The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, October 05, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
A Word About Buying
a Diamond Ring
When you buy diamond jewelry, go where
v you can buy with utmost eonfidenceKleal
with a firm that yo.u can trust implicitly.
Nearly a half a century of successful
diamond merchandising is the record of
- this house -and every gem we sell must
sustain that valued reputation.
Prices exceptionally reasonable.
Mrs. E. M. Shaw and Mrs." E. M.
Steiner 01 H6ff, were Oregon City vis
itors on Friday of last week.
Jacob Pollanz and son, who are resi
dents of Washington, visited Mr. Pol
lam's sister, Mrs. J. R. Hanny, -last
Victor Palmgreen, who is a resident
of Colton, Oregon, transacted business
in Oregon City on Wednesday of last
MisS ..Myra Adcock of Willamette
was a week-end guest at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. A. H. Roman,
at South Oregon City. ;
Mr. and Mrs? Hal Hoss and chil
dren motored to Salem, Wednesday
of last week, where they attended the
Oregon state fair.
Cecil Hugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Hugh of Oregon City, has gone to
. Eugene, where he will enter the Uni
Tersity of .Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson of
Portland, spent Monday night at the
home of their daughter, Mrs. Max Tel
ford, of Canemah.
The Best Combination in newspaper
dom The Banner-Courier and The
Portland Telegram, both for full year,
for $3.75, during this month.
. Mrs. Bertha Hurst of Canby, who
had charge of the floral display at the
county fair, visited friends in Oregon
City, on Saturday of last week'.
; Miss Matie Burkhalter, who is" em
ployed in the assessors' office, visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burkhalter,
at Jefferson, on Sunday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner G. Hall, accom
panied by the latte'r's son', Earl Wink,
and wife, attended thev Oregon state
fair, on Thursday of last week.
A. W. Cheney, a former resident of
Oregon City, but now of Portland,
visited his sbn, Oren Cheney, at Ore
gon City, on Saturday of last week.
Vote for Single Tax 304 X Yes.
Adv. (4tp)
Miss Agnes Clifford, a teacher in the
Eastham school, went to Portland,
Monday night. Miss Clifford is study
ing voice culture with Mary Adele
Case Vann.
Eleanor Hall, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Hall, of West Linn, who
has been at the Oregon City hospital
, for several weeks, has improved so as
to be able to be taken to her home.
Mrs. Frederick Mayer and little son,
of Portland, visited her mother, Mrs.
Mathew Justin, and her sister, Mrs.
Lee Shannon, of Oregon City, this
Miss Hazel Farr, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Farr, leaves
Friday, for Kansas City, Mo., where
she will visit friends for several
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor of Port
land were week-end guests of the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Taylor,
whose home is near Clackafnas
On Wednesday of last week a son
arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Brandt of Mt. View. The little
fellow has been given the name of
Mrs. Bertha Hartke, who 'was oper
ated on for appendicitis at the Oregon
City hospital a month ago, has im
proved sufficiently to be removed to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Boylan left
Oregon City, Friday, for southern Cal
ifornia, to spend the winter with a
daughter, Mrs. B. M. Doolittle, and
other friend3. "
Mrs.-Clyde Warren, a resident of
Mt. Pleasant, was operated on for ap
pendicitis at the Oregon City hospital,
on Monday of this week. She is in a
crtical condition.
Miss Margaret Beattie and Lot Beat
tie, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs:
A. L. Beattie of Oregon City, have
returned to Eugene to resume their
studies at the University'of Oregon.
Miss Glyde Scheubel, a student at
thm TTnivorsttv nf Arepnn at "Rne'enp
has. returned to resume her studies,
after a week-end visit at Oregon City
wdth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mr. ana Mrs. nouon ana mue aaugn
ter of Canemah, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Alldredge of Ore
gon City, (motored to Salem Thursday
of last week, where they attended the
state fair. -
. Miss Mary Mitchell, who has been
connected with the Bank of Oregon
City for the past eleven years, left
last Friday for Honolulu. . he will
Join Miss Anna Michels, who is
connected with a bank at Honolulu.
Mrs. C. L. Smith of Logan was an
Oregon City visitor, on Tuesday of
this week.
