Page Three Cmttttumttg lEtf - , News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY 8 8 1,$? J5 ' ' . CARUS John Lehman J jt jt Ed. Brown and his bridereturned to Carus Monday from their trip east. Wednesday evening a rattling 'chari vari greeted them. All attending the . charivari were treated to cigars, gum and strawberry ice cream. The newly weds will reside on the Brown farm. Miss Mary JBchmeiser has returned home. She has been working in Ore gon City for Dr. Meissner. ' . Charles" Kilgore, who has ... been . working In Portland for some time, has returned home to stay. Mrs. J. Irish was visiting in Oregon - City one day last week. , Mrs. Robert Beattie, Jr., was in Ore gon City, Thursday. Filling silos has begun in Carus. Mrs. Herman- Fisher and daughter Lena were shopping in Oregon City, Friday. " Mr. and Mrs. John "b'Leary, sons Jimmy and Hughie, and daughter Katherine, were guests at the Caseday home, Friday evening. Mrs. Walter Fisher made a business trip, to Oregon City, Friday. ! Arthur Kettleson has returned to j i Carus, after a brief absence. Mrs. McDonald and two children are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j John Evans. . Mrs. Floyd Trafton transacted busi ness in Oregon City, Friday. ' Mrs. G. Guilliam and sister, Miss 1 : Mary Davis, were shopping in Port land, Saturday.. " Mr. and Mrs; Ed. Brown were after noon callers In Mulino, Saturday. Melvin Stewart again succeeded in winning first prize on his fat piggie. The young lad has just sent the prize animal to Salem, where it will be ex hibited at the state fair. Jt Jit JA & Jjt Jt Jt Jt J Jjt J J JA J Jp PARKPLACE J Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh J J j? jp P j? jf jp j? f F & & Mr. and Mrs. H. Kruger, their son Dewey and Howard Osborne of Oregon City, left Sunday night for Pendleton, Ore. The men will" spend two weeks in the Blue Mountains hunting deer. Earl Morris of Clifton is spending a few days at his home on the Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Henry May have re turned to Oregon City. A carload of twenty-five Guernsev cows, selected by Mrs. A. I.. Hughes from the herds of Clackamas county, 4 was shipped to Los Angeles last Sat urday. This is the fourth carload se lected by Mrs. Hughes, that has been - shipped to the same parties during the past year. Stanley Ktyce of Portland spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mr3. H. Kruger. Louie Himler and Raleigh Wood ward returned from a trip in the Clack amas Mountains Friday, and were for tunate in capturing a deer. Mrs. Munger, Mrs. Brecht, Mrs. Hel en Purcell, Mrs. Effie Smith and Miss Emma Brecht attended the wedding anniversary of Mrs. Hattie Feltz, at her home in Milwaukie, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dolson of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Monger. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dolson of Portland were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Monger. J. P. Hart, formerly of Willapa, Wash., "arrived in Parkplace last Sat urday, and will make his future home with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Heath of the Parkplace grocery. Mr. Hart is the father of Mrs. Heath. The three county commissioners of Pacific county, Wash Christensen, of Seaview; Leber, of South Bend, and Wheaton, of Raymond together with ex-commissioner J. A. Morehead and Postmaster H. J. Brown "of Naheotta, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Heath of the Parkplace grocery, last Monday. The gentlemen, accompanied by their , prives, were enroute to the Pendleton j-oundupi and to the annual convention of county commissioners of the state of Washington, which convenes at Walla Walla. Samuel Stainer has returned to his home in McMinnville, after a visit of several weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Sam Wyrick. t Blanche Johnson, Norman Glass, Ha zel, Felth, Carl Fisher, Blanche Hol brook, Lester Muender and Olive Sch legel and Eddie Zoloskoski are attend ing high school in Oregon City. About fifteen little friends of Del bert Smith were invited to "his home Saturday afternoon in honor of his , fouVth birthday anniversary. Games ffere enjoyed by the little folks. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Smith, assisted by Emma Brecht. v 4? i& t$ JENNINGS LODGE J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck Jt " - K K'K'js'lPiPX'aPK'jCjPje'jPj? a?3 The Theroux junior orchestra of Jen nings Lodge will furnish several num bers at the Sunday school convention, to be held in Portland, October 11th. An attractive exhibit at the Clacka mas county fair was made by Elaine Bechtel, Sarah Elizabeth Halloway, Amanda Boetger, Helen Portz, Lola Ross and Florence Wilson, members of the Cooking Club, who have com pleted the work as outlined by the O. A. C. Two tables were attractive ly arranged, one showing a well balanced meal, the other a poorly bal anced meal. Elaine Bechtel, Marie. Moore and Amanda Boetger, who last year com ' plet'jd the work in sewing, had credit able work in that department on dis play. ., . