THE BANNER-COUKIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1922. Page Six LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of in the Circuit Court of thfe State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. EMMA MASON, Plaintiff, vs. " FRANK MASON, Defendant. To Frank Mason: In the name of the State of Oregon, SUMMONS. Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. WILLIAM T. P ANGLE, Plaintiff, vs. ISABEL P ANGLE, Defendant ,To Isabel Pangle, Defendant - above , ctot nf nr you are hereby required to appear and You are hereby summoned and com- answer plaintiffs complaint fllted here- manded to appear and answer the com- in against you, or otherwise appear in plaint against you in the above en- said suit, on or before the 26th day titled Court and cause on or before 0f October, 1922, that date being more Thursdav the 23rd day of November, than six weeks from and after the date 1922, and if you do not appear and of the first publication of this sum answer on or before the said 23rd day m and .f you fail fo appear, or of November, 1922, judgment will be make answer the plalntiff Trill ap taken against you for want thereof Court fof prayed PotttTeLZft:- in her j complaint, to-wit: For a riage contract heretofore and now ex- ueuree ui mvinue m.. itw T,otTrnpr vnn and the Dlaintiff riage contract bow and heretofore ex- and for such other relief as may to the isting between plaintiff and defendant Court seem equitable. and for such other and further relief Service of this summons is made as may seean jUSt and equitable in the upon you by publication in tnis cause premiss. by order of Honorable James u. camp- Thi3 summons is served upon you bell. Judge of the above entitled Court. DubliGati0n in pursuance of an or duly made and entered on the 9th n Honorable J. V- Campbell, ZT P 0f ttS- STh Oregon,pe place where i th Rpnnf.r-oiirier. a news- made ana eniereu uu me olu. suit is now ptwums, aii uy uiu In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. PALOMA HEYNEMANN, Plaintiff, vs. HENRY HEYNEMANN, Defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon, Greetings: You, Henry Heynemann, are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before Saturday, November 18th, 1922. that being six weeks from the first publication of the summons here in, and if you fail to appear and an swer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint, to which reference is hereby made, and which is made a part here of, to-wit: For a. decree of this Court dissolving the marriage contract here tofore and now existing between the parties hereto, and for a decree giving and granting to plaintiff the care, cus tody and control of the minor child, the issue of the marriage of the parties hereto, to-wit: Patricia Heynemann, Laged three years, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equity. This summons will be served upon you by publication thereof for not less than six successive weeks in the "Banner-Courier," 'a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Oregon City. County of Clackamas said order of naner published in the County of September, 1922, which? order directs, the Hon. J. U. Campbell, presiding paper puDiisnea in m i. ' v j,n.hi It, thpUrt nf tho above entitled Court. Clackamas, State of Oregon, not less that summons be published m the than one a week for six (6) weeks, j Banner-Courier, a newspaper printed, and the date of first publication is on I published and "having a general circu- Thursday, the lztn day oi uciuuei, ,ation in Clackamas County, uregon, 1922, and the date of last publication n gix consecutive and successive j3 will be on the 23rd day of November, Wsnaner. beginning with 1922. t, f f,p 14th dav of Septem- STL" LSff ' w 22. and ending wrtb tte issue Address: Consolidated Securities of the 26th day of October 1922 GEORGE M. McBRIDE, Attorneys for Plaintiff 424 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Ore. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (10-12-7t) SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. GUSTAV HORAND, Plaintiff, vs. FOSINA HORAND, Defendant. SUMMONS. which said order is dated the 2nd day of October. 1922 The date of the first publication oi this summons is Thursday, Oceober 5, 1922. and the date of the last publica tion of this summons is Thursday, No vember 16th, 1922. W. H. FOWLER, . Attorney for Plaintiff, 601 Panama Bldgv Portland, Oregon. (10-5-7t) NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as Adiministrator of the estate of Julia - Young, deceased, has filed his final ccount in the office of the County Clerk of Clack amas County, Oregon, and that Thurs day, the 2nd day of November, 1922, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p. m. in the afternoon of said day, in the County Court Room'.of ,said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Oceober 5th, 1922. Last publication November 2d, 1922. Administratrix of the estate of Julia Young, deceased. J. E. Ydung, . Attorney for Administratrix. lu-5-5t NOTICE OF -FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice' is