Miss Ruth Scheubel, who has been
in Pendleton visiting friends and at
tending the round-up, has returned to
her home in Oregon City.
Mrs. Frank Bernier has returned to
her home at Parkplace, after a week's
vacation at Elmore Park, and has re
sumed her position with Bannon & Co.
Mrs. George L. Cox of Sellwood, a
former resident of Oregon City, wa
an Oregon City visitor on Tuesday of
last week. While here she visited
" Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott, who
have been attending the round-up at
Pendleton, and also visiting their
daughter, Mrs. Lot Uvermore, hae
returned to . their home in Oregon
City., '
Jack Cleland, son of Rev: and 'Mrs.
J. Cleland of Oregon City, has re
turned to Montreal, Canada, to resume
his studies in medicine at the Univers
ity of Montreal, after spending aj)art
of his summer vacation with his par
ents' . . . ''
Mr. and Mrs. John Moehnke and
children; who have been making their,
home at Beaver Creek, have moved to
Oregon City and have taken posses
sion of their new home, wich they re
cently purchased.
Miss feva - Satterly has gone to
Monmouth to resume her studies at
the Oregon State Normal,- after spend
ing her summer vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Satterly,
at Oregon City.
Miss Isabel Hattan, ' a graduate
nurse from Portland, visited Mrs. W.
C. Green at Oregon City, on Monday
of this week. Miss Hattan was a form
er resident of this place and is a grad
uate or the Oregon City high school.
Mr. and Mrs7Edward Diller of Seat
tle, Wash., and Mrs. Daisy Shindler of
San Francisco, who have been ' visit
ing Mr. Diller's and Mrs. Shindler's
mother Mrs. J. W. Norris, "of Oregon
City, have returned to their homes.
. Mr. and Mi s. Gilbert Morris, who
were married on Tuesday of last week,
have returned to their home, after a
honeymoon spent in Seattle. Mr. and
Mrs. Morris are having a new bunga
low built at Gladstone, Vhich will soon
be ready for them. - .
Mr. and Mrs C. O. Dryden and
daughter, Dicki?, of Oregon City, ac
companied by Mrs. Minnie McCord
of Portland, motored to Salem Satur
day afternoon' and spent a few hours
at the state fair. They went on to
Halsey and spent the week-end with
Marvin and Roland Eby, sons of
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby of Oregon City,
who have been employed at the con
struction camp near the intake of the
Clackamas river during1 their sum
mer vacation, have gone to Eugene,
where Roland will enter the Univers
ity of Oregon, and Marvin will re
sume his studies in medicine. He will
graduate from the university next
With a frost-free period of only 95
days, a barley hybrid, produced in
Alaska, matured in 80 days from seed.
The new grain has stiff straw, long
beardless head, hull-less grain, yields
well . and seems well adapted to the
more extreme northern latitudes.
The Ordea ot Railway Telegrapher
will establish in St. Louis a mutual
bank capitalized at $500,000.
In the" Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
MARIE KELLEY, Defendant.
To Marie Kelley, the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregan:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed -against
you in ihe above entitled suit on or
before the expiration of six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons, which date of expi
ration is fied by order of the above
entitled Court as November 16th, 1922 ;
if you so fajj to appear and answer
'plaintiff will apply. to the Court for
the relief prayed for in his complaint,
to-wit. : For a decree dissolving the
i marriage contract heretofore and now
existing between the parties herein
and for such other and further relief
as to the Court shall seem just.
This summons is- published by or:
der of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court,
j The order is date October 4th, 1922.
5th, 1922.
! Date of last publication, November
lIh, 1922.
i "" ' " Attorney for Plaintiff.
f-,. Addrpos-K1 tl. 'Rlrt"' .
Total ot 7,259,944- Individuals
Filed Income Tax Returns
For Year 1920.
Washington, D. C Complete statis
tics of income for the calendar year
1920, made public by the commissioner
of internal revenue, show that 7,259,
944 individuals filed income tax re
turns, paying a total tax of $1,075,053,
688, and that 203,233 corporations re
ported net incomes taxed at $1,625,
624:643. '
Thirty-three individuals in the Uni;
ted States paid taxes on net incomes
in excess of $1,000,000, 19 paying on
$1,000,000 to $1,500,000. Three paid
taxes on incomes In excess of $1,500,
000; four on incomes from $2,000,000
to $3,000,000 and four paid taxes on
incomes in excess of $5,000,000, two of
these being listed from New York and
two from Michigan.
