The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, October 19, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
News From Over
Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jtyg
J Mrg. A. D. Cour r- . Jt
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Mrs. John Blitz returned from Port
land Saturday;
Earl Shoemake left Tuesday for
Toledo, where he has accepted a posi
' tion.
Eldon Park came home from Cali
fornia for a few days' visit with hla
parents, Mr. and Mrs James Park.
Mr. 1 and Mrs. David Harmon of
Portland, spent a few days last wees
at the George Blatchford home. "
Last Saturday, while driving a team
for the Slyter Lumber Co., Ed. Utiger
was thrown from the wagon and se
verely injured.
Mrs. Will Philpot and son John went
to Oregon City on business, recently.
Miss Ethel Powell, who Is employed
in Oregon City, spent the week-end
with her mother, Mrs. Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin, accom
panied by their son Roy and daughter
Violet were recent visitors at the home
of J. F. Brewer. . They live at Elma,
Wash., and were on their way home
from California.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rastal returned
Tuesday from a trip through eastern
Oregon. They report that the grain
' crop looks fine In that ssection.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Highdom,
who have been visiting at the home 01
the latter's sister, Mrs. James Love,
returned to their home, Wednesday.
The Molalla football boys went to
Oregon City, Friday, to play the high
school eleven of that place. The "score
was 55 to 0, in favor of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dart returned
home Thursday, from an extended
trip through California. While there,
they visited in Los Angeles and San
Francisco. They made the trip by
auto and in some places found the
roads very bad. On their way home
they stopped at Grants Pass and visit
ed with the A. T. Shoemake family.
Miss Opal Jones, who Is working in
Oregon City, spent the-week-end with
her parents.
Miss Neta Cole, who is attending
Normal school at Monmouth, spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Cole.
Miss Reva Everhart, who la attend
ing O. A. C, visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Everhart, over the
W. H. Everhart held a sale at his
place, Oct. 13. He sold his farm ma
chinery, also his stock. Mr. Everhart
has rented .his farm land.
' P. M. Boyles was in Molalla on busi
ness a few days last week. He reports
that the Cascade China Co. are mak
ing white ware with good success.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leigh passed away at the family home,
Friday, October 13. The death was
caused by diphtheria.
Thomas Miller and wife have nioved
to town and rented the Nightengale
While painting the roof of the Lib
eral school house, Will Vick fell and
and broke a bone' in his foot.
The Albright & HoLman garage sold
two new Fords this week. The pui
chasers were F. W. Rogers and Victor
David, both of Elliott Prairie.;
The city of Molalla now has a nice
park. The city council, at its last
meeting, bought several lots, which,
added to those purchased by the La
dies' Civic Club, makes a total of five
and a half acres.
Lee Howland has moved to the Mil
ler place, which he has 'rented.
School was closed the latter part of
last week on account of the institute,
and the farmers took advantage of the
time to dig heir potatoes, while they
could get the help of the school chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sorenson, who
were taken to the hospital at Salem,
on account of injuries received in an
automobile accident," have recovered
sufficiently to return home.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Klnshe-
loe, Wednesday, October 4, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Settle-
mier, Tuesday, October 10 a daughter.
J. J. Newton and wife were Oregoin
City visitors, last Saturday. While
there, Mr. Newton attended a regular
meeting of Meade Post, No. 2, G. A. R.,
of which he has long been ia member.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Sat
urday, October 14, a daughter.
Jt tt t t tt jX J$ ( tt X jM f
jt jt
. Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh
Jl- j
JP jp JP JP jr jp jr jc if jf j?8
W. A Holmes of Parkplace Is havmg
the building near the jjostoffice and
facing the highway remodeled Into a
bungalow, which will be a decided Im
provement to the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brunner and their
daughter Katherine made an auto trip,
last Wednesday, to The Dalles, Oregon,
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murray.
The latter was formerly Miss Laura
Brunner of this place.
Mr, Dauchy has ererted a small
building on the site of the recent fire.
To Mew and
oth. Papers
Here is
iff is tei for lis iontSi
' v Now'. is the Time to Renew, to Subscribe
ALL THE HEWS-Wholesome, llelpful, Entertaining Reading for Every Day
of the Year. Send in yonr Subscription '-NOW. This offer applies to new,
as well as to present subscribers.
Clip and send In the Coupon opposite with your remittance
and has resumed his work as black
smith. -
The teachers of Parkplace attended
the institute held in Oregon City, last
week. . " .
