The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, October 26, 1922, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    Page Nine
News From Over v
C J 8 (it jC
Alice Freytag .
J '
jp a? jf sr r f if af ? ? jt jp
Mrs. T. E. Gault entertained the Eu
terpean Club at her home, Thursday
afternoon. Luncheon was served at
one o'clock. The hostess was assist
ed by Mrs. V. C. Gault, of West Linn,
and Mrs. S. K. Dukas, of Portland.
The opera, "Cavaleria Rusticana," was
studied. The outline of the opera was
given in an interesting way by Mrs.
Eugene Noon Good, who also sang
"Siciliana" and "The Drinking Song."
Mrs. J. W. Leonhardt rendered "Ave
.Maria." The study of the Italian,
Flemish, Dutch and Spanish artists
was taken up with Mrs. V. C. Gault as
leader. ' During the current event
hour several of the legislative meas
ures to be voted upon at the coming
election, were discussed. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. W. E. Hempstead. Mrs. Mary
Whitcomb and Mrs. S. K. Ducas were
guests of the club. Members attend
ing were: Mrs. V. C. Gault, Mrs. W.
E. Hempstead, Mrs. C. N. Parker, Mrs.
F. P. Nelson, Mrs. R. M. McGetchie,
Mrs. F. L. Oswald, Mrs. J. W. Leon
hardt, Mrs. Wm. Hammond, Mrs. E. N.
Good, Mrs. L. A. Read and Mrs. M. E.
Turner. . ' '
The Baptist Women's Union met at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Peters, Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rauch. enter
tained in honor of their younger daugh
ter, Miss Vivian, Friday evening. The
occasion was her birthday anniversary.
The affair was a surprise. The eve
ning was devoted to games and danc
ing. Mrs. Rauch was assisted in serv
ing refreshments by Mrs. Frank Peck
over. Attending were: Mabelle Whit
comb, Dorothy Fox, Gladys Chambers,
Glenna Mirafida, . Matilda Hayward,
Lola Vedder, Mary Louise Merrick,
Mary Meeds, Nellie Harvison, Mildred
Legler, Dorothy Kyler, Vivian and Vea-.
trice Rauch, Ernest Freytag, Franklin
Niles, Frank Garlic, Roy Wilkinson,
Fred .Meeds, Parker Wilson, Vernon
Chantler, Alfred Rowan, Delbert Hay
ward. ,
Miss Ollio D. Amen and Maynard R.
Brendle were married at the Baptist
parsonage, Sunday, at ten o'clock, Rev.
wfllis Pettibone officiating. They will
be at home to their many friends in
Portland, after Novemb 1st.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hulbert had as her
guest, last week, her twin brother,
William Blair, of Renatch, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs'. C. D. Legler had as
their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. S. V. Frances and Frances Ger
ber. Thf nrneram e-ivfm at rhfi Christian
church, under the auspices of the Girls'
Club, was well attended. The well
arranged program was heartily receiv
ed. The affair was a Bible school ben
efit. " Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Pace of Oregon
City, and their guest, Mrs. Ernest Jeri
cho, of Moline, 111., Miss Alice Frey
tag and Ernest Freytag; spent Satur
day and Sunday at Seaside.
B. L. Beard, William Beard, Lam
bert Beard and Fred Hayward, re
turned Thursday evening, from Can
nonville, where they enjoyed hunting.
Mrs. M. E. Turner is spending two
weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Todd, of Forest Grove.
The Girls' Club met at the home of
Verna Miranda, Monday evening.
"Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steiner and fam
ily have taken up their residence in
Gladstone for the winter.
SjidJt 8 ti& tj8 8 erf
sfa ens
K- I T --J
Jf Gladys Emrich j
Mrs. John Haines, Sr., has moved to
Canby to live with her son Clarence,
who has an interest in the White gar
age at that place. Mrs. Haines is a
pioneer of Oswego and head of one of
the oldest and largest families of
this place.
Mrs. Etta Davidson and Mr. and Mrs.