Orefeon taxpayers paid $15,152,541
taxes on net personal and corporation
incomes for that year, totaling" $233,
174,097, of which $193,652,281 was per
sonal and $49,521,816 was corporation
Washington paid $24,414,571 on ag
gregate net personal and corporation
income of $455,174,61ff, of which $375.
979,893 was personal and $79,194,723
was corporation income.
Idaho paid $2,464,536 m personal
and corporation incomes amounting to
$77,175,544, of which $67,391,639
personal and $9,783,905 was corpora
tion income. "
Olympia, Wash. The Yakima
Southern Railway company is the
name of a new corporation for which
papers were filed, here with the sec
retary of state. The firm is capital
ized for $1,000,000 and its purpose is
to build a "railway line from the north
bank of the Columbia river. at or near
Underwood to Yakima.. m.
The incorporation papers were filed
by John H, Hall of Portland, and the
incorporators named are E. E. Lytle,
Henry E. Reed and J. "B. Atkinson.
The principal place of business for the
new company is Vancouver, Wash
. Portland, Or. Construction of a net
work of rail lines through. Yakima and
Klickitat counties, in Southern Wash
ington, aggregating 154 miles and esti
mated to cost $7,500,000, was 'announce
ed here by E. E. Lyfle, railroad build
er, following incorporation of the Ya
kima Southern Railway company at
Olympia, Wash. . . '
Washington Railway Strikes Snag.
Washington, D. C. Recommenda
tion was made to the Interstate Com-
merce commission by one of its ex
aminers that the Wenatchee Southern
Railroad company be not allowed to
carry out its plans to build eighty-two
miles of new track in Washington
state at a cost of $3,270,000. The ex
aminers' report has yet to be passed
upon by the commission, recommend
ed specifically that the railroad be
refused a certificate of public conven
ience, whicfi ordinarily ft required be
fore new transportation facilities to be
operated in interstate commerce may
be constructed.
Christian Science
Lesson Sermons for the Quarter
Oct. 8 Are Sin, Disease and Death
A. M. Elements that make Christ's
Kingdom Everlasting. - ' '
P. M. Broken Trysts.
: 4 '
Subscribe for the Banner-Courier
and Portland Telegram both one
year for $3.75 if subscribed for dur
ing this month. '
Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt j Jt Jt Jt Jt Jt Jtg
Jt Jt
" Mary Liesman J
J Jt
Otis Robbins, who has been work
ing at Burns Oregon, for the past five
months, returned home recently for
a-short visit.
Saturday was the regular Grange
meeting date and the meeting was
largely attended. Nine new members
were initiated. It was decided to have
a masquerade party on Thanksgiv-ng
and also to have a bazaar at the next
regular meeting, October 28. The ba
zaar is to start bout three o'clock
and there will be all kinds of fancy
work and various other things on sale.
From six to nine o'clock a chicken
supper will .be served, after which
a dance will be held. Everybody is
welcome. " .
The dance given by the Grange was
a huge success. The Grange made a
net profit of about $60. ,
Mrs. Oldenstadt and daughter Mil
dred, returned to their home last-Sunday,
alter spending a week at Wilhoit
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bassett spent
Saturday night and Sunday with the
latter's sister, Mrs. Ed. Sharp.
Lorin Baker, Melba Baker and How
ard Mathews spent Saturday night
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorin
Kruse. - - - .
Miss Myrtle Oldenstadt is working
in Portland for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Wagner, Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Oldenstadt, -Mildred
TJldenstadt and Myrtle Oldenstadt,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. William Burkett are
moving into Fred Elligsen's1 house.
We are glad to have some more new
comers. . o . , -
Mr.-Gould spent the week-end with
his parents, . who reside in Washing
ton. .
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Angel and fam
ily spent Sunday afternoon with Ed.
A party was given at the Boerner
home last Saturday evening, in honor
o Matilda Boerner. The- evening was
spent in games and music and a del
licious luncheon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKillican
have moved into their new home on
the Partfic highway.
