The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, September 07, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
M m, :
jCocal 9ews
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and
nephew, Gordon Green, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell and
son Merle, motored to Tbte Dalles
Miss Cora Hunt, who is stenogra
pher in the county superintendent's
office, has returned to her duties,
after enjoying a vacation at Caterr
Lake. i ',??'
Mr- and Mrs. F. L. McGahuey of
Bea'ar Creek, accompanied by Mrs.
McGahuey's sister, Mrs. W. G. Bene
wa, of Gladstone, have returned to
homes, after a delightful motoring
trip to Mt. Rainier National Park.
They also motored in Canada.
Miss Ella Howell and mother, Mrs.
M. R. Howell, who have been enjoy
ing a vacation at Rockaway beach,
have returned to tbteir home at Ore
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Soesbe and
children, who have beten enjoying a
vacation at Newport, have returned
to their home at Caneinah.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ely and daugh
ter Dorothy, of Oregon City, accom
panied by Mrs. Ely's brother and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Byron, and daughter
Melba, of Tualatin, havte returned to
their homes, after enjoying a threo
weeks' motoring trip in Idaho- While
there they visited relatives.
Mrs. T. P. Randall and daughter
Miss .Vfelnia, who came to Oregon
City in July to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Randall's mother, Mrs-, ,Boyd,
and who have since been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Wood, at Lewiston, Ida
ho, and friends in Oregon City, left
Sunday night for their home in Los
Angelas, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Scripture amd
sons motored to The Dalles on Sun
day, returning to their home in Ore
gon City on Monday evening.
Mr. W. C. Ward arrived in Oregon
City from Deschutes and to visiting
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bud
Simmons. He brought some cattle
down to Portland.
Mrs. William Stoever, for many
years a resident of Oregon City, has
gone to Redlands, Calif., and will spend
the winter with her son, B!ev. William
Stoever, and family.
Miss Mary Mattley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Mattley, of Oregon City,
has gone to Marshfleld, Oregon, where
she will be instructor of mathematics
in the Marshfleld High school.
Miss Glenna Andrews, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Andrews, of
South Oregon City, has resumed her
duties as linotype operator for the En
terprise, after a two week's vacation,
spent with her sister, Mrs- Allen E.
Frost, at Manhattan Beach.
Mrs. Hugo Klein, formerly Miss Belle
Mattley of Oregon City, has returned
to her home at Whetejer, Oregon, after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Mattley of Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wells of Marsh
fleld, Oregon, formerly residents of Ore
gon City, motored to Oregon City and
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. P.
, Brightbill on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Wells was Miss Ivah Gordon be
fore her marriage, and is a niece f
Mrs. Lageson of Oregon City.
Rupert Hall has returned to his home
in Oregon City, after a trip to Dallas,
where he visited his sister, Miss Net
tie Hall, and step-father. A- Holman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Alldredge
and daughter Quevene, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Reuben. R. Alldredge
and daughter Grace, motored to Hood
Phone 128
We are prepared to
take care of all your,
needs at this fruit can
ning time. A full line
of fruit jars, caps and
m 11
Call at our store and
see the New Eversharp,
designed especially for
school use. Priced as low
as 50c complete, with a
6-months' supply of lead.
River Sunday, where they spent La
bor Day visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs William J. Wilson,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Igo and baby, have returned to their
homes in Oregon City, after spending
a week at Troutlake, Wash., wtfere
they caught some very nice fish.
On Sunday of last week), Mr- and
Mrs. Fielding Kelly and son Scott
and daughter Kathryn, of Hood Riv
er, motored to Oregon City, wheite
they visited Mr. Kelly's mother, Mrs.
H. L. Kelly, and sister, Mrs. Eber
Roy O. Woodward and his uncle,
James Kerns, who have been to Can
yon Creek on a hunting trip, have re
turned to their honA;s in Oregon City.
Mrs. Jane Crawford, wno has bteen
spending the summer with her son
Clifford and family, at Joseph, Ore.,
has returned to (the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Alldredge.
Mrs. Pauline McGinnis and grand
daughter, Gladys Boylan, of Cathla-
met, Wash., arrived in Oregon City
Monday night, where they visited the
former's daughter, Mrs. Ed- Surfus.
They were accompanied to Oregon
City by Miss Reta Boylan, who eptent
a week with her parents at Cathlau
ret and who is now making her home
in Oregon City with her aunt, Mrs.
W. C. Green.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rands and four
children, who have been on an outing
at Lake Lytle, Oregon, have returned
to their home in Oregon City.
Mrs. Edwin Young and daughters,
Misses Geneva and Myrtle, have re
turned to their home, after enjoying
a two weeks' vacation at Gearheart,
where they wer4 guests of Roy O.