L. Kenneth Davidson and children, mo
tored to Newberg, Sunday, and were
guests of Mr- and Mrs. George James
lor the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teny were
Salem visitors, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock were
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ec
cles, at Canby, Sunday.
Mrs. Arch. Lewis is visiting her
uncle in Dallas, this week.'
Mrs. Evelyn Whitehead was the
house guest of Mrs. W. G. Weightman,
last week.
Mrs. Bailey has returned home from
a visit in Seattle.
The H. E. Club met at the home of
Mrs. John Davis, last Tuesday. . Prizes
were won by Mrs. Greffey and Mrs.
The Oswego Women's Club met at
the home of Mrs. G. H0w4r,d Pettinger,
last Wednesday. A business meeting
vas held and refreshments served.
The next meeting of the club will be
held at the home of Mrs. John Bick
ner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bickner were
hosts, last Wednesday evening, at a
dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tenny, who recently returned
from Chicago. Places at the table
were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord,
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton, Mr. and
Mrs. Reub Confer, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
October Soap Sale
Bob White, 25 bars $1.00, Case ..
Royal White, 22 bars $1.00, Case
Crystal White, 21 bars, $100, Case ...
H. D. ADEN, Proprietor
Emrich, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teny
and the host and hostess. Gards and
music were enjoyed later- in the eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson entertain
ed the Friday evening card club, last
week. Those belonging to the club
are: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Centers,
Mr. and Mrs.'s. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
David Neinon, Jr., Mr. and, Mrs. George
Bullock, Mr. and .Mrs. Pete Emmott
and the host and hostess.
Alfred Lyck, who was seriously hurt
in the elevator shaft at the cement
plant, is in a critical condition in a
hospital at Portland
Ivan Haines has returned home from
California. , ;
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Savage will
chaperone the 'Campfire Girls, who
will attend the large Hallowe'en party
to be given at the Multnomah hotel by
the Campfire Girls of Portland. ,-
Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, Jr., en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. -R. D. Fulton
at dinner, Thursday evening.
ti 8 8 8 cj& j8 i8 (8 8 58 $,$8
2 Mrs. K. B. Gibson
Jt , .
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Mrs. Ethel Lansdowne, the school
supervisor, was out visiting the school,
last Thursday. ' t.
Mrs. R. B. Gibson was calling on
Mrs. Ray Woodle, Friday.
Kermit Bestul returned home last
week from Yakima, where he had gone
to pick apples.
- Mr. and Mrs. Rov Douglass and chil
dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Benson, Sunday afternoon.
Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Woodle and son Leslie were com
pletely surprised by a crowd of neigh
bors coming and spending the evening
with them, in honor of Mrs. Woodle's
birthday. All spent a pleasant eve
ning and along about midnight a de
licious luncheon, consisting of coffee,
sandwiches, potato salad, pickles, pie
and cake, was served. Soon after all
departed for their homes.
E. Saylor butcheied three, hogs the
first of the week, shipping then; to
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duns and Mr. and
Mrs. N. Kirchem and children, were
guests at the home of Walter Doug
lass, Sunday.
The road between the school house
corner and Will Douglass' has been
Mrs. Viola Douglass was the guest
of Mr. aval Mrs. Roy Douglass, Sun
Tt t it Jt 8 5 &J
A &
Dr. John Fuller '
jt &
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County I. O.. O. F. Convention
On Saturday, October 21st, was held
in- Canby, the fourth semi-annual dis
trict convention of the several I. O.
O. F. lodges of Clackamas county.
The morning and afternoon sessions
were devoted to tne transaction or
business connected with the organiza
tion, and exemplification of the first
degree work by competing lodges.
Estacada Lodge, No. 175, was pre
sented with a beautiful silver cup, hav
ing rendered the most perfect degree
work. The cup was presented at the
evening session by A. H. Knight of
the county lodge.
The evening session was held in the
high school gymnasium and was an
open session. After . enjoying special
music by the Garrett orchestra, the
audieilce listened to a good and appro
priate address by L. C. McShane of
Hubbard, formerly of Canton, Ohio.