Mrs. Sam Wyrlck was a guest, last
week, at the home of her sister, Mrs.
W. J. Odell, of McMinnville.
Mr. and Mrs. A W. Steinbach of
Hubbard, were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. 'W. D. Reames, Sunday, the
occasion being the 42nd birthday anni
versary of Mrs. Reames.
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Brunner have
recently purchased twenty-two acres
of land at Clackamas Highlands, where
thew will build a home in the future.
- Mrs. H. O. Rosebraugh was a Port
land visitor, on Saturday. '
The Parent-Teachers' . association
was called to order for the first meet
ing of the year by the new president,
Mrs. Clara Praeger, on last Friday aft
ernoon. Committees were appointed
and the work outlined for the year. It
was voted to tender a reception to the
teachers, Saturday evening, Oct.. 28.
The new play shed has been com
pleted on the Parkplace School ground
and a new flag pole raised.
Mrs. Gillman was a Portland visitor,
The Hogg residence on Clackamas
Heights is being extensively improved
by a large addition and a sleeping
porch. Electric lights and a water
system will be installed.
Mrs. Stella Anderson of Clackamas
Heights is visiting with relatives in
Salem. x . ' ,
tSjt if 8 8 v& 8 $8
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Albert Gasser . .5
Jt Jt
jf K" f a? jp p f jp fjP i? jf jp j?
A large crowd from here took rn
the auction sale at Beaver Creek, last
week. . -
Schreiber Bros, transacted business
in Oregon City, last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffiths were Port
land visitors, last Friday.
Claud and Tenant Bottemiller were
Oregon City visitors, last Friday.
Ben Lindau, Otto and Albert Gasser
transacted business in Oregon City,
last Friday.'
Sylvan Gasser visited- the dentist at
Oregon City, recently. .
Thomas Pack of Vancouver, Wash.,
was a visitor here, last Saturday.
Mr. ' and Mrs. J. O. Kafz visited in
Oregon City, last Friday.
The Improvement on the Gard road
looks fine.
On Saturday last the farm bureau
meeting was called to order by E. E.
Berger. The regular business meet
ing was made as short as possible to
give C. E. Spence a chance to talk
on some of the measures which the
voters will consider at the coming
election. Mr. . Spence explained the
downfall of some of the measures
which were taken "off the ballot. He
urged the people to vote on election
day Instead 'of staying at home. If
every voter would take Mr. Spence's
advice, we would soon be on the hon
est road to betterment. .
what The Telegram
Mr. and Mrs. Goodman motored to
Eugene last Sunday, where they visit
ed with friends. .
Truman (and Buola Hofstetter of
Ridgefield, Wash.; where they are at
tending high school, visited with their
parents for sevedal days last week.
5t tjC C t t t 8 8
S Mary Liesman J
Jt jt
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Mr. and Mrs. William Burkett were
pleasantly "surprised Friday night,
when a large group of friends and rel
atives called on them. After a pleas
ant evening of games, refreshments
were served. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. William Burkett, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Elligsen, Mr. and - Mrs.
Steinke Peters and family, Mrs. Swen
sen, Mrs. Bailie Elligsen, Mrs.- Otto
Peters, Mrs. Julia Peters Mrs. Mary
Selzer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ridder, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Pamperine, Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Harry El
ligsen, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilke, Chris
tina Elligsen, Lena Elligsen, Ruth El
ligsen, Agnes Peters, Edythe Peters,
Nola Turner, Norman Turner, Roslna
Elligsen, Eddie Elligsen and George
Tim Murphy of Hamilton, Ore.,
spent the week-end at the home of Al
fred Sharp. .
Mr., and Mrs. Henry Toedemeir anr
family spent the week-end with the
latter's mother,' Mrs. Mayes. ;
Mr. and Mrs. A. D Bowers and fam
ily of Portland, and George Enderoth,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. M,
Mr. Woolener and daughter Clarice,
spent a few days In Portland, reutrn
ing home Sunday.
" Miss Gladys Schawper of Oswego,
spent the week-end as a gues't at the
home of Alfred Sharp.
Those attending Pomona Grange at
Beaver Creek, Wednesday, were: Mr.
and Mrs. Smith Turner and daughter
Nola, Miss Myrtle Aden, ,Mias Ella
Seedling, Mrs. Emma Sharp Miss Eva
Seedling, Irvin Sharp, George Olden
stadt and Dora Oldenstadt.
