The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, November 09, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Paga Three
News From Over
Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjl JJJ JJJJgf ,
Mary Liesman
jf jf if ? jf f if ? ? K" ? J
The Halloween social at Wilsonville
was a huge success. Among those
attending from this tommunuy wwc
Miss Myrtle Aden, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Turner, Nola Turner, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Burck, Mr. and .Mrs. John Brack,
Theodore Bruck, Victor Bruck, Mrs.
Bruck, Otis Bobbins, Johnnie Sharp,
Irvin Sharp, Mrs. Emma Sharp, Miss
Dora Oldenstadt, George Oldenstadt,
Miss Mildred Oldenstadt, Hugh Moul
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moulton, Mr.
Harry Gosser, and Weslie Wovlener.
Mr Smith Turner was a visitor at
the home of Mr. Richard Oldenstadt,
Tuesday. . -. '
: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moulton spent
the week-end in Portland, attending
the Stock Show, returning home Mon
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Schemer and
children, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner,
and Thomas Turner were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turn
er, Sunday evening. . .
Mr. Ervin Sharp held a shooting
match at Fred Baker's place. The
affair was a large success. Mr. Bor
land took some geese to the shooting
match and raffled them off with Mr.
Sharp's turkeys and geese, jonn 1 tur
ner is planning on' having a shooting
match Sunday, November 19.
Miss Anna Robbins and sister, Erma,
visited at the home of Hilda Reiners,
Sunday. -
Those attending the dance at Wil
lamette from this community were:
Mr. and Mr3. Smith Turner, Nola
Turner, Myrtle Aden, Norman Turner,
George Oldenstadt, Mr. John Turner,
and Harry Gosser
Miss Myrtle Oldenstadt spent Mon
day in Oregon City.
Mrs. Adeline Ball, who has been
visiting her friends, and relatives of
this neighborhood returned to her
home near Butteville, Oregon, Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Annie Robbins visited at the
home of Mrs. Minnerva Mayes, Sun
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner spent
Monday in Oregon City.
Miss Dora Oldenstadt started work
ing for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parker, of
Portland, last Saturday. She intends
to be in their employment about one
month. 1
Mrs. Frit? Schemer and children,
of Willamette were the dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner.
Ed Baker Is hauling gravel on the
Wood's Hill from Graham's Landing.
The Corral Creek school is serving
hot lunches at noon nearly every day.
Mrst May Snider and Mrs. Eva Tur
ner were home for the week end visit
ing their mother, Mrs. Ed. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones and fam
ily visited Mr. and' Mrs. Wiley at
Beaverton Sunday.
Mrs. Rob Graham is spending a few
days in Portland. -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Baker who have
rented a home near Multnomah, spent
the week end with Mr and Mrs. Alli
son Bakerl
Jt Jt Jt Jt f
jt John Lehman
Fte jf f jf ? jp " " " "
- Maude O'Leary and Erma Caseday
were shopping in Portland one day
Greetings are extended to Mr. and
Mrs Evan Lewis on the arrival of an
eight pound son,.,November first. Best
wishes to Richard John.
Erma Caseday spent a few days
with Maude O'Leary last week.
- Tint -much damage was done on
Halloween excepting a few gates mis
sing. .
Richard Ginilliam, Melvin Stewart,
ti -Diija ainrt Adrian Jones are
showing their fine Pigs at , the Stock
Rhnw in Portland.
Mrs. Harold Magness who has been
1 Pnrtland for a time. Is
l 0 1 LllAJ 1 AXX "
now home aeain. -
mvo -Rnh Tteat.tie Jr.-. made a busi
ness triD to Oregon City on Friday.
nr, -Nrnvember third John Lehman
was tendered a surprise by his friends.
Thirtv voune folks attended the party.
Ruth Fisher was transacting busi
ness hi Oregon City on Saturday,
M. A. Gaga Jt
f If If If If If If f tf If If
The people of Stafford have had the
opportunity of hearing two very inter
esting political talks in the past two
weeks. Judge Cross spoke Tuesday,
October 31, and his opponent,' Mr. Ed
mundson, spoke Friday, November 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wouldridge and
daughter June, called on the Chapman
family, Sunday, November 5.
The Misses Vera, Lela and Leta Tie-
deman of Monmouth, spent last week
at their home in Stafford. The normal
school at Monmouth was closed be
cause of the low water supply.