Avon Jess and Miss Loraine Lee Bang
solos to the delight of all who heard and a quartette A. B. Chind
gren, H. H. Chindgren, R. Abraham
and R. Hibbard, of Molalla, were as
good as -ever heard in Canby. These,
young men have a meadow "lark so
prano, a cascade tenor, a grand canyon
bass and a highland alto. With proper
training and ambition, they will some
day put Molalla on the map.
A reading by Miss Maud Beaty was a
diversion on the program, exposing the
folly of phone gossip, and was a splen
did lesson for the over-anxious talker.
A most amusing reading injected
into the program, .and "a surprise to
the large gathering, was by H. H.
Chindgren of Molalla, entitled "A Deer
Hunt," with a Swedish brogue. It
brought down the house.
At the close of the exercises the pub
lic was Invited to the I. O.' O. F. hall,
where more than three hundred visit
ors and citizens of Canby were treat
ed to refreshments.
' Irwin Wheeler sold his farm, con
sisting of twelve acres, last week, to
J. R. Nelson of Denver, Colorado. The
place is located one mile south of
Canby. Consideration, $2,000. Mr
Nelson and family have already taken
possession and Mr. Wheeler has mov
ed into Mrs. Ogle's house, one block
east of the highway in Canby.
Mrs. Anna Cantwell received word,
last Tuesday, from the secretary of
pensions at Washington, D. C, that
she had been granted a pension of
thirty dollars per month, with back
pay to the time of her husband s death.
S. G. Sanford of Roseburg, .Oregon
is in Canby this week representing
the federal bank land loan system. A
Wilsonville, Oregon
score or more applications have gone
in for federal loans and Mr. Sanford
is here as an appraiser.
Charles Keesley,- eight year old son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. Keesley, broke his
arm, Tuesday afternoon, October 23rd.
Dr. Dedman reduced the fracture..
8 6 . 8 8 8 8 t (58 8 (58 8 56
J Blanche R. SHelley J
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Musical Social Event
Mrs. J. M. C. Miller was hostess at
a deiightrui anair naay evening,
when some of the musicians of Sandy
gathered at her pleasant home. Every
one sang and the following pleased
with vocal solos: Madames Mulhol-
land, Thomas and Esson, Mrs. F. D.
Eason and Lyman Warnock. Those
enjoying Mrs. Miller's hospitality
were: Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Eason, Mrs.
Duke, Mrs. Esson, Mrs. Mulholland,
Mrs. Laundree, Mrs. Scales, Mr. War
nock, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Thomas.
Hot rolls, doughnuts and coffee were
Big Program November 4th -
Under the" auspices of the Sandy
Parent-Teachers' association, there
will be an excellent program given at
the I. O. O. F. hall, the evening of
November 4th, the proceeds to go
towards paying for the piano recently
purchased for the grade schools. While
the program is not fully completed,
several fine numbers are assured.
among them being selections by the
male quartette, the Sandy quartette,
solos by Mrs. Richard Mulholland,
Lyman Warnock and F. D. Eason, a
reading by Miss Margaret. Miller and
several numbers from the pupils of the
grade school, among them selections
from the . opera -""Wang."- Several
"Mother Goose" characters appear in
this. There will also be a grab bag
and games. Sandwiches and coffee
will be served. ' '
Mrs. Alma Maroney is in charge of
the grab bag, Mrs. Henry Peiret is
chairman of the refreshment commit
tee and the program committee is
composed of Madams J. M. C. Miller,
Esson and "-Scales. '
Carl Kubitza, Carl Sharnke and Hen
ry J unker ail came down from Hood
Kiver, Saturday night. Sunday morn
ing, Geo. Sharnne and Mr. Nelson
came down. They all returned to Hood
Kiver Sunday evening.
Miss Jean Proctor is back in the
bank, alter a week's absence on ac
count of tie illness of her mother.
R. A. Chown cut his left hand bad
ly chopping wood,' Monday evening.
