The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, August 24, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Sew With
Every woman
who does any
should let us
examine her
Eyes and,
if necessary
. fit her with
Com- V---'!
Mr.. Austin Nichols, spent the week-1 who are installing a modern gas filling
end at Gearheart. , They attended the jptation.
dance at Seaside Saturday night. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harv.ey Wilson had
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Baxter of Oregon i as their guest .Sunday, Mr. Chester
City, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Riley of Glad- 1 Wilson, chief turret captain of the U.
stone, left Tuesday for the mountains S. S. California, which is at Seattle
to get huckleberries. They were join- this week. "Mr. Wilson is the nephew j
ed at Estacada by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. iof Mr. Harvey Wilson. i
tTn-irl n-wr HT J TIT X TT7;i I I
r"'1 auu T .iMr.iand Mrs. E. E. Rilev are spend-
They also went prepared to hunt. . g a teQ days. vacatloa in the Roar.
,Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Greenman nS River country .
were guests of Mrs. Greenman's sis- i Mr. and Mrs. j. McGetchie and Mr.
ter, Mrs. . Emily Robertson, at West j and Mrs. R Freytag were the guests
'Moreland, last Sunday. The occasion, j of Mr. and Mrs. C. E McGetchie in
was the birthday of Mrs. Greenman I Portland, Sunday,
and Mrs. Robertson. '...-! v
! Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Nelson have re-
Judge and Mrs. J. U. Campbell and turned from a visit at the Oregoirf
daughter Mary have returned to their j beaches ".
home in Oregon City, after spending a . .
month at Wilhoit Springs. ) The marriage of Myrtle Spurgeon of
; Gladstone and Jack Young of Clacka
Mrs. W. E.. Pratt and (laughter, MiS3 ; mas was solemnized at the home of
Dolly, who have been enfoyin.- a yaca- j Rev. and 'Mrs. G. E. Williams Thurs
tion at Elmore Park, Ore., have re-1 day afternoon. . The bride is the
Sewing is a constant strain or. the Eyes. Glasses
help to relieve this strain and permit much bet
ter work with less effort. :
All our work
is done by a
graduate optician.
Testing is free
and Glasses are
redo m m e n ded
only where we be
lieve they will aid
the sight.
j jCocal Tfews Stems a
turned to their home.
I .
Judge and Mrs. Livy Stipp have, re
turned to their home in Oregon City,
after a vacation spent at Bar View,
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Miller and Mrs.
Miller's sister, Miss Ruby Long, have
returned to their homes in Oregon
City, after a delightful outing at Sea
side. Mrs. Wm. Wilkenson of Oregon City,
who was operated on for tumor at the
Oregon City hospital Saturday of- last
week, is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Mary Curtis, better known as
Grandma Curtis, of Portland, is in
Oregon City, where she will visit at
the home of her grand daughter, Mrs.
George Woodward. Mrs. Curtis is now
making her home in Portland with her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Cross.
' t Z - v
' -fT&t
- i ir-nr- -v '- - !
r" :
Mr. and Mrs. William Howell and
little daughter Betty have returned
to their home at Oregon City, after
a most delightful motoring trip to
Seattle, Tacoma and Everett, Wash.
While in Everett they visited Mrs.
Howell's uncle, Dr. Fred Hedges, and
Mrs. Stillman Oakes aW little son,
Stillman, Jr., of Portland, arrived in
Oregon City on Saturday and ar ai
the home of Mrs. Oakes mother, Mrs.
iM. Toban, -where she will remain for
several months, while her husband is
in laano wrojuug on a uumiauu
Misses Hazel Jean and Helen Wood
ward, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Woodward, have returned to their
home in Oregon City, after visiting
relatives at Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Estes and two
children of Oregon City, accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs. Blake Bowland of
Gladstone, lert .Hunaay ior a weaits
trip to Seaside. While there they will
visit several places of interest.
Mrs. Lot Liverniore and young son
Robert, who have been visiting M'rs.
Livermore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
P. Elliott, in Oregon City, have return
ed to their home at Pendleton. They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Elli
ott, who will visit in Pendleton for
Mrs. H. W. Freeze and daughter,
Miss Alice Freeze, who have been in
Oregon City visiting ' their son and
brother,. Dr. H. W. Freeze, and fam
ily, left last week for their home in
Boston, Mass. They stopped at Salt
Lake, Utah, and Chicago on their way.
Linn E. Jones, who has been spend
ing a few days at his summer home
at Newport, has returned to Oregon
City. Mrs. Jones has been spending
the summer there.
Misses Edith and Bertha Prsbel
who have been, spending two weeks
at Seaside, returned to their home at :
Oregon City on Friday of last week.
Mrs. A. D. Jackson and daughters,
Lucile and Marguerite, have returned
to their home at Oregon City, after a
month's vacation enjoyed at Rocka-
way beach.
Elmer Terrill, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Terrill of Oregon city, who
has been on a motoring trip" to Idaho
and Montana, has returned home. Mr.
