THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922 Page Eour THE BANNER COURIER Th Clackamas County Banner and the Oregon City Courier, Consolidated July 8th, ISM, and Published by the Clackamas County Banner Publishing Company, Incorporated. F. J. TOOZE, Editor H. A. KIRK, Advertising Published Thursdays from the Banner Building at Ninth and Main Streets and Entered In the Postofflce at Oregon City, Oregon as Second Class Mail Matter. Subscription Price, $1.60 per year in advance. Telephone 417 MEMBER OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION . MEMB1R OF OREGON STATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Official Paper of City of Oregon City "Flag of the free heart's hope and home! By Angels' hands to valor given; Thy stars have lit the welkin dome. And all thy hues were born' in Heaven. Forever float that standard sheet! Where breathes the foe but falls be fore us. With Freedom's soil beneath our feet. And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us." JOSEPH DRAKE. THE GREAT NEED. The depot matter is at a standstill, ditto city hall and the so.uth end road project. Verily, the mountains would quake and the populace uncover its head in astonishment if' any progres sive thing should be allowed to go for- injunction or scrap of some sort ana dimensions. And while this condition prevails, Oregon City will suffer the conse ' quences in inconvenience, lack of growth and in ever increasing taxes. Co-operation in matters of public ex tension is' the most needed movement just now. The same need is evident throughout the county. Continual dis sension, cultivation of selfish inter ests, extravagances for which all must pay, are influences injurious to every citizen and taxpayer. All impair the efficiency of the public and the indi vidual and this means loss. Get to gether and real progress will be made at minimum cost and maximum re sults will follow. ONE DAY IN SEVEN. Petition is in circulation among the ibusness imen of the city asking that the present fire fighting force in con stant charge be maintained at four men. Originally there were three men, but a few weeks ago a fourth was added, in order that the others might take their vacations. The plan is to let him go when Chief Priebe returns next week. When there are three firemen, one man is off duty every third night tor four hours from 7 to 11 o'clock, each week. - With d fourth man, each would have twenty-four consecutive hours off each, week, subject, of course, to de tention in case of fire. To this the men feel they are entitled and very few will disagree with them. The matter of cost Comes up at once in this conneotion, of course. If the city had plenty of funds there would he few objections. But under present conditions just how far all should he required to sacrifice is the question. ll iiul tL 'yreistsiiL, lii mue wni never theless come soon, when the demand for one day each week for firemen, as well as for others in public service, will prevail. And it will prevail he cause it is physically and morally right. streams where these fish propagate and whose taxes have been used in their propagation, from voting on their preservation for the pulblic use. The question of the procedure of the initiator is not material in the case. If Green or anyone else is guilty of unlawful procedure, he, or they, should be punished for that procedure. The people should not pay the penalty by being denied one of their first consti tutional privileges the petition. People should not allow this matter of illegal petitions to lead them to give up their rights to vote on the use of wheels, traps, nd other devices, which are rapidiy depleting the streams of Oregon of one o her rich est heritages the salmon. And both the Columbia and Willamette, are being- depleted of ttieir salmon, while the cannery interests wax fat off the pub lic and the fishing industry.' Should this measure, or any other of those initiated be denied public ex pression at the ballot box this fall, immediate steps should be taken to LEGALLY place them before he peo ple for their expression of choice, and meantime the initiatory laws should be so amended as to discourage or ren der impossible the present plight A CAUSE FOR PUNISHMENT. THE PEOPLE'S PRIVILEGE. It begins to look as though the people have no initiative rights that are to be respected. If selfish inter ests do not want expression from the public they take steps to close to them this right A point , in question is the general attack made on the initiative measures notf ready for the November ballot. The fish measure is attacked in an effort to keep the people, who own the Another death, several injuries, or phan children, wrecked home and hopes, are the result of a speding car on the Columbia lUver highway. A man and his family, consisting of wife and four children, were driving along the highway