The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, October 05, 1922, Page Page Ten, Image 10

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From America s Largest Wholesale Fur House
FROM the remotest wilds of Canada and Nova Scotia; from the Russian
. Steppes and icy. Siberian wilderness; from tropical Brazilian jungles and cor
al islands in the Pacific, the pelts of rare animals are brought to the factories of
Wm. Jackman's Sons in Cleveland and New York. They have their own fur
stations; they are America's largest importing and wholesaling furriers.
They bring to our store, for two days only, a $50,000.00 stock comprising every
stylish and wanted fur throw, wrap, cape and coat. .
Their prices for these two days are 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent below retail
prices. The modes are the new ones for this fall and winter. The furs are all from
selected pelts of rare beauty. The linings are as sumptuous as the furs themselves.
The richness of this display will fascinate you! . -
Mr. John R Galloway, an expert furrier, direct from Wm. Jackman's Sons in
New York, will render his personal service in showing and selling these furs
Friday and Saturday in our store. Bring the children along ! Mr. Galloway has
studied furs from the animal to the retail market. He knows the haunts 'and
habits of the wild, fur-bearing animals. - He is at your service these two days.
Every Fur Shown Will be Sold at 25 to 33 1-3 off Retail Prices
Stone Martin Scarfs, 2 skins, sale price
Natural Squirrel Scarfs, sale price
Fox Scarfs, open and closed styles, in Brown, Black, Taupe, Blue
and Fiatinum Shades ..: ....
.$10.00 to $80.00
$10.00 to $150
$10.00 to $100
Wolf Scarfs, Brown, Black, Taupe and Blue, sale price .1 ...... $8.00 to $24.00
Mole Scarfs, sale price .x .... ; $18.75 to $100
Skunk Scarfs and Throws, sale price ...... $22.50 to $200
Every Fur 25 to 331-3:
, less than retail prices.
The beautifully silk
lined, popular plushes,
many with fur collars,
which are alone worth
. nearly the price' of the
entire coat, and new
girdle effects
Salt's Peco is . the
standard, high grade,
long wearing plush, sold .
in exclusive . ready-to-wear
shops the country
over, "
Priced ' .
$12.75 "P .
.i.W-'.ty its?.
t ;$ a f ( u
. , V
ill i:
Women's Mannish Cat
Th,e. wide kimona
- sleeves combine prettily,
with fur trimmings
Plain and fur collars,
$8.75 W
Of full silk-lined wool
coats with beautiful,
durable Beaverette and
Coney collars, now on
display at ..........
Virgin Wool
. - . .
Overcoats $25
A classy line of 2-tone,
double twisted . fabrics.
For Young Men we have the
big; patch pockets, raglan
shoulders, new-cut belts.
For older men, more con
servative models.
All lined with Skinner's
Satin guaranteed to wear
two seasons. - .
A special lot of new fall and .winter, long
pants suits'
They are snappy, well-made suits, each one
all-wool. d1 Cf 7C
Special Price Only $ 1 D. J
Watertest Clothcraft Serges
The famous blue, brown and grey serge
suits which stand every test of service. A
guarantee in "writing that the suit you buy will
give satisfaction
Price $27.00
There is absolutely no obligation to buy. We feel that the
people of Oregon City and vicinity will appreciate an op
portunity to see $50,000.00 worth of furs from America's
finest fur house. " .
The Quality Store of Clackamas County
The finest ready made clothes which you can buy. Wearing
a H. S. & M. suit or overcoat is a distinction. We carry a
complete line, new for fall and winter. Satisfaction is guar
anteed and any complaint immediately adjusted.
Visit Our Men's Clothing: Dept.
