The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, August 24, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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Up-to-date Information to Help Develop Progressive Farming
DEHYDRATION AT HOME. tlons, since it is a comparison of hens
Esther Adamon. that have bad like opportunities.
. That delicious fresh flavor of fruits Housing, feeding, freedom from para
and vegetables may toe retained sites and contagious diseases, and good
throughout the year if they are cared management, should apply alike to all
for by the twentieth century process birds compared. When these condi
dehydration. - tions are poorly met even good layers
Trays for. drying can easily and. may be culled out, especially at cer
cheaply be made at home. Hardware tain seasons when they arv por lay
wire or screen imay be used, or wood- ing.-o. A. C. Exteision Service.
en slats and reeds make a light and
clean tray. The product when pre- Heavy fall and winter egg produc
pared should be spread out thinly on tion may be expected only from eaily
th trays, then sprinkled 'with water, hatched, well-matured pullets. No
The first process through which it .practical value cornea from forcing
goes is either sulfuring or steaming, hens into early summer molt to make
to prevent oxidization. Sulfuring is ot them good fall layers.O. A. C.
the most common method for it is eas- Extension Service. .
ler 10 nanaie ui product on the trays
and the sulfur is easily applied. It RAPE FOR PIG PASTURE.
is done in an air tight box which can By George De Bok, Willamette, Ore
fiAflilv ht made nt hnmp filat-a Rhnnlri
be nailed on the inside of the box rr arly pasture, seed dwarf Es
three inches apart so that the trays 8ex rape as soon as possible in the
Can be slipped in one a!bove the other, spring, broadcasting at the rate of five
T , ..... a . i n : 1. TVMlTUla fn' tTio Pactum in -r. ft.-
ill vile uaau ui Lilt; Ji'A ail 11 vjii uikh ' . . . . j.MabuAC- lo ji
or kettle i placed to .hold the sul- yh.en the rape is a foot high and lasts
1 -1 1 . A - 3 t llTTliHl TiaTvl fraaoltiiT nraofnH J t-t 4-V. fnll
slight opening in the base of the box nt grazed too closely,
is necessary to obtain air to make Eape seeded early in May should
the sulphur bum Care must be taken furnish good pasture in late June or
to see that it does not burn too quick- early July. Seedings for late sum
ly or become too hot. .This process mer and fall may be made until. July,
should be done out in the open air, Rape seed is cheap, usually costing
and the product should be placed in only 15 cents per pound or less. Fmv
the fumes as soon as possible to pre- thermore, rape pasture has a larger
vent any oxidization on the surface, carrying capacity than some crops, as
The trays may be left in the box 15 ft furnishes pasture for from 20 to 25
to 25 minutes if dried rapidly. hogs per acre. Rape also furnishes
It is more difficult to apply steaim excellent pasture for sheep, but care
but a steam cooker can b used. A miist be taken with sheep to avoid
slight par boiled surface is formed by" bloat
placing the product in the cooker, this Oata, Peas and rape make a good
preventing oxidization. combination and have been compound-
After vegetables are cleaned and ed with rape alone for a number of
sliced they should be dipped in boil- yars. Each year the combination has
mim, crivftTi mnrp rtrofit after dpdttf'T in p" the
lng water for one or two minutes given more profit after dedacting the
and par boiled, or they may be placed greater expense for seed and labor,
in the steam cooker and blanched. Seed this mixture at the usuel time
1 In drying, the trays may be placed fr oats, drilling a mixture of one
on racks, oh top of the stove, or busier Of oats and one bushel of field
swung above. Heat, circulation, and Peas to the acre. Broadcast 5 pounds
humidity are necessary and must be drawf Essex rape to the acre at
considered in drying fruits and vege- me same time and harrow it in. Pas
tables. If heated too hot and dry air ture is ready in June or when peas are
is blown over the product, the sur- well podded.
face becomes too hard for evapora- If not pastured too heavily, an acre
tion to take Place readily from the f this will furnish grazing until a
rest of the slice. By combining cir- hard freeze fr forom 20 to 25 pigs,
culation of air, which tends to increase Unprofitable hens usually have
drying, with humidity, which tends to combs with long, narrow serrations,
retard it, an equilibrium is reached which are hard and shrunken and
and the result is a better tasting and covered with whitish scales. The eye
a better refreshing product. Js usually sunken and not prominently
Air is circulated over and around " num., auu a uun,
a divorce from defendant, and for
such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem equity.