hereby giveu that the un dersigned executor of the last will and testament of Eliza Skirvin, de ceased, has filed his final report in the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, October 31st, 1922, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. of said day, In the County Court room in the County Court House, in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of any and all objections to said final report and the discharge of said executor from his trust. Dated, September 29th, 1922. JOHN SCOTT, Executor of estate of Eliza Skirvin, deceased. G. B. Dimick & W. L. Mulvey, Attorneys for Executor, Oregon City, Oregon. (9-28-5t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, that the last will and testament of Archie L. Haw ley, deceased, has been duly proven and admitted to probate in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clack amas County, and the undersigned Ella R. Hawley appointed executrix thereof, as in said will provided, and that letters have issued to her. All persons having claims - against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified and with the proper vouchers, to the un dersigned executrix at No. 201-203 Ma sonic Temple Bldg., Silverton,' Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, said first publication being made this 21st day of September, 1922. ELLA R. HAWLEY, Executrix Custer E. Ross, ' Attorney for the Estate. (9-21-5t$ Plaintiff, and against Carl F. Morrow and Anna Morrow, has wife, Defend ants, for the sum of $3,600.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cemt per annum from the 20th day of December, 1919, and the further sum if ?200.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of J43.50, costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situated in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All of the southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S. W. of S. E. of Section Twelve (12), Town ship Three (3) South, Range Two (2) East of the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County, Oregon. - NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said 'writ, VI will, on Sat urday, the 4th day of November, 1922, at the hour oi 10 o'ciocb A. m., ai me front door of the County Court House, in the City of Oregon City, in salu County and State, sell at public auc tion, subject o redemption, to the highest bidder, for XX. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, in terest, costs and all accruing costs. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 5th, 1922. - . W. J.. WILSON,, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. (10-5-5t) By to. V. Hackett, Deputy NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of George H. Merriott, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at my residence on Oatfleld Road, south of Mllwaukie, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated October 10th, 1922. Date of first publication Oct. 12th, 1922. Date of last publicatton Nov. 9th, 1922. LENA MERRIOTT, Administratrix of the estate of George H. Merriott, deceased. Clark, (Middleton, Clark & Skulason, Attorneys for Administratrix, Address: 1225 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (10-12-5t) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. .. To Fosina Horand, Ihe above named A. H. ZANDERS, Plaintiff, defendant: . vs- . .. T Tr, tTio narrifi nf the State of Oregon: I R. L. HILL and UJvia wii, You are hereby required to appear and his wife, Defendants. answer the complaint filed against you In the name of the State of Oegron, in the above entitled suit, on or before you are hereby required to appear and the expiration of six weeks from the answer the complaint filed against you date of the first publication of this J in the above entitled suit, on or before summons, which date of expiration is the last dav of the time prescribed oy fixed by order of the above entitled 'the order for the publication of this Court as November 2nd; if you so fail summons, to-wit: On or before the to appear and answer plaintiff will ap- 28th day of October, 1922, said day ply to the Court for the relief prayed being more than 42 days from the date for in his complaitn, to-wit: a decree of the first publication of this notice, dissolving the marriage contract here- and that if you fail to appear and tofore and now existing between plain-1 answer, for want thereof tne piamun tiff and defeadant herein, and for such will apply to the court by your de- other and further relief as to the fault, for the relief prayed fpr in Court shall seem just. plaintiff's complaint, to-wit: That you This summons is published by order be required to pay to the order or of i. U. Campbell, Judge of the above plaintiff, on or before thirty days from entitled Court. the date of the decree rendered herein, The order is dated September 20th, the sum of J2.060.00 dollars, witn m- NotiGe is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Martha E. Oswald, deceased, has filed her final report in the office of the County Clerk of Clack