CLASSIFIED ADS TOWN MARSHAL'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS For Sale Live Stock LEGAL NOTICES ; Notice is hereby given that the Re corder of the Town of Milwaukie, Ore gon, has transmitted to me the follow ing list of delinquent assessments . against the property hereinafter de scribed, situated n thei Town of Mil waukie, County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, to-wit: . (1) List for the extension of Harri son Street from 34th street easterly to the northeast corner of the Lot Whit comb D. L. C: Minthorn Addition to the City of Portland: Lot 26,'" Block 15, Fred Frederici, ?6.96. , Lot 27, Block 15, Fred Frederici, $6.96. - Lot 28, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96. Lot 29, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96. Lot 33, Block 15, Theo. andFlorence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 34, Block 15, Theo. and Florence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 35, Block 15, Theo. and Florence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 36, Block 15, Theo. and Florence Backstroni, 6.96. Lot 37, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96.-. . ' Lot 38, Block 15, Louise "p. Vial, $6.96. Lot 39, Block, 15, Louise P Vial, $6.96. Lot 40, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96. Lot 41, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96. Lot 42, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96. Lot 43, Block 15, Annie S. Miller, $6.96. Lot 44, Block 15, Annie S Miller, $6.96. Lot 45, Block 15, T. J. Cronise, $6.96. - . ' Lot 46, Block 15, T. J. Cronise, $6.96. Lot 25, Block 16, Mary V. Keene, $6.96. Lot 26, Block 16, Mary V. Keene, $6.96. - " Lot 27, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew ey, $6.96. Lot 28, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew ey, $6.96. Lot 29, Block 16, Mary Leaman, $6.96. Lot 30, Block 16, Mary Leaman, $6.96. Lot 31, $6.96. Lot 32 $6.96. Block 16, Mary V. Keene, Block 16, Mary V Keene, Lot 33, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96. ' Lot 34, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96. Lot 35, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96. Lot 36, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96. Lot 37, Block 16, Mary V Keene, $6.96. Lt 47, Block 16, Fred J. Dunn, $6.96. Lot $6.96. 48, Block 16, Fred J Dunn, Lot 4, Block 41, Ella K. Dearborn, $6.96, Lot 5, Block 41, W. T. Augustine, $6.96. Lot 6, Block 41, W. T Augustine, $6.96. Lot 7 $6.96. Block 41, Mary L- Clarke, Lot 8, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. Lot 9, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. Lot 10, Block 41, Mary U Clarke, $6.96. . Lot 11, Block 41, Helena C. Stewart, $6.96. Lot 12, Block 41, Helena C- Stewart, . $6.96. Lot 13, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96.- - Lot 14, Block Trustee), $6.96. Lot 15, Block (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 16, Block (Trustee), $6.96. 41, Honora Howe, 41, Honora Howe, 41, Honora Howe, Lot 17, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. . Lot 18, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 19, Block (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 20, Block (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 21, Block 41, 41, Honora Howe, Honora Howe, 41, Honora - Howe, Trustee), $6.96. Lot 22, Block 41, Honora Howe, yfrustee), $6.96. Lot 23. Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 24, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. ' Lot 7, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96. Lot 8, Block 42, A. J. Smith. $6.96. Lot 9, Block 42, A. E. Mathews and T. I. Loughlin, $6.96. Lot 10, Block 42, A. B Mathews and T. I. Loughlin, $6.96. Lot 11, Block 42, Samuel Pearson, $6.96. Lot 12, Block 42, Samuel Pearson, $6.96. . Lot 14, Block 42, Alice M Spencer, $6.96. Lot 15, Block, 42, Alice M. Spencer, $6.96. A certain part of the land described in Book 153 page 351 records of deeds in Clackamas County, Oregon, convey ed by Charlotte Pratt to Nelson A. and Georgia I. Cooper, his wife, said certain part described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the north boundary line of Lot Whitcomb D. L. C. and 151.34 feet west of the north east corner of said D. L. C; thence S. 1.08 degrees E. 100 feet; thence west and parallel with said north boundary of said D. L. C. 77.56 feet to a point in the east line of 34th Street, if produced, southerly jfrom Harrison Street; thence North 100 feet tracing said east line of 34th Street if produced southerly to a point 30 feet south of said boundary line; .thence east 77.56 feet to the place of begin ning. Nelson A and Georgia I. Cooper, $21.29. A certain part of land described in Book 109 page 335 records of deeds in Clackamas County, Oregon, conveyed by Julius J. Miller and Anna Miller, ot the the for least FOR SALE Team, mare and horste, 3,000 lbs.', cheap. Brood sow, Hamp shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mac- Farlane, one mile south of Carver. (9-7-3t-pd.) run SALE CHEAP Horse, 900 lbs 8 years old, gentle, will ride,, drive or work. Phone 312. i .It For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Modern five-room house, good location, on improved street. Phone 528-W after 5:30 p. m. (9-28-4tpd) FOR SALF-Second-hand Chevrolet Touring Car, fine. for "Bug" or roadster. Dirt cheap. Phone 417, or - inquire Banner-Courier Officer - - ' (9-14-2t) FOR SALE Clothe3 Reel and Post complete, cheap.