;This summons will be served upon
you by publication thereof for not
less than six successive weeks in the
"Banner-Courier." a newsoaner of
general circulation, published in the
city of Oregon City, County of Clack
amas, State of Oregon, the mace
where' said suit is now pending, all
by the order of the Hon. H. E. Cross,
county judge of the above entitled
county, which said order is dated the
16th day of August, 1922, and made
by said county judge on account of
the absence of Hon. J. U. Camobell.
circuit judge of said above county
and court
The date of the first publpication
of this summons is Thursday, the
17th day of August. 1922.
The date of the last publication of j
this summons is Thursday, the 28th
day of September, 1922.
603 Panama Bldg.
(8-17-7t) Portland, Oregon
Lot 43, Block 15", Annie g. Miller
Lot 44, Block' 15. Annie S Miller
Lot 45, Block ,15, T. , J.. Cronise
Block 15, .T. J. Cronise
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the' Matter of the Estate of AL
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been aDbointed Admin
istrator with the will annexed of the
Estate of Albert H. Standish. deeeas
ed, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, and
has qualified. All persons having
claims against , said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, dulv
verified as bv law required, tn the nn
dersigned at the office of the Countv
Clerk in the Court House at Oregon
City. Clackamas County. Oregon.
at the office of my attorney. G. A.
Johnson; 612-15 Gasco Building, Port
land, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated and first published. August
-8th, 1922.
Administrator with the will annex
ed. '
G. A. Johnson.
612-15 Gasco Building,
Portland, Oregon,
Attorney for Administrator.
Air is circulated over and around "um " num, a uun,
the trays. A circulating fan may be lusterless expression. The long beak
placed in the window and the air and narrow, crow-like head are never
.... - i . frmnrt tr TiicrT-i r-nnnyA linnc Ck A H
blown over the drying materials, or e . .
the fan may Ibe pitied above the Experiment .countyB LandbRNcomb
stove and the hot air blown over the Extension Service,
product which may be placed in the While more active and nervous than
window a 1w ProducinS nen'. the high pro-
a nntihor methyl usert hv same, is to -ducer is (more easily caught and
r.iv-e the trava in a box which is open -handled. The high producer is friend
at two ends,, through which air is ly. wfoile the shy layer is sly, stays
ugu wincn am 10 ' 1 -r - "
forced by the use of the fan. This the roost or outer edge of. flock, and
aids in hastening the drying process, squawks !when caught. Hens first off
The point to guard against is over- tbe roost in the morning and last on
heating. This causes case hardening at night are the birds that lay lost of
nH reanlta in a nonr tastine and noor eggs.O. A. C. Extension Service.
refreshing fruit or vegetable. ,
a tot,, fr- idn t Ifin NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
degrees Fahrenheit is the best for Notice Is hereby given that the un
fmitaf and from 110 to 140 degrees dersigned hav been appointed as ex-
-Aor vegetables. The length of time eoutrixes of the last will and testa-
required to dry a product varies ac- "L iuem a. rame, aeceaseu,
cording to the temperature, hickness l"e oun- w mcKamas
m j., J a 4- mAA ATUULV, rt II V M'lKl ft I TlfirSflTl H
oi me prouuuL, jtuiuuut ut xu.vmlui c .
to the product, and other conditions, having claims against the said estate
A snor, thoroughly dry. the Dro- are herey required to present the
ducts should be packed or stored in Bame' duly verified as by law requir
iars. tins, or crocks to prevent infes- ed- Wltn Pronr vouchers to us at the
t t o orrice of our attorneys G. B. Dimick
& W. L. Mulvey. room 3. Andresen
Building, Oregon City, Oregon, on or
before .the expiration of six months
from the date of the first publication
tations. If set away from a light, a
better color will be retained.
