THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1922. Community Ipfe News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY J Jt Jt Jt Jt J Jt Jt Jt J jtyg' Albert Gasser J J Jt jf K" tf j? ? if ? af f Mr. and Mrs.-George Hofs tetter re turned last Saturday from a trip to Tacoma, Wash., - where they visited Mr. Hofstetter'a brother. They report a very enjoyable trip. John Leicheweis and Albert Schiewe transacted business in Oregon City, last Friday. Otto Hdfstetter transacted business in Oregon City, Saturday. Charles and Otto Gasser are pick ing prunes for Clarkes Bros. , Buola and Truman Hofstetter left . recently for Ridgefield, Wash., where they will attend high school. . Miss Elmer has gone to Portland, where she will attend high school. E. E. Berger was a Molalla visitor last Friday. W. Clarkes and George Clarkes, and their respective families, were Oregon City visitors on Saturday. F. and G. Dhooghe and Charles Gas ser were Molalla visitors on Saturday evening. School days are here again and the boys and girls have resumed, their daily march to the school house. A number of improvements have been made to the school house, among them being the installation of a new furnace. We have two new teachers and we hope they will impart to the children some ot their wisdom. Prune picking is in full swing now and will continue for some time. Mrs. Goodman's mother and sister and sister's husband were recent visit ors at the home, of Mri and Mrs. Goodman. Silo filling has commenced and corn is in good condition for silage. , The regular milk test will be held on Saturday, Sept. 30th. Mr. and Mrs. John Leichtweis- and Edward Leichtweis were recent visit ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marshall. Many slashings and logged-off areas have been burned during the past few days and this burned over land will be seeded down for permanent pas turel W. H. Wettlaufer and W. H. Botte miller were among those who recently burned slashings and seeded the land for pasture. School is in full swing, but many of the children have been attending the Clackamas county fair. tC 8 8 8 t$ 18 8 FROGPOND Mary Liesman . J? If if Ifjf if K" Jf if f If J? Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldenstadt and family spent Sunday at Wilhoit Springs, where Mrs. Oldenstadt and daughter Mildred will stay a week. Miss Eva Seedling and Nola Turner spent Sunday with Miss Myrtle Aden. John Aden, who cut his ankle with an axe last week, is improving rapidly. Mrs. Esther Toedemeir and family, Mrs. Chris Jones, Mrs. Mayes, Walter Sharp, Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. Thomp son, spent Sunday at Mrs. Robbins,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toedemeir, Al fred Sharp and George Robbins mo tored to Salem Prairie, Sunday, to visit old friends. Don't forget the big dance to be giv en Saturday night in the Grange hall. Miss Melba Baker and brother Lorin spent the week-end with their grand mother, Mrs. J. L. Kruse. Mrs. Smith Turner and daughter Nola spent Saturday afternoon with , Ernest Kruse. ' William Richardson of Portland, spent the week-end with Willard Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toedemeir and family spent the week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mayes. Mrs." John Turner and granddaugh ter Buryl, spent the week-end with the former's son, A. " D. Bowers, of Sell wood. John M. Turner was a Portland vis itor, Saturday. Myron Biswell, John Bruck, Theo dore Burck and Victor Bruck, just re turned from deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and daughter Nola, Miss .Myrtle Aden and Eva Seed ling were. in Oregon City, Sunday eve ning, -r . The farmers of this community are helping each other fill their silos. (Omitted last week.) Mrs. John Aden and daughter Myr tle, spent Sunday visiting relatives in Portland. Misses Dora, Myrtle and Mildred Oldenstadt spent Wednesday evening with Miss Nola Turner. Those attending the dance at Tigard, Saturday night, from this community, were: Theodore Woolever, Weslie Woolever, Delbert Johnston, Norman and Howard Turner, Harold and Irvin Sharp and George Oldenstadt. The school house is now finished, except for the painting, and school be gan Monday. The teacher for this year is Miss Margaret Thompson of Tualatin. Mrs. Ed. Sharp and Erma Robbins spent Wednesday in Oregon City. Miss Aura Robbins started at West Linn union high school, Monday. Hop picking is now over and tne hop-pickers are home again. Miss Myrtle Aden spent Friday night with Mis3 Nola Turner. Those who have been spending the week at the coast are: Mr. and Mrs. George Aden and family, John Aden, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nicholson, and Mr. and