Page Nine' A Page For Busy Housewives Shop in Ore gon City First THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY; OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1922. 'WI!l!!!lll!l!!ll!ll!lF!lii liiiEIlIS!!!'!'! ..- l- J,,..,.,., u .uJu.u.1 Royal White or ; White Wonder SOAP 10 Bars -38(j- :x:"W"X:":-x:":x-::-:-:::"X.-Blackberry JAM oz.Jargjj M. J. B., Golden West, Shillings or Royal Club COFFEE Lb. 390 Royal Baking Powder 12-oz. can 38f! Arm & Hammer Baking Soda .l.JI-i4Mlllil-luJl-i V-.i. 1 " " u -. U-li-i i . j THE WHITE PALACE CASH GROCERY FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE Friday and Saturday, October 6th and .tjth . This event will mark the end ofour first year in Oregon City. We have enjoyed; dealing with the pco pie of Oregon City and Clackamas County and feel that our success is due to the tact that we have put service first and have counted on small profits and large sales to build our trade. A glance at the prices on this page will show why our list of regular customers is constantly increasing. If you are not one of them let us show you what we can do to keep down the High Cost of Groceries. FREE DELI VERY SATURDAY ON LY. Place your orders Friday to insure delivery. , . , 5 - T11YA .Com " ux G vatic SUGAR i 15 lbs :. 3 pkgs. 250 o Fryes Shortening 5-lb. pail . : 10-lb. pail -76 mi White Palace Golden Syrup gal. r 340 lgal . 650 Guaranteed to Please. . Mrs. Steward's BLUING Bottle . 170 Extra Standard Towa Corn CanlOri 3CansQCW txXKx::xxx::::xxX" Carnation, Bordens ; : or : 5- nrimiii.A Milk X Can 90 1 xxxx-xx-xx-xxxxx 11.00 1 $ One to each customer. Potatoes 51bs 200 - Freshly Milled FARINA 10 -Lb. Sacks 590 Freshly Milled ROLLED OATS 10 -Lb. Sacks 490 CALUMET Baking Powder Full Pound Can 280 Extra Fancy POTATOES 10 Lbs. Ghirardallis Chocolate 1-Lb. Can 290- Sunmaid Seeded or Seedless Raisens Lb. pkg 160 PURE LARD 5 lbs. Net Weight 920 10 Ibis. Net Weight $1.79 'Our Special Blend COFFEE Freshly Roasted 4 lbs -350 New Stock Comb Honey Frame 200 "CRISCO" 6-Lb. Can $1.26 LENOX Laundry Soap 8 Bars Sweet Shredded COCOANUT Lb. 2 Lbs. 180 350. California Catsup Full Pint Bottle 20 Fresh Bulk COCOA 2 lbs. 150 Fancy Red SALMON Lb. Talis 2 Cans 250 Crepe Toilet Paper 6 Rolls 24jj Corn Starch 1-Lb. "Package 3 Pkgs. Large Oval Cans . SARDINES Tomato Sauce or Spiced Can150 , Domestic, SARDINES in Oil 6 Cans 25j Gun Po wder TEA Fine Quality lb. 370 Fine Table Salt 8-lb. Sack 170 New Stock Dried Prunes 2 lbs. ' 250 "XX"XXXX-XXX"XXX I . Crown or t '4 - Olympic Flour f I PerSacL.:.$li87 .xxkvxxxxkxxx vviuxe iawn Hard wneat U)UK Sack $1.78 Olympic or Crown .Pancake Fiour 3-lb. Jfkg. . 210 White or Yellow CORN MEAL freshly Milled 9-ib. Sack 280 New Crop Soft WALNUTS 280 lb- Shell Extra Fancy Head Rice 5 lbs. Fancy California Small White BEANS 5 lbs. 390 Double Tipped v Diamond Matches 12 Pkgs. .... -280 i;ip!l!!Pi!i;mpiii!!ii!im iiiiiii .1 , m ft t l J. A Mk l?l 1-LJL -J J.l.l,.i.A.J-lJ-ll.J.J.J-lJ-l-lJ-J' Extra, Good Kitchen Broom Well Sewed Special J 50 One to a Customer. -x:xx::xxxxxxx-: UHJLdxOl1 ''12. roris. anu joeans ivieuiuiu bue can Urt 4 cans luti .iiilli 0 Cream oi Wheat . Macaroni or Spaghetti 3 lbs 210 New Pack -Red Ribbon or Otter Brand SHRIMPS Can 150 o New Pack SUNKIST Asparagus Tips Tender Can 21jf NewPack Solar Brand Sugar Peas Nice and Tender Can j 0 7 Cans 250 Citrus " m Washing Powder . j Pkg. --230 I 2 large pkgs. J50 . J XXXXXXXXKX-X-X IB TruBIuSoda CRACKERS Packed in Wooden Box 3'2 lb. Box 