THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922 Page Seven Sandy Department Blanche R. Shelley Visiting Team Here. On next Tnursday evening the Sandy Rebekah Lodge will initiate four , new members. The degree team from the Estacada Lodge will come over and iput on the floor work. All members are urged to attend. Parent-Teachers' Picnic , a Success. On account or the rainy weather the parent-teachers' picnic, scheduled for the grove last Sunday, was held in the I. O. O. F. hall. A fair sized crowd attended. ' Miss Dorothy Es son pleased the audience with a vocal solo; Miss Eunice Jonsrud gave 'a reading, and little Bennet Miller re cited. Judge Stapleton delivered a forceful, earnest talk. Fourteen dol lars was cleared, which will be add ed to the piano fund. Small Miss Entertains. Ruth" Barnett had a number of her friends in last Wednesday afternoon to help celebrate her eighth birthday. Many little remembrances were re ceived. Dainty refteshments were served to the following: Amanda Peirtet, Laura 'Hoffman, Roberta Smith, Peggy Dodson, Mildred Mar io, Ronald Esson, Jr.,' Ruth Esson, Laurance and Forrest Shaw, Heinie Dittert, 'Mfabel, Mildred and Margue rite Frace, Walter Duncan, Phyllis Christensea, Margait Bell, Margue rite, Mildred and Ruth Barnett, Mrs. Jack . Thomas and small daughter, Mildred May. Sandy Meets Defeat. After a most successful season, the Sandy nine came to grief at the hands of the . Oswego team last Sun day, the score being 8-6. Parent-Teachers' Meeting Well At tended. The Parent-Teachers'' Association met at the home of the presideat, Mrs. Anna Duke, last Wednesday evening, with about twenty-five mem bers and friends in attendance. The president appointed the following committee to take charge of the pur chasing of the piano for the grade school, namely: Mrs. J. M. G. Miller, Mrs. Florence Cofinors and Walter Krebs. - Sandy Woman Hurt. Mrs. Jack . Barnett received a se vere cut on the head last week, when a heavy iron bar which she was try ing to move, fell from overhead. The blow stunned her, but neighbors ad ministered first-aid and soon restor ed her to consciousness. Better Films for Sandy. Mr Staehli, who conducts the mov ing picture show here, announces that there will be a show every Sat urday evening and a repetition Sun day evening. Mr. Staehli has a pic ture show in Portland and will show the same films in the Sandy show house, so we are assured of high class pictures. Base Ball Dance. The Sandy baseball nine gave a dance at the I. O. O. F. hall last Saturday night, which was well at tended. Woman Breaks Arm Mrs. Bertha Koch of Cherryville, while helping in the hay field recent ly, fell from a load of hay and broke her arm. . JUUUS G. STURE Reliable Dentistry Nerve Blocking Residence and Office Phone Sandy, Oregon LOCALS. J. Scales and W. Bosholm left Tuesday morning for Shepherd Springs, where they expect to remain for some time. MrSt Shelley and son were Port land visitors last Wednesday. David W. Pence pi Little Sandy Ranger Station was in Sandy- Mon day on his way to Portland on official business " Miss Louise Goger of Vancouver, Wash.,' visited Sunday and Monday with Miss Hazel Beers and Mary Sharuke. Mr. and Mrs." Bert Edwards of Vancouver spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Develin, Ralph Ganger and family were over from Bull Run one day last week. . A. B. Shelley of The Dalles, accom panied by his mother of Hood River, stopped in Sandy last Wednesday evening on their way to Little Sandy Ranger Station, where Mrs Shelley will Ibe the guest of her daughter, Mrs. David Pence. Mr. Shelley re turned to The Dalles the next morn ing. Miss Hazel Bulger of Vancouver, Wash, was a Sandy caller last Sun day. ' Mrs. Gillet of Lents came out Tues day for a little visit at the Esson home. Melvin Ray spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks at Inde pendence. Dr. Batkins, father of Dr. Batkins of Gresham, was a Sandy visitor on Monday. Harry Morton of Zig Zag was in town Monday. Mr and Mrs. Peik and small daughter of Huber Ore., were guests at the Esson home last Friday eve ning. Saturday they motored to the Joe De Shazer home at Dover. Mrs. Peik will be remembered as ' Miss Carrie De Shazer. Frank Chowan, accompanied by Mrs. R. A. Chowan and daughter Caroline, motered to Salem Saturday, returning Sunday by way of McMinn- ville, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn, Mr. Chowan's foster parents. Mrs. Frank Chowan came home with them for a fewdays' visit. C. I Hensen moved his family down from Zig Zag