Mrs.. Fritz , Wagner. Miss Myrtle Oldenstadt spent Mon day in Oregon City. Those attending the freshman re ception at the West Linn high from this community, were: Nola and Nor man Turner and Theodore Woolever. Mr. and ' Mrs. Carl Barney and daughter Reta, visited at Ed. Shrp's, Saunday. - Mrs. Henry Toedemeir and family spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mayes. i Mr Mensinger and Mrs. Warner spent Sunday afternoon at the home of. Alfred Sharp. i8 58 8 8 8 t8 58, 8 8 8 8 8 8 WILLAMETTE - J Beulah Snidow ., - J . Jt jf j? j? 1? JfJ?" if if I? if if ? Mr. and Mrs. George Batdorf and daughter Marian, and Mrs. Jean Wil liams and daughter Naomi, motored to Wilhoit Saturday morning and stayed until Sunday evening. Mrs. C. O. Williams, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bay- singer, at McMinnville, for the past ten days, returned home last Thurs day. Miss Florence- Morgan left Sunday for Beaver Creek, where she has ac cepted a position teaching school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greaves and children, Lydia and Harold, attended the state fair, Monday. - A silver tea was given at the home of Mrs. W. W. Davis, last Thursday, by the members ot the Ladies' Aid. Those present were: Mesdames Et Carpenter, John Casey, Amelia Martin, Clem Dollar, F. Bennett, C. Mont gomery, A. Fromong, J. Ream, C. B. Wilson, A. P. Tuor, J. L. Gray. N. Whitney, E. Leisman, H. E. "Wallis, J. Ream, Sr., H. Leisman, J. H. Cox, J. Thornburg, G. J." Prahl, G. L. Snidow, A. McLean and Lucy Mathers, and Misses Helen and Mamie Wallis and Mry Leisman. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Elliott and Miss Avis have returned to their new home in Oregon City. Mitchell Pendo left Sunday for his home at Lead, S. Dak., after spending several weeks here visiting friends. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. S. B. Shadle entertained at the home of Mrs. Mar tin Sunday, Sept. 17 v the occasion be ing the birthday anniversaries of Jo siah Martin, 82 years old, and of Silas Blair Shadle, Jr., who is five years old. The dining table was centered With red carnations and a large birthday eke. The children's table was decor ated with pink geraniums and white candytuft. After the amner games were arranged for the children and a happy time was enjoyed by all. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gary, Margaret and Everett Gary, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shadle, Misses Letha, Catherine and Virginia Shadle, Mrs. Martin and the two guests of honor, Mr. Martin and Blair Shadle. Mrs. Dale Skinner and children have gone to Dayton to visit Mrs. Skinner's mother. Misses Anne and Grace Hendriek son of Astoria, and Miss Dorothy Ward of Estacada, visited Miss Audrey Tuor, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Denton visited Mrs. Hughes in Gladstone, last week. filair Shadle enteretained his cous ins at dinner on September 20th, the occasion being his fifth birthday. The remainder of the evening was spent in games. Those present were: Ger ald and DorothyTJaty, Harold and Ly dia .Greaves, Kenneth Montgomery Leatha, Catherine; Virginia and Blair Shadle. - The primary department"of the Sun day school extends an invitation to all children, from four to eight years old, to come to Sunday school, October 1st. The graded lessons are to be commenced then and the Sunday school is anxious that all the" children benefit by the studyof these lessons. Miss Elva Snidow of Hot Springs, S. Dak., is visiting at the home of her uncle, G. L. Snidow. 8 8 (jjS 8 18 (8 8 1,$8 (8 $8 jy J& $8 CHERRY VILLE Jt Parnell Averill Jt Jt J 8 j8 5 1$ 8 (8 $8 8 8. (8 $8 8 8 $8 8 -J The rock crusher at Wild Cat Creek, three miles east of Cherryville, is now ready for operation. William Lampen, who has been working on the Mt. Hood loop road for J. W. Dixon, recently underwent an operation fo appendicitis. He is recovering nicely. Jimmie Jorisrud, while returning home from the shingle mill recently, saw four deer. They were so un afraid that they stood and gazed at him for some time. Dr. Botkin recently captured a fine wild goose, which had been injured in one wing and was forced to alight at his place. Mr. Davis and wife of Portland, were Cherryville visitors, last Sunday. While here they inspected their poul try raneh, which is in charge of Henry Gibson. They have at present over 300 Leghorn pullets and next year they expect to have over 1,000. . Dr. Walter Botkin and wife of Gres ham, visited with relatives near Cher ryville, last Sunday. Dr. Botkin's grandson, Harold Graham, of Port land, who has been receiving voca tional training from the government, has been selected from a large num ber of disabled war veterans to go to New York city and continue his stud ies there. Harold saw extensive serv ice, both in the world war and on the Mexican border. Julius Lensch and family, of Port land, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beiden stein. Mr.