990 -XXXX"XXXXKXXX! RECIPES Contributions to this column are invited , Grape Juice First heat the jars, then to each jar put in one cup of grapes and one-half cup sugar, flill the jar with boiling water and seal air-tight. Be sure to have your jars in hot water, then add the boiling water slowly. The juice will not have much color at first, but in a few weeks it will be ready to use. Shake the jars gently while still hot to stir the sugar. ' Riced Potatoes Boil or steam potatoes until tender. Then put through a ricer. Have the dish and ricer hot, as the potatoes cool quickly when prepared in this way. This makes an attractive dish and may be served with gravy of any hind to accompany it. r To Preserve The Delicacy Of Bacon This device will repay its small cost three hundred times a year, and con sists only of an open wire rack hold ing two or more slices of bacon, which may be laid far enough apart not to touch and so absorb the grease from the other slices. . The rack is placed In a baking pan and set inside the stove. The grease Is caught in the pan and the bacon, comes to the table dry, crisp and delicious. Cream Salad Dressing "One egg, three tablespoons vinegar, one teaspoon sugar, one-fourth tea spoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon mus tard. Place in basin of hot water until thick. When cold add one-half cup thick cream. CLASSIFIED ADS For Sale Live Stock FOR SALE Team, mare and horate, 3,000 lbs., cheap. Brood sow, Hamp shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mao Farlane, one mile south of Carver. (9-7-3t-pd.) FOR SALE CHEAP Horse, 900 lbs., 8 years old, gentle, will ride, drive or work. Phone 312. It For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Modern five-room house, good location, on Improved street Phone 528-W after 5:30 p. m. (9-28-4tpd) Office. Phone 417. (9-14-ltp) WANTED By bright, snappy boy, a place to work for board and room while ' attending High school- In quire at the Banntr-Courier office, (tfp) Wanted Real Estate WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED 30 to 50 Acres mostly Im proved, fair buildings, good roads, not ovar 8 miles out of Oregon City, to trade for good Residence proper ty close In, in Portland. Write full description. Ely, Madison and Ely, Room 7, Beaver Building, Oregon City., tf. MONEY TO LOAN Paul C. Fischer . Beaver Bldg. Oregon City W. G. IL Erueger , CONTRACTOR House Moving, Raiting and Repairing Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile Construction Estimate Given Phone 607, Res. 1825 Washington St' C. D. & JD. C. Latourette AND EARL LATOURETTE Atorneys-at-Law , Estates settled Money loaned Prac tice in all Courts of the U. S. First National 'Bank Building OREGON CITY, ORE. . Phone Pacific 405 LOANS Money loaned for you or to you at current rates... Farm loans only. GRANT B. DIMICK , Oregon City, Oregon FOR SALE Second-hand Chevrolet .Touring Car, fine for "Bug" or roadster. Dirt cheap. Phone 417, or inquire Banner-Courier Office. (9-14-2t) FOR SALE Clothes Reel and Post complete, cheap. Inquire Banner Courier. Phone 417. . (9-14-2tp) FOR SALE "Dirt cheap," Chevrolet car. Just the kind and condition for "bug." Information iJannter Courier office. SIX PER CENT LOANS may be se-' cured for anypfurpoee on farm lands. Irrigated lands, to buy or build homes, City or Farm, under our first mortgage certificates. Bankers Re serve Deposit Company, Gas and Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. VOICE Mrs. Naomi Armstrong War ren, pupil of Mary Adele Case Vann, ha opened a class in vocal training. Instruction by the Lamperti method. Phone 310-R. (9-28-lt) FOR SALE Tomatoes, 50 cents a bushel. Bring your boxes. George De Bok, Willamette, Oregon. 