THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922. Page Eight WEEKLY PROGRAM WEEKLY PROGRAM SCHOOL TOGS jfcsagai n-tms Haas waLjf) Thurs. Fri. Sept 7 8 DOROTjlY DALTON and MILTON SILLS in "THE WOMAN WHO WALKED ALONE" A Paramount Picture Cartoon Comedy Pathe News Saturday Sept. MARION DAVIES in "BEAUTY'S WORTH" A Paramount Picture ' Two-Part Century Comedy 9 Prices 10 Frank Mayward's Big Amateur Vaudeville Show EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT THE STAR Saturday Sept 9 DAVID BUTLER in "THE MILKY WAY" Chap- 16 "The Adventures of ' Robinson Crusoe" Snub Pollard Comedy Sunday Sept. 10 DICK HATTEN in "The FOUR HEARTS" Chapt 16 Robirwon Crusoe Snub Pollard Comedy Prices 10 and 20 c. Friday, Sept. 14 One Day Only Return Engagement of the Funniest Picture ever made "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT" By Mark Twain Prices 10 and 25c. Suit and Q'Coat VALUES $ 25 t Sack suits, sport and jazz s'uits, ulsters, belted overcoats, all of them in quality fabrics, wide selection, but most of all VALUES, at $25, $30 and $35 Caps in the Newest Style A big selection including the imported McGregory Cay. $2.50 to $3.50 All Wool Flannel Shirts In'blue, khaki and all the new check designs $3 and $4.85 JOE SWARTZ The Kuppenheimer Store in Oregon City Sun. Mon. Sept. 10 11 WILLIAM FARNUM in , "A STRANGE ROMANCE" Based on Alexandre Dumas' World-Famous Play Two-Part Comedy Pathe News Tues. Wed. Sept. 12 13 TOM MIX in His Latest Western Whirlwind "UP AND GOING" Chap. 11 of THE PERILS OF THE YUKON. and 20c. Mon. Tues. Sept 11 12 Return Engagement of "OVER THE HILL" The play that's made imillions ' laugh and cry. Prices 10 and 25c. Wed. Thurs. Sept 13 14 Return Engagement of the Most Wonderful Picture of the Age "THE QUEEN OF SHEBA" Prices 10 and 25c '35 New Fall Shoes NewLowPrices Every style you want in any shade at prices lower than ever before $5 t0 $1 Good Warm Sweaters For price, quality or color you can do better here than any place in town. $5.50 to $8.50 School Books and School Supplies For over 25 years we have been the State Depository for School Books. We carry every text book used in Clacka mas County and we sell them at the state contract prices. We can often help you to a saving with our . used school books which we sell at a reduction of 1-3 tol-2 from regular prices. , We will also buy your school books if clean and in good condition and not out of date. School clerks will find , our stock of school supplies complete and we guar antee our prices as low as anywhere in the state. We want your business. Huntley-Draper DRUG COMPANY The 1 IrTWfTiiTTWTilTTTtifT rSay it with hi ' wTfftl 1 mi A Banner-Courier want-ad will get you just the make you want, at the price you can afford to pay. and you'll get the same prompt service if you have a car to sell or exchange. J EMPTY Jj TULLU gallons 11 lourgauge will PROVE Red Crown's economy Stop at the Red Crown sign the next " time your tank needs filling, and then keep track of your mileage. You'll find that "Red Crown" takes you farther on a gallon, and gives you a more powerful, sweeter-running en gine. "Red Crown" vaporizes rapidly and uniformly in the carburetor aru is consumed completely in the cylinders Every gallon is the same, wherever and whenever' you buy it. Fill at the Red Crown sign at Ser vice Stations, at garages, and at other dealers. , STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ILcGasoffne flowers9 Would you like to buy a used automobile? Let us suggest just a few of the necessities' for school which we offer for the boys and girls at lowest prices. For the Boy A 2-Knicker Suit An Overcoat Kaynee Blouses A New Sweater Hosiery A New Pair of Shoes ' Q prtfn For Girls and iMisses OpCClo.1" VOdlS Smart styles, pretty fabrics Special Suits Special Shoes It will pay you to NOTICE OUR WINDOWS! NOTICE TO CREDITORS. j In the Matter of thfe Estate of BRIDGET O'BRIEN. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the unv dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, exficutor of the estate 'of Bridget O'Brien, deceased latte of Clackamas County, Oregon. All per sons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same duly verified according to law to me at the office of my attor ney, C H. Dye, corner of 8th and Main i3treets, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this noticte- Dated Aug. 24th, 1922. Published first time August 24, 1922. JEREMIAH O'BRIEN, Executor as aforesaid. C H. Dye, Attorney for Estate. (8-24-5t) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Nettie Heacock, deceased, has fil ed his final report in the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, and that Monday, the 9th day of October, 1922, at the hour of 10:30 A. M., in the forenoon of said day, in the County Court Room of said Courti -has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto, and the settlement of said estate. Dated September 7th, 1922. ARTHUR L. HEACOCK, Administrator of the estate of Net tie Heacock, deceased. G. B. Dimick & W- L. Mulvey, Attorneys for Administrator. (9-5-5t) MRS. A. THOMAS . Teacher of Piano High School Credits Given Phone Beaver Creek 22-3 (8-31-2t) Peaches for Canning $1.50 per bushel in