II 0 ! ? tt N IM itf
4 IL
A 1 T
Here is the store where you can get real
overcoat style and fabric and save money
on your coat besides Remember we sell
Gooci Clothes
There is no Finer Tailoring in the world
than a Kuppenheimer Coat. The work--manship
is perfect down to the smallest
detail. The fabrics are the cream. of the
world's looms. Rich, warm shades, fine
textiles. A variety of patterns and designs. 1
Prices are lower this season You can buy
a sterling Kuppenheimer Overcoat for
Resolution and notice fo the im
provement of Third Street, from the
Easterly line of Center Street, to the
Westerly lone of Washington Street,
Oregon City, Oregon.
WHEREAS, pursuant to an order of
the City Council of Oregon City, Clack
amas County, Oregon, heretofore made,
the City, Engineer of said City- has
submitted his report and filed in the
office of the City Recorder plans and
specifications for an appropriate im
provement of Third Street, from the
Easterly line of Center Street to the
Westerly line of Washington Street,
Oregon City, Oregon, and estimates
of the work to be done thereon and
the cost thereof, and
- WHEREAS, such plans, specifica
tions and estimates are satisfactory
to the City Council of Oregon City,
WHEREFORE, the said plans, speci
fications and estimates are hereby ap
proved and adopted; and be it
RESOLVED: That it is the inten
tion of the Citj, Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, to make the said im
provements, being, described as fol
lows, to-wit: v
The street shall be brougHt to sub
grade which shall be prepared accord
ing to the specifications referred to;
on the subgrade shall be laid a four
course Macadam as shown in said
specifications, six inches at curb, nine
inches at center and 40 feet wide, with
ki feet concrete walks on each side
and concrete curbs according to plans.
When" the street is completed it shall
be at the established grade.
The City Recorder is hereby directed
to cause this resolution and notice to
be published as required by the Char
ter. Passed by the Council at a regular
meeting held October 4th, 1922.
- . C. W. KELLY,
35 to
Others $25 and $30
directed to construct sl City Hall and
Fire Department quarters thereon,
said site being described as follows:
Be It Further Resolved, that the 7th
day of November, 1922, the same being
the date of the regular municipal elec
tion, held in Oregon City between the
legal voting hours of said date, and
before the regular and duly appointed,
acting and qualified 'election officers
conducting said election in the several
election precincts in Oregon City, Ore
gon, be and hereby is designated and
appointed as the time, places and elec
tion officials, when, where and before
whomthis'ordinance shall be submit
ted to the legal voters of Oregon City,
for their approval or ejection, and
the Recorder of Oregon City, Oregon,
is hereby directed to make all neces
sary provisions for holding such elec
tion as to said ordinance, and to give
notice (1(lKereof as - required by the
Charter of Oregon City and the laws
of Oregon.
" Read first time at a regular meet
ing of the City Council, held on Oc
tober 4th, 1922, at 7:00 o'clock P. M.,
and ordered published to come up for
second reading and passage at. a spec
ial meeting of the City Council to be
held on the 14th day of October, 1922,
at 7:30 o'clock P. M.
special meeting of the City Council to
be held on the 14th day of October",
1922, at 7:30 olclock P. Jtf.
, C. W. KELLY, -'
Recorder. .
nn mm ' mm ai Our line of shoes -includes every style or
LJPn C !lll ft!&C quality you are "ever- likely to want'
IflVMI O ill 1 Willi CO Shoes, for long service, comfort or style
1 . .. . you'll find every kind here.
$5 to $10
kuppenheimer clothier
in Oregon; city
Be it Resolved by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Oregon City,
Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon: '
..That the following proposed ordin
ance be and the same is hereby pro
posed for submission to the legal vot
ers at a special election to be held as
in this resolution provided.
Submitted to the voters by the
Ordinance No
An ordinance authorizing and direct
ing thij City Council to purchase a site
for the location of the City Hall and
Fire Department, ana to .expend the
sum of $5,000.00 therefor, and author
izing and directing the Mayor and Re
corder to draw a warrant on that part
of the general fund set aside a3 a prop
erty fund, in payment for the same,
and directing the Council to construct
a City Hall and Fire Department quar
ters thereon.