amas County, Oregon, and that Mon day, the 23rd day of October, 1922, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the County Court Room of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of any objections thereto, and the discharge of said executrix. Dated September 21st, 1922. GUSSIE OSWALD HULL, Executrix of the Last Will and Tes tament of Martha E. Oswald, deceased. G. B. Dimick & -W. L. Mulvey, Attorneys for 'Executrix (9-21-5t) 1922. Date of first publication September 21st, 1922. Date of last publication November 2nd, 1922. ' ROBERT A. BALKEY, Attorney for- Plaintiff. Address: 513 Couch Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (9-21-t) Portland, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE; In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of The Estate of BARBARA HOES- LY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been appointed Execu tors of the Estate of, Barbara Hoesly, deoeased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and have qualified. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired, to the undersigned at Milwau kie, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published Sept. 21, 1922. Last publication Oceober 26, 1922. SAMUEL H. HOESLY, FREDERICK W. HOESLY, Executors. David P. Mathews, Attorney. , . (9-21-5t) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE TO CREDITORS terest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum fromthe 9th day or May, 1922; that in tha event of your failure to pay said eums, you and all persons claiming by, through or under you, be foreclosed of all right, title, interest and estate in and to Lot One (1) in Block One (1) in Leo Addition to Milwaukle, in Clackamas County, Oregon; that your certain contract be tween you and I. A. Ruef and Mary Ruef , his wife, dated October 5th, 1920 for the purchase of the above describ ed property (and which said contract was for value legally assigned to the plaintiff herein on the 14th day of March, 1921, and who became the legal owner of said property by deed of con veyance, reference to said oontract be ing hereby made); that said contract be- cancelled, and for such other relief a-3 to the court may seem equitable. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, dated Sep tember lfth, 1922, by which said order it waS directed that this summons be published in the Banner-Courier in said County once each week for six suc cessive weeks, and the date of the first publication is September 14th, 1922, the day named in said order for said first publication. GEO. T, PARRY, Attorney for Plaintiff, (9-14-7t) Address: Milwaukie," Oregon. Notice is hereby givn that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Frances Rhodes Saunders, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my at torney, C. D. Purcell, Sandy, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. ' Dated October 6th, 1922. Date of first publication October 5th, 1922. , Date of last publication, November 2nd, 1922. WILLIAM L. BORTHW1CK, Administrator of the estate of Fran ces Rhodes Saunders, deceased. Charles D. Purcell, Attorney for the Administrator. Address: Sandy, Oregon. General Land Office Washington, D. C, September 29, 1922. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 116 (29 Stat., 218), and instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447), the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a. m., November 28, 1922, at public auction at the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bid der, at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price with, an additional sum of 'one-fifth of one per cent thereof bing commissions allowed,-must be deposit ed at time oi sale, money to De re turned if sale Is not approved, other wise patent will issue for he timber which must be renioved within ten years. Bids, will -be received from citizens of the United States, associa tions of such citizens and corporations' organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory, or d;s trict thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately" before being iiicluded in aay offer of a larger unit. - T. 7 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 15, NE-NE red fir, 640 M.; SW& NE& red fir, 1745 M.; NE NW14, red fir, 1250 M.; NW14 NW, red fir; 780 M., SW NWV4., red fir, 950 M.; SE14 red fir, 1700 M.;'NE SW&, red fir, 2090 M.; NW SWii, red fir, 1150 M.; SW4 SW, red fir, 795 M.; SEtf, SW, red fir, 1690 M.; NW SEi, red fir, 2460 M.; none of the red fir timber on these tracts to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. T. 4 S., R 3 E., Sec. 33, SW NW, red fir, 1090 M.; none of the! red fir on this tract to be sold for less than ?1.50 per M. -WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner, General Land Office. (10-12-5t) For Satisfaction in Automobile Painting Bring your car to the Oregon City Auto Paint Shop Main at Ninth Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Executrix of the Last Will of John Henry Herman Kloer, deceased, has filed her final account in the office of the