Page Seven ETHICS OF TRADE UNION MEMBERSHIP HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT? (By . the Co-Operative Educational Campaign Association.) . gages foreclosed as rapidly as pos sible. When through a process of law the COMMON PEOPLE have lost their homes, they will be more tract able and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of govern ment applied by a centra power of Various associated industries in ad vocating the open shop, claim, that the right to hire and fire belongs wholly imperial wealth under the control of to the manufacturer. The unions ( leading financiers. iiuu me yiupauiizers ueny mis. Everything turns upon this -fundamental, conflict. It is easy to see why this is so. If the emnlover can hire and fire at any time for any reason that I "This tru is well known among seems good to him, then the worker 'our principal men now engaged in is like the tenant without a lease deal- forming an imperialism, of capita to in,g with a landlord who can issue his govern the world. While they are do- own notice of eviction. The unlimited !inS tWs thfe Peop!e must be ept in a "A people without homes will not 'quarrel with their rules. History re ! peats itself in regular cycles. power of discharge naturally means the unlimited irresponsibility of the worker. . For an industry from which he can be evicted at any time can ob viously make no claim upon him. If he can be ffred when it. suits the em ployer, he works to suit himself. When prices are high and the demand for laJbor is brisk and he puts his labor up at auction and follows the higllest pay without compunction and ' without reagrd to the future. For him there is no future that he can take into account. Even if he makes himself liked with the boss,, and is familiarly called Jack, he does not know that a new foreman won't take a violent dis like to him four weeks hence. And all the while he knows perfectly that if prices fall he may be on the street. The loyalty, co-operation, harmony and zeal do not flourish easily when a man has no stake in an enterprisa, we believe, everywhere admitted. What does the excellent advice about owning a home spring from except the knowledge that a man will not care fo ra community in which he is merely a transit? What are the schemes for distributing stock to employes but an attempt to create more permanent bonds between the worker and his in dustry. Well, the recognition of the worker's equity in his job is not only more important than home ownership or stock ownership. It's the only con dition under which they are tolerable. To own a home when at any day you may have to move out of town is not to acquire property, but an entangle ment. It is to jeopardize everything, including your savings. For if the job is insecure in the sense that it de pends upon the will or whton of the employer, then there is no use preach ing loyalty to the industry, a stake in the community, or personal thrift. It is, therefore, no idle phrase when people characterize the "open shop" campaign as radically anti-social and morally destructive. But what is the alternative? The only promising alternative, pro viding it is embraced before it is too late, that we can see, is joint control, under a chairman as nearly impartial as it is possible to find, to enforce the discipline agreed to; and the gradual building up by joint agreement, and by precedents in particular c'ases, of a body ?f industrial law, based on ob jective standards of costs and objec tive methods of ascertaining fact. condition of political antagonism thus dividing the voters we can get them to expend their energies in fight ing over questions of no importance to us except as tethers to lead the com mon herd. Thus by discreet action we can secure all that has been so gen erously planned and thus far success fully accomplished." In 1892 it was the Knights of Labor and the Farmers' Alliance. Today it is the American Federation of Labor, its kindred organizations, and the Fanners' Uniont- The methods em ployed are the same; watchful wait ing, plus the squeeze plan, through the calling of loans, foreclosures of mort gages, shortening of the pay and un employment. The trouble makers paid spies were used then, as they are, now. The forces of loot have de veloped a technique that is not quite so brazen as the publication of the cir culars would indicate prevailed in 192, but the results are the same. Banner-Courier Classified Ads. bring home the bacon. SCHEME TO HIT LABOR NOT NEW TP"''. , l. :y j ; . . I ; : ' jf s M jj i Ij I It U l I ' 1 ! Cook Willi Electricity f Countless thousands of American housewives would never have enjoyed real efficiency, economy, conven ience and cleanliness in their kitchen, had they not obeyed the National Slogan, Cook by Wire Portland Railway, Liglii & Power Co. Tfied to Throttle Workers in 1892 and Are Still At It. (By Co-operative Educational Labor Campaign Association.) The following printing in circulars form for Its exclusive circulation among bankers in 1892 and published in the Bankers' Magazine of March tah same year, and reproduced to the Chicago Daily papers of March the 21st, same year, again proves the truth fulness of the adage, "there js nothing new under the sun." Following is quoted from above named papers : "We tmust proceed with caution and guard well every move made, for the lower orders of the people, are already shqwing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will, fhereofore dictate a policy of apparently yielding to the popular designs without fear of or ganized resistance. "The farmers Alliance and the Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to either control these organizations in our in terest or DESTROY them. "At the coming Omaha convention to be held July 4th, our men must at tend and direct its movement, or else there will be set on foot such antag onism to our designs as may require force to overcome. This at the present time Would be premature. "We are mot yet ready for such a crisist Capital must protect; itself in every possible . manner through combination and