The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, September 07, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned lias been appointed executor
of the estate of George W. Poyser, de
ceased, by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon. Any and all
perosns having claims against the es
tate of said deceased are hereby re
quired to present the same duiy veri
fied as by law required with proper
vouchers, to me at my office, Room 10,
Hogg Building, opposite Courthouse,
Oregon City, Oregon, on or before six
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
Executor of the estate of George W.
Poyser, deceased.
W. L. "Mulvey,
Attorney for Executor.
Address: Room 10, Hogg Bldg.,
Oregon City, Oregon. (8-31-5t)
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. EULA HUTH, Plaintiff,
GUS HUTH. Defendant.
To Gus Huth, Defendant:
In the Name of the Stat a ot Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed herein
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before six weeks
from and after the date of the first
publication of this sinmons, to wit:
October 2th, 1922, an dif you fail to
aiwer for want thereof tile plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded in her complaint, to wit:
For a decree of absolute divorce can
celling the bonds oi matrimony that
now exist between you and the plain
tiff. This summons is 6erved upon you
by publication by an order made and
entered herein by the Hon. H.
E. Cross, Judge of the County
Court, directing that- the publi
cation be made once a week for six
consecutive weeks in the BaAier
Courier, and that the datte of the first
publication b"e the 31st day of August,
192, and the date of the last publi
cation the 12th day of Octob-, 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
601 Journal Bldg.,
(8-31-7t) Portland, Ore.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Luella
Hawkins, deceased, and any and all
Persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
said claims, 'duly verified as by law re
quired, at the office of my attorney W.
W. Dugan, Jr., No. 601 Journal Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated August 31, 1982.
Date of alst publication September
28, 1922.
Date of lastxpublication October 28,
Administrator of the estate of Luella
Hawkins, deceased.
W. W. Dugan, Jr.,
Attorney for Administrator.
Address: Journal Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
( 8-31-5 1) Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned have been appointed as ex
ecutrixes of the last will and testa
ment of Elizabeth A. Paine, deceased,
by the County Court of Clackamas
County, Oregon.. Any and all persons
having claims against the said estate
are hereby required to present the
same, duly verified as by law requir
ed, with proper vouchers to us at the
office of our attorneys G. B. Dimick
& W. L. Mulvey, room 3, Andresen
Building, Oregon Ciy, Oregon, on or
before the expiration of six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
Dated, August 17th, 1922.
Executrixes of the last will 'and
testament of Elizabeth A. Paine, de
ceased. v
G. B. Dimick &
W. L. Mulvey,
Attorneys for Executrixes.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
dministratrix of the estate of Emma
Wills, deceased, and any and all per
sons having claims against the said
estate are hereby required to present
said claims, duly verified as by law
equired to the undersigned adminis
tratrix at the office of any attorney,
Geo. T. Parry, at Milwaukie in Clack
amas County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated August 16th, 1922,
Date of first publication Aug. 17th,
Date of last publication September
14th, 1922.
Administratrix of the estate of E
ina Wills, deceased.
(8-17-5T) Milwaukie, Oregon,
Attorney for Administratrix.
I the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. WILLIAM BROWN, Plaintiff,
ANNIE Z. BROWN, Defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
You, Annie Z. Brown, are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you herein on
or before Saturday, the 30th day of
September, 1922, that being six weeks
from the first publication of the sum
mons herein, and if you fail to appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief demanded in
the complaint, to which reference is
litieUy made, and which is made a
part hereof, to-wit: for a decree of
this court dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore and now existing
between the parties hereto; for a de
cree awarding the defendant herein
the custody of the minor child of
laintiff and defendant, to-wit: Ella
M. Brown; that plaintiff be granted
divorce from defendant, and for
uch other and further relief as to the
"ourt may seem equity.
This summons' will be served upon
ity of Oregon City, County of Clack
amas, State of Oreeou. the place
where said suit is now pending, all
by the order of-the Hon. H. E. Cross,
county judge of the above entitled
county, which said order is dated the
16th day of August, 1922, and. made
by said county judge on account of
the absence of Hon. J. U. Campbell,
you by publication thereof for not
less than sfx successive ' weeks in the
'Banner-Courier," a newspaper i of
general circulation, published in the
circuit judge of said above county
and court. J
The date of the first publpicatioii
of this summons is Thursday, the
17th day of August, 1922.
The date of the last publication of
this summons is Thursday, the 28th
day of September, 1922.
603 Panama Bldg.,
(8-17-7t) Portland, Oregon.
In the County Court of .the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of AL
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Admin
istrator with the will annexed of the
Estate of Albert H. Standish, deceas
ed, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, and
has qualified. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to .present the same, duly
verified as by law required, to the un
dersigned at the office of the County
Clerk in the Court House at Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon, or
at the office of my attorney, G. A.
