The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, September 07, 1922, Supplement, Image 9

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anner-Courier Supplement
Dr. John Fuller
A Bunch Of Excitement
A collision, of two automobiles occur
red! on the hill near Barlow on Sat
urday evening, when two women and
a baby werte Ibadly cut by flying glass,
and the two drivers received their
share of cuts, when the wind shields
of both cars were shatteerd.
The accident occurred whtena car
was attempting to pass another car
going in, the same direction, while the
two cars were on their way to Oregon
City. A third car was on its way to
Salem. The southbound car had its
two front wheels shattered and the
northbound, a ForkJ, also lost a wheel.
While repairs were being made and
first'aid being given the women and
children, there weite about 40 cars
stalled at this point. One impatient
driver attempted to get ahead of a
stalled caiy-end when the driver of
the front car refund to endanger oth
ers and remained where he was stall
ed, not attempting to idrive his car
further, he was called a name unsuit
able to print. This he objected to and
climbing out of his car "made" for
the driver of the rear car. There was
a mix-up and about forty men got Into
it, in attempting to separate the com-,
batants. The only ones hurt werte
the two principals the one starting
the fight getting the worst of the
bargain. Women screamed and be
came hysterical and several needed
first aid assistance. '
No arrests were imade-
Hiflh School Board Transacts Business
At a meeting of the Union High
school board, held on Tuesday evening,
Miss Lucile Cogswell of Portland, was
elected teacher of mathematics and
in charge of physical culture for girls.
Mi-'s Cosswell is the second teacher
of the Union High school to be chosen,
the principal, Roma G. White, of Port
land, having been elected a few days
ago. As there will be eight teachers,
' including the principal, the others will
be chosen orf Friday evening.
Arrangements were made for adver
tising for bids for a buss to carry
students to and from the high schoo1
building, and as there will be a "special
el ction for caring for the expense of
this, an election date will be arranged
by county school superintendent Bren
ton Vedder, of Oregon City.
E. E. Elliott of the state board at
Salem, will be heii on Friday evening
to meet with the Union H5gh school
board to draft plans for the work to
be carried out by the local bbartd for
the coming year. The matter of equip
ment to be purchased for tbte domestic
science and manual training depart
ments will also be a subject for dis
cussion at thi-3 meeting. ,.
From indications there will be imany
students from outlying districts to at
tend the Union High school this year.
Tbte districts included in the Union
High school district are: Canby,
,Marks Prairie, Central Point, New Era,
Barlow, Lone Elder, Macksburg, Mun
dorf, Union Hill, Ninety-one and Oak
Rev. Mr. Skilbred returned last Sat
urday from Tacoma, Wash., where he
had been in attendance at a minis
terial meeting of the Lutheran church.
M. Goodwin and family, left Carjby
last Saturday for Ausca.. Ariz. Mr.
Goodwin for the past several months
held the position of second trick man
for the S. P. Co. at Canby, and will
take up the samte work in Arionza an
live in the higher altitude for his
fife's health.
Ralph and Howard Heins returned
last Saturday from a hunting trip in
southern Oregon. They were-successful
in bagging one dteer.
C- N. Wait, our nostmaster. and, wife
returned last Saturday from Newport,
Ore., where they spent their vacation
of one month.
Miss Loraine Lee returned last
Tuesday from a week's visit at Rhodo
dendron, Ore.
Delbert Hutcheson and family mov
ed from Jftolalla to Oanby last Friday
and will make their home here.
Mrs. C. C. Soper, for years our tele
phone operator, imoved to Ntewberg
this week to make her future home.
George Hardisty, while repairing his
house, met with a painful accident this
week. In driving a nail thte hammer
glanced, throwing the nail into his left
eye. He will be laid up for a few
days as the result of the accident.
Rev. Boyd Moor and wife left Can-
by Tuesday for SaJtem, to attend the
Methodist conference now in session.
During their absence there will be no
preaching services at the M. E. church.
Dr. Edwards, who recently closed a
union tent meeting in Canby, was in
town last Tuesday- He is now engag
ed in a union revival meeting at Au
rora, and reports the outlook as being
good for a successful effort.
Chet Cox, whie entering his car at
the home of his brother, two miles
north of Canby, accidentally dropped
his revolver, which discharged a ball
through the calf of his leg, making a
painful wound. The accident happen
ed last Saturday afternoon and his
brother reports him as getting along
as well as" could be expected. The
wound was dressed by Dr. Dedman.
A Mrs. Reed of Portland, whilte pick
ing peaches in company with her hus
band, at an orchard west of Canby last
Saturday, accidentally fell from a lad
der and dislocated her elbow. ' She
was taken to the office of Drs. Ded
man and Hempstead and, af ?er receiv
ing treatment, left with her husband
for Portland.
Grammar school opens in Canby next
Monday. The high school opening
may be delayed on account of the un
settled conditions as to tbte union high
school movement.
H. J. Long of Los Angeles,' Calif.,
arrived in Canby last week, and will
be second trick man for the S. P- Co.;
filling the position vacated by M'.
W. H. Bair and wife and Howard Ec
cles and wife, returned Monday night
from a trip through central Oregon.
While gone they spent a part of their
time in the Blue Mountains, where Mr.
Bair bagged a mule deter. Hunting and
fishing were enjoyed by the party as a
whole, and they report having had a
splendid outing.
The "political season will soon be
here and it is not too early for tbte
voters of this county to begin looking
over the map for their candidates. Re
member, we all have an indirect voice
in the affairs of state.
J Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck J
J jl
& 8? K" P K" 1? J? J? JP P J? j? J?5
Mrs. C. Deitz of Rainier visited her
sister, Mrs- Russell F. Butler, the past
Mrs. E. Davis of Medford, who has
been visiting h'jr sister, Mrs. Fred -J-Wilson,
returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayle of As
toria were week-end visitors at the
home of iMr. and Mrs. George Card.
Mrs. Hayle and Mrs. Card are sistters.
Prof, and Mrs. L. Baker and children
of Portland were recent visitors at the
home of Miss Kate Rosenberry. -
Mrs. R. Kirchem and daughter June
spent Monday at tbte William Cook
Dr- and Mrs. Bettenridge of Port
land spent Sunday at their place on
East Jennings avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner have
returned from Wild Cat Mountain
with a plentiful supply of huckleber
ries. Henry Henrici, his sons Claude and
Walter, together with his sons-in-law,
A. B. McReynolds of Ft Worth, Tex.,
and Louis Barry of Oregon City, left
recently for Roseburg on a deter hunt
ing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hoag have gone
to Newport for a two weeks' outing
Donald Moritz, little son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Moritz, who was recently
injured when struck by an automobile,
is rapidly improving.
Francis Parks, son of Norton Parks,
of Meldrum, had the tend of his thumb
taken off last week, when he caught
it in a pump.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Starker. Adah
Rush and Mary Kessi enjoyed a trip
to Beacon Rock the past week. While
on the trip thtey climbed Mt Hamil
ton, William A. Rush, who has been at
tending summer school at Monmouth,
has returned. v
Mrs. Elsie Barker has taken a posi
tion in the Portland office of the P. R.
L, & P. Co.
F. F. Tl'sroux, with the members of
his orchestra, made a trip to Monitor
last Saturday, returning Sunday eve
ning. Sunday morning they rendered
a concert at the Monitor church. The
membters of the orchestra were royally
entertained while in Monitor and were
guests at a chicken dinner served at
the church on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. A. C. Woodcock was called to
Eugene Saturday, by thte serious ill
ness of her mother.