Monday to their new 'home near Sandy Mrs. Tilke, who has been cooking at the Sandy hotel, left for Portland Monday. T Y T Y X Y Y Y 5 Y y I X i xx:xxxxxxXKXKXKXKX"X Y V Y I '4 SHOES , SEE OUR SPECIAL STOCK OF SHOES Children's "Shoes ...... $ .50 to $3.25 Women's Shoes ........2.50 to $6.00 Men's Shoes .... $2.95 to. $8.00 J. SCALES - - - - Sandy, Oregon jjiC 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 (8 8r HIGHLANDS Mrs. N. Scribner of Hoff was a guest at the Wirtz home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. !Yankiee have sold their place and will soon leave for the east. ' Mrs. Cole was a Monday afternoon visitor at the Swank home. The Ladies' Social Hour Club met with Mrs. David Rutherford last Thursday. s ..,..,.--,.,,...... .................. Y X X X X X Y Y ? X Y Y t Y X i Sandy Drug Store t sells X Weatherly Ice Cream Eastman Kodaks, Films and Supplies L v:xxxkkxk AVI NG IS A RARE GRACE Bwt there are a lot of "graceful" people in. this community, if we may judge by the number of depositors in our savings depart ment. Have YOU acquired' the grace of saving? Better make the start today one dollar does it. ' - . Clackamas County Bank . SANDY, OREGON. Mr. Frank Converse, son ' of Wil liam Converse, was down from Taco ma for a few days' vacation last Week. Mr. E. J. Swank was called to Fail-view Saturday on account of the illness of his mother, Mrs. Thomas Swank. Earl Meeker was an Oregon City visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barkclay and children of Los Angeles, Calif., have been guests at the M. E. Katfflle home. Mr. Henry Bitder'of Honolulu is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Handle,' who have been living at Kerry, Oregon, have moved back to their ranch. Mrs. Savan and Mrs. Park of Port land are vsiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. R. Stein. Mrs. Margaret Cherlic. of Portland spent theweek-end at the home of her parents. Mrs. Fonander calliU ont Mrs. M. 15. Kandle Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mr. O. Hoffman has been on 'the sick list. 8 8 8 8 &$8 tt8 8 8 ct?8 ' srrs ti Jj8 COLTON g8 $,58 8 8 dj8 $8 j8 5,58 6 (,58 8 8 8 Mr. Chester Delmas left this, week for San Francisco, where ' he will en gage in the cooperage business. Mrs. Delmas and children will follow later. Mr. William Scheifer was a Molal la visitor Monday, being called thJEre on business. Mr. John Shoberg left Wednesday for West Timber, where he will re main for same time. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lewis and Bert Lewis visited at thehome of Mrs. Charles Hunter Sunday. Milton Chindgren's residence was destroyed by fire on Tuesday. Neigh bors saved all their furniture, but the house was a total loss t 8 j J? J? 8 8 58g ELWOOD ' J ' Delia Vallen J tr . " jf jfi jf, jf jj. jj. jf. j j 54 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Newquist of Camas, Wash., were guests at the A. Vallen home Monday and Tuesday Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Emile tt ner, Wednesday, Aug. 9, a son. Mrs A. Eimon entertained the i a dies' Aid last Wednesday afterno.'n in honor of her guests, Mrs. Mich l sen and daughter and Miss 01e;..i Halverson of Portland. Mrs. Ed. Hodgkiss is on the svi list. . Mr. Walter Cox, who is working at Eagle Cliff, Wash., was an Elwood visitor over the week-end. ' A. N. Bogden and son Julius drove to Portland Saturday. MKCflM IMmiCTPlCC Weekly Record of Industrial Conditions Gleaned From Re liable Sources Over The State Portland to have a new $40,000 wicker furniture store. t Hood River to have new $25,000 co operative fruit storage plant. Rainier Long Bell Co. goes to eight hours; two big mills to be built. Milton Box Company expects to make two million boxes this year. Portland Two large apartment houses to be constructed here. Bridge across Columbia proposed at Biggs. Portland $170,000 blind school to be erected. Bend Modoc Lumber Co. to erect ten dry kilns. A shipment of 36,000 cans of straw berries to England has been made by the Lebanon cannery. Clatskanie State bank to have $25, 000 home. " Reedsport I. O. O. F. Lodge to erect lodge room and hall here soon. Hood" River Two contracts let for surfacing Mt. Hood loop: Eugene University of Oregon build ings destroyed by fire recently to ibe replaced at once, new structures to cost between $60,000 and $70,000. Gresham New school buildng to be erected. HUlsboro 'Thirty thousand dojlar Masonic temple to be erected here. I Corbett Thirty thousand dollar j union high school building to be erect ed. j Wendling Work to 'start on new mill to replace one destroyed by fire. Maupon to have new hotel to re place the on destroyed by fire last year. Marshfield Odd Fellows to have new home here. New (hotel completed at Madras. Astoria New hotel to be erected in short time. Donald Aurora road being paved. Vernonia no whas a railroad. Pendleton Columbia basin well shows signs of oil. j Medford Four hundred thousand dollars to be snent on Eagle Point ir rigation project. EAT Mt. Hood Ice Cream , Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. Daily Served to Oregon . City. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. ASK FOR PORT-O True Fruit Products Strawberry . Loganberry Cherry Orange Tokay Golden Mint PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS CO. Portland, Oregon CANDY CORN Pure Delicious YVTioIesome A STRICTLY OREGO N PRODUCT MADE BY t Portland, Oregon Beaver Engraving Company " ' Phone Main 2003 PHOTO ENGRAVING PRINTING PLATES 148 Fifth St PORTLAND, ORE. IE A. BOOSTER Smoke La Gran Marca Cigars OREGON MADE HIGH GRADE UNION MADE if op r; W llZha GreatNorthwesl Exact Size Also . 10c sizes and' 5c Marca Smokers ason, Ehrman & Co. Distributors of The Nation's Finest Cigars. Porter's Macaroni Made under the most sanitary conditions in a Sunshine Factory. Hf the, Rich Red Label Porter-Scarpelli Macaroni Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. TRY Bradley's Pies East 5100 645 Grand Avenue Portland, Oregon. The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile". All new equipment . HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service 4 p. c. paid on Savings 512 Main St, "Oregon City HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home 8th at Main, Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of 'Commerce Building. . . Oregon City Seventh and Main r9 - EDITORIAL . Employment. Don't you know that, after all, it is the little things that put the Smile in Life and smoothes over and erases the rough spots that trip us up? Every day brings forth an opportunity to scatter some of these Smiles along the Highway of Life. To add Joy and Happiness to somebody's home .and some body's existence. - The homes of this city are homes of comfort. The exceptions are solely the result of lacking the propr er financial incomenecessary for the needs of living. It is up to all of us to bring about commercial and industrial conditions that will make more and bet ter employment possible for those who need it. And this can be done by keeping our community finances within ourselves FOR OURSELVES. Patronize . Home Industry, Home Merchants and Home Products. From buying an Automobile to purchasing a pair of shoes let your commercial actions be limited by the boundaries of Oregon City. Hire Oregon City Labor, purchase Oregon City Materials and let your finished improvement repre sent a 100 PER' CENT PERFECT OREGON CITY LOYALTY. ' . ' Every one of these actions, friends, means em ployment, vocation, prosperity, joy and happiness and we might add Profit. Profit for every one concerned YES, EVEN PROFIT FOR YOURSELF. Profit in the fact that you have benefited yourself by keeping your money in Ore gon City. Profit by helping to create conditions of prosperity permitting an increased- property value to prevail and greater income from our in vestment. Profit in the personal satisfaction and feeling that you have, doneyour civic duty, towards your city and earned the title of a LOYAL ORE GON CITY CITIZEN. c Every one of the Business Firms listed on this page give employment to Oregon City people. And they are only part of the business and industrial district of Oregon City composed of Business Men who SUPPLY VOCATIO NFOR HUNDREDS OF OREGON CITY HOMES. Their desire is to not only maintain this condition but to increase the op portunity for labor in this community. The pos sibilities and amount of improvement will only be limited by your Loyalty, your Co-operation and your Patronage. Therefore let these be" liberally and freely given. Jones Drug Co. "In business for yoi health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch & Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Printing is the insepar able companion of ach ievement. Your announcements express your ideas. With good Printing you are sure of good results. The Banner-Courier Overland Maxwell $695 $1060 Willys-Knighfr .$1595 F. O. B. Oregon City ' The . three leaders in Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone 680-J DURANT CARS Beautiful but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11 a-