- Lensch is a Poraland busi ness man. ! several other improvements made. A reception was held Friday evening, for the purpose of having the teachers become acquainted with the parents. A nice program was given and refresh ments were served by the high school girls. Mr. and Mrs. James, who reside near Salem, visited at the Claude Marsh home, Sunday. The Canby fair was well attended by Molalla people, Thursday. School was closed so the children could at tend. . Mrs. Albert Shomaker lef for Grant's Pass recently, where she will reside in the future. Several new houses are being built in Molalla one by Grover Fredrick son,. and Dr. Todd. is erecting a small but attractive house, near his own resi dence. ' . Mr. and Mrs. T.: P. Oglesbee of Su ver, Oregon, spent the week-end at the home of George Blatchtord. - Both families motored over the Columbia highway, Sunday. ; Ed. Wood and daughters, Doris and Esther, motored tQ Hood River, Wed nesday, where they expect to work in the apple orchards this fall. Mr. "and Mrs. A. D. Courter return ed, Thursday, from the hop yards near Salem, where they have been for the past month. . : James Kennedy returned from Sa lem, Saturday. Rev. S. J. Kester has moved his family to the Crandall house,, where they will reside until the. parsonage at Clackamas is ready, where Rev. Kes ter will take up a new pastorate. Lester - Evon motored to Kelso, Wash., on a business trip, Monday. R. P. Johnson and Chester Gibson motored to Salem, Wednesday, on a, business trip. . Miss Alma Courter returned home from Salem, Saturday, where she has been for the past month. - Mrs. M. J. Walsh of Portland spent a few days the past week at the Prehn . home. - Born, Thursday, Sept. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Evon, a son. Earl Davidson, who has been living in Molalla the past summer, moved to Portland, Monday j Miss Hope Worley is 'spending the week with her parents," Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Worley. Mrs. W. T. Echard spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Rundle, at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Renoses motored from Oak Grove and spent Sunday at the Newman home. J. G. Smalling and Herbert Landers of Livingston, Mont., passed through Molalla last week on their way to Cal ifornia. Albert Moshberger had the misfor tune to cut the two front fingers of his left hand nearly off. Dr. Hume attended him and he is getting along nicely. Miss Hazel Bowman, who was seri ously hurt in a runaway accident re cently, has come home from the hos pital and is recovering nicely. W. F. Avison has moved into the 'Miller residence, which he recently purchased from the F. C. Miller es tate. - $8 (8 j8 j8 $8 (8 5 tX ff 8 (58 8 S jt .. CANBY Dr. John Fuller . At The Faijv ; Among the first quality display of farm, garden and orchard products was that of the Warner Grange, the Rosemont Community Club and the community display o,f Canby and vicinity. The floral display was perfectly beautiful and showed both skill and taste possessed by the contributing parties, and back of all, the thrift and genius of the growers; and still, fur ther, the wonderful climate and soil in which they grew. Judging the tree by its fruit, Clackamas county soil is O. K. when worked. Miss Ted Gloss, who lives near Au rora, won first prize in the first run ning horse race, Thursday, receiving seventy dollars from the fair associa tion stewards. Miss Gloss buys and trains her own horses for special oc casions.. Some stunt for a sixteen-year-old girl. J. C. Kaupisch of Canby was, as usual, in his booth with his fine display- of vegetable products from six ciity lots. He received forty-six blue ribbon awards on- his products. The bulk of his stuff goes to Salem. Under the auspices 'of the Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church, Mrs. L. H. Wang, acting as chairman, di rected a lunch counter service at the Clackamas county fair last week. She reports a good business with substan tial financial rettirns to the society. Canby grammar school was given a holiday on 1st Friday to give the pupils a chance to attend the county fair. The largest hog ever seen m this corner of the earth, was the huge, 600 pound Duroc, called "Jumbo Sensa tion," on exhibition at the fair. This big brute is owned by Geo. De Bok and is about six feet long and as big otherwise as a hog could grow and have the truth told about it. It will be taken to the state fair to show those