leisurely homeward from their vacation trip. Two speed maniaGS, with little thought or evident regard for human life, driving their car at a dangerous gait, crash into the family car, throw ing it, with its precious cargo of human freight, from the highway over the precipice twenty feet below. But the speed fiends stopped neither to aid the injured nor to repair the wreck. They drove furiously on, so the record goes, piecing fifty miles be tween the scene of the tragedy, where moans of the crippled and dying could not reach their ears and the place where they were finally taken into custody by officers ef the law. Four children of tender years are without a father"s love and care, as one result The mother may be fatal ly injured and, if so, they will be or phans in a state where law says there shall be no speeding on the public highway and yet where this same law is ignored or defied every hour. Should imen' commit manslaughter in other ways punishment is 'severe. If men or women kill in disobedience to law with an an automobile is it less heinous than when committed in defi ance of law by a gun or bludgeon? The penitentiary at hard labor is a light penalty for such crime anywhere. And such law to fit such crime is one Make Your Money Work Idle money is money wasted. Why keep your money in unsafe places when we will welcome your, account in our savings department and pay you 4 interest, compounded semi-annually. Think of the interest you have already lost, and make up your mind to delay no longer in starting your account. Your money will make more money while de posited here and the next good business op portunity will not find you unprepared. First National Bank 512 Main St CF REGON CITY Oregon City ft Again the matter of a city hall site will be referred to the voters. Many moons ago these same voters chose McLoughlin Park as a site, but were estopped from building thereon by in junction proceedings based on the grounds that the park could not (be used for such purpose. A site- on Singer Hill was then appropriated by the council upon suggestion of a num ber of citizens as a semi-compromise location midway between! down town and hill sections. An undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the site has, however from the outset ibeeni apparent partly thru the large expense ior foundation required and partly thru the determination of some to build on the site of the pres ent city hall site. Plans were made by Bergholz, a Portland architect, the bids were higk- er than the sum of $35,0u0 authorized by the voters, whereupon the plans were revised to reduce costs. Still the total cost including incidentals looked like forty thousand dollars. During these changes, member of the coun cil and others kept alive -tie sugges tion that a lot should be purchased on the hill while councilman Mount em phasized the present city hall dowa town site. At last, at one time, not unexpectedly and finally for the time being and with near accord as one of the suresst ways out of the tangle, the council decided to lay the matter in the hands of the voters for their decision at the regular election in November, 1922 A. D., almost three years after the bonds and site had been voted by these same voters. And it is predicted that the of the first duties of our lawmakers and its full enforcement one of the prime duties of our courts. THE CITY HALL TANGLE. end is not yet. Not even the emerg ency clause, in all its glory and power can hurrf it But the council entrusted with the duty of building a city hall would be justified, and would merit tb com mendation of their own nerve and judgment, dbtain in some legitimate way a site and go ahead. They have the authorityl, the $35f,0O0 for the building, and means at their command by which they can obtain the lot. Why throw this matter into the turmoil of another election in whichthe building itself will be lost sight of in personal and sectional strife? These represen tatives of the people are big enough, fair enough and with the interests of the public at heart should go speedily forward with their trust so long in their hands. "Umeasy lies the head that wears the crown," should apply in full force to the county court . If Judge Cross were recalled every time some dissatisfied one threatens it his retirement would be one continual performance. ' The country was never anore beau tiful as the trees bend to mother earth ladeni with their golden fruitage and the rainbow hues embellish the land scape everywhere. Amd now Henry Ford shows up the coal profiteers and proposes war on them. This is one kind of warfare that should foe welcomed. If any one thing is needed more than another in Oregon City it is cleau streets. Banner-Courier clasified ads bring home the bacon. , J UPPER HIGHLANDS Jt J K" ! K" V " If f tf" K" J? " JS" Jf51 Melvin Schwimann spent the week end in Portland. Elmer and Jack Graves and Phil Whitmore, who were hunting in south ern Oregon, returned home Sunday with three deer. Mr. George Bunnell made a business trip to Oak Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Hof fiman spent Mon day evenin gat the iM. E. Kandle home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wehrmani of Port land spent Sunday at the 'Martin home. Bell McVay and Esther Martin visit ed witti ;Mrs. Wallace at Oregon City, last week. Mrs. Elmer Graves spent last week visiting friends in Portland. Mrs. Schmidt and son William spent the week-end in Portland. Miss Loeta Nicholas came over from Estacada Saturday to spend the day with her mother. Mr. Fonander is in the Oregon City hospital. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle were Ore gon City visitors Tuesday. Miss Aanie Schmidt of Portland spent Sunday visitin gher parents. Mr. Wolter was a Clarke visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Jones entertained Mr. and Mrs. T. Cornwell anldi children at a chicken dinner last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Whitmore and chil dren were in Oregon City Tuesday. FARM for RENT 358 acres. About 70 acres in cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. 5-room house, large barn, granary. Watered by spring and well. mile to school. On good road 4 miles from Oregon City. $450.00 per year, half cash. Balance when crop is har vested in 1923. S. O. DILLMAN ' Phone 427 SEE ME Foot of Elevator, Oregon City FOR INSURANCE BE elberiln Cord. A TIRE THAT WILL BE KNOWN EVERYWHERE This product is the result of 23 years of tire building and experience of F. A. Seiberling, founder and up to short time ago president of the Good year tire and rubber company. Seiberling Cords do not embody any spectacular structural innovations which are untried. Seiberling Cords do, however, embody more advanc ed and proven structural developments than any other one tire built to day. Some tires are built with THIS Seiberling feature others with THAT no tire built, however, includes them all. Seiberling tread rubber extends from bead to bead, entirely around the tire extra protection against tread separation and scuffing from curb and rut. Come in and look these tires over before you start on that trip. Here are the prices Let us prove the quality. 30x3 Clincher Cord 31x4 S. S. Cord 32x4 S. S. Cord ..$12.50 30x3y2 Straight Side Cord -25.80 32x4 S.'S. Cord: 29.40 Above prices include war tax 15.00 $28.40 Oregon City Auto Co. Phone 429 OREGON CITY 609 Main Power Saving gives you pow er, character, initiative. Your dollars working for you in this bank are the power that will help you succeed. Bank of Commerce Oregon, City, Ore. OWN E D, MANAGE D AND CONTROLLED BY CLACKAMAS COUNTY PEOPLE HOME MADE IS NOT BITTER Orange Marmalade A Correctly Shredded Oregon Product Fruit and Sugar 100 Pure YOU WILL SAY IT IS DELICIOUS ALICE LOVE 1004 E. 27th. St. No. Member. Associated Industries of Oregon Portland, Oregon ...xk:":xk-xx:::"X This machine was running along the Pacific Highway, everything working fine. In less than an hour it looked like this. . The Fire Insurance Company did the rest. The owner has a new machine. Do YOU Carry Liability Insurance One of bur fellow citizens has a $1,000.00 judgment hanging over him on account of an ac cident on our streets. If he had had liability in surance the Company would have paid the bill. A lady was knocked down by a machine in front of my office Saturday morning. INSURE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE A. C. HOWL AND A. J. Bockhold . Wm. M. Smith . Real Estate Insurance Loans. 620 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon YELLOWS-TOM National Park Nature's Wonderland and America's Most Famous Playground Its 'hotels are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty little tent amd cottage villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, . comfort and simple, informal living, 300 imiles of fine boulevards. An ideal place for vacation pleasures. Send for, beautifully illus trated booklet telling; all about its "wonders to word and picture. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR OPERATED DAILY BETWEEN Portland and West YeUowstone BY THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM GO NOW. The Park closes September 19th. ' Let our representative explain the various tours which enable visitors to see the Yellowstone so comfortably and at mini mum cost; also quote fares, prepare your itinerary and make your reservations. J. H. O'NEILL, Traveling Passenger Agent, with headquarters at 701 Wells Fargo Building Portland, will ibe.glad to call personally on anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone, and arrange all details. Drop him a card or address WM. McMUREAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. T t y x ? v X r y y y ?: f y x EE