THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922. Page Sevej Community lEife . News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY Jt jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jtg JENNINGS LODGE Jt Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck Jt JtJtjtjtjtjtJUtJtjtJujtJtjtjt Rev. Herbert Gould Crocker has al cepted the call extended by Grace Com munity church and will commence his duties at once. Rev. Crocker came to the west from Brooklyn, N. Y., where he served as assistant pastor to Rev. Dwight Hillis of the Brooklyn Taber nacle: For several years after com ing west he served as pastor of the .. First Congregational church of Ore gon City, resigning "eighteen months ago to give his personal attention, to his fruit farm near Newberg. Mr. Crocker succeeds Rev. A. B. Snider, who was obliged to give up his pastor ate on account of a severe surgical operation, which he recently underwent. Fred J. Tooze, Jr., of Oregon City, was the soloist last Sunday at the morning services m Grace congrega tional church, when he sang ''The Holy City." He was accompanied by his sister. Miss Helen Tooze. So pleased was the audience that Mr Tooze has been requested to favor the church with a return visit. Mrs. Will Lawrence and Mrs. Edwin A. Pearson are attending the state convention of the parent-Teachers'' Association, at Eugene, as delegates from the Jennings Lodge organiza tion. Mrs. Lawrence is an alternate in place of Mrs. Norman Chapman, president, who was unable to attend. Henry Babler ha3 gone to Los An geles, in charge of .a shipment of Guernsey cattle made ,by Mrs. A: I. Hughes. On his return he will stop at San Francisco, where he will visit his daughters, Mrs. Ed. Schwartz and. Miss Leorah Babler. He will be ab sent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Maple have rented the MacFall cottage, next to the school house grounds. Mrs. Mac Fall will spend the winter in Spokane. Mrs. W. T. Weaver and Mrs. Lloyd j of Portland, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W H. Tillman, last Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones had as their guests, last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones, their three daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Spokane. The entertainment given by the Christian Endeavor Society, Saturday epening, under the direction of Carl Starker, was highly successful. They were favored by a good-sized audi ence. The entertainment netted $30 for the treasury of the society. Elvador Wanker and Miss Gertrude Kennedy were married at the White Temple in Portland, last Thursday Evening, at 8 o'clock. They were at tended by J. Doty of Bolton and Miss Wanda Wanker, sister of the groom. They left Friday morning for Pacific City, where they will enjoy a short honeymoon. Upon their return they will start housekeeping at the groom's farm home in the Hazelia district. Mrs. Frank Coovert of Gladstone visited with friends in Jennings Lodge, Monday. Rev. Ruel Snider, who has been ill at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider, is convalescing. The Community Club met at the school house, last Wednesday evening. Cards were enjoyed and refreshments served. Mrs. Sarah Johnston of Port Oxford, Oregon, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Woodcock, of Hull Ave nue. Mrs. Cora Ingalls, who has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Mosher, left Saturday for Hillsboro, where she will spent the winter with her son. Mrs. Charles Starker of Portland spent the week-end with her son, Carl Starker, and family. Ms. Norman Chapman, president of the Parent-Teachers' Association of Rothe, has been on the sick list for the past several days. The first meeting of the Luncheon Club was' held at the home of Mrs. H. E. Hendry, last Thursday. Covers were laid for twelve. Janet Booth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. S. Booth, of