Dr. Thompson was called and dressed
the wound, '
The Misses Gertrude and Frances
Meinig xarne home from 0. A. C. to
pend the week-end.
Mr. Milleron came out from Port
land and spent Saturday and Sunday
with his tamily.
W. A. Proctor and family were Port
land visitors, Tuesday.
The J. Scales family, accompanied
by Mrs. Esson and Ronald, Jr., motor
ed to Corbett, Sunday. -
A. C. Baumback; accompanied by
Percy T. Shelley, Herman Bruns and
H. E. Esson, attended the I. O. O. F
eeremonies at Oregon City, Sunday
,Mrs. Emma Hozelwander Newman
and children are visiting the home
foikst for a couple of weeks.
Ms. Hornicker went to Portland,
Tuesday, to do a little ibuildipg on his
property there. If the weather is
ravoiabie Mrs. Hornicker will go in
'Madames Scales, Gray, Harris and
E. Beers motored to Portland, Monday,
returning Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Wm. Fisher, who has been con
valescing at the Scales home, has re
covered sufficiently to. go to her omn
home near Sandy.
William Lamper
This community was saddened when
the news came that William Lamper
had passed away at the Good -Samritan
hospital at five o'clock, Sunday morn
ing. About five weeks ago he was
taken to the hospital suffering from
appendicitis. He was operated on, but
from the first very little hope was en
tertained for his recovery. He was
twenty-one years old and was born and
raised on the farm near Firwood.
. Few young men of today have the
reputation for honesty and steadiness
of character that he did. Since the
death of his father several years ago,
he did his best to fill that father's
place in the lamily. He leaves a
mother, Mrs. Anna Lamper, five broth
ers and two sisters.
The funeral was held at the M". E.
church, at two o'clock Tuesday after
noon, Rev. .Kratt of Portland conduct
ing the services. The many beautiful
floral tributes bore silent testimony to
the esteem in which he was held. The
body was laid to rest in the Sandy
, Herman Fisher
. Herman Fisher died at his home
south of Sandy, last Wednesday. Mr.
Fisher was eighty-one years old. He
was born in Germany in 1841 and came
to this country in 1846, where he set
tled on a homstead near Sandy, resid
ing there ever since. He is survived
by the following, children: Mrs. J. H.
Weaver, G. Boese, Ernest and Theo-.
dore Fisher; also by fifteen grand chil
dren and eight great grand children.
The funeral services were held at
the Sandy Methodist church, Satur
day, the Rev. Geo. C. Beiremaa offi
ciating. The Sandy quartette sang.
Interment in Cliffside cemetery.
TgC fS tC it 0
' Mildred McKillican J
Wedding bells rang out in Bolton
again this week, when Miss Marie
Michels became tile bride of Ralph
Hahn of Portland. The impressive
ceremony was performed at St. John's
Catholic church, Tuesday morning at
nine o'clock. The wedding breakfast
was served at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Michels.
Miss Michels, who is a very charming
young woman, was connected with the
C. G. Miller Co. of Oregon City, until
her recent resignation. The bride
groom is a resident of Portland, where
J he is in business. After a brief honey
Imoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hahn will reside
tin Portland. ,
' Mr. and Mrs. James McKillican and
daughter Opal, spent a day last week
at the home of David McKillican, at
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wright had as
their guests, Sunday, Miss Agnes En-
gelbrecht of Oregon City, and Luther
McAnulty of Corvallis. ,
John Lowry left for Portland the
first of the week, where he will be
engaged for a few days completing
some carpenter work. '
Mr. and Mrs. James McKillican
were guests of honor at a dinner party
last Thursday evening, at the home of
Mr. ancTMrs. N. McKillican. Autumn
leaves and dahlias of harmonizing
colors were used as decorations, while
in the center of the table was the
large -white wedding cake. Dinner
guests included: Mr. nd Mrs. N. Mc
Killican. Meade. Mildred and Bertha
McKillican, Opal Hogan, Ruby Hogan,
Frank -Hogan, Glenn Irish, John
Founda, Dan Larios and the guests of
honor. Later in the evening th$ fol
lowing guests were also entertained at
cards: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McLarty,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shoenhunz, Mr.
and Mrs. John Lowry, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Reinke, Ella Reinke and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Doty. The couple have a
host of friends in this community and
many functions are being planned in
their honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Donovan and
small son were guests ot relatives in
Willamette, Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fromong and Miss
Florence Fromong of Willamette, were
guests at the Hainmerle home, Sun
day evening.
