The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, October 19, 1922, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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News From Over
f?it58 $ j8 fcjt 8 e,jt jjy
M. A. Gage Jt
Jt jt
3 a? a? a? j? j? jf r jf j? ? a?
Mr. and Mrs. John Ivey of Portland,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wool-
dridge, over Sunday.
Little Meta Wilke, while playing in
the barn yard, was attacked by an
angry cow. The little girl received a
very bad gash in her arm. The was
put under chloroform and two stitches
taken. The doctor says there is no
danger of blood poisoning and Meta
seems to be recuperating nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kocti are the
proud parents of a fine baby boy.
The little one arrived Wednesday, Oc
tober 4,j and is to be christened Carl.
Elmer Schober, while playing with a
cycle grinder, had one of his finger3
cut off. He was taken to the Oregon
City hospital for medical attention.
Ed. Dobick, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Tiedeman, went to Mon
mouth, Sunday, to visit the Tiedeman
girls. Vera, Lela and Leta, who are
attending Normal there.
, Miss Libbie Rabich and Christene
Elligsen called on Mrs. Albert Chap
man, last Wednesday.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mr.
Fred Schober, Wednesday, October 11.
Mother and child are reported to be
doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs N. S. Ailshire were
here visiting their son and his wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh Ailshire, last
week. They are from Los Angeles and
may buy land here and settle among
N. S. Oldham is putting up a new
residence near Stafford. He purchas
ed two acres of land from Mrs. Gage.
Mr. Oldham intends to move in with
his family soon.
Gordon Clinefelter of Oswego, was
hunting out in this vicinity, Sunday.
The intermediate class of the Staf
ford Sunday school, under Mrs. Carl
Elligsen, has organized and elected the
following officers: Eva Chapman,
president; Ruth Elligsen, secretary
and treasurer. The class has grown
wonderfully since the organization was
The Church of God, at Stafford, will
have regular services, from now on,
every Sunday evening. Church will
start at 7:30 p. m., instead of at 8:00,
as heretofore.
5i i$ tt fcf 8 $8 8 8 J8 t ''
J Beulah aSnidow J
. jt
fit? :fj??j?jfjfjf,Pa?K'8J'j?'jf' jf
Miss Una Hyatt acted as hostess to
a group of friends at a "slumber par
ty." given at her home, Friday eve
ning. After an evening of games and
a night of slumber. Miss Hyatt served
breakfast to her guests, who were:
Misses Hazel Hudson, Elsie Junker,
Arda Cox, Ellen McArthur, Ruth Jun
ken and Verneita Strong.
Miss Helen Wallis spent a three
days' vacation last week, visiting rela
tives in Portland.
O. Larson returned home, Sunday,
fro mthe Oregon City hospital. v
Lloyd Junken ajd Miss Iva Richard
son, of Portland spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken.
Miss Florence Twombly, of Port
land, spent the week-end visiting rela
tives here.
A large crowd attended the dance
given at the Leisman hall, Saturday
night. Music was furnished by an
orchestra from Oregon City. Another
dance has been scheduled for next
Saturday evening.
Russell Beals, who has been attend
ing school near Newberg spent Satur
day and Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
E. Beals.
The four color bearers of the Wo
man's Relief Corps spent Friday at the
home of Mrs. R. A, Junken. Those en
joying the noon hour luncheon were:
Mrs. H. Henningsen, Mrs. Hadley, Mrs.
A. Adamson, Mrs. R. A. Junken and
the Misses Ruth and Elsie Junken.
A basket social, under the auspices
of the Sunday school, will be "given at
the church, Saturday evening, Oct. 21.
Everyone is invited to attend and are
requested to bring baskets. The money
will be used to help pay for the piano.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken, Clifford
and Elsie Junken, accompanied by
Mrs. Albert Adamson, motored to
Gresham and home by way of the
Sandy boulevard, Sunday.
The Misses Ruth Miller, Mamie Wal
lis, Mildred McKillican,' Bertha Mc
Killican, Elva Snidow and Beulah Sni-
dow, hiked to Oswego Lake, Friday
morning. After a "weenie roast" at
noon and a delightful time spent in
rowing on the lake, the party returned
home, tired but happy.
After the regular meeting of the
W. O. W., last Wednesday, a social
meeting was held and later pumpkin
pie and cider were served.
Friday evening a number of the W.
O. W. members attended the lodge at
Oregon City.
