THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922. Page Two Your Jewelry Made New Old Jewelry, especially Diamond Rings, can be made better than new at a small cost. New designs in white gold mountings and green gold with platinum settings are priced from $10 to $25 according to size of stone. Your Diamonds can be improved "100 per cent, by having them remounted in this way. All work is done in our own shop by an ex perienced Diamond setter. , OREGON CITY fQmM$ Miss Reta Boylan, who was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Win. E. Boylan, at Cathlamet, Wash., has returned to Oregon City,, where she has accepted a position at the Falls confectionery. . - Miss Gertrude McConnell has re turned to her duties at Gooding, Idaho, where she is an instructor iji the deaf school, after spending her summe va cation with her parents at Oregon City. ' Mrs. David Caufield, who has been visiting her son, -Jack Caufield, and family, at Tillamook, and her sister, Mrs. E. P. Carter, at Bar View, has returned to her home at Oregon City. Rev. and Mrs. C H. Chandler, form erly of Oregon City, but now of Poca tello, Idaho, were here on Saturday of last week, where they yisited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dawson. Miss Agnes Clifford of Molalla came to Oregon City: last Sunday and has begun hr' duties as a grade teacher in the I-. .T-tham school. In the Circuit Court of the- State Oregon, for Clackamas County. GUSTAV HORAND, Plaintiff, jCocal 9ews Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alldredge and daughter Quevene, accompanied by Mrs. Jane Crawford, Mrs. F. E.-Parker and Joe Alldredge, motored to Cor vallis Sunday, where they visited Mrs. M. E. Gerwell and daughter Bertha, and Mrs. Bertha Cheney, who were old-time friends In Kansas. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Frost at Corvallis. On their way home they visited relatives at Salem. Mrs. Minnie Donovan, who has been a resident of Oregon City -for years, lett Tnursaay lor ues Moines, lowa, where she ha3 been sent as a delegate from the Women's Relief Corps of Ore gon City. Mrs. Donovan will be gone two months and while there will visit a sister, who lives near Des Moiucs, and whom she has not seen for ".ninTsy years. Phillip Paine, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Paine, of Oregon City, who has been spending the summer at Estaca da, where he has been working for the Hurley-Mason Co., visited his r "rents at Oregon City last week. lias returned to resume his -duties t: Es tacada. Mrs. T. B. Haukins, mother of Glen and George Hankins of Oregon City, who has been making her home in Oregon City, has gone to Los Angeles, Calif., where she will spend the win ter with her daughter, Mrs. Lulu Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Scheubel, "who were accompanied to their summer home at Rhododendren by Mr. and , Mr3. N. W. Bowland, have returned to their home at Oregon City. While theie the men put in their time hunting and fishing. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johnson of Yuma, Arizona, who have been visiting Mrs. Johnson's mother, Mrs. M. E. Hyatt, of Oregon City, have gone to Goldendale, Wash., where they will visit her brother, George Hyatt, and family. Mrs. Tillie Kent and little daughter, Crystal Elaine, have returned to their the summer with Mr. and Mrs. John . Kent at Gladstone and her brothers, Henry and Walter Brandt, at Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beattie of Mon mouth, Ore., who have been in Oregon City, where they visited Mr. Beattie's mother, Mrs. Margaret Beattie, and also visited his sister, Mrs. C. Scheu bel, at Rhododendren, have returned to their home. Bert Greenman, formerly of-Oregon City, but now a state' game warden for Yakima, Wash., was visiting his Wife and other relatives in Oregon City last week. He left on Wednesday of last week on a business trip to California. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erickson, who have sold their home in Oregon City to Mr. and Mrs. John G. Moehnke of Beaver Creek, will leave for Washing ton, where they will make their fu ture home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Caldwell of Port , land were Sunday guests of the. lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Scheu bel, of Oregon City. Mrs. Caldwell was Miss Roberta Scheubel before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. George Creighton, who have been making their home in. Ore gon City, have moved to Portland. Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Edgar motored to iugene Monday, taking- their daughter. Miss Catherine, who will enter the University of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osborn of Sell- wood were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green and family. Mr. Green is an uncle of Mrs. Osbon. Mr. and Mrs. Frak Moore of Ore gon City spent the week-end in Port land, as guests of Mrs. Gooding. Mrs. H. G. Crocker and son George, whose home is near NNewberg, Ore., have moved to Oregon City, where George is to attend high school. A daughter arrived at the Oregon City hospital on Monday September 11th, for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sturgis. Miss Marian White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White of Oregon City, has gone to Grass Valley, where she is to teach her fourth term of school at that place. ' j A little daughter was born at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Niles ou Tuesday, September 12th. The young lady has been given the name of Dor othy Adele. Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh Kennedy and little daughters of Camas, Wash., were week-end guests of Mrs.. Kennedy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R? E. Wood ward, of Oregon City. Miss Pauline Pace has gone to Cor vallis, where she will enter the Oregon Agricultural College. Her parents, Mr and Mrs. O. A. Pace, took her up Sun day. J j ! Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arant of Mon- ; ; : ; j ' ;mouth, parents of W..L. Arant of Ore Joseph C. Hedges, son of Mr. andigon Qy an1 a brother, Rev. Francis Mrs. J. E. Hedges of Oregon City, wno Arant, and wife, of Eugens, visited has been near Everett, Wash . with a at the Arrant home last week. surveying crew, nas reiurneu 10 in home and" will soon leave for New.J Mr. and Mrs. John Fidler and son Haven. Conn., to resume his study of ; Jack, who have been visiting the form- - - (er s orotner, Mr. J? later, ana ramny, I have gone to Pacific City, where .they Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell of Oregon ; wi Bpend the fishing season. City had as their guests on Sunday, j Mr and Mrs. Leroy Eaton and little Ted Hendry and Dwight Hedges, son Robert of Portland; Cleo Howell, j who have been working for the Hurley wh u a student at Pacific College, Mason Construction Co., have return law at Yale. a student at ;ed to their homes in Oregon City for the opening of school. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and! einr-Ann firopn anrnmnanied bv Mrs. I Chapman's brother and Wife, Mr. and j gon Agricultural College. Mrs. Will C. Green, motored to Leban- and George Dambaclv Reed College. Clement Lizberg has gone to Cor vallis to resume his studies at the Ore- During his vacation he was employed at the Hunt- ' . ... . j ..f(,i lpv-Dranpr Drnp- P.n fitnrp on Thursday ot last ween, ana vishcti ; Mr. and Mrs. James reeu. . 6ordon Wilson, son of Sheriff and Miss Virginia Shaw, who has been ! Mrs. W. J. Wilson of Oregon City snenriinz her vacation with her pa ; who had the misfortune to cut hi, ; tt! T. Shaw, at i foot while working with, a surveying Oregon City, hai returned to Pullman, : crew last week; is improving. Wash., to resaxe her studies at the: Roge Nehrelli mother of Mrs Washington t. ate oiiege. Harry Bon of Meldrvun, has gone to , . " i Meldrum to take care of Mrs. Victor Ned uarc-jar nas-reiuinea to "" Erlckaon, who ls an invalid, vallis to resume his studies at O. A. I C, after spending the summer in Sac- Mrs. L. F. Tillotson of Oregon City ramento. Calif., where he "was employ-; left Tuesday morning for Pendleton ed. He is the -son of Mr. and Mrs. -where she will attend the round-up. Fred Gardiner. i ! Mrs. George Cox of Sellwood, but Eugene Pettibone, son of Rev. and : formerly of Oregon City, visited friends Mrs. Willis Pettibone of Oregon City, ; here on Monday of this week. left on Friday of last week for Red lands, Calif., where he will take up his second year's work at the Redlands University. Lawrence Hull, son of Mrs. Gussie Hull, of Oregon iCity, has returned to Eugene to take up his studies at the; University of Oregon, after' spending his vacation in and near Oregon City. ; Mr. and Mrs. Perry Randle of Ore-! gon City attended the funeral of the former's uncle, Joseph Reynolds, at Willamette, which was held Monday afternoon. - - i Misses A. and Ruth Worden of Port land were week-end guests of the -Misses Alma and Florence Moore 01 Oregon City. ' j Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Anderson, who are residents of Logan county, were in Oregon City Sunday, where they came to attend church. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beattie have . their beautiful new bungalow finished j on Tenth and Jefferson streets and i have moved into it. "j Miss Helen Mattley of Oregon City j has gone to Seaside, where she has j been engaged to teach economics in the Seaside high school. j Mrs. George Sterve shipped h(jr prize j chickens to the Clackamas county fair, which began at Canby on Tues-j day of this week. j Mr. and Mrs. John E. Surfus of Ore-; gon City were guests at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergen of Meldrum, Friday night of last weelr. ' Mrs. L. A. Morris and mother, Mrs. J R. Goodfellow, went to Portland Tues-J day, where they assisted in the tea1 given by St. Paul's Guild of he Epis-! cofjal church of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Green have mov ed into their new home, which has just been built, at Gladstone. They took possession of it on Saturday of last week. Miss Helen Andresen has eone to Corvallis to resume her studies at O. j A. C, after spending the summer with ' her parents at