Messrs. Joe Rabick and Bill Olden
stadt attended a party,' Friday night,
jNovember 3, given at Jergen's Park
by the Misses Mae Silberger, Flor
ence and Margy Vieanne.
Edwin Wood worth and family visit
ed relatives in West Stayton, during
the week-end. '
Miss Lena Lehaman spent. Sunday at
the. home of Eva Chapman.
Walter Schatz made a business trip
to Oregon City, last Thursday..'.
Phyllis Tiedeman accompanied her
sisters to Monmouth, Sunday, return
ing the same evening.
There will be a basket social at the
Stafford school house, next Friday, No
vember 10. The proceeds are to go to
the Athletic Club. Everyone Is wel
come to come and are requested to
bring a basket. A -very Interesting
program is being arranged by the
N. S. Oldham moved a piano from
Riders to Multnomah, Sunday, Novem
ber 5.
The Misses Lydia Delker and Cyn
thia Nussbauin visited MrS". Earl Davis,
Wm. Schatz and family have moved
into the house recently vacated by N.
Oldham. .
Stanley Oldham and Harley Whit-
ten, accompanied by Adeline Oldham
and Millie Marshall of Portland, made
a business trip to Tualatin, Sunday.
By Corral Creek School.
Blanche Brown, Teacher.
Miss Claire Say, who has been at
tending school at Monmouth, is home
for a visit. She will return to
mouth about Monday.
Harry Fisher, of Calgary, Canada, is
going to spend the winter with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Minor.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones enter
tained about thirty young people at
a Hallowe'en party at their home Tues
it evenine. A lunch was served
after which the remainder of the even
ing was spent in playing games. Every
one reported a fine tune.
There Is a new bridge under con
struction at the bottom of Say's bill.
It will probably be finished in a short
Roy Baker who had the misfortune
to break his arm while cranking his
irnrd is eettine along nicely.
Mr ar,H Mrs. .Reed ' Graham and
dauehtera. Helen and Thelma, and Mr.
. and Mrs. Norman Say attended the
Grange program and dance in Wilson
ville Tuesdav night
The mother's Club gave a reception
at the school house Friday night for
the teacher, Blanche Brown. A dinner
was served, and a fortune-telling booth
and games - furnished entertainment
for the evening. About sixty people
Aubrev Wood, who was injured
few weeks ago while working at the
rock-crusher, has recovered sufficient-
- lv to resume his work.
Mrs. Blanche Brown spent the week
end with her parents in Hazelia.
Misses Margaret, Betty and Menga
Batalgia of Wilsonville. visited 'Mrs
Misses Nellie and Jessie Angus
- mtertained some ..Wilsonville ladies
W1LU vvv -
Friday evening. '
Misses Eleanor Say and Helen Gra
ham visited Miss Audrey Wood Sun
rlair fiveninEr. "N
were accompanied west by their daugh
ter, Miss Jennie Tagley, a recently
graduated nurse. They came out from
Portland, where they are making their
home, the latter part of the week, as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs; W. A. Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schatz have
returned to their home in Adams, Ida--ho,
after a four days' visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Shelton Bechtel. .
Mrs. Mabel Miller visited her sister,
Mrs. W. I. Blinestone, last Friday and
Saturday. She-was enroute to her
home in The Dalles, after visiting her
mother, Mrs. Lucy Allen, at Cortallia.
Rev. Ruel Snider conducted the serv
ices at the University Park church in
Portland, last Sunday evening. -
The Parent-Teachers council met at
Milwaukie, last Thursday. The speak
ers were Judge Jacob Kanzler and W.
S. TJren, both of Portland. Luncheon
was served at one o'clock. Their next
meeting will be at Woodstock. A dele
gation from Jennings Lodge was in at
tendance. .
A number from Jennings Lodge at
tended the Oak Grove dance, last Sat
urday evening.
. J Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jl Jt Jt Jt g
I .
Jt Albert Gasser
if if if r i? " " " s.p
Next Saturday evening, Nov. 11th,
the regular farm bureau meeting will
be held. A large attendance is ex
pected.' , -
Julius Schiewe transacted business
in Oregon City, last Friday.
Mrs. and Mrs. John Lelchtweis were
Oregon City visitors, last Friday. -
S. Elmer was an Oregon City visitor
last Saturday. ' , '
Mr. and Mrs. F. Oldenburg, his
brother Emil and Charles and Albert
Gasser, transacted business at Liberal
last Saturday.
