The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, August 24, 1922, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Page Three
Community jfetts
News From Over
M it it iS 8
! Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh J
n? acK'jfjpjf'iCjf'jf'jfK'sf'K'sf ip
iMrs. Kidwell and daughter
Anna left ion (Thursday for a two
weeks', visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Harrison of Brownsville.
; Sam Wyrick Is erecting a tank, pre
paratory to the installation of a water
system for his home on the Heights.
Miss Ella Johnson of Idaho has pur
chased the twenty acre tract owned
by the Wiley family of Clackamas
Heights and has taken possession.
The consideration named was ?6,000.
. Al Breck is employed in the saw
mill at Toledo, Ore.
jSir. and Mrs. Alcox and children have
returned from Missouri and are living
in the home of the late William
Butts of Clackamas Heights. Mr. Al
cox has resumed his old position with
the Hawley paper mill of Oregon City.
' Mrs. Sylvia Munger was a-Portland
visitor on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry May have re
turned to their home in Parkplace,
after a month's vacation spent at Ed
dyville, Ore.
Mj. and Mrs. Glazik of Portland
spent the week-end at the home of
their brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Goodpasture.
IMrs. Sam Wyrick and father, Mr.
Stanifer, of McMinnville, spent Fri
day and Saturday with relatives in
: Mrs. Ohas. Rivers' gave a farewell
party to Mr. and Mrs. William Davis,
who left Parkplace on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilman will
move into their new home on Capitol
Hill, Portland, on September 4th.
Mr. and Mrs. H. . O. Rosebi-augh
spent Sunday at Council Crest, Port
land. .-
The Parkplace school will open
September 18th.
Mrs. Herman Krueger was the guest
on Friday of her daughter, Mrs. Klyce,
of Portland.
Mr. Alvin Butts and brother, Fred
Butts, have moved, with their families
and their mother, into a new home re
cently purchased in Willamette.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Munger and son
Garland were visitors of relatives in
Parkplace and vicinity last week.
The Misses Edith and Anma PoW
lefske of Portland were visitors at the
home of Mr and Mrs. F. V Munger
last week
Mrs. Izanna Exton is in Castle Rock.
Wash., for treatment .
(were guests .at the Stien home last
Mr. and Mrs. B. Hoffman entertained
at dinner Sunday fflir, and Mrs. Fred
Petersen and children of Boring, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas and son Vernon of
Portland, Mr., and Mrs. W. Blohm and
children of Los Angeles, Cal.. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Stanhart, Miss Thelma Simms
and Florence ' and Hay Hoffman "of
5 t5
3 , Mrs. Dan Fellows
Mrs. E. S. Holmes, accompanied by
her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Blackburn, has gone to the coast for
a week's vacation.
Mr. and Mr. C. F. Grossmiller were
Oregon City visitors one day last week.
Mrs.. Minnie Saub of Portland is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Calvin
Garinger. .
Lela Staub has returned home after
an extended visit in Portland.
Harold and Isabelle Vohs, accom
panied by friends, left for Wild Cat
Mountain last week on a Iblackberry
ing trip. ,
Eli Fellows was a Portland visitor
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Portland were
recent visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E S Holmes ,
Jt &
Mr and Mrs. Joe Schmidt and son
William visited friends at Mount An
gel Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Rambo and
children spent Sunday at the Meeker
Miss Esther Martin returned home
from Portland, where she has been
the guest of her sister, Mrs. F.-Wehr-,
. Mr. and Mrs. Yankee motored to
Tillamook recently.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C Candle are spend
ing this week in the mountains.
Rev Mr. Ware and Rev. Mr. Smith
are holding Sunday meetings at the
M. E. Church '
Mr Fonander had the misfortune to
crush his finger while working at the
Skidmore mill last week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kandle and R.
Stien spent the week-end in the moun
tains Mr. and Mrs. Brady Rambo were Ore
gon City visitors Saturday. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Ably and daughter
Lillian were Oregon City visitors Sat
urday. Lester Fellows of Portland spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
,and Mrs. A. Fellows.
Mrs. Wallace and children of Ore
gon City were recent visitors at the
home of Mrs. L. Martin. "
Mr. and Mrs. Chambers of Portland
,Jt JJ .St Jf & Jt J J Jt J t J g
j? ?
& t? j? j? j? j? jf- " & s? t? K" a? J?
Threshing for this year is a thing
of the past. Fall oats averaged only
about 25 -bushels, owing to freezing
out. and not filling welL The spring
seeding has been practically a failure.
Wheat has averaged about, 20 bushels.
F. Polehn was high man with 1300
bushels, while L. Funk was next with
1270 bushels.
' The Swedish crew that has the con
tract for getting out rock, at Fisher's
quarry will complete their job soon,
having taken out about 3000 pounds,
averaging about 85 yards per day. The
rock was distributed on market road
number 8, one mile on the Springwater
road and about 220 yards on the Funk
Mr. Nelson, whose application for
citizenship will come before the cir
cuit court Sept. 25, is one Swede that
is making two blades of grass grow
where one grew before, by clearing up
more acreage.