Hull Avenue, was surprised by a number of her friends, last Thursday evening, the oc casion being her twelfth birthday an niversary. Refreshments were served and games enjoyed. been the guest of Mrs. W. H. Holmes. The Parent-Teachers Association will give a reception , to the teachers of the Parkplace schools, Saturday night, October 28, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holmes, to which the friends and patrons of the school are cordially invited? Mrs. Jennie Butts has returned to Parkplace, after several weeks spent at the Claire Maple home in Jennings Lodge. Mr. Woodward shot two' Chinese pheasants Saturday afternoon, in the woods on Clackamas Heights. HAZELIA Mrs. D. E. Christiansen The Hazelia school has organized an edftorial staff and will send news items to Oregon City to be published weekly. Helen Spousta visited Norma Whit ten last week. - Tom Everhart of Indiana visited the F. W. Lehman family, recently. . - Henry Zivney visited Everett and Leonard Whitten last Sunday after noon. .. F. W. Lehman and son Donald went to Tualatin, Sunday afternoon. T.' Childs has been helping J. J. Burkhardt dig. potatoes. C. E. Johnson and grandson, Lynn Kelland, went to Portland to see the latter's mother, Sunday. Some people in this neighbor are digging potatoes this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehman visited Mr. and Mrs. Mickles of Portland, Sunday. Last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Whitten attended a dance in Portland. J. J. Burkhardt and. family went to Tualatin, Sunday afternoon, to visit relatives. - E. H. Cherney and family of Port land were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spousta, Sunday after noon. Andrew Mandis took Lena and Man- da Garcia to Portland, Sunday after noon. - R. J. Zivney ana W. H. Zivney are on a hunting trip in southern Oregon. They expect -to return in about a week. Anna, Bozena and Helen -Spousta visited Mrs. G. Gill, Sunday afternoon. The road workers are grading the roads - of this neighborhood and ex pect to finish them this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Burkhardt made a business trip to Oregon City, last Monday. Mrs. F. W. Lehman has been selling farm products on the Public Market during the, past week. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Chienny of Ore gon City visited Frank Whitten and family, last Sunday. Mr. Kueper and daughter Ruth, of Portland, spent an enjoyable Saturday afternoon at the home of J. J. Burkf hardt. Pupils of the Hazelia. school have been receiving letters and photographs from the pupils of the Kiowa grammar school in Colorado. J. J. Burkhardt has been selling farm products near Bryant and Lake Grove. Miss Ethel Thompson of Oswego visited at the J. P. Cook home, Sun day. Mrs. James Zivney was a Portland visitor, Tuesday. these meetings is to interest the peo ple in the coming elections and to ex plain the various measures to be voted on. Mr. and Mrs. . R. A. Junken and the Misses Blanche, Rum and Elsie Jun ken spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott, at Oregon City. The basket social, given at the church, Saturday evening, by the mem bers of Mrs. Ream's class, was a great success. In addition to the baskets, candy and cakes were sold. The money will be used to make a payment on the piano. A farewell party was given to Miss Orilla Oliver last Saturday night. Card playing and story telling helped to pass the evening. Miss Oliver will leave for the Emanuel hospital, Nov, 1st, where she will enter training as a nurse. B. P. McArthur left Monday morning for California, where he will spend the winter. On his way he will stop at Berkeley and visit his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Stafford will move-into the Runion home on Maple avenue. v jt jt jt jt jt Jt Jt Jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt g FROGPOND ' jt Mary Liesman Jt Jt ' Jt Mrs. Emma Sharp and Mrs. , Anna Robbing spent Saurday in Oregon City. Dick Oldenstadt. George Olden stadt .Earl Oldenstadt, Amos 'Mayes, Norman Turner, Howard Turner, Roy Thompson, Victor Thompson, Otis Rob- bins and Mr. Piatt visited at Ed. Sharp's, Sunday. ' Those attending the dance at Leis man!s hall, Willamette, last Saturday night, were: Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner, Myrtle Aden, Norman Turner, Harold Sharp, George Oldenstadt, Byrle Turner, Hugh Moulton, Nola Turner and Ralph Moulton. Earl Mensinger and Mrs. Warner, of Portland, were tne guests of Mrs. Beda Sharp, Sunday afternoon. . The Literary Society meeting, held last Friday, was a huge success. A short program was enjoyed. The offi cers elected for the coming year, are: President, Otis Robbins; vice-president, Smith Turner; secretary-treasurer, Nola Turner. The program com mittee appointed consist of Irvin Sharp, Dora Oldenstadt and Anna Rob- bins. The next meeting'is to be held on the third Friday in November. Mrs. George Aden's mother, Mr3. Wealty, of Portland, is spending a f ews days with her. Conrad Priester of Oregon City spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Lyle Tiedeman. Miss Myrtle Oldenstadt spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oldenstadt. Mrs. John Aden spent Saturday in Oregon City. . . Harry Gosser spent Monday in Ore gon City. - . Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner had as their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Turner. Otis Robbins and Harold Sharp were Oregon City visitors, Wednesday. Saturday, October 28, is to be a big day at Frogpond. There will be a ba zaar in the afternoon at Grange hall, and from '6: 00 to 9:00 o'clock a chick en supper will be served at the hall. After supper there will be a dance. Everyone be sure and attend. Mr. and Mrs. .Smith 'Turner and daughter Nola; also Miss Dora Olden stadt and George Oldenstadt, spent Sunday evening in Oregon City. Ferdinand Shawper of Oswego put a new roof on the Sharp home, last week. Jt Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt Jtyg Jt jt CLARKES Jt Albert Gasser ) J jt K r if if if r jc jr jc c jr" Recent Oregon City visitors from Clarkes, were: Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Ted Sager, Ten. Bottemiller, Otto Gasser, Albert-Schiewe, Albert Gasser, Clara Hofstetter,' Mr. Lindau and Julius Schiewe. Mrs. S. Elmer is visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Josi, at Mount Pleasant. Next Saturday, at the regular time and place, the milk testing will be held. You do .not have to bring the cow only a sample of the milk. Leichtweis Bros, transacted busi ness in Oregon City, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Leichtweis, Sun day. Mrs. Martin and children visited the Gassers, last Sunday. tt ifjt 8 ajt j . jt Jt UPPER HIGHLAND Jt Jt . ' By Mrs. C. C. Kandle . Jt K" 8? a?" a V11 Mr. and Mrs. John Hanhart and sons James and Ralph were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Owens, Sunday. Raymond Schmidt, accompanied by the Misses Mae and Florence Hoffman, of Portland, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffman, Sunday. T. Cornwell was in Oregon City on business, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Klumpp and Miss Annie Schmidt of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Joe Schmidt, Sunday. Mrs. Hinkson is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Meeker. Dr. Mount is the attending physician. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kandle, accom panied by Miss Esther Moser, were week-end guests of the Moser family at Stafford. Mrs. C. C. Kandle visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Rakel, at Canemah, .Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fonander and Mrs. Ray Taylor were Oregon City visitors, Saturday. The tecent party at tji'e Rambo home was well attended' and all pres ent report a fine time. George Stewart was a caller at the Nicholas home, Sunday. Elmer Graves has purchased a new Ford car. Mildred Simms spent home week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson. Belle and Bonnie McVay, and Eugene Miller, were Oregon City callers, Saturday. L. Skidmore was a Portland visitor. Monday. Ed. Hoffman is keeping books for the co-operative grocery store at Beaver Creek. . P. E. Wetmore had the misfortune to hurt his foot, Wernesday. The Highland Literary Society will meet Friday evening, and if you want a gooa time come. Adolph Waneck, one of the twins, is suffering with a smashed finger, the result of playing with a separator. J J Jt Jt Jt Jt jt jt jt Jt Jt Jt Jl Jt Jtm Jt - 3 PARKPLACE Jt Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh Jl . J & f K H IT IP IT IP IP IT IP IT IP IT JP5 Miss Nannie Gray of Portland was a Sunday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Rudolph Gray. Mrs. J. L. Glazik of Portland is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bert Good pasture. Mrs. Sam Jones entertained Port land friends, Sunday. Mrs. Joe Kerrick of Oregon City spent Saturday with Parkplace friends. Mrs. W. N. Wallace of Corvallis has JUjtJtJtjtJtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt WILLAMETTE J Beulah Snidow Jt jt jt lP P K IP IP IP IP P IP JP IP IP IP If P The attendance at the silver tea, recently held at the home of Mrs. H. Leisman was very large. The after noon was spent in sewing and in a social time. At the political meeting, held in the Willamette gymnasium Saturday eve ning, C. Schuebel and Jas. E. Hedges debated the question, "Resolved that the Compulsory Education Bill be en acted as a state law." The purpose of The County Court (Continued from Page 5) $7375; J. W. Miles, $23.10; D. T. Mel- drum, $34.40; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $219. 05; Lawrence Hull, $37.98; G. D. Ham mond, $4.99; Gordon Wilson, $13.48; Chas. Simmons, $38.40; 'M. T. Ryan, $38.40; Clifford R'lea, $121.97; E. W. Paddock, $84.89; Cecil Wells, $112.49; Geo. Pennell, $156.72; Joe Lilly, $112. 27; 'T. W. Bell, $5.98; H. Howell, $112. 78; John Berg, $64.28; J. Wicklina, $55.31; C. Swanson, $1596; H. Eling sen, $75.03; A. E. Johnson, $11.96; John Kresturin, $64.28; John Starfin- ger, $64.28; E. L. Palfrey, $15.96; C. E. Buell, $5.29; G. V. Adams, $9.96; D. H. Ramsby, $9.96; O. L Dickerson, $4.04; Geo. Baty, $1.24; Wm. Braatz, $31.43; Hartley Johnson, $5.98; Gus Lesh, $7. 47; Wm. Lewis, $8.97; C. C. Cash, $79. 62; H. B. Maddon, $39.96; W. J. Hen- rici, $68.10; Union Oil Co. of Califor nia, $26.25; The Beebe-Ullfers Co., $13.- 67; W. A. Lawson, $3.50; Karl Kor mann, $7; Edward Rose Kilgallon, $50; John Heft, $6.99; A. Heft, $3.49; John Oaks, $3.49; Geo. Pennell, $13.06. Election-nCounty. .Clerk, $22.50. Sheriff Western Union Telegraph Co., $6.63; C. C. Miller Co., $ .85; Sheriff of Multnomah Co., $18; D. M. Marshall, $12; Oregon City Enterprise, $7.80; W. J. Wilson, $24; C. H. Elston, $3.20. Clerk Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $2.- 50; F. A Miller, $18.50; The Banner- Courier, $91. Recorder J. G. Noe, $12. Treasurer Huntley - Draper Drug Co.', $3.25; W. S. Warren, $9.50; Mary Confer, $37.40; W. W. Everhart, $10; Oregon City Enterprise, $14.65. Assessor A. B. Cole, $10; Oregon City Enterprise, $5; H. N. Everhart, $5. . County Court Wm. Gardner, $5; Pa- hcific Highway Garage. $2.71: Park- Shepherd Motor Co. Inc., $2.46; W. A. Proctor, $35; W. F.. Harris, $65. Court House Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., $86.60; C. W. Friedrich & Son, $3.90; Portland Railway Light & Power Co., $9.31; Board' of Water Commissioners, $19.68; Woodward Bros., $85. Circuit Court E. W. Fowler, $1; C. A. Sturat. $2.20: F. E. Twe JSfin- Claude D. Rittenhouse. 