Mr. Schulzman of the WoodstocK
nursery transacted business here last
week. He took orders for several thou
sand prune -trees to be planted in the
near future. Clarkes will certainly be
a prune and berry country before very
long. Our soil is most -favorable for
successful fruit growing.
The Oldenburg prune crop will be
sold under the" "Mistland brand label.
Oldenbure Brothers have a modern
prune dryer and are staunch membecs
of the Oregon Growers' Co-operative
association. - ,
Fred Lindau and Mr. Martin were in
Oregon City last week
G..Hoffstetter lost a valuable cow
last week. ' '
Carl Stromgreen motored to Oregon
Citv last Saturday. .
The election is over. Wonder If
taxes will stOD from now on? No can
didate offered to build good roads with
out money. '
Plows and wagons lost on hallowe'en
night, have been found again.
Last Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m., serv
ices were held for Miss Freda Berger,
at the home of her step-father, F. Mil
ler. Interment In the family lot at
The funeral services of the late A.
L. Richardson, formerly of Parkplace,
who was killed by a train at Kalama,
Wash., were held Wednesday after
noon from the Moose lodge rooms, of
which order the deceased was a mem
ber. The interment was in the Clack
amas cemetery.
Mrs. Marvel Malo Is 111 In the Ore
gon, City hospital, and is under the
care of Dr. Mount.
iS j4 ijt ij4 1 jfc jt tC 58 nS k&
Mrs. J. J. Hatton Jt
J - jt
rijf.Jt Jtjtjtjtjljtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jty
Paul Mumpower and H. tMiller have
each had a fireplace built in their
homes. "W E. Mumpower and son
Clark did the work.
Little Dorothy Nolan, who has been
having typhoid fever, is very much
improved in health.
S. O. Link, who is employed in Wash
ington county, spent the week-end here
and. stayed over for election with the
home folks. .
Mrs. Henry McFarlan, who has been
nursing In Portland, visited with the
home folks over the week-end. -
Miss Klrschner, primary teacher,
and pupils, gave a surprise party for
the upper grades on October 31, at the
school house. The school, under the
management of Mrs. Swartz, princi
pal, Is maintaining a high standard.
Mrs. James Cole and children of
Rainer, Oregon, are visiting with her
brother and family, C. L. Stewart Mrs.
Cole before her marriage spent several
years in this community.
The W. C. T. U. met Thursday at
the xhurch. Several new members
have been added recently and the so
ciety feel -that they will be able to
increase their efEorts in this commun
ity. . '
Dorothy Mumpower, grand daughter
of Mr", and Mrs. W. E, Mumpower, had
the -misfortune, while at school, to fall
and break her arm in two places.
George Hess and Luther Mumpower
of Cascade Locks are down for a few
days, visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. ET
Mumpower. Mrs. Mumpower and Mr.
Hess are brother and sister.
Bessie, Hattan, who is attending
state normal school, was home during
last week. She returned to Multno
mah, Sunday. -"..
Mrs. .Swartz', principal of the Carver
school, was quite ill Tuesday, and un
able to perform her duties at the
.jt Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jig
Jt Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck
W. W. Pollock has traded his home
on Addie street for the Seventh street
hotel property in Oregon City, owned
by J. H. Mattley. Mr. Pollock moved
to his new. home Tuesday, and the
Mattleys are moving to this place.
A farewell reception was tendered
Rev. and Mrs A. B. Snider, ,at the
church parlors, Monday evening. Mr.
Snider was the former pastor of Grace
church and. was obliged to resign his
charge on account of undergoing a
severe surgical operation.
W. A. Rush, who Is attending the
normal school at Monmouth, spent the
past week at his home here. He re
turned to resume his studies, Monday.
Mr. Rush will complete his special
course in six weeks.
Jerry Madden has been 111 and con
fined to his home the past week. :
Mrs. Carl Starker will entertain the
Luncheon Club at her home on Hull
avenue, Tuesday.
J. B. Ulbrand of the river road met
with an accident last week at the
plant of the Central Sash & Door Co.,
where he is employed, losing the end
of his finger in a mitre machine, which
he was operating.
W. A. Rush, Thomas Hopkins and
J. A. Atchley, were among those from
Oregon City attending the Democratic
rally, Saturday evening.
