Page Four 'iliJbi B ANNER-Gu u KiERr OREGON CITYr OREGON, Thursday, September 14, 1922. Community 5feuis News From Over . CLACKAMAS COUNTY la t$ fc! ($0 MT. PLEASANT We are certainly enjoying this fine weather makes us feel like we "will have springtime again. Our nimrods are all : home just thinking -why we didn't g'st that deer School is all ready for the happy children, and) next Monday you will hear their joyous voices. They always sound good to me. Sure we will all go to the fair. Mt. Pleasant was well represented at the "jersey picnlc" at Cole'3 on the Molalla Saturday. Peter Tanzer has traded his place here for a large placfe at Grant's Pass and will move soon. Douglas King, who has heen employ ed on coast tankers between Portland and San Pedro, has returned home for school. Hte will go to Pacific Uni versity. Mt. Pleaasnt presents a busy place at present, with the road work four trucks from five in the morning till eight at night, besides one or two hauling cement, orrt? hauling coal and oil and a crew of 40 or 50 men run ning the mixer and on other work. We certainly feel proud of our good road, and many thanks to the County Court that we are so favored. Just one word in regard to Mt. Pleasant being the starter of that re call of the county judge. Please don't lay that to Mt. Pleasant. There are only two sore-heads in Mt. Plteasant. Shame on them, and they are backed by one who was" recently defeated for county commissioner. Jt SC Jt Jt & & Jt Jt Jt J Jt t! Jt 'jt J UPPER HIGHLAND Jt je A Sunday school rallv will be held at the IM. E..churcli. .October 1st. Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn Schram and daughter Eva of Beaver Creek visited at the-home of Mr and Mrs. .T. Han hart on Sunday. Mrs. Jj. Martin is spending the week end yiptMn? her d-i!rhter; Mrs. Joe Wallace, at Oregon City. 1 Ralph and Jame1 Hanha't motored to Portland Saturday. A partv composed of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodward and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Woodard and son, and Miss Jones, motored out from Ore gon City on Sunday. Miss Margaret. Chesliek of Portland spent the week-end visiting her moth er, Mrs. i. Fonander. Elma anl Elva Nicholas and Willie Martin motored to Salern Sunday. Willie Schmidt was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Mr. Owens. W. Wolter and G. Fo nander were business visitors at Ore gon ity Saturday. School begins Oceober iRt.h, with Miss Esther Moser of Stafford as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kandie motored . to Portland on business last. Friday. Charles Owens, who has been visit ing friends in Portland, returned home last week. Mr. W. Wolter has repaired his dry er and start ed to dry prunes Monday. (Last week) A large crowd was present at the literary program at the school house Wednesday evening. An enjoyable feature of the program was an old fashioned arithmetic match. May and Florence Hoffman, who are working in Portland, spent the week end with their partsnts, Mr. and Mrs Otto Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. L,. Skidmore and son were business visitors in Oregon City, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs- C. G. Price and two sons, of Portland, were week-end vis itors at tbto Richard Simms home. Phil Whitman, Curtis Kandie and RBbert Stein returned from the moun tains Monday with a large buck deer. Mrs. John Marshall was visited by her sister, Miss. Polly Trimm, of Seat tle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. L. Skidmore and son Harold, Mr. Gorden and Etev. A. J. Ware, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owens, Sunday. Mr- and Mrs. M. E. Kandie visited at the George Bunnell home, Sunday. A Sunday school rally is planned for Octeober 1st, at Upper Highland church. ... Mr. A. Fonander returned home from the Oregon City hospital, Tuesday. Mr. James Skidmore left Friday for Prosser, Wash., for a few weeks' visit with his family. Mrs. O. Hoffman and Mrs. T. Corn well called on Mrs. Cv C. KandBe last week Wednesday. ' The Nicholas family entertained-aev-eral of their cousins from 'Crescent, Ore-, on Sunday. -ilfc J ' ' CLARKES J ' Albert Gasser & Jt - & j? ? & J? f j? j? a? f Messrs. Charles Marshall), Lindau, Ed. Buol and R.Griffiths, have return ed from the mountains, where they went for hucklelberries. They report that the hupkleberry season is about over. Otto Gasser has been picking hops the last few days.. Albert Sch'iewe- recently sustained a broken arm when he fell from the roof of his barn. With his wife, he is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cummings of Portland, where he is under the doctor's care. Charles. Gasser returned from Moro, Oregon, last week. Clyde Ringo transacted business Jo Oregon City one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Julius SchieWe are re joicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl, born last Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oldenburg re turned, last Friday, from the moun tains, where they have been picking huckleberries. Chafes and Abert Gasser itrans- acted business in Portland, last Sat- uraay. Mr. Bottemiller was an Oregon City visitor last Saturday. Several young people from Clarkes; attended the dance at Beaver Creek, last Saturday night. Mrs. Gasser visited at Marquam last Sunday. FVune picking in this vicinity start ed Monday. The Clarkes brothers and Oldenburgs are picking and drying at their respective orchards. It is hoped that good weather, which is so neces sary for the successful picking of the crop, will prevail. Mr. and ,Mrs. W, W. Smith