Johnson, 612-15 Gasco Building, Port
land, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated and first published, August
1 8th, 1922.
Administrator with the willannex
ed. G. A. Johnson,
612-15 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon,
Attorney for Administrator.
General Land Of fee, Washngton D.
C, July 25, iy22. Notice is hereby
given that subject to the- conditions
and limitations of the Act of June 9,
1916 (89 Stat, 218), and. the instrue
lons of the Secretary of the Interior
of September 15, 1917 (46" L. D., 447),
the timber oa the following lands will
be sold at 10 a. m, September 21, 1922,
at public auction at the United States
Land Office at Portland,' Oregon, to
the highest bidder at not less than the
appraised value as shown by this not
ice, sale to be subject to the approval
of the Secretary of the Interior. The
purchase price, with an additional sum
ef one-fifth of one per cent thereof,
being commissions allowed must be
deposited at time of 'sale, money to be
returned if sale is not approved, oth
erwise patent will issue for the timber
which must be removed within ten
years. Bids will be received from
citizens of the United States, associ
ations of such citizens and corpora
tions organized under the laws of the
United States or any state, territory or
district thereof only. Upon applica
tion of a Qualified purchaser, the tim
ber on any legal subdivision will be of
fered separately before being included
in any offer of a larger unit.
T. 6 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 5 SE& SW&,
red fir 860 M., none of the red fir tim
ber to be sold for less than $1.50 per
M. T. 9 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 3, Lot 2, red
fir 1950 U., SVfM NE. Ted fir 2000
M. Lot 3, red fir 2300 M., Lot 4, red fir
2775 M., none of the red fir timber to
be sold for less than $ 1.50 per M., Sec.
29, NWy4 SW, red fir 4J0 M., none
of red fir timber to be sold for less
than $1.00 for M. T. 2 S., R. 4 ., Sec
25, NW54 NE, red fir 1575 M., SW,i
NE, red fir 860 M., cedar 180 M.,
hemlock 340 M., SE NE, red fir 810
M. cedar 50 (M., hemlock 160 M., NEM,
NW, red fir 960 M.,
red fir 1261 M., cedar 15 M., SW
SrwVi, red fir 720 M., cedar 60 M.,
SE14 NW, red fir 690 M., cedar 50
M. hemlock 130 M., none of the red
fir or cedar timber to be sold for less
than $1-50 per M., and noae of the
hemlock timber to be sold for less than
J1.00 per M.
T. 13 S., R. 6W., Sec 31, NE SW4,
red fir 1500 M., none of the red fir
timber to be sold for less, than $1.75
per M.
(Signed) GEO. R. WICKHAM,
Acting Commissioner, General Land
Office. 8-10-51
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as administrator of the es
tate of Everett E. Davis, deceased, has
filed his final account in the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, and that Monday, the 25th
day of September, 1922, at the hour of
10:00 A. M., in the forenoon of said
day, in the County Court Room of
said Court has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and the
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published August 24,
Last publication September 21, 1922.
Administrator of the estate of Ever
ett E. Davis, deceased.
Schuebel & Seattle.
Attorneys for Administrator.
(8-24-5t) ,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. :
W. A. KENNEY, Plaintiff,
MA Tin KENNEY. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Greetings: ,
You, Maud Ketmey.'are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you herein on or
before the 30th day of September,
1922, that being six weeks from the
first publication of the summons here
in, and if you fail to appear and an
swer, plaintiif will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in Jhe com
plaint, to which reference is hereby
made, and which is made a part here
of, to wit:
1. For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract heretofore and now ex
isting between plaintiff and defend
ant, on the grounds of willful desert
on of plaintiff by defendant for more
han one year.
2. For such other and further re
lief as to the Court may seem just.
This summons will be served upon
you by publication thereof for not
less than six weeks successively in
he "Banner-Courier," a newspaper of
general circulation, published in the
city of Oregon City, County of Clack
amas, State of Oregon, the place
where said suit is now pending. All
by order of the Honorable H. E.
Cross, County Judge of the above en
titled county, in absence of the Hon.
J. U. Campbell, circait judge of
above court from said County, which
said order is dated the 16th day of
August, 1922.
The date of the first publication of
his summons is the 17th day of Au
gust, 1922.
The date of the last publication of
this summons is the 28th day of
September, 1922.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
603 Panama Bldg.. Portland, Ore.
la the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
OLLIE E. DEVERS, plaintiff,
CLARENCE C. DEVERS, defendant.