Alice Funk will teach the lower
grade at Dodge next year.
Miss Flint has been elected to teach
the school at district No. ,75.
The young folks are getting up a
program for September 2.
Mrs. Wally is quite an artist when
it comes to hanging paper, having
given the office a new coat, which pre
sents quite a "nifty" appearance.
Joe Crawford of (Mount Pleasant
visited bis father-in-law, N. H. Smith,
last Friday.
N. H. Smith is contemplating: hold
ing a Jersey sale some time this fall.
Mr. Metcalf has bought Mr. Buck-
hart's timber, which Je will saw into
Thf Redland ball team has disband
ed for theyear. Getting a late start
mey lost live games and won six.
which was pretty good for a pick-up
team. -
Mr. and Mrs. Churchill of Portland
were visitors at L. Funk's Sunday.
Everybody out this way is rolling
up his sleevesgetting ready to recall
what bonds are unsold out of the $1,
700,000 at the November election. Ex
penses must be cut to reduce taxes'
as well as grafters. -
ei 5 tC (
t ?
Mrs. Geo. Hartmam JX
J j
Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Doern and
daughter, and Mr.- and" Mrs. M. F.
Hardwick and son, will motor to Tilla
mook, where they will camp.
' Essie Ashlock, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ashlock, fell while playing and
seriously cut her lip, necessitating sev
eral stitches by the doctor.
Mrs. Beekel, with her four children,
has left for an extended visit to Salem,
where they will engage in hop pick
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schwab and daugh
ter Geraldine, left last Wednesdayfor
a motor trip to Long Beach, where
they will stay at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith Brown
of Carson Heights spent Sunday mo
toring with friends.
Mrs. Theodore Osmund, who expect
ed .to spend a few days at Seaside in
order to take part in the annual golf
torunament held at Gearhart, was un
avoidably detained in Portland,
Mr. John Schiller is busy putting
in a cement basement at his home,
and is making other improvements.
Mr. Theodore Osmund, Jr., enter
tained in honor of his birthday last
Thursday, with a theatre party at the
Heilig. Among the guests were his
cousins, Margaret and Georgia Hart
man. Mrs. Mary Johnson, mother of Mrs.
C. Torgerson, is seriously ill, suffering
from shock due to the death of her
son, Alfred Johnson, who died at his
home at Collins View suddenly Wed
nesday afternaan. Hs brother John is
also in poor health from the shock.
The brothers were devoted to each
other and inseparable companions.
The meeting of the "Brownies" last
week was presided over by .the
"Brownie Fairy" on account of the ab
sence' of Mrs. Horsfall who is visiting
at Bellingham, Wash. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson and
family spent the evening visiting with
friends n Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Knox have
rented their home and have moved to
Portland form the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Coates of
Nebraska have purchased the W. A.
Currie home, and are making exten
sive alterations. ,
Mx. G. D. Frane is busy- building
a garage to house his new Chevrolet.
Miss Lucille Thomas has recently re
turned from a visit of several weeks
with her aunt at Canby.
Mr. W. F. Finke and Mr. P. H.
Dunn left Monday morning for a trip
of ten days through southern Oregon.
They will camp and devote their time
to hunting and fishing.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pos and daugh
ter Josephine, spent ' the week-end
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Mc
Graw. Jean and Jane Mack are spending
a week or so visiting their grand
The Grange will hold its regular
(meeting on Saturday Aug. 26th, fol
lowing which a dance will be held.
'Mrs. George Angel and family and
Mr. Elmer Kruse left last Saturday on
a hunting trip.
JX J Jt Jit Jt J Jit Jt jt Jt l
j John Lehman
Jt Jt Jt J( tggj
Adrian Jones wa3 the recipient of
an enjoyable surprise on the evening
of August 18th.
Miss Gertrude Griffiths rhas return
ed home after a week's visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yergen of Au
MrsRov Baker of Mount Pleasant
was a Carus visitor on Tuesday. She
spent the day with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Fisher.
Mrs. Stier is now residing at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Erick
Mr. Charley Wilbanks has also join
ed the auto circle. He has purchased
a Ford runabout.
Mrs. Walter Fisher, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Stier, made a
trip to Silverton Wednesday.
Many useful gifts were showered on
Mrs. Harold Magness Wednesday aft
ernoon when a group of ladies called
Janet Gwuilliam, ' daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G. R..Gwuilliam, is a guest at
the Levi Russell residence in Port-'
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis spent
a few days with friends in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Bellingham,
Wash., was a uest at the Lewis resi
dence last week.
Miss Maude B. M. O'Leary called
on Miss Erma B. Caseday one day last
Mrsl David Jones is spending a
few days in Portland with friends.
The rirune nickiner season here in
Carus will begin about the middle of
September, also the school will resume
its work then.
Hon nicking here will start as usual.
about the first of next month.
Gertrude and Emily Griffiths called
on Miss Edna Brown Sunday afternoon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed as
Executor of the estate of Dock Wil-
helm, deceased, by the Cpunty Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon. Any
and all persons having claims against
the estate of said deceased are here
by required to present the same to me
duly verified as by law required with
proper vouchers, at the office of my
attorneys G. B. Dimick & W. L. Mul
vey, Room 3, Andresen Building, Ore
gon City, Oregon, within six months
from the expiration of this noticed
Dated August 17th, 1922.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment of Dock Wilhelm, deceased.