who are "from Missouri" that Clackamas county Is on the map. LOCALS i8 18 c8 q8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (58 8 8 8 0 8 MOLALLA Jt Mrs. A. D. Cow T" Jt Jt JC The Molalla schools have opened with a good attendance. The growth of the school has made it necessary to add two new teachers one in the grades and one in the high school. Three new rooms have been added and An interesting tame of baseball was played on the Canby diamond last Sunday, in which Canby won over Stafford. The score was three to one. Canby high school opened last Mon day. The same teachers previously selected for the .union high school were accepted as tutors for the com ing year. "' The union high school movement having received a temporary set-back because of some legal entanglements, will again be before the people for a final dceision in the spring. While riding in the motorcycle races at the county fair, last Thursday, Fred Schimpf of Oregon City lost control of his machine and was thrown thru the outside fence, sustaining several cuts and bruises about the fact and arms.' Medical aid was rendered by Dr. Dedman. 8 8 8 8 j8 58 tet 1,58 ?8 8 8 8 jt - jt GLADSTONE Jt . "" Alice Freytag Jt Jt Jt , Mrs. Harvey Wilson and son Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Legler and daughter Mildred, motored to Hills- boro, Sunday, where they, were the dinner guests, of Mr. Legler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Legler. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Riley and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baxter spent the week end in Salem and Monmouth. The trip was made in the Baxter machine. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Rowan had as their guests, last week-end, Mr. and Mrs. John Etter, Miss Vivian Etter and Glenn Ettre, of Salem. Mrs. Albert Roake of Oregon City was the guest of Mrs. Clyde Green, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGetchie had as their guests, Saturday and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hammack and son Egbert, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Meyer, Mrs. Hat tie Pecht, of Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. R. Freytag and Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Freytag, attended the state fair, Tuesday. F. B. Hayward and B. L. Beard re turned Sunday from a four days' hunt ing trip near Tiller, Ore. Mr. Hay ward shot a three-point buck the sec ond day out. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd and son Junior, of Forest Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Todd, of Portland, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M E. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. ' Hayward and family," and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Beard and family, attended a birthday din ner, Sunday, given in honor of J. Vigelius, father of Mrs. Hayward and Mrs. Beard. Other guests were: John Vigelius, John Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. William Vigelius. " The high school girls' sewing circle met at the home of Mrs. G. E. Wil liams, Monday evening. Present were: Dorothy Fox, Leona Fox, Mabelle Whitcomb, Grace Owens, Mildred Ky- ler, Verna Miranda, Matilda Hayward. The next meeting will be at the home of Grace Owens, next Monday evening, at ?:30. , The state library books are being packed and will be exchanged for new books as soon as all state books are returned. The librarians have re quested patrons of the library to re turn these books as' soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore, who have been residing on West Clarendon St., have purchased the Steiner home on East Arlingtonstreet. . Mrs. H. E. Cross entertained with a luncheon, Friday, in honor of Mrs. P. K. Hammond of Ashland. Mrs. Hammond is a guests at the home of her son, William Hammond. Mrs. Cross was assisted in entertaining by her daughters, Mrs. E. N. Good and Mrs. W. Dryden. Covers were laid for seven. The boys of the Christian church met at the church, Friday evening, and organized an athletic club, which will be known as the Victory Boys' Ath letic Club." Rev. G. E. Williams will be their leader. Officers elected were: Robert .Ellis, president; Wayne Ved der, vice-president;" Melvin Carothers, secretary; Floyd Carothers, treasurer. Other members are, Berlin Niles, El mo Eby, Theodore Langley, Lacy and Raymond Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legler are en tertaining at cards this evening: The guests are members of a card club of Portland. The invitation list includ ed: Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Myers, Mr. Jt Jtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjtjt jtg Jt ' JV Jt UPPER