O. A.
Good wheat yields ara one of the Pf thia notice.
main factors in determining the cost
of producing a bushel of wheat in Ore
gon's ,ig iwlheat beE and itarimers
Dated, August 17th. 1922.
have a big say in determining what Executrixes of the last will and
the yield shall be. Good seed of the testament of Elizabeth A. Paine, de-
right variety, (early summer (fallow I ,eai edv
Tllrvwino- s-nA enrmo-h miliTrotiTi tn lnon G. B. Dimick &
W. L. Mulvey,
ter or snrine varieties, seed treat- .Jrneys for Executrixes
ment for smut control these are the (8"175t)
factors that have been proved by years
of experiments at the Moro Ibranch
experiment station to favor a good wtice is hereby given that the un
yield. And the cost of .crowW a d?rsIgned has been duly appointed
busnel of wheat fell from $2.34 in a !S lminfetratrix of the estate of Emma
14-bushel per acre yield to S1.23 in a wllls. deceased, and any and all per-
14-bushel ppr acre yield to $1.23 in a
no . , ... .
ftsiuusnei per acre yieia. u. a. v
Experiment Station.
sons having claims against the said
estate are, hereby reouired to txresent
said claims, duly verified as by law
Time of Dlowine summer fallow ha quired to the undersigned adminis-
a big influence on yield of wheat in tratrix at the office of imy attorney,
Columbia basin dry farming, as shown Gea T- Parry' at Milwaukie in Clack
amas County, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated August 16th, 1922,
Date of first publication Aug. 17th,
Date ri f lo-at TmhHAativn fiienteTnhor
Depth of plowing on the Columbia 14tn 1922-
basin dry farms is not important The MRS- .MARY HAYLETT,
jiumiuuuTiim oi ine esiaie or mm
ina Wills, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
W. A. KENNEY, Plaintiff,
MAUD KENNEY, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Greetings :
You, Maud Kenney, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you herein on' or
before the 30th day of SeDtember.
1922, that beins six weeks fmm the
first publication of the summons here
in, and if you fail to anmear rtwI an
swer, plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in the complaint,-
to which is hereby made, and
which is made a part hereof, to wit:
'1. For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract heretofore and now ex
isting between plaintiff and defend
ant, on the grounds of willful desert
ion' of plaintiff by defendant for more
man one year.
2. For such other and further re
lief as to the Court may seem just.
ihis summons will be served upon
you by publication thereof for not
less than six weeks' successivelv in
!the "Banner-Courier," a newspaper of
general circulation, published in the
city of Oregon City, County of Clack
amas, State of Oregon, the place
where said suit is now pending. All
by order of the Honorable H. E.
Cross, County Judge of the above en.
titled county, in absence of the Hon.
J. U. Campbell, circuit i
above court from said County, which
saia order is dated the 16th day of
August, 1922. '
The date of the first nnfhli
this summons is the'l7th dav of Au
gust, 1922.
The date of the last miblioatirtn. nf
this summons is the. 28t . A- .
September, 1021.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
603 Panama Bldg.. Portland. Ore.
in man -ir - u if amas County, Oregon, within
j j o uiiwb ttU IUU1 f u 7
i . ..... . I TYlMlThtt frrwrrt rha Hot n ,
orancn experiment station. Land
plowed in April averaged 29.1 bushels
per acre as against 27 bushels on May
Plowed, and 23 on June plowed tracts
nine-year average yield on Morn sta
tion land3 plowed ten inches deep
- - r v- .j.
.9 bushel per acre. A slight variation MiiwauKie, uregon,
of depth from year to year is recom
mended by D. E. Stephens, superin
tendent of the station.