Mrs. B. F. Baker and Miss Gladys
Baker have just had a radio set In
stalled. It was put in Monday by
Hauock and Watson of Portland, and
Bob White. 25 bars $1.00.
Royal White, 22 bars $1.00, Case
Crystal White, 21 bars, $100, Case
is one of the best sets made.
The Fraternal Brotherhood Lodge of
Willamette, which organized about a
year ago, has put on a membership
campaign. Mrs. Amy Bersla and Mrs.
Perry Barnes are rival .captains ana
much interest is being shown. The
losing team will entertain the winners
at a supper. a
Mrs. Alice Allen moved to Glad
stone, Thursday. Her home in Willa
mette has been sold to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Buckles. ". -. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Forsythe have
sold their property on Railroad avenue
to Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers. Mr. and
Mrs. Rodgers and Miss Ella will take
possession in the near future.
tj' jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt
J jt
Jt . Mrs. R. B. Gibson Jt
Jt . j!
Mrs. T. C- McKay is visiting at Am
ity, Oregon, the guest of her sister.
Mrs. Viola Douglass visited, recent
ly, with relatives in this neighbor-,
hood. -
Mr. and Mrs. I. Akers have moved
into the Jess Douglass house. -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister,
Ruby and Victor Hoffmeister," Mrs. W.
F.- Douglass, Mae and Edna Evans,
were guests at the home of R. B. Gib
son", Sunday. .
H. F. Gibson was a visitor here, on
Mrs. Carl Rhenstrom and children
were Astoria visitors recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, son Les
lie, and Mr. Murphy, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Douglass, Sunday evening.
Arthur Bluhm, John Moehnke and
Robert Moehnke of Shuebel, were din
ner guests at the home of Ray Doug
lass, Sunday. They were looking for
a new sawmill site.
Well, at last Mr. Carver has started
to build his car line to Viola. He
has. three gangs of men working on
it. now. We surely wish him 'good
There was a surprise farewell party
held at the church for Ed. Miller, who
has gone to Manteca, California. He
has a nephew and four nieces, also a
brother, Alfred, located there. Mr.
Miller has resided here for the past
36 years.
John Ficke, who has been in a Port
land hospital for ihe past four weeks,
is improving and is epected to be able
to return home shortly.
Mr. Purcell is living in James Ham
ilton's house. Several other vacant
houses have beem recently rented
Conditions seem to be improving.
Arhur Mattoon has bought the store
building of Mr. Morgan and his father
has put in a new stock of goods.
Ray Miller and family, accompanied
by Miss Jewett Hamilton, visited with
friends near Sellwood, Sunday.
John Hamilton Sr., is serving on the
federal grand , jury, in Portland, at
Mrs. M- L. Sevier has returned home
home, after spending two weeks with
friends in Portland, and with her
daughter and family at Stevenson,
Wash. She found her son-in-law, Will
Higginbotham, in the hospital with a
broken leg. A scaffold on which he
was working broke. After ten days in
the Stevenson hospital he was re
moved to a Portland hospital and his
leg placed in a cast. He sustained a
very bad break" and time only will tell
whether he will regain the full use of
the injured limb.
Earl Lankins and his mother, Mrs.
Elmer Lankins, and Mrs. M. L. Sevier,
were in Oregon City, Monday, as was
also John Hamilton, Jr.
Mrs. Ida Hinman and son Charles
leave this week for Wisconsin, to be
gone for some time. A farewell party
was given them a few evenings ago.
8 t8 8 c8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8
Jt Mildred McKillican Jt
Jt jt
Miss Jean Schultz was a Portland
visitor, Thursday.
The friends of Mrs. S. Hogan and
James McKillican were taken by sur
prise Thursday, when it was learned
that they had been married Wednes
day, at. the Baptist parsonage in Van
couver, Wash. Both have a host of
friends here and in Oregon City, who
extend their heartiest congratulations.
Miss Nelta Draper, who has been
visiting with frierids and relatives
here, has returned to The Dalles, Ore
Mrs. C. Reinke and- daughter Ella
have returned home, after a delightful
visit at Woodburn.
