THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922. , Page Seva PORTLAND PLANS WORLD I CAMPAIGN FOR FAIR. An Oregon advertising campaign that will extend throughout the world will be started 'at once if the people of the state approve the measure on the ballot at the state election Nov ember 7th, permitting Portland In t. : itself for the Oregon 1925 Expo;'.k .. Already plans have been made tor campaign intendej to attract to Ore gon hundreds of thousands of people not only to the ex; ;sition, but to see the scenic and otlu..' attractions of the state. . One of the distinctive ;lans which ha3 already received official sanction in Washington, is the use of Oregon scenery on postage stamp, which will be printed specially for the exposition period, for use throughout the United States. Already dies have been cast Save the wrappers Good for premiums on the Qhe Gasoline of Quality rasn raw 7 r for a stamp showing Mt. Hood and another showing Crater Lake, and plans are being formulated for several other of the outstanding bits of scenic attractions of the state. , , I is the intention to spread the Ore gon gospel into every section of the country by every known means, in cluding extensive use of motion pic tures. These are being prepared now. It is the intention to so advertise Ore gon that it will become as widely known as a scenic state as California. It is figured that with the 1925 ex position as the bat is of this campaign, the stare can be crowded with visitors during the year 1925, with beneficial returns thereafter to every part of OregoT. , Chai S3 and Frank Kraxberger, well known is 'dent? of Macksburg, were callers at ne Banner-Courier office, Tuesday. - Satisfies the sweet tooth and aids appetite and digestion. Cleanses mouth and teeth. A great boon to smokers, relieving hot, dry mouth. Combines pleasure and benefit. Don't miss the joy of the new WaiSLEY'S P-K-the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! 1 HILLS Make a fresh start get a clean tankfulof "Red Crown" and then watch how your engine performs. Watch it on the hills. Every drop of "Red Crown" vaporizes rapidly and uniformly in the car buretor and is consumed com pletely in the cylinders. You get a continuous stream of power more mileage at lower cost. - , "RedCrown"isuniforminqua! ty you won't need to bother lith carburetor adjustments if you fill your tank with "Red Crown" and nothing else. Fill at the Red Crown sign at Service Stations, garages and other dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) V , UPPER HIGHLAND jt t? & & tr & r t? t? ? z? i? The repairing of our school house is nearly completed and school began Wednesday, Sept. 20th. The children, as weir as their teacher, Miss Esther Moser, are glad to hear of the many improvements which have been made. The room has been painted, the black boards slated, four new windows have been added on the east side, and a swivel chair, for the teacher has -been purchased. Mr.' and Mrs. Jim Ruther ford have been doing the work. Miss Mildred Simms left Sunday to resume her studies at the Oregon City high school, "where she is a sophomore. The annual meeting of the Clacka mas County Rural Baptist people, was held Sunday,"Sept. 17th, at the Baptist church in Oregon City. A goodly num ber of our people attended and enjoyed the day. ' F. Moser, accompanied byhisdaugh ter; Miss Moser, our teacher, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kandle. ' ' : , Miss Esther Martin returned home from the hopyard on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fonander and son 'Melvin were Oregon City, visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hamilton and son and Mr. and Mrs. H. Winn and children, of Portland, spent Sunday at the Owens home. . t$ t$ 8 8 $8 BOLTON J xuildred McKillican J j . J efif jf ? 1? if ? J? ? f K1 Mr3. C. H. Reinke of Willamette was,. a Bolton visitor, ,Mondy. Mr. Valliere has left for Hood River. where he is to be engaged in packing appjles. ' , - John Hogan left Sunday for Cor- vallis, where he is to enter the Agri cultural College. . Miss Meta Draper of The Dalles is here on an extended visit with friends and relatives. Richard Nixon has left for the Ore gon Agricultural college, where he is to attend school. He is a junior at that institution. " Miss Bertha MeKillicah was a guest of honor at a "prettily appointed din ner party at her home Saturday" eve ning, the affair being in honor cf her birthday anniversary. Ths guests were: Ruby Hogan, Meade -Mcisilli- can, Mildred McKillican, Rex Ram sour, Don Larios, Elmer Simpson and the guest of ho'ior. Mr. and Mr N. McKillican are hav ing their kitchen remodeled. The work is b ag done by, F. C. Hall of West Linn Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hammerle were visi ts in Willamette, Friday evening. v A A A A A '5 WEST LINN - Dennis Kidby i f jt J ffifr tr & j? jf jf f a? if J? Mr. and