THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1922 7 - Pars Seven Oregonlodystries Weekly Record of Industrial Conditions Gleaned From Re liable Sources Over The State Reedsport to have sawmill to cut alder, maple an'd miprtle. Salem Carload, 56,000 pounds, dried loganberries shipped. Albany has new hop basket factory. Freewater to build $30,000 Federat ed church. Milton box factory operating with two shifts. Coos Bay harbor to get $150,000 for improvements. Lower Columbia and Willamette rivers $850,000. ' Housing shortage continues in Salem in spite of much building. Three units of jMt. Hood loop high way being graded. Garibaldi Whitney Co. vlanning to build three ships to carry lumber. Portland S. P. Co. to spend $6,000, 000 on elevated tracks and tunnel to get off city streets. Cuts of five and ten cents per one thousand feet for steam heat are ttnade at Portalnd, due to lower prices of fuel oil. , industrial Accident Commission has nearly five millions surplus. Mile of Pacific Highway to be vaved through Jefferson. Eugene Ajax Lumber Co. to build two more sawmills. PortlandState to erect $175,000 buildine to be used as State Employ ment Institution for Adult Blind. JMarshfield planning to construct modern city hall. - Port of Astoria ships 69,184,825 feet of lumber during July. ; .Gresham Union high school to get $20,000 improvements, including gym nasium. . , Eugene S. P. completes $10,000 im provements. Linn county reports education cost for 6,329 pupils, $500,000. Add Oregon Industries. - Bandon votes to complete hydro electric dam. The Dalles to get $100,000 tie-treating plant. ' j State to let contracts avproximating $500,000 for 65 miles of highway. Eugene planning new city reservoir ' to cost between $15,000 and $20,000. Astoria Work starts on new $300, 000 hotel. Oregon City--Work (being rushed on bridges across Willamette. ' Linn county planning to work vris oners at stone crusher. Hillsboro $7,500 contract awarded for new school unit. Gross business of the Southern Pa ' - ciitc Co. in Oregon aggregated $20, 500,000 in 1921, of which $18,800,000 was expended as taxes and operating exvenses, mostly in Oregon, leaving a net return of $1,800,000, or net return Of 1.9 per cent on the $90,000,000 cap ital investment of the system in Ore gon. As against this $1,800,000 taken from the state for bond holders and stockholders of the company, the sys fm. expended apvroxiinately $5,000,000 436r ties, timber and other supplies, aside from the $18,800,000 operating expenses. On the whole, it may be said that the railroads leave all their Oregon revenues in Oregon and spend money above their revenue return: The wage expense of the Southern Pa cific alon in Oregon is over $10,000, 000 a year. MAKING BROWN ALFALFA HAY Very Similar to Silage and Some Feed ers Think It is Superior to Green as Feed. Ordinary field-cured alfalfa hay is a bright green color, but sometimes when moisture conditions are right, stack curing results in a brown or black hay that is very Similar to si lage. It has a pleasant odor, is very palatable to live stock, and some feed ers think it is superior to green hay In feeding value. This kind of hay results from putting up the alfalfa when it is more or less green. Most of it is the result of accident .rather than intent, as definite efforts to make it have generally resulted in failure and a great deal of loss. Certain con ditions, however, are essential In mak ing brown hay. It should be put up in good-sized stacks, as it molds and chars to such an extent in small loose stacks that it is not fit for feed. From reports that have been col lected from different alfalfa-growing areas, the United States Department of Agriculture concludes that good brown alfalfa hay is equal or some what superior in palatability to good field-cured hay, but not superior to it in feeding value. The method of mak ing would be important could it be de pended upon for saving hay in cli mates where there Is so much rain fall that it is difficult to cure the hay in the field, Because of danger from spontaneous combustion it is not ad visable to try to make brown hay ih barns or mows. " : Everybody out this way is rolling, up his sleeves, getting ready to recall what ibonds are unsold out of the $1, 700,000 at the November election. Ex penses must Ibe cut to reduce taxes as well as grafters. En m COLLEGES TEACH ECONOMICS Many Institutions Include Studies in Marketing, Co-operation and Management. Agricultural colleges in 45 states are giving courses in agricultural economics and allied subjects this year. In a number of states the courses Include studies In marketing, co-operation, farm management, and commercial geography. Ms! Be Consistent CO-OPERATION Buy At Home The Business Enterprises listed below, believe in reciprocity and wish to be classed as Friends of Labor, they are co-operating with , us to advance along constructive lines and for a better understand ing. Buy at Home Trade with them, increase the value of the community. DR. FREEZE, Eye Specialist THE FIRST NATIONAL BAK HOGG BROTHERS, Furniture, Hardware STOKES MOTOR CAR COMPANY C. G. MILLER CO., Day and Night Garage A. C. HOWLAND, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Bonds BANK OF COMMERCE QUALITY CAFE BANK OF OREGON CITY BANNON AND CO., Dry Goods, Clothing HOLT GROCERY, 7th and Center St. BURMEISTER AND ANDRESEN, Jewelers HUNTLEY-DRAPER DRUG CO. McANULTY AND BARRY, Cigars, Restaurant OREGON CITY SAND AND GRAVEL CO. C. W. FRIEDRICH AND SON, Hardware OREGON CITY CASH MARKET NEAL, Mc AND ROSE, Jewelers STRAIGHT AND SALISBURY, Plumbers JONES DRUG CO. PRICE BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE THE BANNER-COURIER R. A. JUNKEN, Contractor, Builder FRANK BUSCH AND SONS, Hardware, Furniture JUSTIN AND MONTGOMERY, Men's Wear THE FALLS, Restaurant, Bakery LIBERTY THEATER STAR FARR BROTHERS, Grocers, Butchers PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT LELAND AND LITTLE, Billiards F.C.GADKE, Plumbing, Heating W. B. EDDY, Drygoods and