Oregon City and New-! port. j Vote Adv. for Single Tax 304 X Yes. (4tp) If you like good, fresh breakfast foods, you should try the Kerr line, and you will always find a, fresh supply at this store. Kerr's Hotcake Flour makes fine, tender hot cakes: Kerr's Oats cook well done in 15 minutes. Kerr's Farina makes a fine breakfast dish. Kerr's Pastry Flour makes delicious pastry. Kerr's Patent Flour makes the lightest of bread. " The Hub GROCERY On the Hill SUMMONS. County Court of Clackamas . County, leaves, and sending specimens of su3 Oregon, has been appointed by saidjpecious material to the state experi Court as the time and place for the j ment station or to this office for iden hearing of any objections thereto, afid I ification. - of FOSINA HORAND, Defendant. To Fosina Korand, the above named defendant: " In the name of-the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled -suit, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of expiration is fixed by order of the above entitled Court a3 November 2nd: if ydu so fail to appear and answer plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in his complaitn, to-wit: a decree dissolving the marriage contract here tofore and now existing between plain tiff and -defendant herein, and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall -seem just. This summons is published by order of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court. . The-order, is dated September 20th, 1922. Date of first publication September 21st, 1922. Date of last publication November 2nd, 1922. ROBERT BALKEY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 513 Couch Bldg., i - Portland, Oregon. (9-21-t) Portland, Oregon. the discharge of said executrix. - Dated September 21st, 1922. GUSSIE OSWALD HULL, Executrix of the Last Will and Tes tament of Martha E. Oswald, deceased. G. B. Dimick & , ; ' - W. I Mulvey, . Attorneys for Executrix (9-21-5t) WHITE PINE BLISTER RUST THREATENS During the second week of school this fall, school children are being asked to devote some time to looking for the disease. In case you have not already re ceived adequate information concern ing the blister rust and Its destructive ness in other pine regions advise me and I will send you bulletins and illus trations. Very - truly yours, C. R. Stillinger, Pathologist, U. S. Bureau Plants. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is .hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Martha E. Oswald, deceased, has filed her final report in the office of the County Clerk of Clack amas County, Oregon, and that Mon day, tb3 23rd day of October, 1922 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, in the County Court Room of the . At the request of a Banner subscrib er the following is printed with a de sire, to -protect the timber and other trees of the state: Until recently it was believed that the white pine blister rust hSd not spread to points east of the Cascades. However, last we,ek U wag found on cultivated English black currants and native white pines in the vicinity of Revelstoke and Beaton, B. C. These points are only about 100 miles north of the international boundary and are in the northern edge" of the great white pine area which extends into Washington, Idaho and Montana. It is now evident that the disease is spreading rapidly and unless hurriedly checked it will In a short time be es tablished in the Inland Empire white pine stands. The disease has also re- cently been found on English , black currants in t'l" southwestern corner of Pacific co'-ncy, Washington. This ind!ites a rapid southern spread aloLT the Cv8 3t region and directly threatens the sugar pine stands of Oregon and California. In order to check the spread of the blister rust it is necessary to deter-j mine the extent of its present distri bution immediately. At this season of the year it is most easily detected on the leaves of currant and gooseberry bushes. The English black currant "is most susceptible and if carefully in spected now would very likely -show the disease if it is present in the lo cality: You can help a great deal by examining the leaves or the currants and gooseberries in your locality, es pecially the English black currant - -- The Day's Catch. "Where's your pa?"- asked 'he man with the brand-new outing ciothes.. "Gone fishin'," replied the , small boy. "What does he expect to catch?" ;"Nothln' while he's fishin'. But maw told him he'd catch the dickens if he didn't clear out while she was house cleanin'." " " liiilllllililiili!!!! Hardware Accessories Genuine Ford Parts ' " Expert Repair Work" Storage Tires . "Equipped to serve .YOU BEST" At Elevator Phone 390 Oregon City, Oregon 11 l l tt t ' ! l i A t'nl A tt lt tl ! 1 !! 11 .. A , ,, Twelfth Street Cabinet Shop W. W. HART, OWNER. . We specialize in high-grade cabinet work of all descriptions, store fixtures, show cases, door and window frames, refrigerator display cases, cupboards. Wealso do saw filing. 