Frequent cultivation of Slimimer fal
low lands -sufficient to keep down the
weeds and maintain a cloddy mulch
produced an average of 31.9 bushels
per acre for many years, while land
not cultivated but otherwise farmed in
like manner yielded only 26.6 bushels
O. A. C. Experiment station.
'Wheat Growing After Fallow in
Eastern Oregon," is the name of a new
bulletin by D. A. Stephens, superin
tendent of the Moro Branch Experi
ment Station, and G. R. Hyslop, chief
of farm crops at O. A. C. It gjves
methods and results of the most prof
itable practices eo far developed.
Copies free to citizens of Oregon.
When in doubt as to the hen's egg-
laying quality give her the benefit of
th doubt to culling for layers, but not
in selecting the breeders.
Culling can be accurate onlv when
hens are kept under uniform condi- M
Attorney for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the . County of Clack
ANNIE Z. BROWN, Defendant.
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
. Greetings:
.You, Annie Z. Brown, are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you herein on
or before Saturday, the 30th day of
September, 1922, that being six weeks
from the first publication of the sum
mons herein, and! if you fail to appear
and answer, nlaintiff iwili annlv to
the Court for the relief demanded in
the complaint, to which reference is
Hereby made, and which is made a
part hereof, to-wit: for a decree of
this court .dissolving the marriage
contract heretofore and now existing
between the uarties hereto r for a de
cree awarding the defendant herein
the custody of the minor child of
paintiff and defendant, to-wit: Ella
Brown; that plaintiff be granted
Lot 25, Block 16. Marv V Tr -
Lot 26, Block 16, Mary V. Keene
Lot 27, Block 16, Henrv
ey, se.ab. -
Lot 28, Block 16. Henrv Wil RATI Tla-nr.
ey, o.t.
Lot 29, Block 16. Marr'Tm
On,, "
Lot 30, Block 16. Marv tqot.
$6.96. , , . '
Lot 31, 'Block 16, Mary V. Keene,
L,oi 32, jbiock 16, -Mary V Keene
Lot 33, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford,
Lot 34, Block 16. M. A
Lot 35, Block 16. M. A
?6.96. u
Lot 36, Block 16. M. A Rri0fn.j
Lot 37, Block 16, Mary V Keene
Lot 45, Block 16. R. P
.ot 4b, mock 16, R. P. and Hulda
auwuiew, JO. St).
"Jt 11. JOIOCK IB. TTroH T -i-..
i-Ot 4S. BlOCk lfi Frel T T
$6.96. . uu"'
Lot 4, Block 41. raia TT T.
ifioc ' "cau""u.
AJl o, uiock 41. "W T- A
$6.96. ' -usufcuae.
Lot 6, Block 41. W t a
Mary L. Clarke,
Lot 7. Block 41
Lot 8, Block 41.
Lot 9, Block 41. Ma rv T mn-t
$6.96. . '
Lot 10, Block
$6.96. '
Lot 11, Block 41. Helena n 3tr
$6.96. """";"aU
Lot 12, Block 41. Helena n
Lot 13, Block 41. Hnnnra HmQ
txrustee), $6.96.
Lot 14, Block 41. TTnnnra xinZ
,m . ' .iwnc,,, f b.ab.
41, Honora Howe,
Lot 15, Block
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 16, Block 41. Honnrs wwQ
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 17, Block 41. TTnnnro TlMxm
(Trustee), $6.96.
LOt 18, BlOCk 41. JTonnra
T A A n r-. -
-Lot 19, Block 41 TTf 1T1I"I TlrttTrrt
m . : a.iYr,
Viiusiee;, jb.ab.
Lot 20, Block 41. TTnnnra uv.
(Trustee). $6.96.
Lot .21, Block 41. Honora Ti
m . . " " """
ixrusiee;, $6.96.
Lot 2, Block 41. Hnnnra TTnwe
suu u- -U (J.: thence S 1 OS' v. inn
feet; thence west and parallel with
d.iu norm ooundary of said D. L. C.