Shoes OREGON CITY CREAMERY CO. A. L. BEATIE, Firestone Tires LARSEN AND CO., Groceries WARREN AND BLODGETT, Vulcanizing Retreading RISLEY MOTOR CO., Studebaker Cars OREGON CITY SHOE STORE HARRY GRAVES, Insurance 207-8 Masonic Building . ' PARK-SHEPHERD MOTOR CO. - ' EAT Mt. Hood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. Daily Served to Oregon City. - MT. HOOD ICE CREAM GO. Portland, Ore. ASK FOR PORT-O True Fruit Products . Strawberry Loganberry Cherry Orange Tokay Golden Mint PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. Portland, Oregon mPM mimwm candy corn Pure Delicious -Wholesome A STRICTLY OREGO N PRODUCT MADE BY at Portland, Oregon Beaver Engraving Company 148 Fifth St PHOTO ENGRAVING PRINTING PLATES Phone Main 2003 - PORTLAND, ORE. BE A BOOSTER Smoke La Gran Marca Cigars OREGON MADE HIGH GRADE UNION MADE If Oe GreatNorthwesl ExAct Size Also 10c sizes and 5c Marca Smokers Mason, Ehrman & Co. Distributors of The Nation's Finest Cigars. Porter's Macaroni Made under the most sanitary ' conditions in a Sunshine Factory. the Rich Red Label Porter-ScarpeUi Macaroni Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. TRY Bradley's Pies East 5100 645 Grand Avenue Portland, Oregon. DEMAND OREGON BRAND and payrolls will expand The Associated Industries of Oregon have been impressed with some of the possibilities for improving retail trade, through closer co-operation between local manufacturers and distributors of goods made here. Payroll money is the very life blood of a business commun ity, and if the volume of wage money is increased, it will go a long way toward increasing our prosperity. Retail Trade is quickly responsive to th,e circulation of wage money. This fact has been strongly demonstrated through 'a sur vey conducted by the Associated Industries of Oregon, showing . that of a hundred pay checks issued in one plant Saturday noon, 94 were cashed in. retail stores within three days. In another, 150 out' of 200 were cashed in retail stores, while in another 95 out of 100 were cashed in stores. In another 119 of 157 were cashed in stores. ; Think what this means to you Mr.-Merchant and Buyer. - ;; - It is evident thatgreater production of local factories means larger payrolls ; larger payrolls mean a better market for products of the farm. Therefore, more business may be brought about by Oregon merchants stocking up and carrying more Oregon manu factured goods. : If Buyers will ask for Oregon-made articles they will be serving setf-inter-est and boosting the state industrially at the same time: . The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes' For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" AH new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service, 4 p. c. paid on Sayings 512 MainSt, Oregon City HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home - 8th at Main, -Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of Commerce Building. Oregon City Seventh and Main EDITORIAL BOOSTERS DID YOU EVER STOP AND THINK, FRIENDS, WHAT A GRAND THING THE OREGON CITY SPIRIT IS? How contagious it is and how proud we are of our city?" Do you realize if we would back up this pride by our Loyalty that we could be just twice as proud when we got through? AND THAT IS WHAT WE SHOULD ALL DO. If Jack, the little scamp, has worn out those shoes you bought him we are going to suggest that you buy your next pair in Oregon City. If you are contemplating building or improving, SECURE YOUR MATERIALS in Oregon City AND CON TRACT OREGON CITY LABOR. If you are not confining all your purchases to .this city, START TO DAY. Try. this awhile and see how good it feels to look yourself in the glass each morning and be able to say, "Howdy, Old Booster!" To tell you the truth, friends, if you could buy merchandise at 50c on the, dollar .away from Oregon City you still cannot afford either as a property owner or as a working person to REMOVE THAT 50c FROM THE COMMUNITY. When you do, you are knocking the props from under your own property, values, undermining the financial structure that forms our.' industrial existence and thus remove from the working homes of our community JUST THAT MUCH SUSTENANCE, COMFORT AND HAPPINESS. , ' V WE WANT TO -BURN THIS IN DEEP. You cannot measure so-called money saving against the tearing-down process that involves the community from whence it comes. THEREFORE KEEP' YOUR MONEY AT HOME BY SPENDING IT AT HOME. Aid to make times good, property values high and employment for all let normal business transactions prevail without doubts or misgivings. BUY WHAT YOU NEED FREELY. Money put in cir culation comes back in wages, crop receipts, investments and in PROSPERITY. ' . ' . " . . HOARDING DOLLARS IS A GAME WE 'SHOULD ALL DIS COURAGE. Spending them foolishly is another matter. But pur chasing the requirements of living, indulging in reasonable amuse ment and sane investments SPELLS PROGRESS AND FINANCIAL SUCCESS FOR ALL. "Sitting Tight" is a pastime Qf the Doubter who contributes nothing to the prosperous conditions which can be made always to prevail. ' . HARD TIMES EXIST MOST IN THE MINDS OF PESSIMISTS Take yourself from this class. Wear the smile of optimism, showing commercial courage and -faith AND KEEP BOOSTING FOR OREGON CITY. By so doing we will have Civic Success, Personal Success and a City to be proud, of. 1 ' ' ' - s Jones Drug Co. "In business for your health". Try our delicious f oun tajn lunch Frank Busch & Sons1 "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Printing is the insepar able companion of a chievement. Your announcements express your ideas. With good Printing you are sure of good results. The Banner-Courier Overland $695 Maxwell $1060 Willys-Kwght $1595 F. O. B. Oregon City The three leaders in Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid No Attention GUARANTEED FOB 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone 680-J DUR ANT CARS Beautiful, but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel anfl Payne Phone 24, Main and 11