and son Delbert. - Approximately three hundred and fifty people are employed in 'the hop yards, operated by Rudolph .Wenger. of Parkplace. , A marriage license has been issued to Ernest Shulsten of Oregon City, and Edna Butts of Parkplace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Butts. The bride and groom will reside in Oregon City. Mrs. W. A. Holmes, who has been a guest at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine W. Hansell, of Lewiston, Idaho, returned to her home Thursday morning. Miss Grace Malo of Gervals, Oregon, sqent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brunner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lucas and Har rison Lucas have returned from Lewis ton, Idaho, where they spent the sum mer. Carl Benz, contractor, is painting the Parkplace school house. Mr. R. Godfrey of Lewiston, Idaho, employed on the ranch of B. W. Han sell, is spending a vacation of two weeks in Parkplace. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murray are on a two weeks' trip to the Newport Beaches. .-.-!. (Omitted last week) Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, Jr., of Portland, were visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman, Sr., over Labor Day. The rain on Monday spoiled lots of people's fun, but for the farmer the rain was good. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cummings of Hills dale, Ore., visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schiewe last Sunday. The sale of evergreen blackberries has stopped, some claiming an over supply, while others think N. Zakima wlil ship some to Portland- Tons of th'jm will go to waste, which people would like to save. Fine Bartlett pears waiting for a buyer. The fact is a cannery is needfed here. Oregon City, the county seat, should have a cannery where the farmer not only could buy, but also could sell his produce, and Oregon City consumers should buy Clackamas county produce. Prur.'as soon will be ripe and picking will commence in another week. 8 8 8 ti8 8 8 8 CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL . J . Mrs. Geo. Rartmaa J J ,' . j. Portland Parent-Tethers Council Meet The initial season meeting of the Portland parent-taachers' council, held in the central library at Portland, was well attended, over forty association representatives being present. Mrs. D. B. Kelly, the president, presided. Mr. W. F. Woodward spoke on the need of comfortable living quarters for teachers in the outlying districts Close to their schools. Other speakers were Mrs. "V. O. Webb, business man ager of the state parent-teachers' mag azine; Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, on thei work of the dental clinic; Mrs. F. J. Kane, on motion picture work; Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, on pre-school work and methods of organizing neighborhood circles. . , Mr. J. D. Mickle, representing the Oregon Dairy Council, presented !a resolution on keeping the milk served in the schools at a high grade of 94 per cent test. Mrs. Manning Spiker, president of the Capitol Hill school branch, at LOCALS. jl8 tc je sc v& 8 t tM ' HIGHLAND. Rev. A. J. Ware, assisted by Rev. Pettibone of Oregon City, has Ibeen holding meetings for the past week at the Lower Highland church. Mrs. Meeker and family motored to Canby. last Tuesday to buy peache3. Robert Rutherford met with an ac cident last week, while cleaning the Wirtz, well. He was overcome 'by gas formed by blasting and as a result, has ibeen confined. o his home for sev eral days. - '. - ' William1 Graham1 visited at the Staulb home Sunday. Mrs. Wirtz; who has been working at David Rutherford's, has returned to her home. " E. J. Swank motored to Independ ence Tuesday, William Converse ac- companing him. Orlando Fellows was a caller at the Smith home, Sunday. . ;, ' Arthur Evanson of Portland visited his sister, Mrs; Bert Cole, last Sun day and Monday. Mr. Evanson is em ployed at the Meier & Frank store. Joe Smith and son William were in Oregon City on business last Monday. .The Social Hour Club met at the home of Mrs. Bert Cole last Thurs day and enjoyed a very pleasant after noon. . The next meeting will be at Mrs. Staub's home, September 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn were guests of Mrs. E. S. Holmes for a few days last week. From now on there will ibe preach ing services at the' Lower Highland church ' every Thursday evening. Mrs. Cole is planning a party for Wednesday for all the youngsters of the country. They are all looking for ward to a great time and hope the weather stay3 nice, as it isat present, , Bill Swank is at Independence pick ing hops. j Mfs. ' Scribner is going to have a sale of farm implements, stock, etc., Thursday, September 21st. Let's go. ; Leo Vohs, Fred Vohs and "High' Fellows are at Horst Brothers, picking hops. JULIUS G. STURE Reliable Dentistry Nerve Blocking Residence and Office Phone Sandy, Oregon ' ADEN'S STORE H. D. ADEN, 'Proprietor . Wilson ville Oregon - General Merchandise DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLOUR AND FEED NAILS, SHINGLES, LIME, CEMENT t GRAIN BAGS, BALE TIES The Farmer's Bank of Wilsonviile 7Jhe Sftank "Uhat ffiacks the farmer Keep your money where it will serve you best jg KC ft tit PARKPLACE Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh . M cfitf jr j? j? j? if f a? j? jf a? & if a? Funeral services for the late Paul Kruegor, son of Mrs. John Waldro, who died at the family home on Clack amas Hejghts Thursday, were held from the Lutheran church, Oregon City, Saturday afternoon. The inter ment was in Mountain View cemetery. He is survives 'by his mother, three sisters and two brothers. Mrs. Amanda Decatur spent Friday in Portland. . Mr. Dan Purcell is on a business trip in southern Oregon, He will visit the Josephine Caves before his return. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rosebraugfi and family motored to Cascade Locks on Sunday. They were accompanied by M.r and Mrs. Stepiens are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine eight-pound bahy boy. Mrs. Stepiens is at the -St. Vincents hospital. The many friends of Mrs. C. J. Frank regret to hear that she is in the hospital with a severe illness. Mrs. R. A. Watson, who has been ill, is recovering at her. home in Collins View. Mr. and Mrs. Pollier havetmoved from the Boones Ferry road to the J. H. Johnson house. At the meeting of the "Brownies" last week, the class that graduated as the "Tinklers" received their bells. One of the many crowds of jolly campers caught in the showers on Labor Day, was that of Mr. and Mrs. S. Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Tipsword and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hardwick and son, and Mr. and Mrs. F.- A. Doern and daughter, who were on the Trask river, near Tillamook. The first annual committee meeting of the Capitol Hill Parent-Teachers' Association will meet Thursday after noon, September 14th, at Capitol Hill school. Mrs. Manning Spiker, presi dent; Mrs. Blanford, vice-president; Mrs. George Hartman, 2nd vice-presi dent; Mrs. R. Fiske, secretary and treasurer. Advisory board, Mrs. S. Lathrop and Mrs. E. Plant. . TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD v made by MOLALLA BAKERY Molalla, Oregon OPEN AN ACCOUNT t TO-DAY - We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? Twenty-tfive per . cent of the coal mines, employing 60 per cent of the workers on full time, can product all the coal we can use in the United States, according to the commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. II I in ii w mini ii in ruir mtii '"T Vrrv h.teg! y ; IS . r Cook With 1 I Electricity Countless thousands of American housewives would never have enjoyed real efficiency, econ omy, convenience and cleanliness in their kit chens had they not obeyed the national slogan cook by wire. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Pour (4) paid on time deposits, f ' CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President ;THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LO0MIS, Cashier THE test of a careful driver is found in his preparedness for the emergencies every car owner meets. Hartford Automobile Insurance is the preparation you need to provide icash to repair your car if damaged and to meet any claims against you for personal injuries or for property damaged by your car, in case of an accident. Get your automobile insur ance through this agency Insurance sold -but Service given. oWland A.J. Bockh.ld Wm. M. Smith REAL ESTATE AND ' INSURANCE Phone 377 - 620 Main S Oregon City, Oregon rcyQ" miii mM-mm . -iirr -in 'mi in Hi in At the Foot of Singer Hill Let Us Fix It If anything goes wrong with your Car call us up and we will fix it at once and at a very moderate charge. And if it Is necessary to replace any part or bring the car to our shop, you will be pleased with the reasonable charge we make. We refer you to any customer. Capital Garage LES. CRAWFORD, Prop. 10th and R. R. Mi.- ... a 43 Did You Ever Really SEE a Safe Deposit Vault? OAVE you ever visited a modern " safe deposit vault seen it in side and out and understood how it's constructed, operated and man aged ? If not, take a few moments some day and go through our safe deposit department. It is well worth your while to see how thoroughly and yet how inex pensively you can secure protec tion for your insurance policies, deeds, securities, jewels or other valuables Bank of Oregon city OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY YOUR AILMENT Give it your Immediate attention and enjoy health. Do not hesitate to investigate my methods used in treating various diseases. Have successfully treated many chronic and acute cases, In cluding Rheumatism, Headache, Asthma, Catarrh, Kidney, Lprer, Heart, Stomach and Female Disorders. FREE CONSULTATION DR. C. R. KEHRES Chiropractic Physician . Steam bath Massage, Electro-Chiropractic and Ozone tveatmenta. Office Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5. s 414-15 Stock Exchange Building, Third' and Yamhill Sts. Phone Main 2722 Portland Ore. Res. Phone, Tabor 1520 Follow the Crowds TO CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR CANBY, OREGON SEPT. 19, 20, 21, 22, 1922 LOW ROUND-TRIP FARES from all agency stations in Clackamas County Minimum fare. Adults 50c, Children 25c. Sale Dates Sept. 18 to 22, inclusive. Good until Sept. 24. SEE THE HORSE RACES, THE LIVE STOCK SHOW, the wealth of agricultural displays, the contests and exhibits of various kinds, including home products. Big Premium List Cash and other prizes. Amusements and Fun for Everyone For further particulars ask agents, or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. UMBER We are making a lead of our No. 3 common lumber. We are putting out an exceptionally good grade at g exceptionally low prices. In as much as you can use this for the bulk of the lumber that goes into a house it will pay you to see us and let us show you. We can furnish all the lumber you need to build a house and give you the very bes service and price. WILLAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO. - Wholesale and Retail ' Phone 63 16th and Slain Oregon City I K2I