THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON GITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922. Page Nine ORDINANCE No. An ordinance for the Improvement of Third Street, from the Easterly line of Center Street to the Westerly line of Washington Street, Oregon City, Oregon, and declaring an emergency. Oregon City does ordain as follows: Section 1. The proposed improve ment of Third Street, from the Easter ly line of Center Street to the Wester ly line of Washington Street, Oregon City, Oregon, shall be made,, accord ing to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Recorder of said Oregon City and approved by Resolution adopted on the 4th day of . October, 1922, by the City Council of said Oregon City, which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to " and made a part of this ordinance. The improvement shall be construct ed as follows: The street shall be brought to sub grade which shall be prepared accord- , ing to the specifications referred to; on the subgrade shall be laid 'a four course, "macadam as shown in said specifications, six inches at curb, nine inches at center and 40 feet wide, with six foot concrete walks on each side andc concrete curbsa ccording to plans. When the street is completed it shall be at the established grade. Section 2. The improvement shall be classed "macadam" and shall ' be maintained by the City for the full period of ten years from the date of the acceptance by the City Council. Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby authorized to advertise for and receive proposals for said improve ment, but the City Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids therefor. The Mayor and City Record er shall enter into a contract, or con tracts, with each person, firm or cor poration to whom the contract, or con tracts, are let by the said City Coun cil for the improvement or parts thereof, as specified in this ordinance. Section 4. The contract shall con tain a stipulation to the effect that each person, firm or corporation to whom the said contract, or contracts, are let shall look for payment only to the sum assessed upon, the, property "liable to pay for the improvement and collected and paid into the treasury of the said City of Oregon City for such purpose, and shall not hold Oregon City by any legal process, or other wise, liable to pay the said sum out of any other fund. The said contract shall contain the further stipulation to the effect that the contractor shall guarantee the said pavement for a period of one year and shall repair any worn out -places or other defects, due to traffic, on account of disintegration or decay or in '.any manner attribu table to defective material or work manship that may appear by wearing ; out of the wearing surface during the j said period of one year from the ordin- j ary use o said street, or that may be caused by the traffic from the ordinary use of said street as a roadway. Section 5. Whereas, the condition of said street is dangerous to the I NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION TO INCREASE TAX MORE THAN SIX, PER CENT OVER THAT OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 62 of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, that an election' will be held in said Dis trict at Oregon City, Oregon, on the 24th day of November, 1922 at 7:30 o c ock P M, to vote on the question of increasing the amount of the tax levy in said District for the year 1923 by more than six per cent over the amount of such levy for the year immediately preceding. ' It is necessary to raise this additional amount by special levy for the fol lowing reasons: - : ... The School District has been going in debt for several years. With this increase the District will be able to keep on a cash basis. Dated this 28th day of October, 1922. , , Attest: - , " , A. C. HOW1AND, - O. A. PACE, District Clerk. Chairman Board of Directors. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET ' School District No. 62 This original estimate is made in compliance with Section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in parallel columns the unit costs of the several services; material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year, the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six (months of the current year. ("Six months of the current year" means six months of the' last school year.) ' " ' EXPENDITURES i ' : : ' ' - rr- . - . .Expenditures for the thifce fiscal - . - years next preceding the last ' - - r Personal Service: . 1. Superintendent . I 3,000. ? 1,500. 3,000. $ 3,000. f 2,400. 