Y THE BANNER-COURIER, OSEGON CETY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922. Page Seven News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY ; U WILLAMETTE J - Beulak Snidew J . J JP ! IP P )? ff J? J? If JP The Epworth League began its win ter social program last Thursday even ing by a Mother Goose party" held ,at Leisman's hall. The hall -was decor ated with autumn leaves and Mother Goose posters. After a number of games those who wore costumes form ed in line for the grand march, after which the characters acted out their parts . -Simple Simon, fishing in his mother's pail made quite a sensation as did also the several Jacks and Jills Miss Leatha Shadle, ass the, old woman, iwon the prize of a Mother Goose Book. After more games, cake and punch was served to the seventy guests. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buckles and son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, of Holly Gardens, Sunday. : Mrs. H. Leisman and Miss Mary Leisman spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Leisman's parents who live near Hillsboro. The Fraternal Brotherhood dance given at Leisman's hall last Tuesday evening was well attended and every one enjoyed themselves immensely. The floor was filled with curious and grotesque figures; clowns, sailors, wit ches, ghosts and innumerable other characters stepped to the lively strains of the music. About the mid dle of the evening the grand march was held after which the masks were taken off and great fun enjoyed at the disclosure of the partners. Miss Janess Sutton spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday -visiting friends at Gresham. Earl Mootry spent the week-end with his parents in Willamette. Miss Amelia Paulin was hostess at a Halloween party at her home last wegk. The house was prettily decor ated with crepe paper and pumpkins. The evening was spent in games and dancing, after which sandwiches, buns and weenies, doughnuts, cake, and coffee were served. Those present were: Laura Peter, Gladys Shepherd, Louise Hagen, Estelle Sudden, Mary Mantha, Louis Desher, Ludwig Hagen, William Smith, Elmer Hayen, Percy Osberne, Mr and Mrs. Joe- Rogers, Mrs. Jones, Mrs Joe Paulin and Miss Amelia Paulin. Mr. and Mrs. Snidow have rented the Achilles farm and moved there last Thursday. The grammar school foot-ball eleven defeated the Oswego team by a score of 58 to 0. A number of rooters from the school hiked down and back. The girls of the grade school have organized two basket-ball teams under the direction of Miss Mary Shannon. The line-up for the first team is as follows: Center, Alice Woods; Running cer ter, Esther Lindquist; Forwards, Jeanette Waldron and Hazel King; Guards, Nila Farlein and Clara Kan ney. The girls on the second team are: Center, Josephine Sutton; Run ning center, Naomi Miller; Forwards, Jessie Farleni and Mildred De Neui; Guards, Emily Horner and Ethel Em erson. Mrs. Albert Adamson was given a birthday , surprise party at her home Thursday afternoon by a number of her friends. A number of readings were given and Mrs. Adamson was presented with a jardinere and a large bouquet of carnations, gifts from the guests. At four o'clock a lunoheon of sandwiches, cake, pickles and coffee was served. Those present were: Mesdames Saunders, Hadley, Wal ter Bennett, Robert Young, John Rauch, Mike Peters, H. Leisman,, H. E. Wallis, George Batdorf, Viola Ben nett, Viola Fromong, Lee Porter, Cleim Dollar, R. A. Junken, and Mrs. Adam son. Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Sizer of Oma ha Neb., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arte Johnson. "Mr. Sizer sizer is a brother of Mrs. Johnson. 'Mrs. G. B. Wilson visited in Van couver Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. White of McMinnville have rented the Bevins place on Twelfth street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larson. Bernard Davis celebrated his 10th birthday Monday evening with a party for a number of his friends. After an evening of fun Mrs. W. W. Davis served refreshments. Those present were: Misses Frances Carpenter, Sonora Brown, Gladys Mootry, May Strong and Maxine Tuor and Master Clem Dollar, Robert Carter, Robert Wilson, Harold Mootry and Benard Devis. , Mr. and Mrs. William Kaise who are making their home near Vancouver for the winter spent the week-end in Wil lamette visiting relatives. , Members of the Junior Choir were given a hallowe'en party last Tuesday by Miss Florence Fromong at her home. The lights were dimmed and ghost stories told and Halloween games played after which refresh) ments were served Those present were: Missies Ethel Irish, Sonoira Brown, Eunice Morrell, Gladys Morty, Lucile Emerson, Helen Smith, Mary Laurs, Anna Matlaski, Annie Myers, Dorothy DeBok, Doris Andrus, Lulu Babcock, Jean McLean, Brwnie Mat laski, Alice Beardsley, Annie Laurs, Gladys Dollar, Emily Hoover and Na omi Barnes. Mr. F. Frederic! and Mr. Franzel left Wednesday morning on a duck- . hunting trip into the Tillamook coun try. A miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Lorraine Martin vho is to be come the wife of Lloyd Mathers was given at the home of Mrs. Ewald Leis man last Thursday, j. Many beautiful present wsere given to Miss Martin and after a .pleasant evening re freshments . were served in cafeteria style. - ... 8 5 iC lit tjg CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL Jt Mrs. Geo. Hartmaa JS J t? Jf If JP JT if P " J? tT J? T JP8 Tuesday the younger pupils of the Capitol High school indulged in Hal loween pranks, arrayed in orange and black costumes with their jack o lan terns. Bernice Parker took the part of the witch, while the children danc ed, recited arid sang songs. Frank, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Car- razza, while playing at school, fell and sprained his ankle so severely as to necessitate his remaining at home. The Owl Club celebrated Halloween with a dance. Mrs. A. T. Mims took the part of the witch and told fortunes over the witches brew, while ghosts and faces plastered with dough and wrapped in winding sheets marched around in a ghastly light. The hall was effectively decorated with orange and black streamers, black cats and jack o' lanterns. Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Priggie entertained with a card party, at their new home. Among those present were, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Finke, Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Kopp. Miss Freda Giebler attended a jolly party which was given as a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. E. Franke, recently. All sorts of games were participated in throughout the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, of Capitol Hill, are enjoying a new motor car, recently purchased The neighbors and friends of Mrs. Carl Duhrkoop - surprsed her with a stork shower last Thursday afternoon. The gathering was held in Knox Hall and about forty-five ladies atttnded. Mrs. Duhrkoop received many dainty. exquisite gifts A basket luncheon with coffee was served. Mrs. J. V. Patton was surprised with a visit from an old friend from Butte, Montana, Mrs. John A. MacMillen. Mrs. Harry Stillwell assisted in en tertaining Mrs. MacMillen during her stay in Portland of several days. Mrs. J. J. Kirker formerly of Collins View, is now residing in the1 Land house in Kilpatrick Tract. The Carson Heights Foreign Mis sionary Society are planning an enter tainment at the church in the near future. Mrs. Hugh Gruwell an elocu tionist of high merit, will put on her own program consisting of recitations and music. Tickets of 25 cents for grown ups and 10 cents for children will be sold, the proceeds to go to the church. Mrs. Taylor and her two children, with her sister, Mrs. W. Cavenaugh, and mother, Mrs. Craft, motored down from Kent, last week, and visited Mr. and Mrs. R. A Watson, their old time neighbor, and Mrs. Oarman, of Port land. They returned after a""weeks visiting in Portland. Mrs. -E. E. Larkin of Collins View, has rented her home, and moved to Portland, for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown are rid ing in their own motor carthese days, a Ford sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Bonds and family, of Capitol Hill, moved last week to Cal ifornia. Mrs.J. G. Murray, who has been on an extended trip visiting relatives; in Los Angeles, has returned, to her home." The property owners of these dis tricts are much interested in the re opening of the question of the Terwili ger Boulevard extension. J. C. Ains worth, chairman of the city planning commission, ' C. Foreston and C. L. Marshall, deputy court surveyor, were appointed by the county commission ers Monday as viewers, to report on the Terwilliger Boulevard extension. The commission proposed to extend the Boulevard from the present ter minus at the Slavin Road to the Clack amas County line, to Oswego. The Official Board of the Carson Heights Church met last. Friday even ing to arrange the budget for the com ing year. MOLALLA . J Mrs. A. D. Cov r- J ' J fitf jpjPjPjpPPPjPjPjPaPjPiP George Adams went to Portland to spend the week-end with his daughter, Mrs Shaver- also to attend to busi ness. " Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller returned from Hood River last Week, where they have been, helping save the large apple crop. - Beldon McGregor spent the week end in Portland, with his brother. For est McGregor. " Mr. Purdun returned from an ex tended trip of evangelical wohk, last week. Mr. Slyter was a Portland visitor a few days last week. He recently mov ed his sawmill and now has a fine belt of timber to work on. Mr. Slyter ex pects to begin sawing this week. Mrs. Eddie Dart went to Oregon City on business, Saturday. Mr. .Schuebel of Oregon City, and Mr. Martin of Portland, spoke in Mo lalla at the Lyric theatre on the com pulsory education bill. Quite a large crowd was out to hear them. . Mrs. Glen Morgan of Portland, spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wosley. Lester Evon went to Oregon City on busienss Thursday. " Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yoder returned from an extended trip through Olka- homa and 'Missouri. While they en joyed their trip east, they were glad to get back to Oregon. Oscar. Dubolse came up from Port land, Saturday, and got hi3 wife and daughter, who have been"stayihg with Mrs. Duboise's mother. Mrs. Clem Marsh. ' : Will Shaver went to Portland, Thursday, to see his wife, who is In a hospital there. Mrs. Will Shaver, who is In the hos pital at Portland, had her tonsils re moved and is getting along nicely. Miss Rachel Murphy, who has been visiting in Silverton for some time, returned home. While away she spent a few days at Netarta. ' . Mr. B. Shofield ot Billings! Montana, has leased the Biglowe place at pres ent. Mrs. Shqfleld is in Seattle visit ing with friends. There was a surprise party given at the home of Gus Johnson, a few miles north of Molalla, Saturday night" A large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs, Johnson intend going east in a few days and they have sold their place and will have their sale Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Yeager and sons Wilbur and Donald, were welcome visi tors in Molalla a few days last week. Mr. Yeager has sold his bakery at White Salmon and will move on their farm near Libertyf Washington. Mr. and Mrs; Olson and family of Portland spent a few days last week with Mrs. Olson's sister, Mrs. Halver- son. A. J Lais, who had the misfortune to lose his saw mill by fire last week, has purchased the Archie McCord saw mill, and also has purchased his ranch. He takes possession immediately Mrs. Nalguth who teaches the third and fourth grade in the Molalla school, sp,ent a few days last week in Port land, as her room Is closed because of sickness. ' Auto Signals for Turning Now Standard Over Nation; . : I Proper Methods are Shown in Pictures. STCP To signal your intention to . stop, extend arm straight out with back of hand to rear of