orchard, guaranteed. Satisfaction East side of Willamette River. Take Pacific High way to Aurora, Wilson ville Road, follow sign. Those from west side river cross free ferry at Wilsonville. The place with the big rd barn. HOLLY-HEIM ORCHARD Charles Eilers, Proprietor Phone 807 Aurora. RFD 3 3 CYLINDER OIL HELPS SWINE Ames Specialists Declare tt Is Safe for Hogs, Except Those With Delicate Skin. Old oil from automobile crank cases can be used for oiling hogs, say the animal husbandrymen at Iowa State college. Although some people are skeptical about using this sort of oil, the Ames men declare that it is safe, except possibly in the case of white hogs, which have a delicate skin that sometimes blisters through the use of the oil. The oil should be allowed to stand for a while in order to allow the fine particles of metal to settle out. The surface oil may then be poured off and used in the hog oilers.- The sediment should be discarded. For or Miss A Fall Coat Middies Bloomers Hosiery " New Footwear Boys' "Adamant" wear-proof 2 pairs of knickers Buster Brown and other solid leather, durable makes See us before you buy Radio Batteries Radio improvements are being made every day. . The latest is in Radio Batteries. The Westinghouse "B" battery, just perfected, . is a baby storage battery that can be recharged. No more throwing away exhausted cells. No more continuous "B" battery expense. Get WESTINGH0USE $ fiADIO tf BATTERIES "A" and "B" and eliminate all battery troubles from your radio set. Investigate these trouble-proof batteries before buying anything else. Hodgson - Cannon Electric Co. x CLASSIFIED ADS :-: WANT ADS in these columns COST LITTLE the RESULTS ARE BIG RATES For first insertion 25 cents; for subsequent issues one cent a word. Ads received too late for this column will be classified elsewhere. For Sale Live Stock FOR SALE At bargain for cash. Good sound team mules.' Must sell at once. Also good wagon, ZA inch tires and harness. Need the money. Going away. John Tucker, R 2, Box 4, Oregon City, Oregon. (9-7-2tp) FOR SALE Team, mare and horste, 3,000 lbs., cheap. Brood sow, Hamp shire, 3 years old $55. H- J. Mac Farlane, one mile south of Carver. (9-7-3t-pd.) For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Harpoon say fork, good condition, $2.00; also closing out stock of second-hand goods, tools, hardware, etc. Millers Shoe Store, 419 Main St., Oregon City. (8-24-2t) FOR SALE Brunswick phonograph and records, mahogany case; for - half price, $75, if taken at once. Mrs. Ed. Seely, Route No. 2, Sher wood, Ore. (8-24-2t) FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT 80 acres. 60 un der cultivation; large orchard; good buildings. Call Mrs. Nat Scribner, Hoff, Oregon. Phone Bteaver Creek, 23-551. (9-7-lt-pd.) FOR RENT Five rooms, unfurnish ed. 115 17th St Wanted Real Estate MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM AND CITY PROPERTY Philip Ham mond, Lawyer, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon. 5-17-4t. MONEY TO LOAN on ranns of over tern, acres at 6 per cent Long time loans on easy payments. Federal ioans a specialty. ( Alfred, Graham, Canby, Oregon. 3-10-tf Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To buy second hand goods. Will pay cash for used fur niture, topis, or any thing of coin- the Girl . $6.75 up $7.50 up .. $2.25 up It will pay you to 1 VISIT OUR STORE! 0 MASON HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize 1 30x3 !32x4 33x4 i $13.75 24.50. 24.70 25.35 34x4 New Standard Size 30x3 : 11.30 Also 30x3 and 31x4 straight sides. . Goodrich motorcycle aTid bicycle tires. North-West Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett, Prop. 407 Main St. Oregon City mercial value. Large stock of goods for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St. WANTED Good, honest middle-agted lady, to keep house for widower. Small place with chickens to care for. Am going south this winter. . John Tucker, R 2, Box 4, Oregon City, Oregon. (9-7-2tp) WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars.' D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 1 WANTED A drag saw in trade for a good young mare. Weight over 1900. Robert Clark, R. F. D. No 1, Box 160, Oregon City. WANTED 30 to 50 Acres mostly im proved, fair buildings, good roads, . not -over 8 miles out of Oregon City, to trade for good Residence proper ty close in, in Portland. Write full description. Ely, Madison and Ely. Room 7, Beaver Building, Oregon City. tf. SIX PER CENT LOANS may be se . cured for any purpose on farm lands, irrigated lands, to buy or build homes. City or Farm, under our first mortgage certificates. Bankers Re serve Deposit Company; Gas and Electric Bldg., Denver, Colo. EST RAY NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have taken, up, and have in my possession, near Colton, Oregon, one white sow, weight about 300 pounds, no arti ficial marks; owner may have the same by calling at iny place and pay ing the damages, together with the cost of this advertisement . L. P. ELLIOTT, Colton. Oregon. We do printing of all kinds at the Banner-Courier the best workman ship at lowest prices. No print is too large and n,rne is too small to receive Satisfactory Seiv vice and Best Quality printery.