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Fleming have moved into their new home on the river front. Mrs. Sanders, a former - resident of the Lodge, now residing in Portland, visited the school and friends, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Swart are at Rhododendron, where the former is building a residence for his brother-in-law, J. M. Marrington. Mrs. Ida M. Clohessey has taken one of the Wilmer apartments in Portland for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown motored to Salem, Thursday. The registration books for the Jen nings Lodge precinct have -been open ed at the home of Mrs. Julia Ulbrand, on the river road, north of the Jen nings" Lodge school house, - . Mrs. DeForest, mother of Mrs. Ma bel Pierce, left last Thursday for Bend, where she will spend the. winter with her daughter, Mrs. Gussie Stratton. Mr. and Mrs. David Clemens have gone to Shepherd Springs, where Mrs. Clemens will spend two weeks for -the benefit of her health. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Seth of Sheridan, Oregon, spent two days the past week at the home of the former's cousin, A. B. Smith. - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Bech tel, at the Sellwood hospital, Septem ber 19th, a daughter. Mayor and Mrs. Will Maple of Can by spent Sunday with the former's brother, George MapJe. Mr. and Mrs. Cairns, who spent their vacation at Wilhoit, Hood River and Corvallis, have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts of Port land, visited at the home of the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rob erts, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wanda, who have been oijiupying one of the Pierce cottages, have returned to Portland. Mrs. Madge Dion has taken one of the Hull avenue apartments for the winter. Mr. nd Mrs. "Thomas Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner attend ed the Pendleton roundup, returning Sunday. Miss Elva Eads of Meldrum has re sumed her studies at Pacific college, at Forest Grove. The regular meeting of Grace Guild was held Wednesday, in the nature of an "olif relic day," the members dis playing old family relics. The. hos tesses were Mrs. H. E. Hendry, Mrs. J. W. Jones, Mrs. Hugh Roberts and Mrs. George Williams. ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Madison were among those from the Lodge attending the Pendleton roundup the past week. Mrs. Hugh Roberts will attend the county W. C. T. U. convention at Clackamas, Friday. ' Mrs. Roberts has been assigned a part in the afternoon program. Mrs. S. O. Griffith, who has been sick for the past two weeks, is rapid ly improving. JJtjAjjtJ&Jjtj,j&jAjXjAjj&J& MT. PLEASANT ...-. & a? ? j? f ? j? j" f & Our -school opened Monday with four teachers. " Mt. Pleasant people have sent sev eral exhibits to the fair in the poultry line. A. J. Marrs, C. Williamson and E. E. Kellogg are among the exhibitors. W. B. Lawton, assisted by Douglas King, is enlarging his radio station so as to have a. long distance service; Mr. Daws filled his silo Tuesday. The corn crop is a good one. The road work started up Tuesday, after being closed for ten days on ac count of no cement, which condition is caused by the coal strike. We are certainly pleased at the prospect of having a good and lasting road. J$ t$ tjt gjy CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL ; Mrs. Geo. Hartmaaj. . Jt . J. ?V J? J? Jf K" 1? K T IP ? J? Jf Jf If J?51 Miss Hughes of Carson Heights spent -one day last week visiting friends in Portland. The many friends of Miss H. Mode, will be surprised to ihear that she has left the employ of Meier & Frank and has taken up a travelling position, demonstrating a new. fashion in em broidery work, throughout the state. Miss Bode has been with Meier & Frank for over ten years and carries the good wishes of her coworkers for success in her new; venture. Mr. and Mrs. H. Schlegelmilsch and family have recently returned from a motor trip to Cannon Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Knox, who mov ed to Portland Monday, were unfor tunate in choosing for their new home the Zumbro apartments, which were destroyed by fire within a few hours after they had moved in. Mr. and Mrs. Knox suffered the lo3s of everything lp personal effects outside of the clothing they wore. . Mrs. Knox dis covered the Are and gave the alarm. Mr. and Mrs. Ochs are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a fine baby boy, last Monday, Septem ber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Carazza, with three sons, are new neighbors, occupying the Bennett house on Boones Ferry road. The children of Mr. and Mrs. De- Bauq are mourning the loss of their little dog which someone poisoned last week. . - . The Woman's Foreign Missionary TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD made by MOLALL.A BAKERY , j Molalla, Oregon JULIUS G. STURE Reliable Dentistry Nerve Blocking Residence and Office Phone Sandy, Oregon Society of Carson Heights Community church held their first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. J. V. Pat ton. Sirs. H. T. Green spoke on "Pro grams for the Coming Year." The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Stillwell. The ladies are plan ning on having a silver tea at the church next month, to raise funds for current expenses. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the church Wednesday and all members are urged to be present. ; On account of the absence of Mrs. R. Bruce Horsfall, who is attending the fair at Salem, the meeting of" the "Brownies" last week, was postponed. Mrs. Theodore "Osmund has recent ly returned from an extended trip thru the east, visiting friends in Chicago, and visiting several golf links. Mrs. A. Bain of Portland recently spent a week visiting Mrs. J. Sim of Collins View. While visiting at the beaches, Mrs. Bain fell and seripusly injured her arm. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Paden are happy over the arrival of a dear baby girl, weighing seven and a half pounds, who is to have the name of Kathryn Mary. The proposed extension of the Ter- williger boulevard, which met with dis favor from the viewers some time ago, will come ud before the countv com missioners again next Mofiday. Rufus C. Holman declares he will make it a live issue, with two other projects, one passing thru Palatine Acres, the ather thru Dunthrope addition, pass ing down the Boones Ferry road. - The appointments for the election board for precinct 325, for the No vember election, are as follows: Mrs. Geo. Hartman, supervisor; Mrs. P. A. Duftrkoop, Mrs. F. W. Finke, Mrs. E. E. Ewing and Mrs. Bert Smith. The attractive bungalow, which J. Ooozark of Collins View has been building for himself, is rapidly nearing completion. . Mr. and Mrs. J. V. . Patton.' enter tained Mrs. Carroll and her. son Henry, of Portland, last Sunday. The Multnomah county council : of the parent-teachers' association held their first meeting of this year last Saturday. Mrs. Velmar Cook, presi dent of the lunch association, was ap pointed as delegate to visit the city meetings. It was decided to have round table discussions instead of addresses at the meetings this year. The Riverdale parent-teachers' as sociation is planning to hold a dance, the proceeds to be used in the pur chase of a' piano. " Mr. and Mrs. A. Dully and family, with A. Anderson, Mrs. Dully's broth er, recently returned from a tour of the beaches, spending several days at Wheeler, where they have a cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright and family spent several days motoring to Sea side and neighboring beaches. FIRE DAMAGES NEWS PAPER PLANT AND PARISH HALL Fire ot unknown origin, at 1 o'clock Sunday morning, the 17th, attacked the frame building at Ninth and Main streets, in which the Banner-Courier plant and the Episcopal parish hall are located Timely work on the part of the fire department and G. L. Week, foreman of the Banner-Courier shop,, saved the building from destruction. Week, who lives near by, rushed into the building and with a hand fire ex tinguisher put out the flames, which had made their way through into the press room from the outside point of origin. .The firemen extinguished the fire in the second story. The damage done by fire and water to the parish hall was approximately $475, and to the Banner-Courier stock and machinery $150. of Battery for the Price! If you've ever bought a low-priced battery, it's ten to one you've paid MORE and got less for. your money than we give you in the CW Battery (Wood Separator). Quality plates-T-selected cedar wood separators best material and workman ship. Made in sizes to fit all cars. Price: for 6-volt, ll-plate, $17.45 Con Hilgers Main at Twelfth OREGON CITY Official Bosch Service Station Bosch Parts, Products and Service Representing YnttaxA Batteries (THREADED RUBBER INSULATION) and Batteries fWOOD SIMRAJORSI Lot A TjtS! v v t v& $ $ HIGHLAND. 3 IF If if K1 P if if ? if if f f f P Mrs. Bert Cole gave a party for the youngsters of the neighborhood Sep tember 13th, at the Swank home. There were- eighteen present and all report a good time. Miss Frankie Toomb was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Sun day.. - - t . Arthur Evanson was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Newell and daughter Harriet were guests of Mrs.. E. S. Holmes, Saturday. , Thursday of this week is clean-up day at the church. We are planning to pa,per, paint and varnish, besides cleaning, so that we will be ready for rally day. ' Mrs. E. Stuart bought a team at the Scribner sale, last Thursday. Mrs. Cole and Jilanche Swank both took first prizes on needle work at the county fair. Mr. and. Mrs. Cole and family, also Arthur Evanson, motored to Wilhoit Springs, last Sunday. . - . William Converse and family moved to Salem, Sunday. : ... n5 8 ti?8 s$jfi Jt " UPPER HIGHLAND . J Jt & ?jp iffifPfififiPPK,jffif if James Hanhart has purchased a G. M. C. truck and is trucking for .the Skidmore Lumber Co. Mr. Fonander was in Oregon City Thursday, where he is having his in jured nnger treated by Dr. Mount. Miss Anna Schmidt of Portland spent the week-end visiting her par ents. - . Bill and Esther Martin motored to Oregon City Friday. Mrs. Phil WetmOrer left for The Dalles last Sunday, to visit her par ents for several weeks. ' Mrs. Tom Pack and mother-in-law, Mrs. Pack, called on Mrs. Shute, Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Stella