-Inquire Banner- Couner. Phone 417. (9-14-2tp) FOR SALE "Dirt icheap," Chevrolet car. Just the kind and condition for "bug." Information Bannfef- Courier office. FOR SALE Tomatoes, 50 cents bushel. Bring your boxes George De Bok, Willamette, Oregon. 9-21-2t REAL ESTATE We have anything you want in homes, farm3 or subur ban property. Dollar Real Estate Co., Room 15, Beaver Bldg. It WILL EXCHANGE Span of young horses and one first-class Durham cow for goats or sheep. I want from 50 to 300. Charles T. Tooze, care -of Carl R. Short, Mollala, Oregon. Ml (9-28-ltp) Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Ten copies of the August ou, .uanner-uourier. we will pay 20c each. wanted To buy second hand goods. Will pay cash for used fur niture, tools, or any thing of com mercial value. Large stock of goods for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St. WANTED Place by boy to work for board and room while attending high ' schooler-Inquire at. BanneriCourier Office. Phone 417. (9-14-ltp) WANTED By bright, snappy boy, a place to work for board and room while attending High school- In quire at the Bann;r-Courier office. v'tfp) Wanted Real Estate WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED 30 to 50 Acres mostly im proved, fair buildings, good roads, not over 8 miles out of Oregon City, to trade for good Residence proper ty close in," in Portland. Writefull description. Ely, Madison and Ely, Room 7, Beaver Building, Oregon City.' -. . tf. SIX PER CENT LOANS may be se cured for any purpose on farm lands, irrigated, lands, to buy or build homes, City or Farm, under our first mortgage certificates. Bankers Re serve Deposit Company, Gas .and Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over en acres at 6 per cent Long time loans on easy payments. Federal "oans a specialty. Alfred Graham, anby, Oregon. . 3-10-tf VOICE Mrs. Naomi Armstrong War ren, pupil of Mary Adele Case Vann, has opened a class in-vocal training. Instruction by the Lamperti method. Phone 310-R. (9 8-1 1 ) PIANO Miss Florence Andrews, pupil of the Vann Studio of Music, has opened a class in piano study for beginners. Phone 441-R. (9-28-lt) his wife, to Maggie Anjola, said cer tain part of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly boundary line of the Lot Whitcomb D L. C. 30 feet south of the northeastJ corner thereof and running thence westerly parallel with the north line of said D. II. C. 151.34 feet to a point; thence southerly parallel with the east Dpundary line of said D. L. C. 100 feet; thence easterly parallel with the north boundary line of said D. L. C. to east boundary line of said D. L. C; thence north along the east boundary line of said D. L. C. 100 feet to the pace of beginning. -. Maggie Anjola, $42.12. The amount set opposite each lot or parcel of land is the amount of the unpaid assessment against said prop erty due and1 delinquent. In compliance with said list of de linquent assessments and pursuant to the Charter of the Town of Milwau kie, Oregon, I will on Saturday, the 14th day: of October, 1922, at the hour 9:00 o clock a. m. of said day, at front door of the Town Hall, in Town of Milwaukie, Oregon, offer sale and sell at -public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the above described real property. Each lot or-parcel of land will be sold separately and for a sum equal to but not exceeding the amount of delinquent assessment thereon and interest and cost of advertising and sale. Where more than one ibid is made the land will be sold to the bid der offering to take the same for the amount of penalty and interest Competition will be (1) upon the pen alty for the first period; (2) upon the penalty for the succeeding periods; (d) upon the rate of interest. Date of first publication, September 14th, 1922. Date of last publication, October 12th, 1922. J. A. KECK, Marshal of Milwaukie, Oregon. (9-14-5t) I 41 m. .HI V I I- "VI f If Bfc. ITU rii,. 1 Hundreds of Housekeepers will be made happy because of this remarkable Special Sale of Aluminum Ware. Probably never again will it be possible for us to offer such sensational values. An early attendance is urged so YOU will not be disappointed , NO -TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS. flO C. 0 D. ORDERS. Eighth and Main Sale Starts Exactly 9 a. m. WEKT1SATURDAY! VVb.l 1 Ounce Fknnel jyaz jugarjuuter jVo.3 Separator Wa 4- Measuring Cup Wo.5 TbothPicHolder juo. nidfimv Mem What 59c Will Buy VVb. 1 2qLPuddin$P(Oi Wo.6 lqLPanlgmStitwwr 'a 11 Tubed Cate Pan -Wa2. 2qLPraavmiKettk Wo. 7 SmXStramar Walt ComMnalion'Rmnd MtZ ifit?PiP)ntt Tib rni)flrA "hTn n Hint (tm.iVi-n Cake Pans No. 9 Wo.5 SKotchfiyPan Wo.10 What DJa 5 10 aL Disk Jtin ' 'VUaHftai il Batlb&ePmdainr la6 6 at Colonial Krtfie Wo 11 Q Ml 2 ZjLMi&igBoWl M7 SqtlJmdkucePanMli 4gtCblmiaimtle (CarvMKtufe) , kuLfr,2 Double boiler Nal6 6qLOriafon. teqiltamOe Mzp&27SXfimj3Vb. 9 8'Aqt.WcterPail PnxemrJJCettle S,j. 21 4qt. Covered Octagon. WaW 5qlTeamtl MM 6qlC6bnM IppedSaucePan Stall VAqtOctatenCoCee- Strainer Kettle 2lZ ?l SdiBasimi Roaster ' ' - Percolator Mali IqlCoVcred- 6 at Preserving flrfrdon PyttntcindK'ttlp RpftJ J. '&B&&L. WW&mmin$ Ladle WalS Pocket Cbmb Mali Set otNcapu-uig Spun 6 Qip'Uuffin.Pan Bread Pan Wo.15 2qtIJppedSaujcePm jvaw Buaairan 2b.l7 2gfNijdn3oui $1.19 will Buy PrnmtiiifXptflp Ah iQ fititlero f?t inrh Mnnrfpr (ParirJ KnifA Kettle a -tr W ""IMaWGgw IIIIHIW Mfc - GEWTS (Regular T5c to 1.25 Values Regular 2.00 to 3.50 Values NO PIECES RESERVED. NO DELIVERIES. Oregon City