car Do you use the proper signals when driv- ing your automobile? Automobile associa tions over the country are developing the theory that a large part of accidents on the roads come from the improper or musun derstood signals. Traffic regulations over the nation require signals in turning but ob servance of the law is not uniform enough to make the signals intelligible to all In the interests of standardization Col lier's Weekly, has gathered what are consid ered the five best signals and is urging their general adoption by all of the motorists. The signals are published here through the courtesy of the Pacific Highway Garage. BACK UP First look back to see if the way is clear. Then extend arm1 with palm of hand to the rear and motion backward NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO V.OTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX u 1 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 18, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on ,the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8: 00 "P. M., in the East- Mt. Scott School House to to vote an additional tax In said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. ' H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 19, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the FRANK OTT'S HALL to vote, an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET- ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Orepon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal, voters of Road Dis trict No. 20, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will, be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in the DAMASCUS COMMUNITY HOUSE, to vote an additional tax In said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict NO. 21, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, .1922, in said road district at the hour of 1.00 P. M. in the UNION SCHOOL HOUSE to vote an additional tax in said Road .District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO yOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 22, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, In said road district at the hour of 2r. 00 P. M. In the I. O. O. F. HALL AT BORING, to vote an additional tax In said Road District forToad purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. li8, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ings of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 23. Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 1:30 P. M. in the COTTRELL COMMUNITY CHURCH to vote an additional tax in said Road District for. road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to L( , 1 1 nnuMi im - ,' ' -".A- V -s Ufctti mm in- i!T.iillhil,..lrri.-l,ri.,. in ,n J , . - I RIGHT TURN To signal your in tention to turn to the right, flex the left arm upward at the elbow and point the first finger to the right LEFT TURN To signal your in tention to turn to the left, extend the arm and point finger to the left JTURN AROUND To signal your . intention to turn completely around,t circle arm and hand three times . . backward Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 24, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, In said road district at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in AIMES, NEAR BULL RUN, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to Chap. 118, General Laws ot Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict" No. 25, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on the 18th day of November, 1922, In said road district at the hour of 1:00 P. M. in the BULL RUN SCHOOL HOURE to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. H. JE. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TA' at the hour of 8:00 P. M. in the CITY HALL IN SANDY, to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road-purposes as by Law provided. H. E. CROSS, County Judge. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chap.. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict Nd. 11, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on ,the 18th day of November, 1922, in said ibad district at the hour of 2:00 P. M. in the HAZELIA SCHOOL HOUS to vote an additional t.s- Road District for road. Law provided. H. F- for 1921, that a Road District Meet ing of the legal voters of Road Dis trict No. 12, Clackamas County, Ore gon, will be held on ,the 18th day of November, 1922, in said road district at the hour of 8:00 P M. in the Lake Grove Community House to vote an additional tax in said Road District for road purposes as by Law provided. . ,EE. CROSS, County Judrv NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEET ING TO VOTE SPECIAL ROAD TAX Notice is hereby given, pursuant ta Chap. 118, General Laws of Oregon, for 1921, that a Road District - ing of the legal voters of trift No H r gon, NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT1 ING TO VOTE SPEC Notice U Cha NOTICE OF ROAt! ING TO VOTE SP Notice is here Chap. 118, Gene for 1921, that a ing of the legal trict No. 27, Clar, gon, will be held November, 192'r1 at the hour f FIRWOOri to vote an f Road Distric f Law providei H. IJ 7 3 r r J V r s i I l7 NOTICE rJr ING T"X No Ch-V Notice is hereby given, pursua Chap. 118, General Laws of C, for 1921, that a Road Distri" ing of the legal voters of trict No. 26, Clackamas Ci gon, will be held on the November, 1922, in saifL at the hour of 2:0( Sandy Lumber C to vote an- addi . Road District for : Law provided. H. E. CM NOTICE OF ING TO VC Notice is i Chap. 118, for 1921, tf ing of the trict No. I gon, will A November.j at the hil Council to vote aj Road DistrM Law providf j H. NOTICE OF- ING TO VC? Notice is Chap. 118, for 1921 thp ing of the S trict No. 7, gon, will be November, 191 at the 'hour ESTACAj to vote an a Road District toil Law provided. H. E. C4 inu iu yuit art . Notice Is hereby gi Chap. 118, General l for 1921, that a Road ing of the legal voters trict No. 6, Clackamas! gon, iwill be held on ,thH November, 1922, in said