Graves and' Elva Nicho las were Oregon City visitors, Satur day. . Mrs. L Martin and son John accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallace of Oregon City, motored to Prosser, Wash., Sunday. UNION HIGH SCHOOL. Football will be ushered in-with a bang Friday, September 29, when Hillsboro Hi and the local aggregation Uf pig-skin chasers clash on the field here. Hillsboro has a good team and can be depended upon to give Union High a tough tussle. --' Last year Hillsboro defeated Oregon City 15-6, and Beaverton 27-3, while the best Union Hi could do was a 13-7 win over Oregon City and a 20-6 vic tory over Beaverton. r. This year the local squad is fully 100 per cent stronger and it will be a grand old battle while it lasts. J - Lytsell will probably start at center ADEN'S STORE H. D. ADEN, Proprietor ' t Wilsonville, Oregon General Merchandise DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLOUR AND FEED NAILS, ' SHINGLES, LIME, CEMENT " ' . GRAIN BAGS, BALE TIES I I The Farmers Bank of Wilsonville Uhe Sftanc Uhat ffiacks the farmer Keep your money where it will serve you best - w , , mwi tin; iLTJciomiJ' rem m-wrr Tf r-,nr-"""'---j----j 1' vay . ' V 1"t Li b v J M cook with ! j Cook 111 SI Electricity Countless thousands of 'American housewives would never have enjoyed real efficiency, econ omy, convenience and cleanliness in their kit-, chens had they not obeyed the national slogan cook by wire. . Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. with Green, Nixon, Rinkus and Moul ton probable choices for guards. The old dependable Pepoon and .Hegdale will play the tackles, with Hammerle and Grau holding down the wing posi tions. Michaels looks good at quarter and Cranor and Vedder are sure bets at half. ."Donnelly will oe back at his old position at full. Altogether, it looks like a prosperous year for West Linn.' " . " ' - A student body meeting was held last Friday, for the purpose of electing the staff for the paper, which is going to be' put out by the juniors. Jack Hempstead was elected editor and Elmer Simpson, manager. A yell leader was also elected, the choice falling on Elmer Garrison, who after wards led the student body in a jazzy yell and serpentine. The West Lind band, under the sup ervision of Hal Campbell," is doing some good work. The band is made up of . about ten pieces, consisting of three cornets and trombones, one sax- Few autos, even those driven by careful men, escape damage through collision, during the life of the car. HARTFORD AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE is your best protection from loss due to dam ages to your car in any kind of smash-up, from a disastrous" skid to a crash with a locomotive. It furnishes cash' re pairs at a time when you need it. r ' Get your automobile in surance through this agency Insurance sold but Service given. owland A. J. Bockhold Wm. M. Smith REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main S" Oregon City, Oregon With aphone and clarinet, trumpet and two drums. , A weinie roast was held by B. Y. P. U. of Gladstone, last Saturday night. A large unmber attended, among them several students fromirnion High. One feature of the evening was Jack Hempstead, who rode around in the 1 Cedar Chests Made to Order HIGGINS MYg Company - 1912 E. Glisan St. PORTLAND OREGON Eat Mrs. Schield's HOME MADE NOODLES SPAGHETTI MACARONI G. A. Lehman Co. Manufacturers PORTLAND, OREGON VtAA.VMVMVHVt,VtiyHvMvHvv, I x :t t x X . X X i Twelfth Street Cabinet Shop W. W. HART, OWNER. We specialize in high-grade cabinet work of all descriptions, store fixtures, show cases, door and window frames, refrigerator display cases,, cupboards. We also do saw filing. - 12th Street, Phone 142 OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, wno desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad , to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, CARVER STATE BANK . Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON. Vice-Pres. - E. E. LOOMI3, Cashier . Let Us Fix It If anything goes wrong with your Car call us up and e will fix it at once and at a very moderate charge. And if it is necessary to replace any part or bring the car to our shop, you will be pleased ,with the reasonable charge we make. We refer you to any customer. Capital Garage ' ' ; LES. CRAWFORD, Prop. 10th and R. R. L baby cart belonging to Gene Good, Jr. He still seems to remember how to run it, despite his old age. Always "Built -z I" to Endure" There's Material and Workman-" ship to back; up Style and Appearance that's why REDIMADES ENDURE It's REDIMADE MAKE-READY that saves you money 1. Regular Redimadie Sectional built for permanency 2. Economy Sectional, semi-per manent convertible type Easy for the inexperienced to Jk erect S:!5-Economical to ship Garages $45.00 and up. Built to endure? Absolutely! REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. Portland E- 11th and Market Street's Phone East 5114 Use Wis FT III O wherever water proofing is needed Hail Products Co. - 500 Washington PORTLAND, OREGON j V . -. . . .. .. .. near R. R. Oregon City At the Foot of Singer Hill 1. 1 ::jJ i f t ? X I y T y