Be it enacted by the people of Ore
gon City and! Oregon City does ordain
as follows: .
Section 1., That the City Council of
Oregon Citybe and hereby is author
ized and directed to purchase a site
for the location of the City Hall ad
Fire Department and to expend the
sum of $5,000.00 therefor, and the
Mayor and Recorder be and hereby
are authorized and. directed to draw
a warrant on that part of the general
fund set aside and held as a property
fund for said amount in payment for
the same, and. the Council is hereby second reading and
Be It Resolved by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Oregon City,
Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon: That the following ordinance be and
the'same is hereby proposed for sub
mission to the legal voters at a special
election to he held as in this resolu
tion provided.
Submitted to the voters by the
Ordinance No.
An ordinance authorizing and di
recting the City Council to construct
a City Hall and Fire Department quar
ters therein upon the Northerly 33 feet
of Lot 6, Block 24, of Oregon City,
Oregon. .
Be it enacted by the people of Ore-
ogn City and Oregon City does ordain
as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council
of Oregon City be and hereby is au-i
tnonzea ana airectea to construct a
City Hall and Fire Department quar
ters therein upon the Northerly 33
feet of Lot 6, Block 24, of Oregon
City, Oregon.
Be It Further Resolved, that the 7th
day of November, 1922, the same be
ing the date of the regular municipal
election held in Oregon City, Oregon,
between the legal voting hours of said
date, apd before the regular and duly
appointed, acting and qualified election
officers, conducting said election in
the several election precincts in Ore
gon City, Oregom be and hereby is
designated and appointed as the time,
places and election officials, when,
where and before whom this ordinance
shall be sufimitted to the legal voters
of Oregon City, for their approval or
rejection, and the Recorder of Oregon
City, Oregon, is hereby directed to
make all necessary provisions for hold
ing such election as to said ordinance,
and to give notice-thereof as required
by the Charter of Oregon City and the
Laws of Oregon.
Read first time at a regular meet
ing of the City Council held on Oc
tober 4th, 1922, at 7:00 o'clock P. M.,
and ordered published to come up for
passage at a
tt 8 a0
jr jt
Dennis Kidby . J
Miss Margaret Clark left last Sat-,
urday for the University of Oregon, to
take up the work of her senior year.
Miss Julia Lytsell joined the Girl's
Reserve of Oregon City, last week.
Clarence Ditter, who broke " his
shoulder several days ago, fell while
running, last Monday, breaking his
left arm in the elbow joint. He is do
ing fairly well.
Miss Emily Nixon, while running
thru the lower hall at union ' high,
thrust her arm thru the blass in a
west door. She has severe scratches
as a result, but luckily no arteries
were cut.
The temporary home built by Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McKillican is practic
ally ready for occupancy. The house
is on a fine site, northeast of the high
A New York Physician reports a
perfect case of a negro who has turn
ed completely white in the past three
years. This uncommon disease rare
ly covers the entire body, but appears
usually in spots. It is not annoying
to the patient nor is it contagious or
A vote was recently taken on the
wet and dry question among the in
mates of the prisons in the United
States. More than 133,000 voted dry
and only 909 voted wet, which shows
that even the lawbreaker is capable of
right thinking and dreads the results
of drink.
MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal
" loans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
Oanby, Oregon. 3-10-tf
FOR SALE Big-type Poland China
Pigs. Alfred Lime, Oregon City, R.
F. D. No. 2, Box 169. 10-5-2tpd
WANTED Place to board and room
in private family by young man.
Must he- close in. Call Banner
SELL OR TRADE Equity in six
room house and lot at Canby, Ore
gon, for $700, for good auto, lots
" or acreage. Address 6709 41st Ave.,
S. E., Portland, Ore. 10-5-ltpd
FOR SALE Automobiles. Late
model Dort touring car, in good con
dition. Priced right;- terms to re-
' sponsible parties. 401 Main street.
Phone 299-J. 10-5-lt
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Minn.