To. Clarence C. Devers, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to -appear
and answer the complaint of plaintiff,
filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before six weeks from the
date of July 27, 1922, that being the
date of the first publication of the
summons herein, and if you so fail to
appear and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the com
plaint, to-wit, for a decree dissolving
the marriage contract heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant in this cause, for the care,
custody and control oi LaNorma Dev
ers, minor child of plaintiff and de
fendant, for the sum of $25.00 per
month for the care and support of said
minor, and for such other and further
relief as to this Court may seem meet
and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication, pursuant to the order
of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
was made and entered on the 24th day
of July, 1922, and which order directed
that service of summons in this cause
be made upon you by publication
thereof, for six consecutive and suc
cessive weeks, in" the "Banner-Courier",
a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published in
Clackamas County, State of Ofegon.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Date of first publication, July 27, 1922.
Date of final publication Sept 7, 1922.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Hiram A. Bat-
tm, deceased, by the Countv Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon. Any and
an persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased, are hereby re
quired to present the same to me, duly
verified as by law required with prop
er vouchers, at the office of my at
torneys G. B. Dimick and W. L. Mul
vey, Room 3 Andresen Building, Ore
gon City, Oregon, on or before six
monthi from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
Dated August 10, 1922.
Administratrix of the estate of Hi
ram A. Battin, deceased.
Attorneys for administratrix.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed as
executor of the estate of Dock Wil
helm, deceased, by the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon. Any
and all persons having claims against
by required to present the same to me
duly verified as by law required with
proper vouchers, at tle office of my
attorneys G. B. Dimick & W. L. Mul
vey, Room 3, Andresen Building, Ore
the estate of said deceased are here
gon City. Oregon, within six months
from the expiration of this notice.
Dated August 17th, 1922.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Dock Wilhelm, deceased.'
G. B. Dimick & W. L. Mulvey,
Attorneys for Executor. (8-17-5t)
Notice is hereby given that the Re
corder of the Town of Milwaukie, Ore
gon, has transmitted to me the follow
ing list of delinquent assessments
against the property hereinafter de
scribed, situated in the Town of Mil
waukie, County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, Ho-wit:
(1 List for the extension of Harri
son Street from 34th street easterly t
the northeast corner of the Lot Whit
comb D. L. C:
Minthorn Addition to the City of
Lot 26, Block 15, Fred Frederici,
Lot 27, Block 15, Fred Frederici,
Lot 28, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96.
Lot 29, Block 15, Dilla R Dale, $6.96.
Lot 33, Block 15, TJieo. andFlerence
Backstrom, $6.96. '
Lot 34, Block 15, Theo. and Florence
Baqkstrom, $6.96.
Lot 35, Block 15, Theo. and Florence
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 36, Block 15, Theo. and Florence
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 37, Block 15, Louise P. Vial,
$6.96. '
Lot 38, Block 15, Louise P. Vail,
Lot 39, Block 15, Louise P Vial.
Lot 40, Block 15, Louise P. Vial,
$6.96. '
Lot 41, Block 15, Louise P. Vial,
Lot 42, Block 15, Louise P. Vial,
Lot 43, Block 15,Annie S. Miller,
Lot 44, Block 15, Annie S. Miller,
Lot 45, Block 15, T. J. Cronise,
$6.96. -
Lot 46, Block 15, T. J. Cronise,
$6.96. ,v
Lot 25, Block 16, Mary V. Keene,
Lot 26, Block 16, Mary V. Keene,
Lot 27, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew
ey, $6.96.
Lot 28, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew
ey, $6.96.
Lot 29, Block 16, Mary Leaman,
Lot 30, Block 16, Mary " Leaman,
Lot 31, Block 16, Mary Keene,
$6.96. ,
Lot 32,. Block" 16, Mary V Keene,
Lot 33, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford,
Lot 34, Block 16, M. A. Bridgefield,
Lot, 35, Block 16, M. A. Bridgefield,
Lot 36, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford,
Lot 37, Block 16, Mary V Keene,
Lot 45, Block 16, R. P. and Hulda
Killebrew, $6.96.
Lot 46, Block 16, R. P. and Hulda
Killebrew, $6.96.
Lot 47, Block 16, Fred J. Dunn,
Lot 48, Block 16, Fred J Dunn,
Lot 4, Block 41, Ella K. Dearborn,
Lot 5, Block 41, W. T. Augustine,
Lot 6, Block 41, W. T Augustine,
Lot 7, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke,
Lot 8, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke,
Lot 9, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke,
Lot 10, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke,
Lot 11, Block 41, Helena C. Stewart,
Lot 12, Block 41, Helena C. Stewart,
Lot 13, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 14, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 15, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 16, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 17, Block 41, Honora Howe,
Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 18, Block 41, Honora Howe,
Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 19, Blok 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 29, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 21, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 22i, Block 41, Honora Howe,
said D. L. C; thence S. 1 08' E. 100
feet; thence west and parallel with
said north boundary of said D. L. C.