9-21-2t Local Buying Market. Poultry Products Eggs, per doz., 42c. Chickens, light 11c; heavy, 18c. Dressed Meats Hogs, top, per cwt., 510.75. Veal, per lb., 15c. Live Stock Beef steers, top, per lb., 5c; cows, fop,, per lb., 3c Sheep, per lb., 3c ; lambs, per lb., 8c. Hay Clover hay, per ton, $20; oat hay, per ton, $38. Grain Wheat, per bu., $1.00. Vegetables Potatoes, per cwt., $1. Advertise in the Banner-Courier. jPIANO Miss Florence Andrews, pupil of the Vann Studio of Music, has opened a class in piano study for beginners. Phone 441-R. (9-28-lt) REAL ESTATE We have anything you want in homes, farms or subur . ban property. Doilar Real Estate Co., Room 15, Beaver Bldg. It- WILL EXCHANGE Span of young horses and one first-class Durham cow for goats or sheep. . I want from 50 to 300. Charles T. Tooze, care of Carl R. Short, -Mollala, Oregon. (9-28-1 tp) Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Ten copies of the August 3d, BannernCourier. Wfe will pay 20c each. - WANTED To buy second hand goods. Will pay cash for used fur niture, tools, or any thins of com mercial value. Large stock of goods for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St ALWAYS THE NEW THINGS JFIRST. Ladies' and Children's Ready-ToWear 209 7th Street - - r Oregon City SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE ATTO R N E YS-AT-LA W 6 Per Cent State School Money To Loan on Farms. General Practice Bank of Oregon City Building - Oregon City, Oregon WANTED Place by hoy to work for board and room while attending high school. Inquire at Banner-Courier HUTCHINSON MATERNITY , HOME Mrs. Ida Hutchinson, Prop. Reasonable Rates . Sixth and J. TJ. Adams Sts. Phone 498R Oregon City, Oregon Holman firPace FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Seventh and Water Sts. TeL.,86 Wnu Stone ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON & -t 1 - 'j- GEO. HOEYE Chiropractor Phone 636W Caufield Bldg.. e r- Oregon City, Ore. CHARLES T. SIEVERS LAWYER Caufield Bldg. OREGON CITY OREGON DR. E. A. GIBBS, Nervous and Chronic. Diseases a Specialty. Room 2 Beaver Block Oregon City. , PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney at Law Oregpn City, Oregoa Beaver Building Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 Dr. L. G. Ice DENTIST Oregon City O. D. Eby ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Over Bank of Oregon Cifcy OREGON CITY, OREGON Phone 35SJ Res. Phone 477R See- JOE ORMAN For Fine Tailoring ANDRESEN BLDG. WM. GARDNER OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 719 Main Street Ocejwn City, Ore. CHOICE MEATS $ From the best meats we can buy we offer I you . the choicest cuts, at prices no more than you J have paid elsewhere for ? less quality. Oregon City Cash Market Ruconich & Roppel Props. Phone Pacific 75 218 Main St A Fine Lot of Jonathan es AddI Came in this week. . Bright red in color and fine for kiddies $1.75.. per box . TheHub GROCERY On the Hill We Carry and, liecormnend Edwards' J Dependable Coffee 'Vacuuvi Packed Fruit of all Kinds FOR CANNING Jars and Jar Trimmings Dependable Poultry Sup plies and Feeds are a large factor in successful poultry farm ing. Our prices compare very favorably with pre-war times. V : LARSEN & CO'Y 10th and Main Phone 70 Oregon City.