& Mrs. Dan Fellows J
JP P I? J? ff 1? 1? P I? I? K J? 1? P P
Mrs. Manda Creason has returned to
the home of her mother, Mrr. . Mary
Fellows, after an absence of several
Miss Vera Holmes is visiting in Ore
gon City, - " -
Several from our neighborhood at
tended the dance at Rambo's, last Sat
urday night.
Gene Kirk called on the Fellbws
family, last Sunday, -
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mattoon visited at
the. home of Mrs. Mattoon's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wirtz, last Sun
day. , . ; .
C. F. Grossmiller has nearly finished
drying prunes for this season. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Grossmiller, Mrs. Saub and son
and Joe Carlson were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Garinger, last
Snndap. - ,
W. F. Harris was out in our neigh
borhood one day last week, circulatin?
a petition for the recall of County
Judge Cross.
Bert Cole was a Portland visitor last
week. Mr. WTrtz also spent last week
in Portland. . -
Jim Rutherford made a trip to Mos-
ier, Oregon, recently, where he visit
ed his wife and son, who are working
in an apple orchard there r
Subscribe; for the Banner-Courier
and Portland Telegram both one
year for $3.75 if subscribed for dur
ing this month.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator of the es
tate of C. C Babcock, deceased, has
filed his final account in the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, and that Monday, the 20th
day of November, 1922, at the hour of
10 o'clock, in the forenoon of said day,
in the County Court Room of said
Court has been appointed by said Court
as the time and place for the hearing
of objectidna thereto and the settle
ment thereof.
Dated and first published, October
19th, 1922. '
Last publication November 16th,
1922. .
Administrator of the estate of C. C.
Babcock, deceased.
Charles T. Sievers,
Attorney for Administrator. 10-19-5t
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Bert Lynn Van Cleve, deceased, has
filed her final account In tne County
Court of Clackamas County, Oregon,
and said Court has set Monday, the
20th day of November, 1922, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clolk a. m. of said
day, in the County Court Room, In
the County Court House, in Oregon
City, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing any and all objections to
said final report, and the discharge 01
said administratrix.
Dated this 18th day of October, 1922.
Administratrix of the Estate of Bert
Lynn Van Cleve, deceased.
G. B. Dunick &
W. L. Mulvey,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
. vs.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You, Emol L. Blackburn, are hereby
required to appear and answer . the
complaint filed against you herein, on
or before Friday, December 8th, 1922,
that being six weeks from the first
publication of the summons herein,
and if .you fail to appear and answer,
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in the complaint,
to which reference is hereby made,
and which is made a part hereof, 'to
wit: for a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract heretofore and now ex
isting between the parties hereto; for
a decree awarding to plaintiff the care,
custody and control of the minor child
of the parties hereto, Doris M. Black
burn. This summons will be eerved upon
you by publication thereof for not less
than eix successive weeks in the "Banner-Courier,"
a- newspaper of general
circulation, published in . the City of
Oregon City, County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, the place where said
suit is now pending, all by order of
the Hon. J. U. Campbell, presiding
judge of the above entitled Court,
which said order Is dated the 24th
day of October, 1922.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is Thursday, October
26th, 1922. x'
The date of thelast publication "of
this summons is Thursday, December
7th, 1922.- '
, Attorney for Plaintiff,
601 Panama, Bldg.,
(10-26-7t) Portland, Ore.
In the -Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. .