Last Thursday, a number of stud
ents of the U. H. S. formed a hiking
party to Oswego Lake, where a "wie
nie roast" was : held. Among those
enjoying the trip were: Mamie Walk
er, Ruth Miller, Elva Snidow and Beu
lah Snidow, all - of Willamette, and
Mildred McKillican and Bertha Mc
Killican of Bolton. '
Soap Sale
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hogan of West
Linn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
James McKillican, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. McKillican enter
tained -the following during the week
end: Mrs. Bertha Morley, Miss Clara
Mosher and Woodrow Morley, all of
Wm. McDonald has purchased a new
Maxwell touring car. .
8 s8 t8 8 8 8 JC 8 jft 8 g
Jt Blanche K, Shelley Jt
Jt Jt
jf a? a? a? if if af tr tr a? j? a? a? af a?3
- Parent-Teachers Meet
The Sandy Parent-Teachers' asso
ciation met in regular session at the
city hall, last Wednesday evening, with
the vipe-president, Mrs. Dittert, in the
chair. The association will give , an
entertainment -in the I. O O. F. hall.
Saturday, November. 4, the proceeds to
go toward paying for the piano recent
ly purchased for the grade schools.
An amendment was proposed, chang
ing the meeting- place - from the city
hall to the Community church. This
will be voted on at the next meeting-,
the second Wednesday in November.
Fair Sized Crowd Attends Lecture
It is a regrettable fact that a larger
crewd was not present at the Metho
dist church last Sunday evening, when
Rev. Reese, of Portland, lectured on
"Turning Failure Into Triumph," or
"How To Be Happy Though Miser
able." Rev. Reese is a good speaker
and presented many splendid thoughts.
The musical numbers included a selec
tion by the choir, a solo by Miss Rose
Mary De Boise, the teacher , at the
Hillcrest school, and a solo by Mrs.
Mullenhall, of Portland. On October
29th, Mr. Henderson, a community
worker, of Portland, will, be present
and perhaps another speaker also.
Sunday School Worker Here
Rev. Jasper, the county Sunday-
school organizer, accompanied by Rev.
Berriman-, lectured at the Methodist
church Thursday, Friday and Satur
day evenings. The lectures were ac
companied by stereoptican views and
were very instructive and interesting.
Dover Man Has Runaway
As James Fitzgerald, of Dover, was
hauling a load of lumber out from
Bruns' . mill, . Monday afternoon, his
load slipped forward on the wagon,
striking the mules and frightening
them. Mr. Fitzgerald was thrown ou
and dragged about half a mile. He
was brought to Sandy, where Dr. Wil
liams found that he had sustained a
broken shoulded, broken rib and a cut
on his head. He was removed to his
home -Monday, evening, where he is
reported as resting easily.
Alf. Bell cut his thumb very badly
Sunday morning, while cutting wood.
It was necessary to take , several
stitches in it.
Percy T. Shelley went to Hood River
Thursday, of last week, returning to
Sandy Saturday morning. Mr. and
Mrs. David Pence accompanied him
and will remain there for some time.
This community is sympathizing
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fischer on ac
count of the death of their infant
Full value for every
battery cent you
spend! You get it when
you "buy an SR (full
size) Willard Threaded
Rubber Battery.
This battery enables
you to save in Dollars
and Cents of first cost,
just as the SJ (over
size) Willard Threaded
Rubber Battery enables
you to save in cost per
month and mile of
uninterrupted battery
(6-volt, 11-plate)
(6-volt, 11-plate)
Con Hilgers
Bosch Parts, Products -and
Willard Batteries
and Batteries
daughter two weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Leitheiser, daughter
and baby, of Portland, were gue3ts at
the Sharnke home, Sunday. -
Sore throat and grippe seem tQ be
holding forth in this part of the coun
try at present. Among those on the
sick list we note, Mrs. Esson, Mr3.
Gillett, Ruth Esson, Johnnie Shelley
and several of the Frace children.
Mr. and Mrs. Hein were Sunday
guests at the ' Becker home on the
Bluff road. .
There is some rocking being done
on the Sandy-Boring unit.
Miss Lucille McCater, of Gresham,
visited Miss Hazel Beers, Friday. Miss
McCarter entered the Sellwood hos
pital recently to take .the nurses'
training course.
Mrs. Dittert has been caring for
Mrs. Proctor.
Mrs. C. C. Kandle "
Jt , jt
je jp if " a ac ? a? i? if if a?
Miss Esther Moser spent the week
end in Portland, visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. P E. Wetmore spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fogle-
song, at Beaver Creek.
G. Fonander had his finger ampu
tated Saturday morning.
F. Nicholas and daughter Loeta
spent Sunday at their home.