Terrill visited the Yellowstone Park.
Miss Agnes Clifford of Molalla was
in Oregon City on Monday of this
ween, wniie nere sne vusiteu mis.
Thai! Nelson. Miss Clifford is to teacri
. in the Oregon City schools this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moehuke, who
have been caimped ar. Shepherd's Hot
Springs for the benefit of their health,
have returned to their home in Ore
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. OdelKpf Los
Angeles, Calif., have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall in
Oregon City. They are on a motoring
trip and are accompanied 'by Mr.
Odell'a two brothers, Oliver- and Lloyd.
They are delighted with the Oregon
climate. Mrs. Odell and Mjs. Hall are
sisters. s
Mrs. Bert Barnes, Who underwent a
serious operation at the Oregon City
hospital a few weeks ago, was able
to be taken to her home at Willamette
on Saturday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Eber Chapman have
taken possession of their new bunga
low, which has been recently built on
Ninth and Center streets.
j' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Web
I ster, and the bridegroom is the son of
! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Young of Clacka-
; mas A reception was held in honor of J
Mr. and Mrs. Young Thursday evening
! at the home of the bride's parents.
The Christian Endeavor society theld
Ian enjoyable social Thursday evening
afr the Christian church. Miss Mil-1
dred Kyler was in charge of the affair.
Rev. and Mrs. G. E: Williams were the
chaperones. -
hint irour Jiouse wit
ij t tS $8 8 1 j8 j4 d8 1 a0
& jt
J Albert Gasser J
Cleo and Mirle, of Oregon City, and
Mrs. David Catto and son Everett of
Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton
and son Robert Merle of Portland, ac
comvanied by Mr. Eaton's parents.
Mrs. D. J. Davis, formerly Miss El- (Mr. and Mrs. Eaton of Canemah, mo
len . Grace of Oregon City, and little Jtored tQ Albany Sand Th m
son George of Portland, were guests of I
Mrs. Davis' aunts, Mrs. E, W.' Scott lseveral stoPs n the
and Mrs. Gertrude Roberts, of Oregon
City, on Friday of last week.
Road work has been resumed after
the recent rain and is progressing
rapidly. The rock crusher is in opera-
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell and sons, tion and another week's work will fin
ish the laying of rock on the new
Buckner Hill road, which will then be
open for traffic.
Walter P.- Kirchem, a resident of
Logan, was transacting . business in
Oregon City on Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Dryden and
daughter Dickie have returned to their
home in Oregon City, after enjoying a
vacation at Ocefan Park, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. . Clarence Alldredge
have moved into the Mr.Loughlin
home and will be the future custod
ians of the place.
Mr. and Mrs. William Weismandel of
Oregon City, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Mala and daughter Dorris
of Portland, left on Saturday of last
week for a week's motoring trip by
way of Seaside and the Tillamook
Mrs. Walter Read and son of Cor
valis arrived in Oregon City on Tues
day, where she is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. White, of 13th
and Main streets.
Banner-Courier clasified ads bring
home the bacon.
Alice Freytag
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Moore have- as
their guests the fomner's mother, Mrs.
Charles Moore, and Mrs. Robert
Brown of Troutlake, Wash.
Mrs. Hilda Parker returned recent
ly from a visit with friends in Taco
ma. While there a party was' formed
taking a trip to Rainier Park, where
sevesal days were spent at Paradise
Mrs. J. McGetchie,
quite ill, is improving.
who has been
R. Freytag has leased the east cor
ner of his property on Arlington and
Clackamas boulevard to Hall & Son,
Mr. and Mrs. George Clarkes were
Oregon City visitors last Saturday.
Mr. Crockett and Mr. H. Kleinsmith
were Oregon City visitors last Satur
day. The Leichtweis brothers motored to
Molalla last Sunday.
, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hubbard visited
with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Gasser last Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman and grand
daughter spent last Sunday in Oregon
City with friends.
W. H. Bottemiller and son transact
ed business at Molalla last Saturday.
Mrs.'C. Marshall was a recent visitor
at the home of her mother, Mrs. J.
Do not forget the milk testing next
Saturday afternoon, August 26th. 7
Alva Gard and Clifford Cook were
Oregon City visitors last Saturday.
Messrs Berger, Ringo, Gasser and
George Hofstetter motored to Portland
last Saturday, where they transacted
The Beaver Creek co operative truck
hauled wheat for George Hofstetter,
Jr., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Scouton and
family were Sunday guests of their
son, Mr. Frank Scouton, and family.
Mrs. A. M. Brayton has returned to
her home in Oregon City, after spend
ing several weeks with her grandson,
Lyle Ke!io:-rg, and l.imily, at Newport.
Charles J. I'iood, who liu beeii
critically ill at the Oregnn City hospi
tal, is slowly improving.
Mrs. Sherman W. Moody and daugh
ter Roberta of Eugene, arrved in Ore
gon City Tuesday for a ten days' visit
with her bister, Mrs. O. Mi'dred Stafford.