2. Principals 4 6,415. - 3,564. 6,415. 4,834.96 4,324.94 3. Teachers 42 46,975, . " 26,098. .45,081. 39,976.34 33,545.19 4. Janitors 5 . ' 4,320. 2,160. 4,150. ' 3,750. 3,187.50 91 Clerk -V-.. 640V - 270. 540. , 535. 462.67 '6. Stenographer ; and commercial teach- . er ; 800.' 450. .852. 807.90 354.75 7." Other services . . 7.50 Legal : - . . 1Q7- Total Personal Serv- vices .... . a...... $62,150. 34,042. $60,038. $52,904.20 $44,389i55 Material and. Supplies: 1 . . ' ' - .- - 1. Furniture (desks. ., , etc.) , ; $ 553. $ - 171.70 $ 501.75 $ 145.14 $ 173.75 2. Supplies (general) 1;800. 487.08 1,888.61 1,770.17 1,064.91' 3. Daboratory , 175. 108.23 340.16 191.71 '- 134.94 4. Domestic Science 250. 131.11 301.68 275.70 -88.13 5. Manual Training --. 250. 85.24 - 375.94 670.25 . 491Q 6. Printing & Adver- ' ' -V tising , '.. 425. 105.75 461.80 582.51 375.67 7. Fuel ... :. ,...1 2,000.001 156.50 1,875.251 2,091.46 1,625. 8. Light, Power & Gas 750. 439.09 742.41 750. 548.74 9. Water 250. 85.75 220.50 85.75 355.25 10. Telephones ' 210. 111.77 216.93 178.40 . 127.94 supplies $ 6,663. $ 1,882.22 $ 6,925.03 $ 6,741.09 4,987.43 Maintenance and Re pairs: " : - ' ' Buildings & grounds 4,500. $ - 954.64 $ 2,747.67 1,491.85 $ 2,058.11 Total Maintenance and Repairs . $ 4,500. $ 954.64 $ 2,747.67 $ 1,491.85 2,058.11 Assessments (High ways, Roads, Streets, - - -3e"'" Bridges): ...... 95.20 $ - :$ 178.45 187.87 Total Assessments - 95.20 :..r.. $ ? 178.45 $ 187.87 Indebtedness: . . . .. !-.-" i 1. Bonded, and inter- " ; " est thereon $11,735. $ 7,022.50 $11,225. $12,040. $ 9,250. . 2. All other indebted- ' ' neas thereon 200. 1,208.25 34,849.33 37,259,48 31,925.23 Total Indebtedness .... $1135, $ 8,230.75 $46,074.33 $49,299.48 $41,175-23 Insurance: . $ 175. " $ 483.50 $ 483.50 $ f 60. ? ' 684.50 Total Insurance $ 175. $ 483.50 $ 483.50 $ 50. $ 684.50 Miscellaneous: ! : r , $ 2,055. 1,164.63 $ 2,059.08 605.34 $ 427.57 Auditing Booka . 25.' 25. , - 25. Office Rent '. . ' - 60.. " 60. TotalMiscellaneous .. $ 2,080. $ 1,224.63 $ 2,05lT08 $ 630.34 $ 512.57 GRAND TOTAL ... $"87,598.20 $46,817.74 $118,327.61$11195.41 $93,995.26 tures for the year 1922-1923 was prepared by me and thaj the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures fa? the three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above' hfc been compiled. from the records in my charge and are true and correct edfifes thereof. , i . . . A; C. HOWLAND, health and safety of the public and its immediate improvement is necessary for the immediate preservation of the health and safety of the public, in the opinion of the Council of Oregon City, an emergency exists; therefore, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its approval by the Mayor. Read first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on Nov. 1st, 1922, at 7.30 o'clock P. M., and ordered published to come up for second read ing and passage at a speeial meeting Of the City Council to be held on the 10th day of November, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. C. W. KELLY, (11-2-lt) - , , Recorder. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Engineer of Oregon City has filed witli the undersigned a written certificate to the effect that the following street work has been completed: Alley in Block 4 of Oregon City, from the Westerly line of Main street to the Easterly line of Water street; Harrison street of Oregon City, from the South side of Seventh street to the South side of Division street; Division street of Oregon City, from the Westerly side of Molalla avenue to the East side of Harrison street. . And the City Council has set Friday, the 10th day of November, 1922, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., at the Council Chamber in Oregon City, as the time and place for considering the accept ance of said work by the Council. All persona affected by the said improve ment are hereby notified to file any objection to such acceptance in writ ing with the undersigned on or before said time. C.W.KELLY, (ll-2-3t) Recorder." KEEP THE KIDNEY'S WELL Health is Worth Saving and Some Ore gon City People Know How to Save It. Many Oregon City people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Weak kidneys are respon sible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health the slightest delay is dangerous. Use Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that has helped thousands of kidney' sufferers. Here is an Oregon City citizen's recommendation. Mrs. H. Moynagh, 1201 John Adams St., says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills when my kidneys were out of order and when I had severe backaches that made it hard for me to do my house work. My kidneys were irregular in action too when I read of Doan's and began using them. Doan's soon rid me of the backache and put my kid neys m good working order." Price 60c; at all dealers. Don't sim- ply ask for a kidney remedy get Dona's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Moynagh had. Foster-Milburn Co.,Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. , - . A. II. KRAUS, . Plaintiff, vs. HANS P, ANDERSON and JANE " Doe ANDERSON, his wife, - Defendants. STATE OF OREGON, " ' " . -S3. County qf Clackamas. By virtue of a judgment oraer, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above, entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 14th . day of Oct., 1922, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 9th day of October, 1922, in favor of A. H. Kraus, plaintiff, and against Hans P. Anderson, and Jane FLOURS AND FEEDS Retailed atv "Wholesale Prices - Mulino Flour, Mills Mulino, Oregon. This week is NATIONAL 3 Apples are a healthy food and are reasonable in - price. We have them from cooking apples at $1.00 to Extra Fancy eating apples at $2.00 a box. The Hub GROCER Y On the Hill ' Subscribe for the Banner-Courier. few Doe Anderson, his wife, defendants, for the sum of $500.00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 28th day of De cember, 1917, and the further sum of $50.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur ther sum of $20.00, costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: The northwest quarter (NW) of the northwest quarter (NW) of Sec tion Eight (8), Township Five (5) South, Range Three (3) East of the Willamette meridian, containing forty (40) acres, more or less. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, andin compliance with the commands WEEKLY PROGRAM , Sun. Mon. Nov. 5 6 Thurs-Fr,. ; Nov' William Fox presents Sir Conant Doyle's ' , "MONTE CRISTO" By Alexander Dumas "SHERLOCK HOLMES" - ' , ."ANY. OLD PORT" Pathe News Weekly Comedy . . nc Pathe News Pnces 10 and 25c Adm j.. Cnildren to 12 1Qc Tues. Wed. Nov. 6 7 Saturday Nov. 4 Marshall Neilan's ' f'MARRIED PEOPLE'!' . "FOOLS FIRST" A First National Picture A Comedy Drama Chapt. 6 "THE TIMBER.bG N "HELLO JUDGE" , Ch iTHETIMBER QUEEN" Two-Part Comedy Wednesday Night- amateurs Country Store Prices 10 and 25c Prices 10 and 25c THE Fri. Sat. Nov. -3 4 "THE WOLF LAW" Chapt. 7 "IN THE DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL' t REGARDING RECALL X COUNTY JUDGE OF 112 Business men, clerks, etc.of Oregon City and vicinity, signed vote of confidence in H. E. Cross, at request of his relative and. '? former law partner. - - ? 250 Business men, clerks, etc., and would not sign vote of 2600 Voters of Clackamas County icutui peuuons. DO PEOPLE OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY HAVE CONFI DENCE IN H. E. CROSS' ADMINISTRATION AS COUNTY JUDGE? Recall County Judge 20 X Yes. ? 5 T X Vote for County Judge X 13 X Fred D. Shank. A ' " X (Paid advertisement by Recall Unfair and Unnecessary Tax The Taxpayers' League of Portland are advising the voters here to vote against the Fair measure for the rea son that taxes should not be used for purposes of this nature. We advise the taxpayers of your community to do the same, you can not escape your proportion of this tax no matter what the proponants of the Eair may say to the contrary. There fore vote 305 NO, so as not to in crease your now overburdensome tax. TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE, - "L. J. Goldsmith, Secy. 306 Piatt Bldg. PAID ADVERTISEMENT of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 18th day of November, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the, front door of the County Court House, In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bid der, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. : W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. , -By E. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October 19th, 1922. (10-19-5t) OF THE BEST PICTURES STAR Sunday Nov. 5 "THE ISLE OF DOUBT". A Pathe Special Production Also a Good Comedy Prices 10 and 20c : OF H. E. CROSS AS I CLACKAMAS COUNTY ot Oregon City and vicinity did not confidence in H. E. Cross. out of 3,000 asked, signed the " Committee. G. R, Hobbs, Sec'y.) :-: CLASSIFIED ADS :-: RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent issues one eent a word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified elsewhere. For Sale Live Stock FOR SALE Two fresh cows. David Jones, Oregon City, R. 3, Box 97. Phone Beaver Creek FOR SALE Team, mare and horste, 3,000 lbs., cheap. Brood sow, Hampr shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mac . Farlane, one mile south of Carver. (9-7-3t-pd.) FOR SALE-Or trade, one gray team, weight about 3,000. One Hampshire sow for sale, reasonable. H. J. Mac- " Farlane, one mile south of Carver. (10-19-4tpd) - FOR SALE Barred Rock Cockerels, from fine stockto make room for layers, $4.00 each, f. o. b. Sherwood, Oregon. Address Mrs. B., care Banner-Courier. 