12th Street, near R. R. Phone 142 Oregon City :xxxx:X"X::x:x 4 4 Jrl REPORT OF CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Oregon City in the State of Oregon - AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SEPTEMBER 15th, 1922 Reserve District No. 12 BASON HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize 30x3 32x4 33x4 34x4 $13.75 24.50 24.70 25.35 New Standard Size 30x3......:...: 11.30 Also 30x3 and 31 x 4 straight sides. Goodrich motorcycle and bicycle tires. north-West Tire.Co. Warren & Blodg-ett, Prop. 407 Main St. Oregon City A careful driver who runs down a careless pedestrian is likely to pay heavily for the "jay walker's" injuries. HARTFORD AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE is the careful driver's only sure protection. It assumes all liability, conducts and pays for any necessary legal ac tions, and pays damages if awarded against you. Careful drivers carry this insurance. Get your automobile in surance through this agencyInsurance sold but Service given. - OWLAND A. J. Bookhold Wm. M. Smith REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 " 620 Main S Oregon City, Oregon Charter No. 8556 - RESOURCES. 7 Loans and discounts ......1 -' : - Overdrafts : - U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation ,. -? 12,500.00 All other Uaited States Government securities .. 202,950.00 - TOTAL .... Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. j. Banking House, $14,000; Furniture and fixtures, $6,000 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank - Oash in vault and amount due from national bank-3 Amount due from State banks -r - Checks on other banks in the same city . Checks and drafts on banks outside of city itedemption fund with U. S.' Treasurer TOTAL ;. $ 62,884.27 $219,809.18 1,299.54 215,450.00 221,147.30 20,000.00 - 38,441.20 50,951.74 9,147.01 2,785.52 100.00 625.00 779,756.49 . 50,000.00 25,000.00 1,421.24 12,500.00 2,987.28 360,099.35 3,037.91 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. Surplus fund ."- Undivided profits - 6,372.91 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 4,951.67 Circulating notes outstanding . Amount due to National Banks Demand deposits subject to Reserve - Individual deposits subject to check - Certificates of deposit due in less than 30. days State, county, or other municipal deposits se cured by pledge of assets of thi-3 bank. - Total of demand deposits. $378,137.26 Time deposits subject to Reserve: Certificates of deposit - Other time deposits . 'Postal savings deposit-3 Total of time deposits ..$309,710.71 TOTAL IK.' Siate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, (ss) : I, F. J. Meyer, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true i to the best of my knowledge and belief. - j . - F. J. MEYER, Cashier. ! Correct Attest: D. C. LATOURETTE CD. LATOURETTE M. D. LATOURETTE ' ' - . Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of September, 1922. .." EARLE C. LATOURETTE, ' " - Notary Public. 15,000.00 130,311.95 175,815.45 3,583.31 $779,756.49 SEAL) My Commission expires July 22nd, 1923. llUini!l!Hi!lfMM!!i!illMl!I!UIIU WESTINGHOUSE 1 BATTERIES 2 a it You owe it to an old friend WITHOUT attention your battery loses its "pep" and power'whether your car is run ning or not. It needs looking after by a specialist to prevent trouble cropping up that will cost you a needless amount of money. Drive in and have your battery inspected and, if necessary, conditioned. Then, adopt the Westinghouse plan of two inspections a month. It puts you under no obligations. We will not recommend a Westinghouse until you need a new battery. HODGSON GANNON ELECTRIC The Westinghouse Service' Station 4th and Main St, ' Oregon City - WESTINGHOUSE ATTENTION tuptrior itrvlet create by Westinghouse is for . YOUR battery no matter what make it is. S , mum ininnnununmii TRY THE BANNER-COURIER WANT ADS "Isn't the music wonderful"? You just can't help but dance your best to the music f f the greatest dance orchestras Paul Whiteman and "s Orchestra, The Benson Orchestra of Chicago, ab Royal Orchestra, Joseph C. Smith and His ' chestra, The Virginians, All Star Trio and Their .rchestra, Hackel-Berge Orchestra, International Novelty Orchestra, Zez Confrey and His Orchestra. These and other favorite organizations actually play for, you when their Victor Records are used on the Victrola.' : - - j ome in and hear the latest Victor dance music. If you have'nt a Victrola come to us and we'll sell you one on your own terms, within reason. Prices $25 to $250. Huntley-Draper Drug- Co. Sat Itt&xcJULi Star Children Cry for Fletchers The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of on the wrapper all these years 'fflj2-, just to protect the coming oroneratinns. Tin nnt h deceived All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but . Experiments. that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with remedy that you would use for ypurseif, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, . Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its ' age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has ' been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS '4 BSS-SS3 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought CENTAUR COMMNV, NEW YORK CITV. ' - I