Emma and Anna Robbins spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tiedeman.
Irvin Sharp was a dinner guest at
the home of Frank Oldenstadt, Sun
day. Mrs. Sharp and daughter, Mrs. Mur
phy, spent Thursday with Mrs. Mayes.
Mrs Smith Turner and daughter No
la spent Thursday with Mrs. Ernest
Kruse. " -.
. Friday afternoon a number of ladies
belonging to the Grange, met in the
Grange hall to decide on further ar
rangements for the coming bazaar.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elligsen spent
Sunday afternoon with Grandma
Mrs. Mandy Baker and family spent
Sunday with Mrs. Ed. Sharp. , x
Those attending the Grange fair at
Oswego, Saturday; were: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Turner, Nola Turner, Myrtle Aden and
Dora Oldenstadt. . ,
and The BannerrCourier offer to their
Mrs Sharp spent Sunday with Mrs.
I Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and Mrs.
Woolener spent Saturday in Oregon
City. '. "- "
!,' Those attending the dance given at
, Willamette, last Saturday, were: Mr.
and Mrs. Smith Turner, Nola Turner,
Norman Turner, Myrtle Aden, Gilbert
Sharp and George Oldenstadt.
8 18 ii$8 18 48 8 48 8 8 8 8 8 8
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Jt Mrs. Dan Fellows . Jt
Jt Jt
ijp jPPjf?PPjPiPPJPtPPjP jf5
Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler Were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jackson,
last Sunday. , j
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cota were Oregon
City visitors, last Friday. . -
Mr." and Mrs. E." A Staub were call
ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Nelson, last "Sunday. ,.
Mr. and Mrs; Blackburn spent the
week with their daughter, Mrs. E. S.
Holmes. .... , .
Frank Rees made a business call at
the home of R. W. Jackson, last Sun
day. -
Nellie Glover visited the Staub girls,
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cole have been
picking prunes for C. F. Grossmiller.
Jim -Rutherford has purchased a
Ford car, as has also Calvin Garinger.
Dan Fellows was a Portland caller,
last Monday.
Rev. A. J. , Ware preached at our
church, last Sunday.
j8 q8 8 8 8 (8 8 8 J8 8 8 8 $8y
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Jt Mrs. Geo. Hartmam Jt
Jt J
jp PjPPjpJPPaPPjPsPjPjPiP jp
S. Graham and son Tommy, F. A.
Doern and Mr Williams spent last
Sunday fishing In eastern Oregon, at
Badger Creek, and had splendid suc
cess. '
Mrs. H. House moved into her new
home in Portland, last week.
Mrs. G. J.. Murray, with her son, has
left for an extended trip to Sacramen
to, where she will visit an
effort to recover her health.
Mrs. Hazel Lang spent last Sunday
visiting her friend, and former neigh
bor, Mrs. Weigel. -
E. J. Howard, with his son, and Mr,
Reeder, have recently returned from
a hunting trip to Netarts, in Tilla
mook county.
Dick, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
R. Z. Anderson, has been confined to
his home by sickness and unable to
attend school.
Mrs.. George Lewis, who has spent
the summer visiting her mother, Mrs.
R. Z. Anderson, leaves Sunday for an
extended visit to Sajj Francisco, where
she "has a daughter, two brothers and
a sister. '
It is yith deep regret that the Capi
tol Hill parent-teachers.' association
circle learn that -their president, Mrs.
subscribers of
Post Office
County I.-..,
Manning Spiker, is about to resign.
Mrs. Spiker is obliged to give up the
work on account of serious illness In
Lher family.
Elaine Spiker enjoyed a visit from
her .playmate and friend, Josephine
Mayer, of Rose City Park, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Harris, who left
Kilpatrick Tract to ranch in Tilla
mook, have returned to their former
home. ,
Mrs G. Phillip of Portland is visit
ing with Mrs. Sims at Collins Vitw.
The following' officers were elected
at the last meeting of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society. for the
coining year: Mrs. J. V. Patton, presi
dent; Mrs. George Smith Brown, vice
president; Mrs. Thomas, secretary and
treasurer. .
Mrs. Paul Meyers of Capitol Hill i3
seriously ill, and has "been taken to
Lents to be under the care" of her
mother. .