32 4fl- J ronrt- ney, $2.20; R. B. Runyon, $12.50; Lela O Tim,!, C. T 'J , f f I.' n . Florence McKinnis. $7: Mrs. Clara MurDhv. $2.40: Chas. Uvesav Chas. Mann, $2.40; John Murp'hy, $2.-' u; a. a. sunnett, $3; Mrs. F. W. King. $4: Mrs. C. .T. Smith 3U? 9.ft- Mrs. Gus Olsen. $3.20: Mr. Olson S3.'. 20; Mrs. Charles Straight, $2.40; Jerry fiemmingway, wesiey Foumal, $2.20; George Gray. $4.80: Ben. Wil cox, $4.80; Phil. Hammond, $2.20; Vera Caufield, $2.20; Mrs. Waldkirch, $6.40; George Waldkirch, $6.40: Gus Wald kirch, $6.40; Ralph Myers, $6.40; F. Madden, $5.60; D. M. Marshall, $6; A. E. Bryson, $5; Mrs. Bryson, $5; Ar. Schoenborn. S3. 60: Walter Talnr sk- W. B. May, $2.20; H. J. Feathers, $3.80; Frances Bowland, $2.20: R. C. Par- rent. $9.80: C-. F. Murrav. ss- Mrs C. F. Murray $5; Margaret Falk, $4; C. T. Sievers, $20; R. C. Parrent, $10; E. G. White, $10; John Augustine, $35.20; Grover C. Pomeroy, $9; Augusta B. Haberlach, $4; Frank Albee. $6.20: John G. JEdwardson. $4.80: William Lewis, $4.40; Earl Gerber, $20; Lula M. Fletcher, $24; A. W. Cooke, $20; 'Maggie G. Friel, $32; Chas. W. Harris. $32; Dora B. Herring, $23; Arda L. Amrine, $20;. jQhn C. Bradley, $18.20; uean iuuer, Justice of the Peace E. W. Fowler $8; Oregon City Enterprise, $12.40; Ed. Fortune, $51; Geo. T. Parrv. S3- E. J. Noble $106.60: Ralnh j. Mrtv $1.20; L. W. Ray, $1.20; D. D Bain. $1.20; C. P. Fair, $1.20; G. A. Schue bel, $1.20: F. H. Cross. Sl.20- Wm j Wilson, $1.70; Henry Heerdt, $2.30;' Gust Yeske, $2.30; R. J. Brown, $2.30; Davis E. Jones. $2.30:W. H. Powell. $1.20: G. E. Hollowell. si.?.n- v. Jones. $1.20: O. E. Frevtasr. i.fin- W A. Osborne, $1.20; F. B. Madison, $1. 20; John A. Wilson, $4.50;. Ray Doo little, $1.70; O. Yates, Jr., $4.50; J. N. Hanna, $4.50; A. J. Fohl, $4.50; H. H Hughes, $1.70; E. A. Reichard, $4.50; W. W. Harris. $3.10: G. H. Robbins. $2.50; Lyle Smith, i3.10; Crosbv Smith. $3.10; W. R. Castile, $3.10; F. B. Schoenborn, $1.20 Geo. E. Swafford,, $1.20; F. A. Burden. $1.20: W. A. Lons $1.20; R. Bittner, $1.20: Wm. M. Smith, $1.20. Surveyor D. T. Meldrum. $22 sn- j W. Miles, $37.44; G. D. Hammond, $14.- s ; unas. Simmons, $11.52; C. A, Rilea $7.68. Insane Dr. Guy Mount, $5; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $5; Dr. A. Huycke, $5. Superintendent of Schools Hogg Brothers, $3;. Mrs. Ethel Lansdown, $61.84; Bertha Vedder, $7.50; Brenton Vedder, $86.37. Prohibition L. Stipp, $287.99. Stock Indemnity N. Paulson, $25; W. H. Goold, $9.98. Indigent Soldiers Meade Post No. 2, $65.. Jail Hoog Brothers, $32.50; F. C. Burk, $120; W. J. Wilson, $123.59. Juveinle Court Minda E. Church, $10.01; Minda E. Church, $64.34. Sealer J. F. Jones, $37.25. Printing and Advertising Banner- Courier, $50.60; Oregon Citf Enter prise, $53.45." Tax Department Huntley-iDraper Drug Co., $62.40. Tax Rebate John Bluhm, $6.90. Emergency Mrs. Bertha Wells, $37. 50. - Forest Patrol CrL. Hanson, $203.80. Health Dr. O. A. Welsh, $103.80. Dog Fund Sheep Indemnity Harry Morehouse, $25; Hazen H. Coop, $12. 50. County Poor Icy Bargfeld, $10; Thos. I. Fredenberg, $12; Mrs. Lillian Johnston, $15; Chas. Krebs (Tony Miller), $30; Mrs. Ada Labaw, $8; Mary Lock, $25; Geo. H. Newsome, $15; John Neiland (John Morris, An drew Nelson, James Seehorn), $75; Mrs. Sarah Solomon, $15; H. Sturde vant, $30; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10; J. G. Wake, $15; Mrs. Anna Wet terlin, $10; A. C. Erickson (E. B. Stark and wife), $25; Wm. Danforth, $10 Boys and Girls Aid Society, $10; Mrs, Elizabeth Saunders, $5; Katie Pluard, $10; Wallace R. Telford (Micheal Boyles), $12; John and Win. Beers, $20; W. Hitchman (August .Johnson and Ole Josendall), $50; Mrs. S. Beck man (Ben Munson), $25; Fred Wyder, $12; Carl Buse (Albert Veisen), $10; Maud Williams (child in care of), $20; Grace Gilman (Dick Myers), $30; Mrs. Geo. Himler (Mr. Hatheson), $30; Hil da Granquist, $25; John Melin, $5; Anna Lowery (Geo. W. Lowery), $15; O. M. Smith, $18; Ella Pennington, $45; Mrs. Emily Patison, $10; Geo. Bo lin, $15; John T. Boyd, $15; John Nei land (Seehorn, Nelson, Johnson, Kel ley, Sturdivant), $147.50; Drs. Mount, $11; A. C. Erickson (Stark), I $27.50; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $19.80; Sam uel Grey (Stark family),-$5; Carlton & Rosenkrans Co., $10; L. Schaber (Blos som), $4.50; Sheldon Drug Co., $14.10; Freytag & Catto (Kuhn), $8.55; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $10.09; Interna tional Sales & Produce Co., $35; Carl Schoenheinz (Dick Myers), $1.85; Ore gon City Hospital Co., $122; Robert Bullard (E. Stark), $49; Walter Hemp stead (Shoelander & Newsome), $11. 50; Jones Drug Co., $9.60; Bannon & Co., $49.04; Millie -F. Reynolds, $14; The C. C. Store, $3; D. W. Griffin (Beer Bros.), $6; H. E. Cross (Thomas, Beard & ' Mullenax), $33.87; Drs. Mount, $5; O. A. Chemey, Grocery (Straight family), $20; Mrs. Frank C. Schell (child in care of), $15; C. E. Walstrom (Mrs. Roberts), $10; Willa mette River Lumber Co. CMcDenmott), $74.21; J. E. Riddell (John T. Boyd), $20. 1 Hon. Dudley Wooten -. 1 of Seattle, author, orator, jurist and statesman, will discuss the Compulsory School Bill, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28, at Moose Hall. Judge W ooten is an author and statesman of nation-wide reputation. Is a graduate of Prince ton College, N. J., and of the law school of the University of Virginia. Has written a history of Texas and also of Mexico and was a member of Congress from Texas for two terms. He came to . Seattle nineteen years ago and is a prominent at torney and jurist of the State of "Vashington, and is at present a member of the State Board of Higher Curricula. Come and hear him. Admis-. sion Free. JOE ORMAN Tailor to Men and Women 207 7th St. Oregon City ::-:-x-x:"::W":":-:":k:":"::": MODERN CRANKCASB CLEANING SERVICE Calol Flushing Oil foi saf thorough cleaning and Zerolene for correct re filling. Look for the sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) NEW PRICES THE UNIVERSAL CAR All Models Reduced 00 - . Starter and dem. rims Roadster Regular Prices f. o. b. Oregon City, effective Oct 17, 1922. - Chassis Regular .........r.... $323.04 Starter 394.72 420.32 363.76 436.56 462.56 393.92 466.72 492.72 702.80 635.20 47152 543.20 484.60 Lowest Prices in the history of Automotive industry. PARK-SHEPHERD MOTOR CO. AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Main at Fourth Phone 355 Starter . Starter and dem. rims Touring Regular :......:. Starter .... . ...... Starter and dem. rims ......... Sedan ' . i Coupe 1 -i Truck Ll Starter Tractor Giving advice has been made the butt of many a joke taking advice has likewise been ridiculed, but the young man who would make the biggest success of life who would get his share of the world's wealth while he is young, will profit by the experience of others. The officers of this Bank are always ready and willing to help you in every way they can. Take them into your confidence. Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY Organized Forty-one Years Ago. See Larsen and Ca for Cabbage for Saurkraut $1.00 per 100 lbs mm Fresh vegetables are unusually plentiful at this time and have never been better in quality. We also have a complete stock of seasonable fruit grapes, apples, pears, quinces, etc. Larsen & Co. Grocers Hay, Grain, Peed, Poultry and Supplies 10th and Main Phone 70 Oregon-City A lighted match to a good oil heater and your room is soon flooded with a warm, happy heat. How convenient! No furnace to stoke and coax along, no ashes to bother about. And, if you burn Pearl Oil, no smoke, dirt, nor odor. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by a special process developed by the Standard Oil Company. Get it in bulk from dealers every where. Order by name Pearl Oil. PEARLOIL (KEROSENE) f AND LIGHT jtSttl HI