THE BANNER-COURIEIvJDREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1922. Page Seven 4 B-C 7 t tj8 8 8 (,4 8 8 58 8 papvf.t? Mrs. J. J. Hatton & J j 8 8 4 tJ 8 8 8 18 8 8 8 Mrs. T. E. Anderson has been quite ill the past -week with la grippe. .Bessie 'Hattan and Hejen Gabelson of Damascus are visiting -with rela tives of the " lattter at Woodland, Wash., this week. (Mrs. R. L- Peake spent last yreek at Seaside, returning home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hull, who have been camping on Clear Crek the past summer, have moved to their home near Redland. ' J. J. Hattan, assisted by T. Prit- chard, is constructing a concrete datm across Clear Creek for Mrs. Jackson. The dam ' will tte used to make swimming pool. f Mrs. Sissel of. Portland' gave a very j interesting talk on home missionary work at the school house last wea nesday evening. . J. G- Mumpower is having piling driven in the bank of the Clackamas bordering on his ifeach orchard. The high water last winter did consider able damage by washing out the land. Among the: students attending Franklin High school from Carver are: Roland Peake, Mildred Hattan and Elda Smith. Several from Logan are aitflsnding there also. Carl and Clark Mumpower have " gone to the mountains on a hunting trip. Mr. Tom Pritchard, J. X Hattan and son Grant, returned fifrm the huckleberry patch on Tuesday with six well-filled five-gallon cans of huckleberries. Mrs M. J. Dicken and Mrs. Kirk returned from their visit to Molalla and Beaver Creek on Friday. Mrs. Bunting, who has been having a severe attack of pneumonia, is slowly recovering. She will imove, with her children, to Gresham in the ntear future- Mr. Bunting will remain with the Carver Canning co. until the fruit season is over. Mrs Everett Hewitt's little daugh ter was taken very ill with convul sions on Saturday. Dr. Huyke is at tending her. ' The Carver ibasball nine played two games on Sunday with Wood stock, each team turning in a victory. This closes the baseball season at Carver. Jt - .St .t .l t if . GLADSTONE jt Alice Freytag & jt Mrs. H. H. Hulbert and children Theodore, Margaret and James, left Tuesday forNrMcMinnvi!le to make their home- The children will enter the junior high school. Mrs. Charles Moore of Troutlake, Wash., who has 'bran the guest of her 'sons, John L. and Edward Moore, re turned to h'Ji- heme Friday. J. L MJore accompanied his mother and V spending' the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore. Mrs. Charles Nash of Husum, Wash., is the cuost of her daughter, Mrs. J. I.. Moore, this v:c'k. Mr. and Mrs- E. P. Carter, who are spending the summer at Barview, Ore., expect to arrive here about the tenth of 'his month, to remain '3eT-ral weeks. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meed;;, Frett Mieeds. Mary Meeds, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Freytag, Mrs. Alice McKinnon. Mary IiOuise Merrick, Mr.- and Mm R. Freytag, Ern-ast Freytag and Alice Freytag, re turned from Barview (Monday eve ning, after spending the week-end at the beach. Miss Mary Hathaway returned' Monday, after spending the wetek-endH with Mr. and ' Mrs. E. P- Carter at Barview. Mr. J. E. Hammack of Portland and R. M. McGe-yhie returned Monday evening, after spending three day3 at Pacific City, where tlfcy enjoyed a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs F. A, Burdon and daughter, Miss Fayne, spent the weekf-end at Cannon Beach, Mrs. .E. Gladys Nash and mother, Mrs. Bennet, have returned after an extended motor tour. The first yearly meeting of the Gladstone W. c. T. U. was held at home of Mrs. Ada Sievers, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Amen has had aa her guest her sister, Mrs. Pearl Creig. jr t ji&jXjt ,. j . M , OSWEGO , if a? " tf jt j.'- jr jf ti'Ai A large number of Oswego people motored to Seaside to spend Labor Day. Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Lord left on Thursday with Portland friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steffens left Fri day, and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fulton Uli Saturday. All report a good time and warm weather betweten showers. Mrs. Roy I lifter and Mr3. John Potter of Seattle, are the guests of Mrs- John Erickson. Mrs. Roy Potter was formerly Miss Esther Erickson Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Geor'j Emrick and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sigler were among the Oswego people attending the railroad men's picnic at. Capitol City Park, Labor Day. Charles Bickner' and Vern Barkley went on a fishing trip to Mr. Hood last wek. Mrs. Charles Bickner has been con fined to 1 er bed for several days with a light attack of typhoid fever. She is now much better and able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rafferty, Hilda Carlson, Da' Carlson and Esther Lund of Portland, were guests of Mrs- John Erickson, Sunday. Mrsf. P. H. Jarisch and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Barkley motored on the Columbia Highway, Sunday. Mrs. Louisa Lund i3 still very ill at her home in South Oswego. She has been confined to her bed for some tmfe and there is small hope of her recovery. l?8 58 $8 58 8 8 8 (,58 58 t8 8 8 8 i8gj9 CHERRY VILLE & Parnell Averill JX Ji g Ji Ji Jt ,!i .t j!7 School begins here next Monday. J. J. Tuescher will soon go to work on th'3 loop road beyond Government Camp. C. W. Harri-3 and Mrs. J- T. Friel, Jr., have' gone to Oregon City, where they will serve on the grand jury. Grading on the Mt. Hood loop road will be finished this weekl Upon the completion of this work the road cA'w and outfit will move to Pendle ton. ' Many huckleberry pickers are still in this vicinity, especially on Wild cat Mountain. Rock crushers are busy beyond Zig Zag and a mile of crushed rock is being spread each week on the new road. A larg'j number of auto, parties were Cherryville visitors over Sun day. Richatril and Clayton Davia, who have been spending their Tacation here, have returned to Portland, where they comn-'jneed school on Monday. The bridge over the Sandy river, a mile est of the Sandy lumber mill, will be completed this week and the tlun-'j will be extended to the big tun nel three miles north. Fred Beechel and a crew are doing the work. Horse Easily" Poisoned. A horse is very easily poisoned and many deaths have resulted from feed ing moldy silage. Subscribe for the Banner-Couvier, Use jiPrufo S jTr-- Always lSik: Endure" There's Material and Workman ship to back up .Style and Appearance that's why REDIMADES ENDURE It's REDIMADE MAKE-READY that saves you money 1. Regular Redimadfi Sectional built for permanency ' 2. Economy Sectional, semi-per manent convertible type Easy for the inexperienced to 4 erect Economical to ship 4 Garages $45.00 and up. Built to endure? Absolutely! REDIMADE BLDG. CO.. Portland E- 11th and Market Streets ' Phone East 5114 wherever water proofing is needed 9 llail Products Co. s 500 Washington PORTLAND, OREGON Cedar Chests 4 Made to Order HIGGINS MY g Company 1912 E. Glisan St. PORTLAND, OREGON Eat Mrs. Schield's HOME MADE NOODLES SPAGHETTI MACARONI G. A. LeSiman Co. Manufacturers PORTLAND, OREGON Sjtij8 j8 8 (8 (8 jC J8 iS 58 j8 8 8 8 J8 ' BOLTON J Mildred McKIUican J J A hunting party, composed of N. McKillican, Glenn Irish, Don Larios and John Founds, returned Monday from a three days' camping trip at Table Rock, twelvfe miles east of Mo lalla. They brought back a large sup ply of the delicious huckleberries found in-fnat vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKillican will soon move into their new home on the Pacific Highway. Mrs. Floyd Hogan of Gladstone was a caller at the Hogan home In Bolton, on Monday. Bertha and Mildred McKillican were numbered among the guests xf a very cleverly arranged "pirate party," held recently on the banks of the Tualatin river at Willamette- The affair was given in honor of . Miss Ruth Miller, whose birthday occured on that date. Mrs. Anna Gallinger was a guest of her mother, .Mrs. H,. D.,McLirty, last Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gouguler and daugh ter Edith left Sunday for their home in Portland. They have been spendr lag the summer at Magone's Park. Walling Funeral Funeral services of the late Adam Walling, an old tiiL'a reiider.t of Os wego, were held at the Oswego ceme tery Saturday afternoon. Mr. Wall ing had lived here for a number of years and at one time own'ed a large peach orchard a few miles from hre. At the time of .his . death. Which was caused from heart trouble, he was liv ing at Garden Home. 1 tjU6L&Ui&lJMMteJMM 0 B B EAT Mt. Hood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. N Daily Served to Oregon City. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. ASK FOR PORT-O True Fruit Products Strawberry Loganberry Cherry Orange Tokay Golden Mint PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS GO. Portland, Oregon TRY Bradley's Pies East 5100 645 Grand Avenue Portland, Oregon. " HOME MADE jtlice jCove's Orange Marmalade A Correctly Shredded Oregon Product Fruit and Sugar 100 Pure IS NOT BITTER YOU WILL SAY IT IS DELICIOUS ALICE LOVE 1004 E. 27th. St. No. Portland, Oregon Member Associated Industries ol Oregon Children Cry for Fletcher s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of . on the wrapper all-hese years jC&Jty?-f 3ust t0 Protect the coming . ftarv, -cUcuS generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than tliirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought thb Centaur company, new vork citv. I j fiS DETROIT ill ,iiBiit'' 0uick, convenient, com fortable transportation at economical cost has made the completely equipped and newly improved Ford Coupe the busiest car on our thoroughfares today. A saver of time and money. Terms. Park-Shepherd Motor Co. INCORPORATED 4th & Main Sts. Oregon City mt I I l.tVfl-l tL.m -1 J.I.IJil The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" All new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. .Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service 4 p. c. paid on Savings 512 Main St, Oregon City HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home 8th at Main, .Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of Commerce Building. -Oregon City Seventh and Main EDITORIAL PROSPERITY. The ADVANCEMENT OF OREGON CITY IS CLOSEST TO THE HEARTS OF ORGEON CITY BUSINESS MEN. In fact they stand ready to lead us forward in a great movement of civic expansion, progress and prosperity. BUT THIS CALLS FOR CO-OPERATION ON THE PART OF ALL OUR CITIZENS. The actual putting of our shoulders to the wheel and Boost! Boost!! Boost!!! Such co-operation can be extended by indulging in normal business transactions, normal business patronage and by so doing bring about normal busi ness conditions and PROSPERITY FOR EVERY ONE CONCERNED. Conservatism is a good thing on many occa sions but when it comes to hoarding your finances, indulging in radical business pessimism or adopting a "scared-to-death" 'attitude , of commercial re trenchment then you are not only doing yourself an injustice but your own community, its adjacent trading territory and all the people therein. Thus spending your money freely for what you need be comes a heart-to-heart proposition PERMEATED WITH THE SPIRIT OF LIVE AND LET LIVE. An opportunity to benefit yourself by benefiting your neighbor. An opportunity to serve and serve profitably. WE ARE ALSO 'URGING YOU TO KEEP YOUR DOLLARS AT HOME. We are asking your personal support in boosting and buying merchan dise SOLD OR MADE IN ORGEON CITY. For truly the Financial Assets of any community is the gauge used in measuring its prosperity. Increase these assets and prosperity increases. Deplete them and prosperity shrinks. The newcomer in our city; the business man looking for location; the capitalist fw investment ALL INQUIRE FIRST AS TO THE SIZE AND CONDITION OF THE COMMUNITY'S ASSETS. " ' The habit of spending your money, folks, for purchases in some other city is only another form of BANKING THAT MONEY THERE IN THE FUTURE. , It cannot be used to satisfy the obligations of our people, to transact the com mercial life of our city -or to be re-invested intp im provements that make it more attractive. If every person living within the confines of Oregon City will think this matter over, stop and reason within themselves, PERSONALLY TRACE THE DOLLAR SPENT AWAY FROM HERE, what becomes of it and how it personally affects themselyes they will certainly take a renewed pledge of Loyalty to the Business Men of this citv AND STICK TO IT. Jones Drug Co. "In busiri&ss ior your health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch & Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" -Visit our model grocery Printing is the insepar able companion of a chievement. Your announcements express your ideas. With good Printing you are' sure of good results. The Banner-Courier Overland $695 Maxwell $1060 Willys-Knight $1595 P. O. B. Oregon City . The three leaders in . Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC'BRY BATTERY No Water No Acid No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phon680-J DURANT CARS Beautiful, but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11