Mr?. T. B. Davenport of the Rosemont district, returned recently from a camping trip to Belknap Springs. They report a very enjoyable trip. Miss Helen Leathers of the Union High school staff, with Miss Grace Tiffany of the' Oregon City High school, drove to Rockaway Beach last Friday night. They returned Sunday, after enjoying the ocean for two days. Miss Harriett Joy Thayer has re turned to school, after an-absence, due to the affliction of poison oak. Miss Eleanor Hall, who has "for some time suffered with tuberculosis of the hip, is getting along as well as can be expected. Eleanor -completed ""' her freshman year at West Linn High last June. We all wish her complete and" speedy recovery. . Harry Sladen spent Sjinday after noon with Dennis Kidby. The, Rosemont Community Club has completed plans for a big exhibit at the Canby fair, and hopes to repeat its success of last year. WILLAMETTE Beulah Snidow . ? J? ? t? K" & A farewell party was given to Miss Lucy Spatz at 'her home Wednesday evening. " The guests brought many beautiful gifts and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. The guests were Miss Veda Andrus, Miss Clara Bartho lomew, Mrs. Afl McLfiar, Mrs. Ed. Buckles, Misses Mabel and Esther Larson, Mrs. John Casey. Mrs. Ewald Leisman, Mrs. Lucy Mathers. Mrs. J. L. Gary, Mrs: W. W. Davis, Mrs. John Ream, ,Miss Mary Leisman and Mrs. H. Leisman. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Leisman and children, Mrs. John Casey and Mrs. Lucy Mathers spent the week-end at Prescott, Ore., visiting Mr. and Mrs William Wing. Miss Lucy Spatz and Miss Marian Paterson left .Monday morning for Willamette University. Earl Mootry spent several days last week with his parents. He left Satur day evening for Salem, where he will attend Willamette University. " The Willamette grammar school opened Monday with an enrollment of 201, and a capable corps of teachers on hand to conduct the school work. J. R. Bowland is principal and will teach the eighth grade; Miss Mary Shannon will have charge of the sev enth. Miss Frances Waldron the sizth. Miss Florence Fromong the fifth, Miss Thelma De Bok the fourth, Miss Mabel Larson the third, Miss Elsie Fellows the second, and ,Mrs. Dibble the pri mary room. Miss Harriet Snidow left Monday morning for the Oregon Agricultural College. Miss Arda Cox spent Saturday at the home of Miss Mabel Robertson of Os wego. . Lloyd Junken spent Sunday at the home of hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Junken. A dancing party in honor of Bruce Wilson was given at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson, last Saturday. After an evening"-pf dancing, ice cream and cake were ser ved to the guests by Mrs, Wilson and Miss Gestie Wilson. Those present were: Misses Arda Cox, Ruth Junken, Hazel Hudson, Elsie Junken and Ver neita Strong; "Messrs. Roy Buckles, Bruce Wilson, Herbert King, Gordon Tuor, Jesse Mootry, Chester Carpen ter, Gerald Baty and Robert Wilson ; also Mesdames Tuor, Denton and Wilson. t Jt - CANBY Dr. John Fuller ' Married. - Miss Salma Olson of Canby, and Victor Anderson of Tacoma, Wash.,, were united in marriage on Tuesday afternoon, September 12th. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Ovest Skilbred of the Lutheran church.'' The occasion took place at the home of the bride's parents in Mr. Ander Cedar Chests Made to Order HIGGINS MYg Company 1912 E. Glisan St. PORTLAND, OREGON Orange Marmalade A Correctly Shredded Oregon Product Fruit and Sugar 100 Pure . -YOU WILL SAY IT IS DELICIOUS ALICE LOVE 1004 E. 27th. St. No. Portland, Oregon Member Associated Industries of Oregon k::x:k::xk::xk The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" All. new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service 4 p. c paid on Savings 512 Main St, Oregon City HOGG BROS. '- - Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home r 8th at Main, Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of : Commerce Building. Oregon City Seventh and Main son is a son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Tacoma. After spending a few days at Seaside, "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will go to Tacoma, where he is connected with the Tacoma Auto Electric. Co. A, large number of friends, among them school chums and classmates of te hCanby high school, from which the bride graduated with honors, will wish for her and her hus band a happy and successful career. " Born. To Mr. and Mrs. C l. Strong, .a twelve-pound boy, last Sunday. To Mr. and Mrs. E: R. Bab of Au rora, on Sunday last, a boy. On Tuesday last, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pitts, a girl. Rev. Wicker and wife of the Naza rine church, left last Monday for Gari balda beach," where, they will, spend their vacation. Avon Jess and wife are spending a few days in Vancouver, Wash., Prof Franklin .Launer, who went to Eat Mrs. Schield's HOME MADE NO 