Plaintiff, '
Doe ANDERSON, his wife,
County of Clackamas. J
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and'' under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 14th day. of Oct., 1922, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 9th day of October, 1922,
in favor of A. H. Kraus, plaintiff, and
against Hans P. Anderson, and Jane
Doe Anderson, his wife, defendants,
for the sum of J500.00; with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum from the 28th day of De
cember, 1917, and the further sum of
$50.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur
ther sum of $20.00, costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding ine to make sale of.
the following described .real property,
situate in the County at XJlackamas,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
The northwest quarter (NW14) of
the northwest quarter (NW) of Sec
tion Eight (8). Township Five (5)
South, Range Three (3) East of the
Willamette meridian, containing forty
(40) acres, more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on .Saturday, the
18th day" of November, 1922, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M-, at the front
door of -the County Court House, in
the City of Oregon City, in said County
and State, sell at public auctfon, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid-
Lder, for U. S. gold coin cash in hand,
all the right, iitle and interest which
the within named defendants' or 'either
of them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
' By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October
19th, 1922. (10-19-5t)
Washington, D. C.
September 15, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that subject
to the conditions and limitations of
the Acts of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat, 218
and. June 4, 1920 (41 Stat, 758), and
the instructions of the Secretary of
the Interior of September 15, 1917
(46 L. D., 447), and June 22, 1920 (47
L. D., 411), the timber on the following
lands Will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m.,
After October 12th, I will not be re
sponsible for any bills contracted by
Warren Vittum.
f (10-12-4tpd) ABBIE M. VITTUM,
made by
Molalla, Oregon
Retailed at
Wholesale Prices
Mulino Flour Mills
Mulino, Oregon.
j. .. .. . .. .-. ..
From the best meats
we can buy we offer X
you the choicest cuts. at f
prices no more than you
have paid elsewhere for
less quality.
Oregon City
Cash Market
Ruconich & Roppel
' Props.
Phone Pacific 75 218' Main St
on November 8, 1922, at public auction,
at the United States land office at
Portland, Oregon, to the highest bid
der, at not less than the appraised
value, as Bhown by this notice, sale
to be subject to the approval of the
Secretary of the Interior. The pur
chase price, with an additional sum of
one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being
commissions allowed, must be deposit
ed ;at time of sale, money to be re
turned If sale is not approved, other
wise patent will Issue for the. timber
which must be removed within ten
years." Bids :will be received from
citizens of the United States, asso
ciations of such citizens and corpora
tions organized under the laws of the
United States or any state, territory,
or district thereof only. Upon, appli
cation of a qualified purchaser, the
timber on any legal subdivision will
be offered separately before being in
cluded in any offer of a larger unit
. T. 4' N., R. 3 W., Sec. 17, SW&
NW, yellow fir 1200M., red fir 700
M., bastard fir 300 red cedar 130
M., hemlock 160 M., NW& SW, yel
low fir 700 M., bastard fir 275 M., red
cedar 680 M., hemlock 75M., SW&
SW14, yellow fir 985 M., red fir 430M.,
bastard fir 450 M., red cedar 220M.,
white fir 90 M., hemlock 200 M., none of
the red, yellow and bastard fir timber
to be sold for less than $3.00 per M.,
none of the red cedar timber to be sold
for less than $2.00 per M., and none of
the white fir and hemlock, timber to be
sold for less than $1.00 per M., Sec. 19,
NE& NE14, red fir 1200 M., SE14
NE&, red fir 1650 M., SW NE red
fir 2100 M., red cedar 110 M., hemlock
RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent Issues one eent a
word. Ads received too late for this
For Sale live Stock
FOR SALE Team, mare and hors,
3,000 lbs., cheap. Brood sow, Hampr
shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mac
Farlane, one mile south of Carver.
FOR SALE Two fresh cows. David
Jones, Oregon City, R. 3, Box 97.
Phone Beaver Creek '
FOR SALE Or trade, one gray team,
weight about 3,000. One Hampshire
sow for sale, reasonable. H. J. Mao
Farlane, one mile south of Carver.