Dr. J. L. Scripture of Portland was
a guest at me iugn ixoueiLs uumo,
last Sunday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tagley, former
residents of the Lodge, have returned
from an extended visit at their former
home in .Bemidji, Minnesota. They
Dennis Kidby
w t td (jt tt
J ,: Mrs. . B. Gibson
Jt ' . . Jt
e$i? jfjfifjfjfjfififififjfjfjf jf
' W. J. Evans, who has been in Can
ada during the harvest season, return
ed home, last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and son
Leslie were guests of" Ray's sister,
Mrs. Joe TUckey, of George, the other
Tom Smith received a message that
his mother was quite ill and left for
Salem on Saturday, to see her.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Murphy return
ed last Thursday from Hood River,
where they have been working during
the apple-picking season.
Mrs. Ray Woodle gave a quHting bee
at her home, last Wednesday. The
following ladies were present: Mes
dames Viola Douglass, L. A. Woodle,
W. J. Evans, Linda HofEmeister, Rosa
Baker and R. B. Gibson. A delicious
luncheon was served.
Mrs. Tom Smith gave a party last
Saturday evening. There were about
sixty present and all report a good
time. The evening was spent in social
chat, dancing and playing cards. Just
before supper some slips of paper, hav
ing written on them a stunt for each
one present to do, were .passed around,
and . everyone requested to take one.
Same of the stunts were very funny
and -caused much merriment. A de
licious supper was. served.
Mr. andMrs. Walter Douglass and
Miss Florice, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass, motored to Port
land Monday, to attend the livestock
show. ' r
Mrs. Bestul and son Kermit, and
Mrs. Paddison, were Portland visitors
one day last week.
No print is too larg and nese is
too small to receive Satisfactory Ser
vice and Best Quality printery.
Modern Crankcase Clean
ing Service helps to keep
your engine in prime con
ftittnn. Safe -tboaoogn
I sunncc I
There's a -Fire every minute
of every day in this country
The next minute may bring fire
to your home. This always be
ing possible, it behooves you to
keep your important papers
safe. . Our Safe Deposit Boxes
cost very little and they offer
to you an absolutely safe place
for valuable papers.
Bank of Oregon City
OldestlBankJn Clackamas 'County
Orzanized Ftrtyne Yiars Ago.
? if ? f
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Johnson spent
the week-end In Portland, visiung
Misses Helen lhlpps and Frances
Andrews of Oregon City were ine
guests of the Misses Zennah and Julia
Lytsell, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B, Montgomery are
receiving congratulations over the ar
rival of a baby daughter.
The Rosemont Community-- Club,
realized a net profit of over fifty dol
lars from the basket social held at the
Sunset school, last Saturday night.
The West Linn approach to the new
bridge Is on Its way. The fill is being
made ready to pave in a week or two.
Miss Aletha Kidby returned to the
Oregon Normal, Sunday, after a' few
days visit at her home.. Owing to
the fact that the water supply for
Monmouth was closed, due to a break
in the supply main, the state normal
was closed until water could again be
secured. . , " . .
on your Winter Journey to
. Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Ji Jt Js
Jt Mrs. Clara Rosebraugli
Fir r f Jf p r " "
Mrs Frank Gallaghes and daughter
Genevieve of Silverton have been re
cent guests of Mrs. Bert Goodpasture.
Mr. and Mrs.- Carl Butts have mov
ed into the house owned by Mr. Roen.
The regular meeting of the Parent
Teachers association will be held In
the school building, Friday afternoon,
Nov. 10th.
Mrs. Widwell is improving from a re
cent illness.
Mrs. Bert Goodpasture was a Fort
land visitor, Friday. .
Observation Care with comfortable chairs, wide windows and
broad rear platforms ; Through Sleeping Cars with latest travel
luxuries; Unexcelled Dining Car cuisine, and picturesgue scenery
will add to the pleasure of your journey.
Via the Scenic Shasta Route
.'- v to . ' . ..
San Francisco and Los Angeles ;
For low round trip fares, sleeping iar reser
vations, train schedules, or aicture books, in
quire of agents, or cummunicate with
'Say h 1 with blowers'
t - " : 1 -
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
If you want to
buy or sell a farm
or home let our
little Want-Ad
help you..
There is no oth-
pr wav to reach
2,000 Clackamas County people at
so small an expense, v
See Larsen and Co.
Cabbage for Saurkraut
$1.00 per 100 lbs.