77.56 feet to a noint in the met
of 34th. Street if
from Harrison Street; , thence North
iw ieet tracing said east line of 34th
Street if produced southerly
point 30 feet south of said boundary
ime, uience east 77.56 feet to the
place of beginning.
Nelson A and GenrsHa t
$21.29. . -
A certain
- v-wiiMCU IIS
Book 109 Dae 33S rvonrA
- - wi uccua m
Clackamas County, Oregon, conveyed
by Julius J. Miller and Anna Miller,
iiis wue, to Maggie Anjola, said cer
tain part Of land deso.rihe n.
Beginning at a point on the easterly
a i uotee;, jb.ab.
Honora Howe,
Honora Howe,
Notice is hereby iven that the T?o.
corder of the Town of Milwaukie, Ore
gon, has transmitted to me the fnii n-nr-
ing list of delinquent assessments
against the property hereinafter de
Scribed, situated in the Town nf Mil.
waukie. County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, to-wit:
(1) List for the extension nf irrarri-
son Street from 34th street easterly t
the northeast corner of the Lot Whit
comb D. L. C:
Minthorn Addition to the City of
Lot 26, Block 15. Fred Frederici,
Lot 27, Block J.5, Fred Frederici,
Lot 28, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96.
Lot 29, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96.
Lot 33. Block IK. Then
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 34. Block 15. Theo. and F1nren
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 35. Block 15. Theo. and FInrenfo
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 36, Block 15. Theo. and Florence
Backstrom, $6.96.
Lot 37, Block 15. Louise P Vial
Lot 38, Block 15. Louise P. Vail
Lot 39, Block 15. Louise P
Lot 40, Block 15, Louise P.
$6.96. '
Lot 41, Block 15; Louise P
Lot 42, Block 15, Louise P. Vial,
Lot 23.. Block
(Trustee). $6.96.
Lot 24, Block 41
(Trustee), $6.96.
Lot 7, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96.
Lot 8, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96.
Lot 9, Block 42. A. v. Mt), .i
T - - . ".uuina aiiu
. I. Loue-hl n (! ac
Lot 10, BlOCk 42. A. Tfl Mather
T. I. Louehlin S Q
Lot 11, Block 42. .SflTTlllPl PaoraAn
Lot 12. Block 42. Samuel T-
Lot 13, Block 42. Frert TTVerfe-iM
Lot 14, Block 42, Alice M Spencer,
Lot 15, Block, 42, Alice M. Spencer,
A certain part of the land described
in Book 153 Daere 351 re-nria nf aa
in Clackamas County Oregon, convey-
u oy unanotte Pratt to Nelson A. and
Georgia I. Cooper, his -nrife
part described as follows: Beginning
ii a point dU teet south of the north
boundary line of Lot Whitcomb D. L.
C. and 151.34 feet west of the north
east corner of said D L C. and 151.34
feet west of the northeast corner of
boundary line of the Lot Whitnnm'h n
L. C. 30 feet south of the northeast
corner ithtereof and running
westerly parallel with the north line
of said D. L. C. 151.34 feet to a point;
icuce souineny parallel with the east
boundary line of said D.'l. C; thence
north along the east bonnria
of said D. L. C. 100 feet to the place
ui uegiunmg.
Maggie Anjola, $42.12.
- The amount set oDnosito eaoh it
Or parcel of land is the amount of the
unpaid assessment against said prop-
ciLj uue ana delinquent.
In compliance -with saii n. r j
linquent assessments and pursuant to
the Charter of the Town of Milwau
kie, Oregon. I will
day of September, 1922, at the hour
ji a.uu ociock a. m. of said day, at
the front door of the tth j
the Town of Milwaukie, Oregon, offer
for. sale and sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash, subject
to redemption, the above described
real property. Each lot or parcel of
land will be sold separately and for a
sum equal to- but not exceeding the
amount of delinouent
thereon and interest and cost of ad
vertising and sale. Where more than
one bid is made the land triu ho oni
to the bidder offering to take the same
ior tne least amount of penalty and in
terest. Competition will he n nin
the penalty for the first penalty for
the first period: (2) nnnn the Tnait-
for the succeeding periods; (3) upon
Date of first publication, Aug, 10,
Date of last pulication, Sept 7, 1922.