Mrs. N. McKillican and daughter
were state fair visitors, Saturday.
SJ tS te v&
J Jf
& ' aiildred McKillican . J
J .
Mrs. Clapp is very ill .at her home,
suffering from heart trouble. ' .
Miss Vesf Draper; of The Dalles
who has been taking a nurses, train
ing course, is spending a few weeks
here with friends and relatives.
" Miss Marie Michels was the guest
of honor at a (miscellaneous shower,
given last Friday evening, at the home
of. Miss Margaret Thompson of Ore
gon City. The wedding is to occur",
In October, when Miss Michels will
wed Ralph Hahn of Portland. -
J. Doremus of Oregon. City is tj?e
guest of his .daughter, Mrs. N. Mc
Killican, for a few days.
. William MFcLarty left Friday for
Hood River, where he will pick apples.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot. Clack
amas. BARBARA HEFNER, Plaintiff,
. iOUROW, his wife, Defendants.
a rss- . '
County of Clackamas.J '"
By virtue of a judgment "order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 28th day of September, 1922, upon
a judgment rendered "and entered in
said court on the 28th day of Septem
ber, 1922, in favor of Barbara Hefner,
Plaintiff, and against Carl F. Morrow
and Anna Morrow, his wife, Defend
ants, for the sum of $3,600.00 with
interest thereon at the rate of six per
cent per annum from the 20th day of
December, 1919, and the further sum
if $200.00, as attorney's fee, and the
further-sum of $43.50, costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon
this ,writ, c6mmamding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situated in the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon,.- to-wjt: -
All of the Southwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter (S. W. .of S. E.
4) of Section Twelve (12), Town
ship Three (3) South, Range Two (2)
East of the Willamette Meridian,
Clackamas County, Oregon.
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of
said execution, judgment order and
decree, and in compliance with the
commands of said writ, I will, on Sat
urday, the 4th day of November, 1922,
at the hour of 10 o'clock; A. M., at the
front door of the County Court House,
in the City of Oregon City, in saiu
County and State, sell at public auc
tion subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash
in hand, all the right, title and interest
which the within named defendants
or either of them, bad on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had in
or to the above described real property
or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, in
terest, costs and all accruing costs.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 5th,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
(10-5-5t) By E. C. Hackett, Deputy
Tools, Cutlery, Builders
Hardware '
At Elevator , Phone 390
Have This Vfetrola in
Your Home Tonight
A small initial payment will put it
there. How pleasant it will be, these
long autumn nights, to listen to the
world's greatest artists in every field
-of music or to dance to their exqui
site playing, whenever you wish I
. Come in, today, and let; us snow
you the model illustrated.
-Price $115. Terms $10 month
Huntlcy-Drapcr Brug Co.
Exclusive Victrola Dealers r
Portland Telegram BANNER-COURIER
One Full Year
By mail
One Full Year
By mail
IBof li or
Only until October 31, 1 922
V 0-5-7 1)
FOrtiand, Oregon.
OCT, 17-
This sale is an event that is looked
each year with the greatest interest
by the thousands of Clackamas coun
ty people who have profited by those
of previous years.
To those readers who are unacquainted
with the Rexall Store One Cent Sale, let us
1 explain: ' T"..
Through he assistance of the United
Drug Co., who manufacture the Rexall line
of Remedies, Toilet Goods, Rubber Goods,
Stationery, etc., we are able to sell you for
1 cent-a duplicate of any advertised article
which you buy at Jthe regular price. In
other words, you get two articles for the
price of one plus 1 cent.
For instance, you can buy two 25c box
es of Rexall Orderlies for 26c.
There'll be hundreds of every-day wanted
V articles in this sale.
Huntley-Braper Drug Co.
QetzeJUL Siera
Our new quarters in the Bank of Com
merce Building are now open. Our stock of
men's & women's woolens is larger and better
than ever before and at our prices anyone can
afford to wear a tailored to measure suit. Call
and inspect our rfiop.
Have your clothes tailor made.
Cleaning and Pressing
Seventh near elevator Phone 358J
Insure through an office which makes
prompt payment in case of a loss.
. C. Howland
620 Main St. Oregon City, Ore.
WANT ADS in these columns COST