0 1) L E S SPAGHETTI MACARONI G. A. Lehman Co. , Manufacturers PORTLAND, OREGON HOME MADE IS NOT BITTER EDITORIAL PROSPERITY. The ADVANCEMENT OF-OREGON CITY IS CLOSEST TO THE HEARTS OF OREGON CITY BUSINESS MEN. In fact they stand ready to lead us forward in a great movement of civic expansion, progress and prosperity. BUT THIS CALLS FOR CO-OPERATION ON THE PART OF ALL OUR CITIZENS. The actual putting of our shoulders to the wheel and Boost! Boost!! Boost!!! Such co-operation can be extended by indulging in normal business transactions, normal business pat ronage and by so doing bring about normal busi ness conditions and PROSPERTY FOR EVERY ONE CONCERNED. Conservatism is a good thing on many occasions but when it comes to hoarding your finances, indulg ing in radical business pessimism or adopting a "scared-to-death" attitude of commercial retrench ment then you are not only doing yourself an in justice but your own community, its adjacent trad ing territory and all. the people therein. Thus spending your money freely for what you need be comes a heart-to-heart .proposition PERMEATED WITH THE SPIRIT OF LIVE AND LET LIVE. An opportunity to benefit yourself by benefiting your neighbor. An opportunity to serve and serve profit ably. " - ; WE ARE ALSO URGING YOU TO KEEP YOUR DOLLARS AT HOME. We are asking your per sonal support in boosting and buying merchandise SOLD OR MADE IN OREGON CITY. For truly the Financial Assets of any community is the gauge used in measuring its prosperity. Increase these assets and prosperity increases. Deplete them and prosperity shrinks. . The" newcomer in our city, the business man looking for location, the capitalist for investment ALL INQUIRE FIRST AS TO THE SIZE AND CONDITION OF THE COMMUNITY'S ASSETS. The habit of spending your money, folks, for pur chases in some other city is not only another form of BANKING THAT MONEY THERE IN THE FU TURE. It can not be used to satisfy the obligations of our people, to transact the commercial life of our city or to be reinvested into improvements that make it more attractive. : If every person living within the confines of Ore gon City will think this matter over, stop and reason within themselves, PERSONALLY TRACE THE DOLLAR SPENT AWAY FROM HERE, what be comes of -it and how it personally affects themselves they will certainly take a renewed pledge of Loyal ty to the Business Men of this city AND STICK TO IT. :V . . ; . vsz Chicago last cummer for a special course in music, in preparation for a professorship in Willamette Univers ity, has returned and was calling on Canby friends this week. He enters upon his duties at the beginning of the new school year. While on a hunting trip in the moun tains back of .Molalla, Bennie Brusch, eighteen-year-old son of Frank Brusch, of 'Macksburg, was kicked by a horse iast Monday and sustained a broken leg. He was attended by Drs. Ded man and Geisey. Miss Avis Dougherty of Portland has 1 Use ruf.6 wherever water proofing is needed Hail Products Co. 500 Washington . PORTLAND, . OREGON EAT MLHood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. Daily Served to Oregon . :" City. MT HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. P 1 g been" added to the high school faculty of Canby for the coming year. Miss Dougherty has taught in Kalamath Falls, Oregon, during the last four years and comes to the Canby sigh sihool well recommended. She will make her home with Mrs. Andrew Kocher during the school year. W. A. Maudhorst of San Diego, Cal., is looking for a location in Canby. fj)5sg- Always "31 J Endure" There's Material and Workman ship to back up -Style and Appearance that's why REDIMADES ENDURE It's REDIMADE MAKE-READY that saves you money 1. Regular Redimadc Sectional built for permanency 2. Economy Sectional, semi-per manent convertible tvne Easy for the inexperienced to erect jiccmomical to ship ." 1 .-7' " Garages $45.00 and up. Built to endure? Absolutely! REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. Portland E- ,11th and Market Street Phone East 5114 ASK FOR PORT-O True Fruit Products Strawberry Orange Tokay Golden Mint PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS GO. Portland, Oregon Jones Drug Co. "In business for your health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch& Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Printing is the insepar able companion of a chievement. "- Your announcements express your ideas. With good Printing you are sure of good results. The Banner-Courier Overland .. $695 Maxwell : $1060 .Willys-Knight $1595 F. O. B. Oregon City, The three leaders in Motor Cars , STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid , No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for - Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone 680-J DURANT GARS Beautiful but built to stand the "Gaff. May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11