. 7 are working enthusiastically for the December bazaar and will hold their next meeting at tre home of Betty Lawton, where they will take up their first work in knitting, which is essential in their qualification as sec ond class scouts. Charles Crawford Gorst, the bird- man, will be presented in an education al lecture at the Auditorium Friday evening, November 24, by the Port land Parent-Teacher Council. Tickets ofr adults will be ,25 cents and 15 cents for children. CORRAL CREEK By Corral Creek School. Blanche Brown, Teacher. Mrs Will PJdder, Mrs. Robt. Graham and Miss Eleanor Say were visitors at the school last week. Miss Rosetta Graham was married in Portland last week to George Rut- ter. The young couple will make their home in Portland The Corral Creek students have fin ished reslating the school blackboards. Ray Baker, Elmer Jones and Robt. Graham helped Aubrey Wood butcher seven hogs, last Thursday. W. E. Vaughn is doctoring Henry Reissner's horse, which , is slowly im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker", Mrs. Verne Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Baker of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Baker, Sun day. Relatives here have received word of the death of H. Eyman, formerly of Corral Creek, but late of Camas, Wash. Dale Guyton of Kent, Oregon, spent Sunday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Elmer Jones. Tne corral Creek school- gave an Armistice Day program, Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Doris " Young visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Graham a few days ago. - . Orville Tally is cutting wood for Fred Weidemann, on the Norman Say place. Miss Josephine Graham took dinner with her cousin,- Miss Helen Graham, Sunday afternoon. Jt jt Jt Jt ,t Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt JENNINGS LODGE ,Mre. W. W. Woodbeck Jt gjjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjjtittjtjtg Mrs. Shelton Bechtel entertained at a Juncheon last Thursday noon in honor of her mother, Mrs. Lestowe, of Adams, Oregon, who is spending two months here. Covers were laid for eleven. Miss Sarah Holloway favored with a piano selection during the lun cheon hour. Raymond Vesek s suffering from an attack oi tonsmtas. Rex Bechtel has gone to Adams, Ore gon, where he will attend high schoool and assist in his uncle's store during his spare time. Mrs. Edith Truscott left Sunday for an extended visit with her uncle m Washington, D. C. Enroute she will visit her mother in Madison, Wiscon sin Mr and Mrs S. H. Mosher had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Turner of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs W D. Milliken of Willamette. Mrs Turner is a sister of Mr. Mosher. Mrs. Carl Starker entertained the Luncheon Club Tuesday. Covers were laid for fourteen. . Mr and Mrs. E E. Hammond and Mrs R. Wagner spent last week Tuesday in Portland. Mrs; Joseph Dean MacFall has gone to Spokane where she will spend the winter with her parents. Miss Florence Wilson attended the Older Girls' Conference at the. Bap tist church in Oregon City the past week, Mrs. Norman Chapman of the River road entertained a number of friends Saturday evening. ' Mrs. Waterhouse has moved into the recently completed home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Florence , near the postoff ice. The 'Community Club met at the school house Wednesday evening. A pleasing program was presented. Re freshments were served. The Parent-Teachers association held an open meeting last Friday even ing. The program included several se lections by Theroux orchestra, an ad dress by Mrs. Hill, state president of the Parent-Teachers association. Mrs. Edwin A. Pearson gave a report of the state convention of the P. T. A. held at Eugene, which she attended as a delegate from the Jennings Lodge association Other . speakers were Brenton Vedder, county superintend ent and Mrs. Lansdowne, county school .supervisor. At the conclusion of the program refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrice spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. James Shelly of Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Weberg and three children arrived from Neville, Canada, and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Weberg's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W Smith. - They are planning to lo cate here " The open season for bathing is still on at the Jennings Lodge Beach. Last Sunday Halmon Roberts, eleven years. Keith and Kenneth Wilcox," about same age, donned their bathing suits and took a regular dip in the Willamette. NATURE'S WARNING Oregpn City People Must Recognize ana Meed it Kidney ills come mysteriously. But nature generally warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealthy If there are settlings and sediment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time to fear serious kidney trouble. It's time to use Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have done great work in Ore gon City. Lloyd Bernier, machinist. 111 18th St., Oregon City, says: "I gladly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills for I know '. they are a fine remedy. My kidneys troubled me and V suffered with dull backaches and pains across my kidneys that made it hard for me to stoop. My kidneys didn't act right either, but Doan's Kidney Pills from Jones' Drug Store soon fixed me in fine shape." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Bernier had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL. ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given; pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters' of Road Dis trict No. 18, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November," 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8:00 P. M., in the East Mt. Scott School House to to vote an additional tax in said Road District lor road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant tos Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 19, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the FRANK OTT'S HALL to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 20, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour,. of 8:00 P. M. in the DAMASCUS COMMUNITY HOUSE, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H: E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to, Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 21, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 1.00 P. , M. in the UNION SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax Jn said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge, NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 22, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the I. O. O. F.'HALL AT BORING, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. BL E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that, a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 23. Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of NovemDer, 1322, in said road district at the hour of 1:30 P. M. In the COTTRELL COMMUNITY CHURCH to vote, an additional tax in said Road . District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, Couaty Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws' of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing ofhe legal voters of Road Dis trict No". 24, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in AIMES, NEAR BULL RUN, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. - .., H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General-Laws ot Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet-' ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 25, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 1:00 P. M. in ' the BULL RUN SCHOOL HOURE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Lawprovided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to. Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 26, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day "of November,. 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the Sandy Lumber Company's Office to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF 'ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 27, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the FIRWOOD SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. - H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby" given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal' voters of Road Dis trict No. 1 Clackamas' County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in saidVoad district at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in the Council Chamber, Oregon City, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 7, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on tne 25th day or November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 7:30 P. M. in the ESTACADA CITY HALL to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, "that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 6, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on ,the 18th day of November, 1922y in said road district at the' hour of 8:00 "P. M. in the CITY HALL IN SANDY, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road -purposes as by Law provided. - H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 11, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on. the 25th day of November, 1922, in said paa.d district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the HAZELIA SCHOOL HOUSE to. vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. . H. E. CROSS, County- Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921. that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 12, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8"00 P M.in the Lake Grove Community House to vote an additional tax in' said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 13 Clackamas County, Ore gon, -will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922,. In said road district at the hour of 1:00 P. M. in the PLEASANT HILL SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by La-w provided. ' H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given,, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 192L.that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 14, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th, day of November, 1922, in said road district at the" hour of 1:30 P. M. in the FROG POND SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 15," Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on ,the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the ADVANCE SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX . Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of- the legal voters pf Road Dis trict No. 16, Clackamas County, Oregon,-will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in the OAK GROVE SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice 'is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 17, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hous of 7:30 P. M. in the , WICHITA S.CHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judged NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to HOW TO BUY FIRE INSURANCE You determine your own 'Insurance rate When you give the con tractor orders to "go ahead" with the con struction, . your insur ance rate has been de termined. Better talk insurance before you settle upon the details of your build ing plans. It may save you money. , ' . Let this agency of the Hartford Fire Insur ance Co. advise you. oWland Wm. M. Smith REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main B Oregon City, Oregon piillllllllM I West linn Acreage S BUY your home in West Linn. RriHcJp will hp rnmnleted and Bridge will be booming in the next 30 days. Do you realize that this acreage is selling for a mere song, compared with property hot nearly so conveniently located. Here you have every advantage of a city. High school, pure moun tain water, gas, electric lightsfinest highway in the state, also have the river for boating and fishing. Prices remarkably low-on very easy terms. Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 28, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of l':00 P. M. In the Sandy Ridge New School House to vote an additional tax . in said Road District for road purposes aa by Road District for, road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, fcfr 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 23, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 7:30 P. M. in the DEEP CREEK SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for, road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Noyce Is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 30, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of. 2:00 P. M. Jn the BARTON SCHOOL HOUSE, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921,, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 31, Clackamas 'County, Ore- Let's Go! . To 209 5th Street and Get a Set of Portland Overtires Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded See Larsen and Co. for . . Cabbage for Saurkraut $1.00 per Fresh vegetables are unusually plentiful at this time and have never been better in quality. We also have a complete stock of seasonable fruit grapes, apples, pears, quinces, etc. , Larsen Bl Co. Grocers Hay,! Grain,' Feed," Poultry and Supplies 10th and Main Phone 70 Oregon City will be completed and everything S. O. DILLMAN, Agent. Phone 427 0. F. DILLMAN, Tract Mgr. Phone 386 immiimiiminmiimminmmimmmHmi!!! U i i iliiiliiiiiill!iiiiiini.wiiiimniii gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at ' the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the HARDING GRANGE HALL, to vote an additional tax in said Road District lor road purposes as by Law provided. - V H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, , for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict NoT 32, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 3:00 P. M. at the OUTLOOK CHURCH, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. J18, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meeting- of - the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 33, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 25th day of November, 1922, In said road district at the hour of 7:30 P. M. in the MEINDL HOUSE, to vote an additional tax in, said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. ,EL E. CROSS, County Judge. (Continued on page 9) FLOURS AND FEEDS Retailed at Wholesale Prices - Mulino Flour Mills Mulino, Oregon.' HUGH MOYIIAGII 100 lbs. The New Kffl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iinniniiiiiHiniiiiHiiiiiinoiiiiniiiioii mill