Page Three THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON .THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922. JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeek - J J . . 2P 1" K" IF If Jf K" If JC K ? Jf J4 The Jennings Lodge community club, at its first regular meeting held last week, selected W. I. Blinstone, Warren Swart and Fred J. Wilson to serve as a committee from the club in an endeavor Jo have the river road designated as a state highway. The next meeting of the club will be Wed nesday evening, October 18, and will be in the nature of a social meeting. R. H. Hendry, Edwin Pearson, Mrs. William Moritz, Mrs. R. G. Thompson and Mrs. C. C. Hale were named as a committee" to prepare a program for the evening. The "Busy Workers',' gave a tea at the community churcs, last Friday. The receipts, amounting to $6.48, are for the children's farm home. Follow ing the -tea, a musical and literary program was given. The "Busy Workers" class has eight members, as follows: Jean Robbins, Alma Goetger, Audrey Tillman, Pearl Grady, Lila Rosenberry, Betty Hale, Jeanette Rob erts and Elsie Grundland. Mrs. A. B. Smith is their teacher. While other sections have been pro ducing oversized cucumbers, it has re- . mained for Mrs. E. O. Kiggins to pro duce what is believed to be the largest cucumber in Clackamas county, meas uring 19 inches in length, 14 inches in . circumference, and weighing 6 pounds and 7 ounces. ' Rev. and Mrs. Reul Snider and little baby, are visiting at the home of Mr. Snider's parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Snider. Last Thursday the two fami lies motored to Cherryville, where they spent the week-end with Mrs. A. B. Snider's mother and brother. Rev. Reul Snider, before coining west, was pastor of a Congregational church at Akron, Ohio. Both were graduates of the University of California and are planning to locate at some point in "California. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Rau and little child, have arrived from their former home in Illinois, and are visiting at the home of Mr. Rau's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rau, of Meldrum. The trip from Illinois was made by auto. The new arrivals-may decide to locate here. Miss Wilma Breuchert of Jennings Lodge, has taken a position in the county recorder's office. Mrs. Tillie Moore has taken posses sion of the residence formerly owned by Mrs. Ingalls, located near the Trout residence. - Mr. and Mrs. August Bluhm and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici, of Hull avenue. Mrs. George Williams spent several days in Portland with Mrs. Emma Cor nell. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Cornell were schoolmates in Fairview, Penn. The members of Grace Guild were entertained, Wednesday afternoon, at th home of Mrs. R. L. Newcomb, with Mrs. Newcomb and Mrs. Warren Swart as joint hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. George Ott, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ott and little son Don, all trom The Dalles, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L Blinstone of Hull avenue, Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dowcette and chil dren of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Milliken of Willamette, and Mrs. A. B. Buckles of Oregon City, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mosher of Hull avenue. George Leeper, aged 74 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrsi Groyer Still, of Glen Echo, last Thurs day night. The remains were shipped to his former home in Nebraska, where final services were held. He is survived by his widow, four daughters and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Still, ac companied the remains to their form er home. Mrs. George Gardner and Mrs. A. B. Smith were selected as delegates from the Jennings Lodge Sunday school to the state convention, . to be held in Portland October 11th. The Jennings Lodge school is closed for the remainder of the week for the purpose of giving the teachers an op portunity of attending the county in stitute. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holden are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Trout. Mrs. L. J. McHargue is having her residence on Railroad avenue re shingled. Work on the new home of S. O. Griffith is progressing rapidly. The new residence being built by Thomas Hopkins on Hull avenue, is nearly ready for occupancy. The residence of Harry Bond of Meldrum was damaged to the extent of $150, caused by a fire starting from lightning, conveyed to the house by radio wires. A dance was given in the new barn of Stanley Shepherd on the Oatfleld road, last Saturday evening. The dec orations were autumn leaves, pump kins and corn. A delegation from Jennings Lodge attended the opening dance of the sea son at Oak Grove, last Saturday eve ning. - Rev. Herbert G. Crocker will con duct the services at the Grace com munity church, next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Crocker has re ceived a call to the pulpit of the church and has taken the question of acceptance under consideration. . Mrs. Tillie Moore is suffering with a felon on the forefinger of her right hand. James Mulholland of Council Bluffs, Iowa, is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. H Hendry, of Hull avenue. Have you lost something? Maybe you've found it? Got a house for sale ? Or perhapp you want to buy a cow? An adv. in the Classified Column of the Banner-Courier swill attain t)i desired result. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, as Executrix of the Last Will of John Henry Herman Kloer, deceased, has filed her final account in the office of the County Clerk of Clack amas County, Oregon, and that Satur day, the 4th day of November, 1922! at the hour of 10:00 a. m. in the fore noon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Oceober 5th, 1922. Last publication November 2d, 1922, ANNA M. KLOER, Executrix of the Last Will of John Henry Herman Kloer, deceased. Paul C. Fischer, Tooth Paste A perfect dentifrice antiseptic mvff' ' ' - f)3"',,' U '.. . ,; T - ' : T, , r., I s-klZP ; '0sx3 ? (drK nn ir i i not -show when used and deodorant. Cleans and VV; h ' (JL tMJ Kl Ifwll IFZTI .Of moderately. Delightfully whitens the teeth. Regular 'f ' r.fs- '' . : V I Cil SsT" Vi IP 1 f&ll If scented. All tints. .Regular 6 ' . . ' W M U .ill lifl - This Sale This Sale Wi" ' 'Nir LVn,ir -"-t JlJ F T fX Vffj W fTT ttHf " Two tubes for 26c SSJS 1 Jf Z 1411 WfA Two Boxes 51c Tuesday, Wednesday and Tfarsday Buy one Article at the Regular fs NTAL CREME A Nationally Advertised Rexall Product and one of the largest selling dentiflces on the market. Lay In a good supply. 50c Klenzo Dental Cream 2 for 51c 50c Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic 2 for 51c A splendid mouth wash and gargle. Pleasantly flavored, very refreshing. LIGGETT'S CHOCOLATES The "Chocolates with the wonderful cen ters." Nationally advertised at $1.00 per pound box This Sale Two Boxes for $1.01 We have also obtained for this Sale a Special Price on our regular 60c bulk Chocolates assorted flavors. They are extra value for 60c. but for this Sale 60c Bulk Chocolates, 2 lbs. for 61c 40c Sour Fruit Balls, 2 lbs. for 41c Rexall Toilet Soap Lathers freely in any water. The equal of many soaps costing more money. Regular Price 15c Two Cake for 16c ORDERLIES These famous Laxative Tablets are the most popular remedies for con- -stipation and torpid liver that we know of. This large pkg. of 60 pills sold all over the world for 50c. -For this Sale Two Packages... .....i......." 51c HAIR NETS We offer these, six shades, both single and double mesh " 10c Single Mesh, 2 for 11c 15c Double Mesh, 2 for.!6c B R U S H E S $1.50 Hair Brushes Ladies' Rubber Cushion. - 2 for 35c Tooth Brushes .. . 75c Tooth Brushes r 75c Ebony Back Hat Brush $1.51 2 for 36c .2 for 76c ( . 2 for 76c 35c Lather Brush 2 for 36c $1.75 Lather Brush-a Genuine Badger Hair 2 for .76 For Men Who Shave These are all quality products the knd you will buy over and over. Get all you want at about half price. i 30c Rexall Shaving Cream, 2 for 31c 30c Rexall Shaving Stick, 2 for 31c 30c Rexall Shaving Powder, 2 for 31c 60c Rexall Shaving Lotion, 2 for 61c Shaving Lotion is & delightful, soothing, healing, after shaving preparation. OCTO Our Annual One-Cent Sale the cooperation of the United Drug Co., manufac turers of Rexall Remedies, Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods, Stationery, and practically all the merchan dis e featured in this sale. It is their way and our v way of advertising these goods. Be here early in the day and early in the sale, for we always sell out of many items. exo femedi&& and Household Needs Dependable Remedies that should be in every home. ' - , Supply your needs at almost half price. , 20c Bronchial Tablets 15c Toothache Stopper 2 for 21c 2 for 16c 50c Analgestic Balm - . ....2 for 51c 85c Bronchial Salve 2 for 36c 25c Carbolic Salve 2 for 26c 25c" Charcoal Tablets ..... . -.2. for 26c 60c Jlustard Ointment , 2 for 61c 25c Aspirin Cold Tablets .2 for 26c 25c Little Liver Pills (100 pills) 2 for 26c 75c Rubbing Oil H....2 for76c 50c Milk of Magnesia 2 for 51c $1.00 Syrup Hypophosphate Comp. .2 for $1.01 25c Glycerine Suppositories (Infants) 2 for 26c 75c Parafln Oil best grade 2. for 76c 60c Box Floreine Paper, 2 for 61c Contains one quire of paper and envelopes to match, comes in white, blue, grey and pink 2 boxes for 61c. 10c pkg. of White Envelopes, 2 for 11c. TOI LET 35c Cream of Almonds ... ..2 for 36c 30c Cold Cream - 2 for 31c 50c Boquet Ramee Talcum 2 for-51c. $1.00 Boquet Complex Powder 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Truflor Toilet Water Arbutus, Clover, Lilac, Rose, Violet.l.....2 for $1.01 75c Boquet Toilet Water, also Lilac, " Rose and Violet r . 