Tbung, and family, a son of Mrs.
Judge and Mrs. J. U. Campbell and
daughter Mary, accompanied by Miss
Mildred Hull, motored to The Dalles,
wheite they spent Labor Day
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bingham and
little son spent Labor Day at The
Dallas, as guests of Mr. Bingham's
sister, Mrs. Guy Causey, and family.
Mrs. James Green iand daughter,
Miss Mabel, of Lebanon, and Mr.
Oldfield Tires
Have you got yours, from
where they have
. Accessories for All Makes of Cars
Oils, Gasoline, and Greases
ind where they do
Phone 267.W. On the Hill - 507 Seventh St.
Guaranteed Repair Work
by expert mechanics aided by our
complete shop equipment.
Genuine Ford and Fordson part
Large, complete stock.
Automobile Accessories
Full line. ,
Goodyear Tires
Oregon City's original Goodyear
Gasoline and Oils
Union Gasoline Valvoline Oils.
Convenient Storage with day and night accessibility.
At Elevator. Phone 390
Oldest, Largest and Best Equipped Ford
Service Station
Wayne Green of Eugene, were guests
of Mr. and iMrs, M. P. Chapman last
week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cornell and
son Babbie, residents of Portland,
weie in Oregon City on Labor Day,
where. they visited friends. Mrs- Cor
nell was Miss Ethel Green 'before her
Mr. and Mrs. Georg'a Boylan re
turned to their home In Oregon City
Monday evening, after - a motoring
trip to T'anino, Wash., wljere they
visited their d;Jug!hter, Mrs(. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Howland
and children'; accompanied Iby Mrs.
Howland's mother, Mr3. Chase, have
returned to their homes in Oregon
City, after enjoying an auto trip to
Colfax, Wash., whtere they visited
Mr. Ivan Chase, son of Mrs. Chase.
Mr. and Mrs- O. A. .Pace and
daughter Pauljine have returned o
their home in Oregon City, after a de
lightful visit with relatives and
friends in E'es Moines, Iowa, and
Omaha, Neb.
Miss Sadye Evelyn Ford) who nas
been spending the summer with her
sister, Mrs. Harold Swafford, at Leb
anon, Ore., has returned to Oregon
City, where she will resume hr duties
as piano instructor.
.Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Schoenborn,
accompanied by Mr. Schoenborn's
mother, Mrs. A. Schoenborn, and his
aunt, Mrs. Will Schoenborn, and
cousin, Mrs. Hugo Schoenborn, left
for Rhododandren Thursday,- where
they will spend a few days at the
Schc'snborn summer home.
Mrs. J. H. Walker, who has been in
California for the past three months,
with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Knick, formerly Miss Louise Walker,
has returned to her home in Oregon
and Mrs. Clai'ince Alldredge of
Oregon City were guests of the form
er's brother, Mr. Joseph Alldredge,
and family, of Portland on Labor
Day. They went to see the new All
di:dge .baby, which was born August
Mrs. William Lightowler and chil
dren George and Betty, accompanied
by Mrsv Xightowler's mlpfther, Mrs.
Dillman, who have been enjoying a
two weeks' vacation at Wilhoit
Springs, have returnted to their homes
in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank SJahoenfeom
took their relatives, Mrs. Hugo Scho
enborn of HackensSck, N. J., and Mrs.
William Schioenborn of Newark, N.
J., who are visiting relatives in Ore
gon, over tbte Columbia Highway Sat
than delighted with their trip
urday, and the two ladies were more
ct jt .j jt j JX Jt Jt Jt jt jt & sJ
Jt- Mrs. Geo. Hartmam .
jt J
Recently the property owners of Al
to Park and Huddleson Acres met and
formed the Alto Park Water & Light
Company, with the result "that now
they' are ordering the pipe for Bull
Run water and are to have electric
service from the Oswego Light & Pow
er Cq. Mr. J. Q. Jamieson is presi
dent, and Mr- M. L. McGraw, seci'atary
and treasurer. The directors are: J,
Q. Jaiieson, C T. Dickinson and M. L.
Miss Margie Groves of Independ
ence, Mo., is visiting in Portland, and
is being eptertained by Mrs. J. V
Patton of Capitol Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. TWeodore Winthers of
Ryan Place are l'aceiving congratula-
tions upon the arrival of a husky baby
will be named Theodore, Jr. Mrs.
Winthers is resting at Sellwood hos-pital-
The, first meeting of the year of the
parent-teachers council will be held at.
the Portland library all day Friday,
Mrs. Manning Spiker, president of the
Capitol Hill branch, and Mrs. George
Hartman will attend.