Miss Elva Nicholas spent a few days
at Estacada, visiting "her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Owens and children, Lloyd,
Vera and Charles, visited at the C. C.
Kandle home, Friday evening.
F. Bunnell of Oak Grove is visiting
hia brother, George Bunnell. .
Mrs. A. Johnson and children, Ida,
Eleanor and Forest, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M E. Kandle,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stein are the proud
parents of a baby boy, born October
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle spent the
week-end at the mountains.
Rev. J. Ware, Mrs. Morlan and
daughter, were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. Cornwell, Sunday.
Mrs. D. E. Christiansen
The initial monthly service, held by
the Community Sunday school at
Hazelia, October 29, will be provided
by the Y. M. C. A. religious depart
ment. Dr. James Palmer, head of that
department will speak and if he is not
able to come will send an efficient
substitute. Sunday school at lu
o'clock, sermon lecture, 11 o'clock, Oc
tober 29. , Everyone is invited. Special
music will be rendered.
Miss Evangeline Christiansen has
the sole agency for the famous "Clows
knit" hosiery in the territories of Wil
lamette, Bolton, West Linn, Oswego
and Hazelia. She expects to take this
up in her spare time. It will be the
means of starting her college fund.
If you suffer backache, sleepless
You Are Choosing Today
between spending a little for paint now
or spending heavily for repairs later
YOU can't escape the choice.
Either your buildings are
well protected by paint or they
are rotting and will require re
pairing or rebuilding within a
few years. s
Check the costs. Find out how
much more it will cost to repair
or rebuild your property than it
will to protect it with paint. Rot
ting buildings are a waste and an
When you paint use the best
paint. It costs less in the long
run. It spreads more easily
saves labor cost. It covers more
surface per gallon than "cheap"
paint. .
But most important, the best
paint serves you five or more
years longer than "cheap" paint.
We have been making the best
paints for 73 years. They are
scientific in formula an'd prepa
ration. They meet the weather
conditions in die West.
Phoenix Pur Point
Pure Prepared Point1
Manufactured byW. P. Fuller & Co.
"Pure Prepared" anil "Phoenix" are Faller'i ipeclficationj for hoate paint
Inf. Get either and yon hare the beat that anyone can make lonc-aervice painta.
ary to go to the right
) pnntea in we memo,
iHI.I1.'lM,',li:Hiin Jt'1'aail!:i:ii11lll1Ull;i:i.iliIill
My house needs paintii. Fuller's Specification House Faints are sold by the following Agents;
Frank Busch & Son, Phoenix Pure Paint Agt.
nights, tired, dull days and distressing
urinary disorders, don't experiment.
Read this twice-told testimony. It's
Oregon City evidence doubly proven.
James Wilkinsqn, retired farmer, 201
14th St., Oregon City, says: "Nothing
gave me as much relief from kidney
trouble and pains in my back and hips
as Doan's Kidney Pills. I had to get
up at night as I couldn't sleep on ac
count of the pains and aches and my
limbs were stiff. I was' advised to try
Doan's Kidney Pills and was surprised
at the quick relief I got. Several boxes
relieved me and today I am bale and,
hearty." (Statement given March 29,
On, April - 20, 1920 Mr. Wilkinson
said: "The occasional use of Doan's
Kidney Pills ; keeps my kidneys In
good condition and I can't say too
much for Doan's.
, Pripe 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. "Wilkinson had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfr3., Buffalo, N. Y.
made by
Molalla, Oregon . . -
Retailed at
Wholesale Prices
Mulino- Flour Mills
' Mulino, Oregon.
From the best meats
we can buy we offer
you the choicest cuts, at
prices no more than you
have paid elsewhere for
less quality.
Oregon City
Cash Market
Ruconich & Roppel
Phone Pacific 75 218 Main St
They contain the finest ma
LEAD, pure linseed oil, pure
zinc, and pure colors combined
scientifically in exact propor
tions with long-time skill.
Free Advice
on Painting
Aik our agent fat sdrict,
color evdf, etc
Aik tho Fuller Specific!
. tion Department ebont the
moat deeirablo color echemea,
color harmony and any other
Take advantage of Fuller
Bonae Painta. Paint now.
Don't let weather depreciate
your inreatment.
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Dept. 23, San Franeiaco
Pioneer Hanufaetnrera. of Pahite. Vamiahea, .
Enamel, Staine, and V :
PIONEER WHITE LEAD for 73 yeara.