County Clerk of Clack amas County, Oregon, and that Satur day, the 4th day of November, 1922, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. in the forer noon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Oceober 5th, 1922. Last publication November 2d, 1922. ANNA M. KLOER, Executrix of the Last Will of John Henry Herman Kloer, deceased. Paul C. Fischer, Attorney for Executrix 10-5-5t ANNIE J. YOUNG, Electric any Langley comS Battery recharging and repairing. Automotive electrical work. Electrical fixtures of all kinds. tfouse Wiring Electrical Contracting All Work Guaranteed New Location Former office of Hood Lumber Co. Phone 142 201-12thSt 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for' the County of Clack amas. BARBARA HEFNER, Plaintiff, vs. CARL F. MORROW" and ANNA MORROW, his wife, Defendants. STATU OF OREGON,"! Vss. County of Clackamas.J By virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 28th day of September, 1922, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 28th day of Septem ber, 1922, in favor of Barbara Hefner, Insure with your Home Companies PACIFIC STATES tor business risks McMINNVILLE or FARMERS MUTUAL for residence and country properties E. H. COOPER & SON Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Phone 366 S. F. Scripture GENERAL BLACKSMITH ING AND HORESHOEING Automobile and Truck Springs Repaired I am selling the LAHER ELECTRIC BOLTLESS SPRING Phone 276W The best spring made, guaranteed 108 - 5th St between Main and Water St SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. LAWRENCE W. KELLEY,. Plaintiff, vs. MARIE KELLEY, Defendant. To Marie Kelley, the 'above named defendant: ' In the Name of the State of Oregan Notice is hereby given that the Un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Frank K. Brown, deceased, and any and all per- You are hereby required to appear and sons having claim? against tlfe said he complaint filed against estate are hereby required to present sajd clauns, duly vended as by law frQm the date of the firgt publ,icatlon required, at the office of my attorney, of thia smnmons, which date of expi Geo. T. Parry, at Milwaukie, Oregon, ration is fled by order of the above within six months from the date of entitled Court as November 16th, 1922; this notice. if you so fail to appear and answer Dated September 11th, 1922. plaintiff will apply to the Court for Date of first publication September the relief prayed for in his complaint, 14th 1922 to-wit: For a decree dissolving the Date of last publication October marriage contract heretofore ,and now and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem just. Of This KiimmmiH Is TMihlishprt W nr- 19th, 1922. IRVINE J. BROWN, ' Administrator of the Estate Frank J. Brown, Deceased. Geo. T. Parry, Address: Milwaukie, Oregon, Attorney for Administrator. (9-14-5t) ' - NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- der of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court v The order is date October 4th, 1922.1 Date of first publication, October 5th, 1922.. Date of last publication, November 16th, 1922. ROBERT A. BALKEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 513 Couch Bldg., poruand, Oregon. ' In the County Court of .the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka- (l0-5-7t) mas. Notiee-is hereby given that the un- ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. dersigned has been appointed admin- . istratrix of the Estate of Alex Bolle, Notice 4s ' hereby given that the un deceased, by the County Court of dersigned has been appointed by the Clackamas County, Oregon. Any and County Court of -Clackamas. County, all persons having claims against the Oregon, Administratrix of the estate estate of said deceased are hereby re- of Charles Thompson, deceased, and quired to present the same to me, all persons haying claims against said duly verified as by law required, with estate are hereby notified to present proper vouchers, at the office of my the same to me or at the office of m? attorneys, at Room 10, Hogg Building, attorney, O. D. Eby, In Oregon City", Oregon City, Oregon, onor before six Oregon, duly verified as by-law re months from the date of the first pub- quired, within six months from date lication of this notice. . hereof. ' . ,v Dated, September 28, 1922. Dated Sept. 25, 1922. - ," MARION BOLLE, First publication Sept. 28, 1922. Administratrix of the Estate of Alex Last publication Oct. 26, 1922 Bolle, deceased. G.-B.' Dimick & W. L. Mulvey, Attorneys for Administratrix. ART AMISS A E. THOMPSON, . -. Administratrix. . O. B. Eby, J Attorney for Administratrix (9-28-5t) If Satisfies the sweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon, to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new tlfRISLEY'S P-K the sugar coated peppermint rid bit! Savm. the wrappers Good for valuable premium ID) a a mm n q. Means You Pay No More but Get the best A Home Industry, Largest Payroll and . Heaviest Tax-paying Organization In Ore gon City. Every Merchant Should Use Hawley Paper nii, u m m . ii - i i