G. B. Dimick. & W. L. Mulvey,
Attorneys for Executor. (8-17-5t)
Notice is hereby given that the City
Engineer of Oregon City has filed with
the undersigned a written certificate
to the effect that the paving of .Eighth
Street thereof from the Westerly line
of Main Street to stone wall at top
of bluff near Water Street, has been
fully completed by W. D. Andrews
Construction Co., and the City Council
has set Wednesday the 6th day of
September, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock P. M.,
when the acceptance of said street will
lbe considered by the council. All per
sons affected by the said improvement
t$ j?8 8 v t$ t 5?
Jt , Mary Liesman ,
J '
John Bracks is making some re
pairs on the school house.
Mrs. Hoskins and two sons, Arthur
and Harold, of Tigard, and Edith and
Fred Ball of Bonita, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Robbins.
Theodore Bracks sustained three
broken ribs when his team had , a
The Stafford Sewing Circle met at
the home of Mrs. Fred Elligsen on
Thursday of last week.. ,
Mrs. John Aden and daughter Myrtle
and G. G. Peters spent last week-end
at the coast.
HOW much money do
you stand to lose if your
live stock die?
in the Hartford Live
Stock Insurance Co. will
stop live stock losses
from robbing your poc
Jcetbook and savings ac
Indemnity is provided
by this insurance to cov
er the value of the ani
mals you may lose
through death by. any
Delay may be costly.
Get this insurance now
Ask for particulars and
A, J. Bockhold Wm. M. Smith ,
Phone 377 620 Main S.
Oregon City, Oregon
Just What
You Order
It is a point of special &
pride with this store to, ::
fill each and every order
exactly as you order it.
We ; know you ml like f.
this conscientious service $
if you will try it once.
35 cents a pound
The Hub
On the Hill
r .''Kat l K 111' SV
And no immediate prospects of another position?
Nothing to tide you over? ,
What then? Thousands side-track just such pos
sibilities by starting a Savings account, drawing
4 per cent interest annually, which is general
ly conceded to be a good silent partner.
Get one of our small banks, which we loan our de
positors, to-day and start the savings habit.
Bank of Oregon City
Oldest Bank in Clackamas County
are hereby notified to file any objec
tion to such acceptance in . writing
with the undersigned on or before said
time. . C. W. KELLY,
(8-17-3t) Recorder.
1 the result of nineteen 1
I years study and practice
I Have your next pair of j
I glasses made here, at Ore- I
gon City 's only exclusive-
ly Optical office. . j,
Dr. freeze, Eye Specialist
1 207-8 Masonic Bldg., 1
i Oregon City, Ore. m
a ' Phone' 380 for appointment (
Give it your immediate attention and enjoy health. "
Do not hesitate to investigate my methods used in treating various
diseases, ifave successfully treated many chronic and acute cases, in
cluding Rheumatism, Headache, Asthma, Catarrh, Kidney, lver.
Heart, Stomach and Female Disorders.
Chiropractic Physician
Steam bath Massage, Electro-Chiropractic ' and Ozone treatments.
Office Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5.
414-15 Stock Exchange Building, Third' and Yamhill Sts.
Phone Main 2722 Portland Ore. Res. Phone, Tabor 1520
Colton Public
High School
Where will you attend High School this year? Do you know that
Colton is offering the strongest Musical course both vocal and instru
mentarTn Clackamas county? New Dormitory, new athletic field,, new
gymnasium, splendid faculty, excellent moral surroundings.
Full four-year standard courses of study.
Parents and students are invited, to investigate.
For information address or call on Clerk, School District No. 53.
Phone Colton 11-2, Colton, Oregon. " 8-10-4t.
At the Foot
n: t:ii
a ui Dinger nm
K'HI in -
Let Us Fix It
If anything goes wrong with your Car call
us up and We will fix it at once and at a
. very moderate charge.
And if it is necessary to replace any part or
bring the car to our shop, you will be pleased
with the reasonable Charge we make.
We refer you to any customer.
Capital Garage
10th and R. R.
r l
to ,
Tillamook County Beaches - Newport by-the-Sea
Crater Lake National Park - Oregon Caves National Monument
Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts
Shasta Mountain Resort - Yosemite National Park
and to
Through California
"Oregon Outdoors;" "California for the Tourist and other
. beautiful foldersi will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST.
For fares, reservations and other particulars, ask agents
Southern Pacific Lines
' Genera Passenger Agent
f We are making a lead of our No. 3 common lumber.
f s
f We are putting out an exceptionally goocl grade at p
exceptionally low prices. In as much as you can use t
this for the bulk of the lumber that goes into a house
S it will pay you to see us and let us show vou.
ta ' - - : "
4 a hflllRP nnrl On VO vnn Una VOinr Koof" camAna n-nA nm'nn
Wholesale and Hetail
5 Phone 63
16th and Main
Oregon City 4.