EatahUihed 1849. Dealera ererywhere.
Branchee in 19 citiea in tho Teat.
Alao makeri of Rubber Cement Floor Paint,
All;Parpoao Vamiahea, Silkenwhite Enamal,
Firteen'for.FIoore Varniah, Waahable Wall Fin
lab, Auto Enamel, Barn and Roof Paint Porca
and Step Paint and PIONEER WHITE LEAD,
Pioneer Shingle Stain. Fuller'! Hot Water Wall
Flniah (KaHomine). and FuUerwear. Varniah.
These paint are important to yon 90 it 'a neeea-
etoraa to get them. Agent'e names and tddreatea are
coupon neiow. l.ui is ok ana pat a ux jwv pecui
For exterior Job of painting it it advisable
to obtain the aenieea of a Matter Painter.
RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent Issues one cent a
word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified elsewhere.
For Sale Live Stock
FOR SALE Team, mare and hors,
3,000 lbs., cheap. Brood sow, Hamp
shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mae
Farlane, one mile south of Carver.
FOR SALE Two fresh cows. David
. Jones, Oregon City, R. 3, Box 97.
Phone Beaver Creek
FOR SALE Or trade, one gray team,
weight about 3,000. One Hampshire
sow for sale, reasonable. H. J. Mac
Farlane, one mile south of Carver.
(10-19-4tpd) ,
FOR RENT Six-room house. Enquire
1542 16th Street. . (10-19 3tpd)
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Mountain Denver Onions,
called the sweet onion, ready for
sale. Alfred Lillie, Oregon City, Rt.
2, Box 169-A. (10-12-3t)
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Ten copies of the August
Sd, Banner-Courier. , We will pay
20c eaah.
WANTED To buy second hand
Ladies' and Children's Ready-To-Wear
209 7th Street -
Oregon City
6 Per' -Cent State School Money To
Loan on Farms.
General Practice
Bank of Oregon City Building
Oregon City, Oregon
Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop.
Reasonable Rates
Sixth and J. Q. Adams Sts.
Phone 498R m Oregon City, Oregon
Holman & Pace
Seventh and Water 8ts.
Tel. 86
Wm. Stone
Beaver Building
Caufield Bldg.
Nervous and Chronic Diseases
a Specialty.
Room t Beaver Block
Oregon City.-
Attorney at Law
Oregon City, Oregoa
Beaver Building
Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2
fSay it wt A Jfilowers'
Fruit of all Kinds
Jars and Jar Trimmings
Dependable Poultry Sup
plies and Feeds
are a large factor' in successful poultry farm
ing. Our prices compare very favorably with
pre-war times. '
- - . -
10th and Main Phone 70 Oregon City
goods. TV ill pay caeh'for used fur
niture, tools, or any thing of com
mercial valua. Large stock of goods
for sale. J. il. Mattley, 914 - 7th St
WANTED To buy, one six-weeks-old -pig,
Poland-China. Fred Johnson,
R. F. D. 1, Box 50-C, Oregon City.
' (10-19-3tpd)
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch lor sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.
WANTED 30 to 50 Acres mostly im
proved, fair buildings, good roads,
not over 8 miles out of Oregon City,
to trade for good Residence proper
ty close in, in Portland. Write full
description. Ely, Madison and Ely,
Room 7, Beaver Building, Oregon
cured for any purpose oq farm lands,
irrigated lands, to buy or build
homes. City or Farm, under our first
mortgage certificates. Bankers Re
serve Deposit Company, Gas and
Electrio Bldg., Denver, Colo.
alONEY TO LOAN on Terms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent. Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal
loans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
Paul C. Fischer
Beaver Bldg. . Oregon City
W. G. H. Krueger
House Moving, Raising and Repairing
Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile
' Construction
- Estimates Given
Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St
Money loaned for you or to you
at current rates. Farm loans only.
- Oregoa City, Oregon
C. D. & D. C. Latourette
Estates settled Money loaned Prac
tice in all Courts cf the U. S.
First National Bank Building
Phone Pacific 405
Phone 636W
Caufield Bldg.
Oregon City, Ore.
719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore.
Dr. L. G. Ice
Oregon City
0. D.Eby
Over Bank of Oregon Cifcy
We Carry and Recommend
Dependable Coffee
Vacuum Packed
H. D. ADEN, Proprietor
Wilsonville, Oregon