FOR SALE Barred Rock Cockerels,
rrom fine stock, to make room for
layers, $4.00 each, f. o. b. Sherwood,
Oregon. Address Mrs. B., care
Banner-Courier. . l"0-26-3t
FOR RENT Six-room house. Enquire
1545 16th Street. - (10-19 3tpd)
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE! Mountain Denver Onions,
called the sweet onion, ready for
sale. Alfred Lillie, Oregon City, Rt.
2, Box 169-A. (10-12-3t)
FOR SALE Bargain. Model M, Sam
son Tractor, $350. Arthur Brockart,
Hubbard, Ore., near Needy.
- 10-25-ltpd
FOR SALE Vaughan Drag Saw, com
plete outfit, m first-class condition.
See Walter Nelson, Oregon City, R.
Ladies' and Children' Ready-To-Wear
209 7th Street - - - Oregon City
6 Per Cent State School Money To
Loan on Farms.
General Practice
Bank of Oregon City Building
Oregon City, Oregon
Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop.
Reasonable Rates
Sixth and J. Q. Adams Sts.
Phone 498R Oregon City, Oregon
Seventh and Water Sts.
Tel. 86
Wm. Stone
Beaver Building
Caufield Bldg."
Nervous and Chronic Diseases
a Specialty.
Room 2 Beaver- Block
Oregon City.
Attorney at Law
Oregon City, Oregom
Beaver Building
Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2
f . .
fSay it with blowers'
75 M. NW14 SE, red fir 1150 M.,
SE14 SE14, red fir 1500 M, red cedar
50M., hemlock 50 M., SW SE&, red
fir 525 M., red cedar 25 M., none of
the red fir timber to be sold for less
than $2.50 per M., none of the red ce
dar timber to be sold for less than
$1.50 per M, and none of the hemlock
timber to be sold for less than $1.00
per M. T. 4 S., R. 2 E. Sec. 5, NW,
SWM, red fir 665 M., none of the red
fir timber to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. T. 2 S., R. 5 W., Sec. 29, NE
NE, red fir 1400 M., none of the red
fir timber to be sold for less than $1.50
per M. - . .
WM. 8 PRY,
Commissioner, General Land Office.
(9-28-5t) ' .
Superior Quality Shade Trees, Shrub
, bery and Fruits, Grown on
Yakima Indian Reservation
- Toppenish, Washington
Salesman, DR. A. G. GRAY
Milwaukie, Oregon R. 1, Box 153
$ Phone 711 J
Mrs. Emma James X
Magnetic Therapeutics and j
Maternity Nursing A
Room 16 Oregon :
Hogg Bldg. City Y
column will be classified elsewhere.
F. D. No. 6, Box 43.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Ten copies of the August
Sd,: Banner-Courier. We will pay
20c eaah.
WANTED To - buy second hand
goods. Wttl pay cash for used fur
niture, tools, or any thing of com
mercial value. Large stock of goods
for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St
WANTED To buy,- one six-weeks-old
pig, Poland-China. Fred Johnson,
R. F. D. 1, Box 50-C, Oregon City.
(10-19-3tpd) .
WANTEDr-To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis', Minn
cured for any purpose on farm lands,
irrigated lands, to buy or build
homes, City or Farm, under our first
mortgaga certificates. Bankers Re
serve Deposit Company, Gas and
Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. -
MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal
loans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
WANTED Salesmen for Oregon City,
to develop own future repeat busi
ness. House to house and big con
sumer trade. Write or call.Metal
glas Products Co., 304 Pine St., Port
land, Oregon.
Paul C. Fischer
Beaver Bldg. Oregon City
W. G. H. Krueger
House Moving, Raising and Repairing
Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile
Estimates Given
Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St
Money loaned for you or to you
at current rates. Farm loans only.
- Oregoa City, Oregon
C D. & D. C. Latourette
EsUtes settled Money loaned Prac
tice in all Courts of the U. 8.
first National Bank Building
Phone Pacific 405
Phone 636W
Caufield Bldg,
Oregon City, Ore.
719 Maiii Street Oregon City, Ore.
Dr. L. G. Ice
Oregon City
Over Bank of Oregon Cifcy