legislation. The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mort- 1 EAT Be Consistent CO-OPERATION Buy At Home The Business Enterprises listed below, believe in reciprocity and wish to be classed as Friends of Labor, they are co-operating .with us to advance along constructive lines and for a better understand ing. Buy at HOme Trade with them, increase the value of the community. DR. FREEZE, Eye Specialist THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOGG BROTHERS, Furniture, Hardware STOKES MOTOR CAR COMPANY C. G. MILLER CO., Day and Night Garage A. C. HOWLAND, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Bonds , BANK OF COMMERCE QUALITY CAFE BANK OF OREGON CITY BANNON AND CO., Dry Groods, Clothing HOLT GROCERY, 7th and Center St. BURMEISTER AND ANDRESEN, Jewelers HUNTLE Y-DRAPER DRUG CO. McANULTY AND BARRY, Cigars, Restaurant OREGON CITY SAND AND GRAVEL CO. C. W. FRIEDRICH AND SON, Hardware OREGON CITY CASH MARKET NEAL, Mc AND ROSE, Jewelers STRAIGHT AND SALISBURY, Plumbers JONES DRUG CO. PRICE BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE THE BANNER-COURIER R. A. JUN KEN, Contractor, Builder FRANK BUSCH AND SONS, Hardware, Furniture JUSTIN AND MONTGOMERY, Men's Wear THE FALLS, Restaurant, Bakery LIBERTY THEATERS-STAR FARR BROTHERS, Grocers, Butchers PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT LELAND AND LITTLE, Billiards F. C. GADKE, Plumbing, Heating W. B. EDDY, Drygoods and Shoes OREGON CITY CREAMERY CO. A. L.BEATIE, Firestone Tires ' LARSEN AND CO., Groceries WARREN AND BLODGETT, Vulcanizing Retreading RISLE Y MOTOR CO., Studebaker Cars OREGON CITY SHOE STORE ' HARRY GRAVES, Insurance 207-8 Masonic BuDding PARK-SHEPHERD MOTOR CO. taiisfnes EAT MtHood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve . the Vitamines. Daily Served to Oregon "City. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. IS 111 - ; J .... ASK FOR PGRT-O True Fruit ' Products Strawberry Loganberry Cherry . Orange Tokay v Golden Mint PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS GO. Portland, Oregon Pure Delicious Wholesome A STRICTLY OREGO N PRODUCT MADE BY CANDY CORN f at Portland, Oregon Beaver Engraving (1 n mnci n v photo engraving vJ.UAFdJ.J.j' PRINTING PLATES Phone Main 2003 148 Fifth St. PORTLAND, ORE. BE A" BOOSTER Smoke La Gran Marca Cigars OREGON MADE HIGH GRADE ' UNION MADE Oe Great Northwest W" Exact Size Also 10c sizes and 5c Marca Smokers Mason, Ehrm&iv & Co. Distributors of The Nation's Finest Cigars. Porter's Macaroni Made under the most sanitary conditions in a Sun'shine Factory. Look for the Rich Red Label Porter-Scarpelli Macaroni Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. TRY Bradley's Pies East 5100 645 Grand Avenue - Portland, Oregon. 7m The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" All new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. 4 Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service - 4 p. c. paid on Savings 512 Main St, Oregon City HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home 8th at Main, Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of Commerce Building. Oregon City Seventh and Main EDITORIAL CONFIDENCE REAL, TRUE, LASTING PROSPERITY COMES ONLY WITH CONFIDENCE. Confidence in each other; in our community and in our country. ; The disgruntled Pessimist has no place in this scheme for the Good Times which may always be ours if we so will. WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN MEANS NOTHING WILL HAPPEN AND BUSINESS STAGNATION PREVAILS. Squeezing every cent may lend a feeling of "safety, first," but eventually leaves one' with no income and a corresponding financial shrinkage. Purchasing what you need and when you need it puts dollars in circulation that come back to you in rentals, increased property values and prosperity for all. Employment is -the paramount necessity of every community for EMPLOYMENT MEANS WAGES AND WAGES MEAN PROSPERITY. Not just prosperity for those receiving these wages but prosperity for those that they, in return, pay them out to. Prosperity for the Banker, the Merchant, the Property Owner 'and last and most important Oregon City AND EVERY ONE OF ITS CITIZENS MAKING UP THE CIVIC BODY. The purchasing of a hat, a suit, a pair of shoes, a loaf of bread or any other of the innumerable articles which make up the needs of our personal living, all require the labor of someone in consummating the purchase. THEREFORE LET THIS PURCHASE BE MADE IN OREGON CITY. We want to make this an individual matter with 'every one of you folks, as it is an individual' matter with every one of our Business Men. ALL THOSE APPENDED HEREWITH GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO OREGON CITY PEOPLE. They wish to give more employment and vocation to those who desire it and pledge themselves to campaign unceasingly for the laboring conditions "of our community. All of the Oregon City Business Men are of this mind and they ask your support and encouragement. THIS ENCOURAGEMENT CAN BE GRANTED BY A 100 PER' CENT LOYAL PATRONAGE OF THE BUSINESS MEN OF THIS CITY WHO IN TURN GIVE EMPLOYMENT. TO THE PEOPLE OF- THE COMMUNITY. It can be granted by your absolute pledge to employ no labor but what is Ore gon City labor performed by an Oregon City person. By these acts you will be offering to the working man or woman of this city the tangible co-operation and support which, they rightfully .deserve and which will all contribute to the final result we are expecting -A GREATER OREGON CITY. Jones Drug Co. "In business for jour health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch & Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Printing is the insepar able companion of a chievement. Your announcements express your ideas. With good Printing you are sure of good results. The Banner-Courier . $695 $1060 $1595 Overland : Maxwell Willys-Knight F. O. B. Oregon City The three leaders in? Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Maiiu. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone 680-J DURANT CARS Beautiful, but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11 si