HIGHLANDS Jt Mrs. C. C. Kandle Jt . .Jt tf ? a K" J? f if K" Jf jp if af f ff K -' Our Sunday school accepted the in vitation extended by the Lower High lands Sunday school to meet with them Sunday, October 1st, so our pro gram for Rally Day will be postponed until October 8th. . ' - Mrs. Phil Wetmore and children are visiting relatives at The Dalles. Miss Annie Schmidt, of Portland, spent the week-end at the home of her parents. ( Mrs. L." Martin and daughter, Mrs. Joe Wallace, of Oregon City, motored to Prosser, Washv, recently, where they spent the week-end. Joe Schmidt was a business visitor in Oregon City, Monday. John Hanhart is nursing an injured figer, as a result of getting it crushed between some ties at the mill. Geo. Andrews and Ellis Graves left. last week for southern Oregon on a hntinug trip. Mrs. C. Delmas of Colton visited at the M. E. Kandle home, on Friday. James Hanhart has purchased a new truck and is hauling lumber for the Skidmore sawmill. C. W. Wanecka and son Frank were Portland visitors, Tuesday. The Upped Highland literary soci ety held a meeting Wednesday ever ning, and a fine program was ren dered. Mrs. H. Weiss and children of Port land visited G. Fonander and family on Saturday. Mrs. Chestlik is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. Fonander. SEW FLOURS AND FEEDS Retailed at -Wholesale Prices v Mulino Flour Mills Mulino, Oregon: ANNOUNCEMENT We take pleasure in an nouncing'that hereafter our service department will be under the super- vision of Mr. Edward Moore of. Gladstone, Oregon. Mr. Moore has had a wide experience as a mechanic, both locally and in, larger cities, and we feel that' under his able supervision we are able to offer our custom ers a superior quality of - service and entire satis faction. . STUDEBAKER CARS AMERICA'S CHOICE " Risley Motor Co. Main at 4th Oregon City Phone 229-J Oregon and Mrs. C. Decker, Mr. and Mrs. C. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. T. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. C. George Mr. and Mrs. J. Gatzmeier, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wilson. Keep to the Right" on Pay Days- In, the last' anal ysis it's really this 'salary,' or differ ence between what you make and what you sp end, that is the meas ure of your abil ity to et ahead. EVERY pay-day brings you to a fork in the road, either you go right and save something or go wrong and spend it all. "Keep to the right." It's the regular saver the fellow who puts by some thing from each month's pay en velopewho finally makes his mark. Why "not put yourself on your own pay-roll and just as regu larly as you get paid by your em ployer, pay yourself a salary in the form of a Savings Deposit? Bank of Oregon City ORGANIZED FORTY-ONE YEARS J1GO Moonshine stills are responsible for not less than 25 per cent of. the fires in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, according to reports. These stills are usually located in inaccessibleplace3 in the woods, where the dry timber and brush will takte fire from the small est spark and get beyond control be fore the fire-fighting forces discover the smoke. Unmistakabe evlidence of moonshining ha3 bean found in the newly burned areas. The average life of a $5 bill is ten months (through the cahintry &p a whole, and but eight months in dense centers of population. MASON HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize 32x4 33x4 34x4 $13.75 24.50 24.70 25.35 New Standard Size 30x3i2 . 11.30 Also 30x3 and 31x4 straight sides. Goodrich motorcycle arid bicycle tires. Ilorth-West Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett, Prop. 407 Main St. , Oregon City 'Your Money Back ahd;a New Pair of Sfes'"E,Ow" rMfPk wiling rfkTr'' ' jxrit Liw BRAKB 4i4w;; Shoes with the dsamomd tradmahk oh tritiR'S0Us.'; SQUD LEATHER SHOES. We stand squarely behind each sale with a "money-, back" warrant of quality because we know our shoes are Made Right and Sold Right are solid leather throughout, and will give good, honest wear. Why Take Chance When You Know Wherax You Can Bay Good Shoes? - High in Quality; Lowiin Price. BANNON & CO., Sole Agents. 1 Solid leaiher-Sfronjlif Mfcdetffe I f Sen with blowers' Announcing A Substantial Drop in Prices on Our En tire Line- Overland Roadster Touring .! Coupe Sedan Maxwell Roadster - Touring : .. Coupe Sedan ; .. $666 $666 $960 $1050 $1050 $1050 $1435 $1550 Willys-Knight Roadster $1455 5-pass. touring $ 1455 Coupe $2075 Sedan . . - $2235 7-pass. touring .... $1675 Chalmers - Roadster Touring $1395 $1395 These cars can be bought at 25 per cent down, balance 12 months. We carry parts for these makes of, cars, and give SERVICE on same. STOKES MOTOR CO. 1114 Main St Oregon City Phone 750