Expert Repair Work
Genuine Ford Parts
At Elevator
"Equipped to serve TOO BEST"
Oregon City, Oregon
Phone 390
November Records
On Sale Today
Every elaas of manic represented In the brightest .election ere recorded
- under the Brunswick label. .
New vocal records by Giuseppe Danlse, Theo Karle, Richard BoneUl,
Elizabeth Lennox, Margaret xoongr, Marion Harris.
A marvelous violin rendition by Fredric Fradkin, of that Immensely
popular waltz 'Three O'clock in the Morning," with full orchestra.
Latest dancing numbers by Isham Jones, Carl Fen ton, Beanie Krueger.
For Your .
i f
t .--iifl..- j
Clip This List
1 1!". was. -
Isham Jones'
Orchestra . .
Popular Dance Hits
Isham Jones'
Orchestra . .
Bennie Kmeger's
Orchestra :
Carl Fenton's
Orchestra .
Carl Fenton's
Orchestra . .
Fresh vegetables are unusually plentiful at this time
and have never been better in quality. We also have
a complete stock of seasonable fruit grapes, apples,
pears, quinces, etc. " J
Larsen & Co.
Hay.J Grain, Feed," Poultry .and Supplies .
Phone 70 Oregon City
10th and Main
Isham Jones'
Orchestra . .
The World Is Waiting for the
Sunrise Fox Trot
ID ra. nr. Va IW
Are You Playing Fair? Foil
Say It While Dancing Fox
Bine Fox Trot
Haunting Blues Fox Trot...
I'll Build a Stairway to Para- J
.ii l- nr x .1 .. l
ing "1 Found a Four-Leaf
Clover" From "George
White's Scandals"
Truly Fox Trot i......
Panorama Bay Waltz ......
Thru the Night Walts
Tricks Fox Trot
Daneing Fool Shimmy One
Songs Operatic
No, Size Pries
2313 u J
tSU 10 .7S
2315 10 .18
tSIB 10 .7o
till M .Iff
2S11 10 .78
Giuseppe Danise
- Baritone
Zaza, plccola xingara'
uttie uypsy) (jeon- i
cavallo) in Italian.. I
15 n on a zaxa Lear f
(Leoncavallo) In . I
Italian..;..... J
f Zaza
18028 10 L80
Artist Songs Concert and Ballad Selection
Theo Karle Tenor.
Dorothy Jardon
Klchard BonelU
. Baritone..
Elizabeth Lennox
Snowy Breasted Pearl (Rob
inson) Oft in the StUIy Might
Rachem (Mercy) (Brown-Mana-Zucca)
In Yiddish...
Yom Kippur (Cry of Atone
ment) (Silbersteln-Sllberta)
in Yiddish ;
Danny Deever (KipUng-Dam-rosch)..
Clang of the Forge (Vaughan
Rodney) Elijah (Oh Rest in the Lord)
Messiah (He Shall Feed His
. Flock) (Handel)....
Y 13054 10 1M
y tffOlS 13 LSO
Leopold Godowsky
- Pianist
Vessella's Italian Band
Concert Band. ......
Fredric Fradkin
Dan Carroll and Mario
Perry Violin and
Mario Perry .
Accordion .........
On Wings of Son? (Mendels-
Tarantella Venezia e Napoli
(Liszt).. -
Cavalleria Kastican Selec
tion (MascagDi)
Fanst Soldier' Chonu (Act
- IV, Scene 1 (Glounod)
Lovely Lucerne ("Leieh-Goclln)
Three O'CIoek In the Horn
- Ins (Terrlsa-Robledo).....
Irish Keels Medley No. 2...
Marion Harris
Comedienne. . .
Margaret Young
White Way Male
Ernest Hare and Male
Quartet Baritone . .
Charlef? Hart and
Elliott Shaw
Tenor and Baritone. ..-
Billy donee And Male
Quartet Tenor
... Irish Jigs Medley No. 2.... .
Popular Songs Selection
Dixie Highway
Brother'n-Law Dan...
'May Down Yonder In New
Orleans From 8pice of
True Blue Sam....
61SS 10 LOO
50016 U t.00
6169 10 140
S323 10 M
SSI 10
Come Along From "Zlegfeid
Follies of 122",
My Baddy.. ,
OiUHe Back, Pal O' Mine.
Miry Dear
SM M : .78
2319 10 ,75
S320 10 ,T5
2321 10
Jones Drug Co.