Mrs. Augusta Warner and Mrs. So
phia. Moody, who have been enjoying a
vacation at Seaside, have returned to
their homes in Oregon City.
William B. Shively, an attorney of
Portland, visited his sister. Miss Lil
ian Shively, in Oregon City, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Woodward, Mr.
and Mrs. George Woodward, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Woodward, and Mrs Thomas
Jones and daughter, attended the fu
neral of Mr. Bert Woodward, which
was held in Portland off Monday after
noon of this week. The deceased was
a brother of R. E. Woodward.
Mrs. Thomas Randall and daughter
Miss. Velina, who have Deen visiting
Mrs. Randall's sister", Mrs. Margnret
Wood, at Lewiston, Idaho, returned
to Oregon City on' Thursday of last
week where they will visit with' Mr.
Randall and friends, before returning
to Los Angeles, Calif.
Mrs. Edwin Young and daughter
Miss Myrtle, of Oregon city, enjoyed a
vacation at Gearheart with their son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young,
who have a cottage there. Mrs.
Young and daughter were accompan
ied to Gearheart by Mr. Young, Walter
Young and Miss Geneva, who returned
home Sunday evening.
Miss Reta Boylan, who is making
her home with her aunt, Mrs. W. C.
Green, spent the week-end visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boylan,
at Cathlamet
"Scoop" Young and sister, Miss
Myrtle Young, Miss Gertie Wilson and
THE above picture shows that
one gallon of SWP house paint
covers 360 square feet of surface,
two coats. Ordinary paint covers
from 200 to 250 square feet. That
is the first saving. SWP, though
heavy-bodied, flows easily and
evenly, thus cutting down the time
required to apply tt. That is, the
second, saving.
SWP outlasts tweror three paint
ings with ordinary paint, saving the
cost of materials for repainting and
also saving the labor cost which is
about 75 per cent of the total expense.
In buying paint res the area a
gallon covers, not the cost per gal
lon, that determines its economy.
We carry a complete line of
SWP. If you plan to paint your
house, let us help you.
Our paint man is an expert. His ad--vice
is free. Consult him.
Paints and Varnishes
Huntley-Draper Drug Co.
I The Swedish crew that has the con
tract for getting out rock at Fisher's
'quarry will complete their job soon,
having taken out about 3000 pounds,
averaging about 85 yards per day. The
ock was distributed on market road
.number 8, one mile on the Springwater
;road and about 220 yards, on the Funk
i road. '
Nervous and Chronic Diseases
a Specialty.
Room 2 Beaver Bloctc
Oregon City.
If H
H y
! .
From 12 to 3 P. M.
Regular Chicken Dinner...60e
Special Chicken Dinner..75c
Served in courses.
If you have not yet tried
Paramount food and Para
mount service there is a
treat in store for you.
The Paramount
Opposite Court House.
. The New Location Of
I have bought the stock and .fixtures of the
H. S. Goldman Second Hand store and will carry
a full line of Men's and Boys' every-day clothing and
shoes, but must firt close out the present stock of
second-hand hardware, tools, jewelry and clothing.
This Stock Is Being Closed Out At A Sacrifice.
If you want to share in the bargains, act quick
ly, for they are going like hotcakes. I am too busy
selling to install my shoe repairing machinery.
I extend a special invitation to all old patrons
and friends.
Yours for, a better and bigger business than be
fore the fire.
sice y&ove s
Orange Marmalade
A Correctly Shredded Oregon Product
Fruit and Sugar 100 Pure -YOU
s Portland, Oregon
1004 E. 27th. St. No.
Member Associated Industries ol Oregon
Fordson Often Does More
In a Day Than Six Horses
The Fordson substitutes motors for muscles.
The Fordson substitutes tractor wheels for the
legs of man and horse.
The Fordson takes the burden off flesh and
blood and puts it on steel.
It allows the farmer's energy to be devoted to
management, and not merely to operation. It
gives him time. It cuts his producing costs.
There's a big story of savings made possSid ,
by the Fordson. Let us tell you. Writ
phone or call
Park-Shepherd Motor Co., Inc.
. WHAT IS IT? A Starting and Lighting
Battery which requires
Put it in your car and forget it no leaky jars no rotting of battery box
no freezing will not discharge if idle no overcharging when run
ning. What does this mean to a storage battery? Longer life no corro
sionno sulphating no buckled plates.
Guaranteed for Three Years
When put in your car is guaranteed to .give YOU absolute satisfaction for
a period of 3 YEARS without water, acid, or attention of any kind.
6 Volts 11 Plate
6 " 13
6 " 17 "
6 19
12 " 7
$29.00 Ford, Chevrolet and others.
33.50 Buick, Studebaker and others.
39.00 Willys-Knight.
41.00 Packard, Locomobile and others
39.00 Dodge, Maxwell and others."
Green Point Garage
4th & Main Sts.
Oregon City
Cor. 17th & Wash. Sts.
Oregon City, Oregon