' J. A. KECK,
Marshal of Milwaukie, , Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
State of Oregon, County of Clack:
amas. ss. "
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed ana
dated the 26th day of July, 1922, upon
a judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the 17th day of July,
1922, in favor of' Thomas Slaughter,
Plaintiff, and agafcst Henrietta Stan
ford, J. S. Stanford, Defendants, for
the sum of $1500; with lnteresttfier&
on at the rate of seven per cent per
annum from the 19th day of Novem
be, 1922, and the, farther sum of $75.09,
as attorney's fee. and the further sum'
of $20.50 costa and disbursement
and the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me ta make sale of the
following described real property, sit
uated in, the county of Clackamas.
state of Oregon, to-wit
Commencing at th Southeast corner
of section 12. T. P. 6S. H 1 B of the
Willamette meridian. In Clackamas
County Oregon thence west, 240 rods
to tne Southwest corner of George T,
Slaughter's homestead, thence northredemption, te the highest bidder, for
34 rods, thense east 160 rods, thence
north 46 rods, thence east 80 rods to
the east line of said section 12, thence
South 80 rods to the place of beginning
and containing 74 acres mere of less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree.
and in compliance with the commands
or said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
26th day of Angust 1922; at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m at the front door
of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in said CoTrntr nrt
State, sell at public auctionrsubject to
U. s. eold coin cash In hand, all the
right .title and Interest -which the
withia named defendants or eitHer of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By E. C. Hackett. deputy.
Dated, Oregon City. Oregon. July 27th
iS. 7-27-5t.
The Time to Buy
Is when others are not buying
when money is rather close
and prices are low.
When spring opens there is
always a buyers' rush, and
prices always follow demand.
If you want a city home, a
farm or any property, look them
over now and save mone.y.
Come in and see what I have.
Insurance that
Seven strong companies, fire,
accident -burglary, forgery,
causality, auto.
719 Main, Oregon Or.
Bicycles repaired.'
saws filed and set
Under New Management
Opposite Library on 7th St
John Green, Prop.
Folding Hallocks
Dependable Poultry supplies and feeds are a
large factor in successful poultry farming. Our
prices compare very favorably with pre-war times.
Larsen & Company
10th and Main
Oregon City
Insure with your Home Companies
for business risks ,
for residence and country properties
Bank of Oregon City Bldg., Phone 366-
S. F. Scripture
Automobile and Truck Springs Repaired
I am selling the
The best spring made, guaranteed ,.
Phone 276W 108 - 5th St. between Main and Water SL
Store Now
at 9 A. M.
Marshall 6080
The Most In Value
The Best In Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.
A 2112
A Big Price Reduction on
Women's Bathing
Fine, form-fitting, all-wool and worst
ed mixed suits, in all styles, sizes, and
colors at
Strictly high-grade bathing suits, of proper
style, perfect fit, at a bargain price. They
corne in all-wool and in worsted mixed, in rib
stitch and in jersey knit--in plain colors and
in neat stripe effects. Sizes 34 to 46. $3.98.
Summer Neckwear at 95c
New Styles
Add to the attractiveness of your sum
mer wardrobe with selections from this
special showing of the new Neckwear. In
cluded are dainty Vestees of fine Val or
Venise laces, pretty Camisettes of nets and
lace, Vestees of organdie, linens, ginghams
suitings also collar and cuff sets all in
this sale at . ; gcjc
Sleeveless Guimpes at $2.95
New Styles
The very latest and most popular , sleeve
less Guimpes are in this showing. Tby
come in fine ecru nets telmmed in the real
filet or Irish laces, or with imitation Venise
laces. Models, in various styles cascade
front Buster Brown collar square nck and
tuxedo effects. Surprising values at this sale
ice $2.95