2 for 76c 50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream . ,. 2 for 51c 50c Violet Dulce Face Powder ....2 for 51c 60c Harmony Liquid Shampoo 2 for 51c 75c Ladies' Dressing Combs .2 for 76c $1.00 Ladies' Dressing Combs .........2 for $1.01 Aspirin Tablets . Famous for the re lief of Headaches, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, etc. 89c box (100 Tablets) 2 for 95c 25c box (24 Tablets) 2 for 26c 15c Z. O. Adhesive Plaster 2 for 16c (1 Inch by 1 yard) 45c Z. O. Adhesive Plaster ...2 for 46c 1 inche by 5 yards) O eCOnOmiCal BUCr Can You will find many other items on sale that we haven't room to list. Every article is first class must be, because our profit comes from your repeat business, not from this sale.- No goods sold at one cent prices before Tuesday, October 17. NO TELEPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED NO ONE-CENT GOODS CHARGED Huntley-Drapcr Drug Co. 77m Price and get the second one for One Cent is possible only through 50c Mentholated White Pine and Tar a fine cough remedy r . 2 for 51c 25c Expectorant for deep-seated colds 2 for 26c 35c Cascara Tablets , . 2 for 36c 35c Hinkle Tablets 2 for 36c 25c Blauds Tablets , ....2 for 26c 35c Alkaline Anteseptic Tablets .;.....2 for 36c 50c Effervescent Soda Phosphate 2 for 41c 30c Tube Zinc Ointment .. 2 for 31c 15c Pure Test Epsom Salts T..J2 for 16c 20c Pure Test Rochelle Salts 2 for 21c 35c Pure Test Castor Oil 2 for 36c 10c Pure Test Senna Leaves ..: :..2 for 11c 25c Tincture of Iodine 2 for 26c 25c Bluing : ; 2 for 26c $1 00 Symphony Lawn Stationery with colored borders 2 tor $2.01 Symphony Lawn is the highest quality stationery a pure rag stock. Comes in one quire boxes with , envelopes to match. v Writing Tablets 2 for 11c Regular 10c Tablets fabric fin ish ruled or plain. 2 Tablets for 11c while they laat. A R T I C L E S 25c Jonteel Toilet Soap ; 2 for 26c 15c Rexall Toilet Soap . 2 for 16c 25c Klenzo Tar Soap 2. for 26c 25c Medicated Skin Soap 2 for 26c 5UC feyta Rouge .... ..2 for 51c 50c Svta Face Powder . .2 for 51c 75c Riker's Cold Cream (8 oz.) 2 for 76c $1.50 Jonteel Manicure Set ...2 for $1.51 35c Jonteel Cutical Solvent 2 for 36c 25c Jonteel Nail Polish ; 2 for 26c 25c Jonteel Nail Creme 2 for 26c 25c Violet Dulce Talcum 2 for 26c "15c Powder Puffs :.. .......2 for 16c 40c Marvo Cocoanut Shampoo '.. .2 for 41c $2.00 Fountain Pens, 2 for $2.01 Gold nibs iridium tipped. Fine chased rubber barrel. Screw caps. Self-flller. A fine $2.00 Fountain Pen that looks like $2.50. For this Sale 2 Pens for $2.01 50c Milk of Magnesia, 2 for 51c A United Drug Cd. product Riker Brand. For heartburn, Indigestion and sour stomach. Two 12-oz. bottles for 51c. . afford tO miSS tWS Sale. Store Violet Dulce Complexion Powder fr $2.00 Hot -Water Bottle 2 for $2.01 A seamless bottle that means no leaks. Two quart size. Sold In combination with the Fountain Syringe one of each for $2.01. $2.00 Maximum Fountain Syringes 2 for $2.01 The same quality product as the Hot Water Bottle. 2 quart size. Standard attachments. Sold in combination, with the Water Bottle one each for $2.01. VIOLET- DULCE COLD CREAM Contains no glycerine will not be come rancid and retains its exquisite texture and sweet violet odor indefi nitely. 50c Size Jars, 2 for 51c 50c Rexall Cold Cream, 2 for 31c Pure Food Products The United Drug Co. line of Food Products affords you an opportunity to buy at almost half price the very finest goodjs that it is possible to obtain. They are put out under the trade names of "Symonds Inn" and "Opeko." ' - - ' 35c Symonds Inn Vanilla Extract ...... 2 for 36c 40c Symonds Inn Lemon Extract .2 for 41c 25c Symonds Inn Cocoa, lb... 2 for 26c 25d Symonds Inn Baking Chocolate r... 2 for 26c 30c -Symonds Inn Beef Cubes 2 for 31c 25c Symons Inn Cinnamon . . 2 for 26c 25c Symonds Inn Black Pepper.;... 2 for 26c 25c Symonds Inn Red Pepper. . ....1...2 for 26c 25c Symonds Inn Nutmeg.... 2 for 26c 90c Bot. Imported Olive Oil 2 for 91c Opeko Coffee We do not offer Opeko Coffee as a one-cent item. But we do say that If you appreciate good coffee, you will say it is worth twice what you paid for it For 31c this Sale per Pound OPEKO TEA A real 'Tea for Tea lovers. Comes in Ceylon Black and Basket Fired Green. Not a one-cent item Vi Pound Tins 33c $2.50 Auto Strop Razor Two for $2.51 This is the razor that strops ' itself. A complete Tratflt in Kah ki case, with 12 blades more than a year's shaves. $2.50 Old Style Razors, 2 for $2.51 50c Cascade Linen Pound Paper 2 for 51c Each pound contains 96 fold ed sheets of note paper A fabric finished paper of good quality A year round seller with us. White only 2 pounds 192 sheets for 51c 35c Cascade Envelopes, 2 for 36c These match Cascade Pound Paper Each pkg. ontains 50. You get 100 envelopes for 36c. Attorney for Executrix 10-5-5t ANNIE J. YOUNG,