THE BANNER-CUUKIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1922 Page Three .1 j jt jt jt j jt j j ji ji jt jt jt jt SANDY Jt Blanche R. Shelley J Jt &tf? irK'irjfJfK'iCKK'JfK'K'Jf Jf Berry Pickers Return. C. L. Shaw and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw and daughter of Hoff, returned. Sunday after a week's camping trip spent at the Summit House. Both families brought in several gallons of huckleberries. Road Work Tied Up Again. Monday morning witnessed one of the biggest walk-outs yet on the road work on the Mt. Hood Loop. All of Palmer's men quit, including the rock crusher crew, engineers and truck drivers. No pay, no work, seems to be the slogan. Family Returns From Visit. R. S. Smith and family returned last Friday evening from- an eight-day trip to Spokane, where they were guests of Mrs. Smith's relatives. They went by way of The Dalles, Pendleton, Dayton, Wash., making the run each way four hundred fifty-seven miles In two days. The only trouble they had. either way was one flat tire. I. O. O. F. Picnic Sunday. The Sandv I. O. O. F. and Rebekah Lodegs will hold their annual picnic- Sunday. The place has not been defi nitely decided upon, but it will be somewhere near Sandy, probably Ce dar Creek or down on the Sanidy river. Mrs. P. T. Sullivan and small son Frank returned to theirhome in Port land Sunday, after a visit with Mrs. Sullivan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark. Miss Mildred De Shazer started clerking in Meinig's store Monday morning. (Mr. and Mrs. Eenske of Lents were in Sandy Saturday on business. A neice of Mrs. Strong is quite ill at the Strong summer home on the Bluff road. She has developed symptoms of typhoid fever. Mrs. Henry Aschoff, who was so se verely burned several weeks ago, was moved to the Dittert home last week, where she is being cared for Iby Mrs. Dittert. She is how able to walk a few steps. Cecil O. Duke returned last Wed nesday frojn a "week's vacation, which he spent at Washington and British Columbia Points. Miss Hazel" Beers left last Saturday for Government Camp. Sunday she climbed to the top of Mt. Hood and returned home Monday evening, think ing the adventure well worth while. Miss Lippold and Miss Margaret Mil ler were members of the party, nine teen in all, who made the ascent. Mrs. F. D. Eason returned home Sunday evening, after a week's visit with friends in Salem. Several social affairs were given in her honor dur ing the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beers and Lois motored to Currinsville and back Monday. Mrs. Gillett left for Portland Satur day morning, after a visit at the Es son home. Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim, accompanied by their three children and Mrs. Pil grims mother, left Monday for Illi nois. The Pilgrims took up a home stead near Dover and proved up on it this spring. Mrs. R. E. Esson and children were in town Monday and Tuesday. ' . J. Scales went to Portland Monday and returned Tuesday. While there he took a serum treatment, as he! has been very miserable for some time. Mrs. O'Connor., and Master O'Con nor of Portland, a niece and nephew of Mrs. Mattingly's, are guests at the Mattingly home. Cyril Gray and Frank Christensen have rented Jack Barnett's truck and are hauling Ities and number from Brun's mill. Alf. Bell and J. C. Loundree loaded a car at Scenic last week with cord wood cut by Mr. Bower's crew. The Sandy grade school now has a beautiful piano. The Parent-Teachers Association raised about sixty dollars to pay on it and the school board fur nished some. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunn returned last week from a trip to the coast Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Proctor were Portland visitors Monday afteroonn. Ernest Harris came down from Hood River to visit the home folks over Sunday. A. B. Shelley came down from The Dalles last Wednesday evening and took his mother home to Hood River. Mrs. Shelley was a guest at the P. T. Shelley home a few days last week. The Frace family motored into town Sunday afternoon. -y t$ t CANBY Dr. John Fuller jt Jt jp ? jf jf Jf K" tf Jf Jf a? if K"8 The Union High School Wins. On Saturday night, Aug. 26th, Marks Paririe cast the final ballot in the final special election. The final vote at Marks Prairie broke the district tie, which held the movement in suspense since Saturday night of August 21st, 'when the voting began, and the union high school wins. All progressive citi zens of the various 'districts are glad. It is a great day for this section of our beautiful Williamette valley. . ing hunt. Married, on Friday, August 25th, at the, home of the bride's parents In Camby, Miss Edith Johnson and Jim Mullen. Everybody loves' them, re spects them and wishes them a long life of prosperity and happiness. Charles Kraxberger - of Macksburg returned this week from an extended trip to Austria. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson of Roseburg were "in Canby this week and attended the JohnsonTMiller wed ding. " Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham made a trip to the ' coast last week, re- turning Sunday night , Dr. Hempstead has several "people picking evergreen berries on his firm near Aurora. Dr. Hempstead has al ready shipped to the canning factory a large poundage, and pays his pick this year will net about ten tons. Prof. J. H. Collins of Independence, Ore., was in Canby Tuesday in the in high school. Prof. Collins is well and high school. Prof., Colling s well and favoraibly known at Monmouth Normal school and has a wide experience in normal and high, school work. Prof. Churchill and wife of Salem were in Canby last Friday and attend ed a mass meeting at Marks Prairie in the interest of the union high school movement. jtjryijijtjtjijijtjtjtjijtjtjig Jt The Ford and Fordson dealers put on an attractive parade and demon stration in Canby last Saturday. The largest gathering seen in the city for many moons enjoyed the feast of good things the Ford people had in store for them. Fifty prizes were awarded for the best of as many things, and the moving pictures, showing the opera tion of the Ford plant in Detroit, in the building of a Ford car from start to finish, were both new and interesting to many of our rural population who witnessed it At night the crowd was favored by a wireless radio concert On last Sunday the Canby baseball team played the Troutdale team on the Troutdale diamond. The score was 14 to 15 in favor of Canlby. Eleven innings were played and the game was full of action and enthusasm. Joe and Bob Brown of Aurora stop ped in Canby last Monday on their way home from a hunting trip - in Umatilla county. To show the sports around home that deer and bear are not the only big game of which Oregon may be proud, they carried a string of twenty-four jack rabbit ears across the front of their car. Quite an ear pull- TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD made by MOLALLA BAKERY Molalla, Oregon OSWEGO 4? r ar f ar jr je af jr as if jr5 The water front lots on Oswego Lake which the Oregon Iron and Steel Com pany recently put up for sale have suddenly been taken from the market; C. B. Hall, has been agent for the prop erty, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clinefelter and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Bul lock spent several days In the moun tains hucklebeiry picking. They came heme with some very line berries and trout Mr. and Mrs. Fred Normand, who have motoring through Calfornia, re turned home last Tnursday. Mr Nor- manid was formerly district manager for the Pathe Company, but is -now manager of the Circle Theatre in Portland. Carl Bethke, John Haines and 4Clar ence Haines, with Grant Whitie of Canby, ihave gone, to the mountains on a hunting trip. An invitation dancing party was given in Grange Hall last Saturday night The committee in charge is forming a dancing club for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord entertained last Tuesday evening in honor of the committee which is composed of: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beckner, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stef fen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bethke, Mr. and Mrs. George Bmrch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton and Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord. Mrs. W. G. Weightman waff hostess to a party of friends on her birthday anniversary, Saturday evening. A very delightful evening was spent in card playing and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borghorst, who have been at Seaside for two weeks, have returned home. They intend leaving the first of next week for a two weeks' stay at Long Beach, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham arid son spent several days last week visit ing relative and friends at Harris burg. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reilly of Port land were, week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich. Mrs. James Neiss and two children of Portland have been the guests of Mrs. I. A. Lord for a week. John Ferguson was given a sur prise party Saturday night, the occa sion being his birthday. Mrs. Herman Preston of Seattle and Mr. fod Mrs. K. Pratt of Eugene, on a motor trip from the university city to the sound, were guests of Mrs. Dora E. Wilson last week. While here Mrs. Wilson entertained with a big party in their honor. " Mr. and Mrs. Otto Larson and sons Vern and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldorf and Glen Waldorf, left here Sunday on an extended trip through California. They will also visit the Oregon Caves and Crater Lake while on the trip. John Erickson and Dolmar Eri'r.kson have returned from Altoona, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Vern1 RarkW .Oswego visitors Sunday. Portland were dinner guests nf Mr. and Mrs. George Emrich Thursday evening. Morris McDonald. Gladvs McDon ald and Hazeldean Fulton are leaving Saturday for a weeks' stay at the beach. Mrs. N. G. Weightman was hostess at a dinner party for a number of friends Wednesday evening. ADEN'S STORE H. D. ADEN, Proprietor Wilson ville, Oregon General Merchandise DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, FLOUR AND FEED NAILS, SHINGLES, LIME, CEMENT GRAIN BAGS, BALE TIES fSay it with Jlowers The Farmer's Bank of Wilsonville Vhe $tank Vhat S&acrs the farmer Keep your money where it will serve you best OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, " CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier Iii:iiiirainii!iiiii!iDi!iioiiiiiiffiii:!iiiiii . i CAREFUL CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE I the result of nineteen years study and practice Have your next pair of 1 glasses made here, at Ore- gon City's only exclusive 1 ly Optical office. Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 1 207-8 Masonic Bldg., Oregon City, Ore. m . , j Phone 380 for appointment MASON HEAVY DUTY CORD Oversize 30x3 32x4 33x4 34x4 $13.75 24.50 24.70 25.35 Special features of the MASON Extra heavy non skid "M" tread, eight plies of cord or selected long staple cotton, each ply rubber coated. The bead contains five braids of steel wire, each braid in. wide with 21 strands to the braid. Ilorth-West Tire Co. Warren & Blodgett, Prop. 407 Main St Oregon City Banner-Courier clasified a da brine home the bacon. Jt Jt Jt jt jt jt jt jt jt jt Jt jt jt jt Jt-g Ji Jt J1 Alice Freytag Jt Jt jt 2s if jp j?" if a? if jt r jf f j? it jr j?3 A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGetchie, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Niles and family, iMr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamimack and son Egbert, of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hage- mami and family of MJlwaukie, return ed from NeTPport Sunday evening, after a delightful ten days' outing. The party occupied three of the Sea- crest cottages while .there. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Legler and daughter Mildred, spent the week-end in Hillsboro, the guests of Mr. Leg- ler"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Legler. S. ,M. Bby of . Vancouver, Wash spent the week-end with his son, Edw. Eby. Mrs. C. N. Parker, Mrs. Mary Whit- comlb and Mrs. Laura Fleu returned Sunday morning from a visit to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meds and children Mary and Fred, returned home Tuesday, after spending their vacation at Spokane, Wash., their former home. Mrs. H. C. Stevens and Miss Muriel Stevens of Oregon City were Glad stone visitors Thursday. Mrs. A. B. Todd of Forest Grove has returne4 to her home, after spend ing several days with her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Turner. Mrs. Charles Moore of Troutlake. Wash., returned to her home Wednes day, after spending several davs visit- ling relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Alldridge re turned Friday evening from Newport, Guaranteed Repair Work" . by expert mechanics aided by our complete shop equipment. Genuine Ford and Fordson parts Large, complete stock. Automobile Accessories Full line. Goodyear Tires Oregon City's original Goodyear agency. . Gasoline and Oils Union Gasoline Valvoline Oils. Convenient Storage with day and night accessibility. At Elevator. Phone 390 Oldest, Largest and Best Equipped Ford -Service Station Successful Men Really successful men men who have never worked all their lives for the sake of getting rich, and yet are "well fixed," are invariably thrifty. A fixed financial program is a great help to any man trying to save money. A plan of saving must be based on a knowledge of what constitutes true economy, r One of the first steps on the road to true success is the starting of a savings ac count, and adding to it regularly. Bank of Oregon city OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY where they enjoyed a few days' va cation. Law Firm In New Location Th law finm of Dimick & Mulvey have leased -rooms in the Hogg build ing, opposite the court house, and will occupy the same on or before Septem ber first. The firm will occupy three front rooms which, from the standpoint of location and convenienee, are among the most desirable law offices i the city. YOUR AILMENT Give it your immediate attention and enjoy health. Do not hesitate to Investigate my methods used ki treating various disease. Have successfully treated many chronie and acute cases, in cluding Rheumatism, Headache, Asthma, Catarrh, Kidney, Iver, Heart, Stomach and Femal Disorders. FREE CONSULTATION DR. O. R. KEHRES Chiropractic Physician Steam bath Massage, Eleetro-Chiropractic and Ozone treatments. Office Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5. 414-15 Stock Exchange Building, Third' and TamhIH Sts. Phone Main 2722 Portland Ore. Res. Phone, Tabor 1520 3 Colton Public Hig h School Where will you attend HighVSchool this year? Do you know that Colton is offering the strongest Musical course 'both vocal and instru mental in Clackamas county? New Dormitory, new athletic field, new . gymnasium, splendid faculty, excellent moral surroundings! Full four-year standard courses of study. Parents and students are invited to investigate. , For information address or call on Clerk, School District No.' 53. Phone Colton 11-2, Colton, Oregon. ' 8-10-4t. IT'S TRAVEL TIME ROUND TRIP FARES AFFORD GREAT SAVINGS IN TRAVEL COSTS THIS YEAR to Tillamook County Beaches - Newport toy-the-Sea Crater Lake National Park - Oregon Caves National Monument Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts Shasta Mountain Resort - Yosemite National Park SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO and to . BACK EAST CITIES Through California "THE WAY TO SEE MORE OF THE U. S. A." "Oregon Outdoors;" "California for the Tourist and other- beautiful foldera will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST. For fares, reservations and other particulars, ask agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. At the Foot of Singer Hill jr..- Let Us Fix It If anything go3 wrong with your Car call us up and we will fix it at once and at a very moderate charge. And if it is necessary to replace any part or bring the car to our shop, you will be pleased with the reasonable charge we imake. We refer you to any customer. s . i apuai oarage LES. CRAWFORD, Prop 10th and R. R. ri I I '" I 1." : 4 M, i ' l UMBER i 15 6 f We are making a lead of our No. 3 common lumber. A S ' 9 We are putting out an exceptionally good grade at p exceptionally low prices. In as much as you can use 4 2 w4 this for the bulk of the lumber that goes into a house Jj 4 it will pay you to see us and let its show you. f i i 4 We can furnish all the lumber ypu need to build 4 J a house and give you the very besf service and price, f .... i WILLAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO. Wholesale and Retail 16th and Main Wa f Phone 63 16th and Main Oregon City 6