77.56 feet to a point in the east line
of 34th. Street if produced southerly
from Harrison Street; thence North
100 feet tracing said east line of 34th
Street if produced southerly to a
point 30 feet south of said boundary
line; thence east 77.56 feet to 'the
place of beginning.
Nelson A and Georgia I. Cooper,
A certain part of land described in
Book 109 page 335. records of deeds in
Clackamas County, Oregon, conveyed
by Julius J. Miller and Anna Miller,
his wife, to Maggie Anjola, said cer
tain part of land described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the easterly
v Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 23. Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 24, Block 41, Honora Howe,
(Trustee), $6.96. '
Lot 7, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96.
Lot 8, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96.
Lot 9, Block 42, A. E. Mathews and
T. I. Loughlin, $6.96.
Lot. 10, Block 42, A. B Mathews and
T. I. Loughlin, $6.96.
Lot 11, Block 42, Samuel Pearson,
Lot 12,-Block 42, Samuel Pearson,
Lot 13, Block 42, Fred Frederici,
Lot 14, Block. 42, Alice M Spencer,
Lot 15, Block, 42, Alice M. Spencer,
A certain part of the land described
in Book 153 page 351 records of deeds
in. Clackamas County Oregon, convey
ed by Charlotte Pratt to Nelson A. and
Georgia I. Cooper, his wife said certain
part described as follows: Beginning
at a point 30 feet south of the north
boundary line of Lot Whitcomb D. L.
Cand 151.34 feet west of the north
east eorner of said D L. C. and 151.34
feet west of the northeast corner of
boundary line of the Lot Whitcomb D.
L. C. 30 feet south of the northeast
corner thereof and "running thence
westerly parallel with the north line
of said D. L. C. 151.34 feet to a point;
thence southerly parallel with the east
boundary line of said D. L. C; thence
north along the east boundary line
of said D. L. C; 100 feet to the place
'of beginning.
Maggie Anjola, $42.12.
The amount set opposite each lot
or parcel of land is the amount of the
unpaid assessment against said prop
erty due and delinquent.
In compliance with said list of de
linquent assessments and pursuant to
the Charter of the Town of Milwau
kie, Oregon, I will on Monday the 11th
day of September, 1922, at the hour
of 9:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at
the front door of the. Town Hall, in
the Town of Milwaukie, Oregon, offer
for sale and sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, subject
to redemption, the above described
real property. Each lot or parcel of
land will be sold separately and for a
sum equal to but not exceeding the
amount of delinquent assessment
thereon and interest and cost of ad
vertising and sale. Where more than
one bid is made the land will be sold
to the bidder offering to take the same
for the least amount of penalty and In
terest. ' Competition will be (1) upon
the penalty for the first penalty for
the first period; (2) upon the penalty
for the succeeding periods; (3) upon
the rate of interest
Date of firsf publication, Aug, 10,
Date of last pulication, Sept. 7, 1922.
Marshal of Milwaukie, Oregon.
8-10-5 1.
Immediate Results.
"Did you give your wife- that lec
ture on economy you said you were
going to?"
"Yes, I did."
"Have any effect?"
"Y-e-s ; I'm going to make my last
summer's suit de for this summer."
Stray Stories.
Caufield Bldg.
Nervous and Chronic Diseases
a Specialty. .
Room 2 Beaver Block
Oregon City.
Attorney at Law
Oregon City, Oregom
Beaver Building
Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2
Over Bank of Oregon C$y
Phone 35SJ
Res. Phone 477R
For Fin Tailoring
Dr. L. G. Ice
Oregon City
ID I a hm h d
gon City.
Ma wSey Paper
House Wiring Electrical Contracting
All Work Guaranteed
Let us quote pur prices and show you where money
can be saved. . " ' .
New Location Former office of Hood Lumber Co.
Phone 142 201-12thSt.
For Satisfaction 1
in Automobile Painting
Bring your car to the
Oregon City Auto Paint Shop
Main at Ninth .
Phone 636W
Caufield Bldg,
Oregon City, Ore.
Wm. Stone
Beaver Building
Paul C. Fischer
Beaver Bldg. Oregon City
W. G. H. Krueger
House Moving, Raising and Repairing
Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile
Estimates Given
Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St.
Money loaned for you or to you
at current rates. Farm loans only.
Oregon. City, Oregon
Holman & Pace
Seventh and Water Sts.
Tel. 86
You Pay No More
but Get the best
A Home Industry, Largest Payroll and
Heaviest Tax-paying Organization In Ore
Every Merchant Should Use
C. D. & D. C. Latourette
Est&tes settled Money loaned Prac
tice in all Courts of the U. S.
First National Bank Building
Phone Pacific 405
6 Per Cent State School Money To
Loan on Farms.
General Practice
Bank of Oregon City Building
Oregon City, Oregon
719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore.
F you want
what you
want when yoii
want it in the
printing line