The father of Harry Stillwell lias
been visiting with relatives in Port
land for several weeks, and will, re
turn to his" home in Butts Montana,
Saturday. . "
. A meeting of the Capitol Hill parent
teachers' association circle has been
called for next Monday afternoon, to
make arrangements for a program by
Prof, Emil Enna, of Portland, to be
given at the school the evening of Oc
tober 20. -
The Girl Scouts, "Dogwood" Troop,
of Carson Heights, will hold a cake and
candy sale at the Carson Heights
church on the afternoon of Tuesday,
October 17, from 2 to 5 o'clock. The
proceeds will be used to buy uniforms
for the troop.
Mrs. Baxter of Northrup Acres, is
attending the Benson Polytechnic
school taking up the course in millin
ery. ' .
The Carson Heights Community
church is busy planning a musical so
cial for Friday evening, October 27.
The Girl Scouts and "Brownies"' will
participate with ritual work, -and a
splendid program is promised. For
tunes will,- be forecast "by the gipsy
fortune teller. Refreshments will be
served and all are cordially invited to
Mrs. Ed. Schwab and her daughter
Geraldine, were the guests for the
day of Mrs. George Hartman recently.
The quartet of Mr. Baxter, Mr. Dry
den, Mr. Brown and Mr. Patton are
rendering some very fine music at the
Carson Heights church, and have been
Invited to- sing at the Centennary Wil
bur, in the near future. -
Dr. H. T. Greene, of the Centennary
Wilbur church, will preach at the Car
son Heights church Sunday morning,
October 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Klemm, of Carson
Heights, are -anticipating great pleas
ure from the purchase of a new motor
car. .
Mrs. Clarke of Ryan Place, who left
a year ago to live at Salem has re
turned, and is planning on buying a
home in Portland, to be near her son.
Mr "and Mrs. S. Graham entertained
with a fish dinner, recently. Among
those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F.
Hardwick and 3on, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
liKl IMrlriM
o) pffi
Full Year
readers :
Special Bargain Offer Blank
Enclosed find $3.75 for which send me by mail The Portland
Telegram and Banner-Courier for one full year.
Subscription begins
Name 1 i ' ,,.- . . .
This Offer Is Good Only During: This Month
Doern and son, and Mr. and Mrs F. W.
The state parent teachers' president,
Mrs. J. F. Hill, is spending her entire
time in the field, speaking before the
county teachers' institutes. On Octo
ber 17, she was the guest of the Mor-
,row county institute at Heppner, where
the county superintendent called a
mass meeting of all in the county in
terested in parent-teachers' work.
Everyone thruout this community is
rejoicing over the fact that the sur
facing of the Boones Ferry and Tay
lors Ferry roads lias been placed on
the budget for 1923, by the county
jt Jt Jt jt Jt jt jt Jtjt jt jt jt jt j? jtg
Jt Dennis kidby Jt
Jt . Jt
Mrs. George Rutley of Chatham, On
tario, Canada, has been visiting with
Mrand Mrs. Shanks for a few days.
The Rutleys will inaka their home in
Portland in the near future.
, Mrs. Chris Crusius arrived home
this week, after a visit with relatives
in New York. - . -
Miss Zennah Lytsell was unable to
attend school Monday, due to a slight
illness. She Is now better.
Mrs. L. R. Montgomery will stay
with relatives in Portland during the
coming winter. -
Dr. and Mrs. J. P.- Johnson are now.
occupying their new bungalow, near
the standpipe. '
The Pacific Telephone Company has
started work on the laying of the un
derground conduit, which is to convey
the phone and telegraph lines across
the new bridge. .
ij8 j6 6 8 8 8 jK 38 8 JC 8 8 8g .
Jt Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck Jt
Jt jt
p PPPPiPiPjPjPjPsPaPP jp jp
R. E. Wagner, residing on Riverview
drive, has taken a six months', leave
of absence from his position as engi
neer with the S. P. & S. railway, for
the purpose of Investigating an official
position tendered him by the Denver &
Rio Grande railway.
The members of the Christian En
deavor society are planning a Hallo
we'en social.
The members of the parent-teachers'
association will meet at the school
house, Friday afternoon. y
W. , F. Myef s went to Albany last
Sunday, on a hunting trip for Chinese
The members of the Luncheon Club
are planning a reorganization and re
sumption of their activities.
The Community Club held their
monthly social Wednesday evening.
Cards were enjoyed by those present.
Refreshments were served.
We do printing of all kinds at the
Banner-Courier the best workman
ship at lowest prices.
o) !iq)