10-26-3t FOR RENT FOR RENT Six-room house. Enquire 1542 16th Street, . (10-19 3tpd) For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE By owner, hemstitching, dressmaking and notion store. Es tablished 3 years. Located on i busiest transfer corner in Portland, j Low rent. Owner retiring. Address j The Ladies' Shop, 168-E. Broadway, I Portland. ' l0-31-2tpd FOR SALE Vaughan Drag Saw, com j plete outfit, in first-class condition. I See Walter Nelson, Oregon City, R. I' F. D. No. 6, Box 43. 10-26-2tpd TAKEN UP Came on my premises, light colored Jersey- cow. Am car ing for same until owner claims her. R. N. Moody, Sherwood, Ore., R. No. 5, one mile east of Tualatin. 10-31-4tpd.. Cost Little, Results Big Ban Courier Classified Advs. ALWAYS THE NEW THINGS FIRST. Ladies', and Children's Ready-To-Wear 209 7th Street - Oregon City SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE ATTOR N E YS-AT-LA W 6 Per Cent State School Money To Loan on Farms. General Practice Bank of Oregon City Building Oregon City, Oregon -HUTCHINSON MATERNITY -HOME Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop. Reasonable Rates Sixth and J. Q. Adams Sts. Phone 498R . Oregon City, Oregon Holman & Pace FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Seventh and Water Sts.: Tel. 86 Wm. Stone ATX0ANEY-AT.-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON CHARLES T. SIEVERS LAWYER Caufield Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON DR. E. A. GIBBS. Nervous and Chronic Diseases - a Specialty. Room Beaver Block Oregon City. PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney at Law - Oregon City, Oregoa" ' Beaver Building Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 Vote 314 X YES and Have .Free V OPEN to All GOOD enough for All ATTENDED by All AH for the Public School and the Public School for All One Flag! One School! One Language! Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To r buy second Joand goods. WUl pay cash for used fur niture, tools, or any thing of com mercial value. Larga stock of goods for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St WANTED To buy, one six-weeks-old pig, Poland-China. Fred Johnson, R. F. D. 1, Box 50-C, Oregon City. (10-19-3tpd) WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F.' Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. SIX PER CENT LOANS may be se cured for any purpose on farm lands, irrigated lands, to buy or build homes, City or Farm, under our first mortgage certificates. Bankers Re serve Deposit Company, Gas and Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over ten acres et 6 per cent Long time loans on easy payments. Federal loans a specialty. Alfred Graham, Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf Superior Quality Shade Trees; Shrub bery and Fruits, Grown on Yakima Indian Reservation TOPPENISH NURSERY COMPANY Toppenish, Washington Salesman, DR.-A. G. GRAY Milwaukie, Oregon R. 1, Box 153 XXXXXX'-XXX"XXX'' ? Phone 711 J & Mrs. Emma James & Magnetic Therapeutics and t Maternity Nursing; X Room 16 Oregon Hogg Bldg. City X xxxkxx-X"XX"Xxx:4 MONEY TO LOAN Paul C. Fischer Beaver Bldg. Oregon City W. G. H. Krueger CONTRACTOR House Moving, Raising and Repairing Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile Construction Estimates Given Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St LOANS Money loaned for you or to you at current rates. Farm loans only. ' GRANT B. DIMICK Oregon City, Oregon C. D. & D. C. Latourette AND EARL LATOURETTE " Atorneys-at-Law Estates settled Money loaned Prao-, tice In all Courts of the U. S. First National Bank Building OREGON CITY, ORE. Phone Pacific 405 GEO. HOE YE Chiropractor ; Phone 636W Caufield Bldg, Oregon City, Ore. TOE GARDNER OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. Dr. L. G. Ice DENTIST v Oregon City O. D.Eby ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Over Bank of Oregon C$y OREGON CITY, OREGON P. S. MALCOLM, 33, Inspector-General in Oregon, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. (Paid Advertisement)