Mrs R. Z. Andterson of Carson
Heights, with her two sons and moth
er, Mrs. Lewis, are making an extend
ed visit at Roseburg and Grants Pass,
; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Patton have re
cently returned from a two weeks'
visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Carroll
of Portland
Miss Lucille Thomas has gona on a
Camping trip to Scappoose.
The 'Girl Scouts, "Dogwood" Troop,
No. 7, of Carson Heights, acted as pall
bearers for their si3ter scout, Mar
garet Musgrove, of Capitol Hill, last
week. , , '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Novak and
daughter visited her brother and his
wife,, Mr. and Mrs. Little, at Corvallis,
Mr. R. Bruce Horsfall, Jr., has re
turned from a six weeks' visit with hi'3
grandparents of Lodi. Calif.
Mr. Robert Myers, wtoo" has betjn
spending the summer at Hood River, j
nas returned nome to take up his
The meetings of toe Girl Scourt,
Troop No. 7, and t,he"BiwnJes" will
be changed to afternoons when school
opens next week. !
A most distressing accident happen
ed when Mr. and Mrs- Carl Duhrkoop
were camping last wefek. Their two-year-old
son, Carl, Jr., fell into the
camp fire, badly burning his hand and
fore arm. Fortunately th3 burns are
not deep and will leave no bad after
effects. j i )
Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Omaha,
Neb., who are touring Oregon, enjoyed
a pleasant visit with an old-time neigh
bor, Mrs. Manning Spiker, of Capitol
Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will go
on through California on their way
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Finke were
- , .. r
419 - MAIN STREET - 419
The New Location Of
Miller's Shoe Store
We have just added a New Line of Men's and
Boys' Shoes, also Men's Wearing Apparel inclining
Underwear, Shirts, Overalls, Hats, Caps and Gloves.
Am installing Modern Machinery and otherwise
equipping a first-class, up-to-date General Shoe Re
pairing Shop. .'.
The H. S. Goldman stock of second-hand goods is
going like hot cakes is being closed out at a sacrifice.
Now is the opportunity to get Real Bargains.
Yours for bigger, better business than before the
This new
gum delight
young and
It "melts in your
mouth" and the
center remains to aid digestion,
brighten teeth and soothe mouth
and throat. . .
There are the other VV RIG LEY
friends to choose from, too:
gussts at the wfedding of Miss E- Paine I
and Mr. Bankhead, which took placet
last Saturday evening at the bride's i
home in Irvington. ;
nails, wire, pieces of
glass, all cause a heavy
death list amongst live
stock. '
in the Hartford Live
Stock Insurance Co. will
faithfully guard your
live stock investment
and protect you from
loss of money.
With this insurance you
can depend upon indem
nity for the value of live
stock you lose through
death from any cause.
Act now and make sure
you will be. safe when
misfortune hits.
Ask for particulars and
A. J. Eockhold Wm. f.l. Smith
Phone 377 620 Main S
Oregon City, Oregon
gum in the
5 tr .m jr
oid.- A .
ALLOWING your buildings to go unpainted in
"order to save paint money is like aUowing an
insurance policy to lapse because you want to
save the premium. Either is poor economy.
Millions of -dollars are lost annually because
property is not protected against weather, for
unpainted buildings offer no resistance to the de
structive elements. .
Property insurance requires paint and finishes
of the finest quality. Wind, rain, sunshine, snow
each acts differently upon a painted surface.
It 'is necessary therefore to use great care in the
selection of paints and varnishes for this import
ant task of protection.
For fifty years and more Sherwin-Williams
products have been accepted and used as stand
ard high quality finishes. They, will successfully
protect and increase-the value of your property.
Now, before the heavy rains is the time to
May we nqt talk over painting plans with you?
Paint is cheaper. Labor is cheaper.
A full line of 'Sherwin-Williams finishes at our
store and a practical paint man in charge.
Huntley-Draper Drug Co.
A New Brunswick
Cabinet Model
43 1-2 inches high
-The. opportunity you have been waiting f or
the accepted phonograph of the day priced within
your means.
The Model "200' Brunswick is fully equipped
with the famous Brunswick Ultona Reproducer
which plays all records and the Brunswick All
wood Tone Amplifier which gives Brunswick tohe
its characteristic sweetness and volume.
To buy any phonograph without first hearing
the Brunswick is a mistake.
$2.50 down and $2.50 a week.
Jones Drug Co.
Bridge Corner
It Is Practical
Economy To v
Paint Your
Buildings Now
And Protect
Your Property
From Decay
And Ruin
Oregon City
' - C28 g