'rilE BANNER-CUUKIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1922 Page Three News From Over CLACKAMAS COUNTY Tv & & PARKPLACE Mrs. Clara Rosebraugh J Jf f P ? P JP jC Jf ? JP If J K1 ? J?5 Mrs. Ida Butts -was a Portland vis itor on Tuesday. Mrs. Vogle and children are visit ing relatives In Canada. Henry Fnaser of Camas, Wash. spent the -week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Fraser. Mrs. W. A. Holmes left for Lewis ton, Idaho, on Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Blaine Hansell. She was accompanied by her two grand J children who have been guests at her home during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lucas over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Exton visited Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Munger last week and attended the reunion of the 162d Company held at Clackamas. Mrs. Marie Grimes of Iowa, who has been visiting her .'cousin, Mrs. , Robert Kruger, returned to her home -the last of the week. Mrs. Lula Beringer of Mehama, Oregon, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Effre Smith of Park Place, and her brother H. W. Morris of Oregon City. Mr. J. B. Campbell has returned to Wichita, Kan., after a visit with Charles Tdbin. Mrs. Campbell, who accompanied him, will remain with her sister, Mrs. Tobin, for another month. Mrs. Herman Kruger and Mrs. Syl via Munger were recent Portland visitors., Mrs. H O. Rosebraugh and daugh ters Helen and Marguarite spent Thursday with Mrs. George Thomas of Oswego. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doremus of Mc Minnville were Sunday guests at the home of a sister, Mrs. Wyrick. Elmer Simpson of West Linn is a guest of his aunt Mrs. Wyrick. A. W. Purcell and family accom panied by Laura Purcell of Athena, Oregon, have returned from a very enjoyable auto trip to Victoria, B. C, going by (way of Tacoma, Seattle and Anaoortes, and returning by the way of Port Angeles and the Olympic Highway. Mr. Purcell and family are now on the reutrn trip to their home in Fresno, California, after a visit with his father, Dan! Purcell. of Clack amas Heights. Mrs. O. W. Becker of Cascade Locks, sister of A. Glazier, was a Sun day guest ot the Glazier home. Mrs. D. R. Muender is spending the week at Seaside. i! CARUS jt John Lehman Ot Ot , ot j? jf jf j? je j? jf jp K" J? if J? Miss Emily : Griffiths j returned home after a week's visit Twin Rocks. Miss Griffiths reports a very enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Yergen and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yer gen and children brought Miss Grif fiths home. ' Mr. Fred Spangler and daughters, Helen and "Virginia, were Beaver Creek visitors on! Monday. Miss Gertrude Griffiths is a visitor at the Glenn Yergen home at Aurora. Mrs. J. R. Lewis was a guest at the Owen Parry home at Beaver Creek on Monday. Johm Bliss is visiting relatives in Molalla. Mr. and Mrs. John Kline enjoyed an outing at Tillamook beacbhes Wedlnesday and Thursday of last week. Miss Ruth Hansen, former teacher of the Carus school, was a guest at the .Guilliam residence Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Herman Fisher, daughters Ruth and Lena, and son Ray were visitors at the Sohmeiser residence Sunday. The Davis brothers have purchas ed a new Ford truck. Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Rainey and Mr. and Mrs. Chetial and two childreni, all of Portland, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spangler. Will Dential and sister, Mrs. Rad cliff, and Mr. Gooding were Carus visitors Tuesday. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, brother of Mrs. George Injgram, is visiting at tho Ingram home. -jC v. w& t3& CARSON HEIGHTS & CAPITOL HILL J Mrs. Geo. Martmaa Ot ot o. jP jPPPjPPjPjPPiPPjPiPjP jP51 Mr. and Mrs. M. L. McGraw of Alto Park, are spending several weeks at their summer home on the Washou-gal. The property owners of Collins View are interested in the fact that Robertson & Ewing, in the interests of the Kilpatrick estate, are opening Fourth street from the Palatine road to the Ahavai Sholom cemetery. Mr. C. Schlegelmilsch is In charge of the work, and expects to Jiave the road graded and rocked within the next few weeks. There is a possibility tht after this is completed Fifth .v'liue will be cut through from the Palastine road to the BooHes Ferry road. Mr. and Mrs. Kirker and family ex pect to leave soon upon a motor trip through Oregon. , One of our oldest families. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brass oU Kilpatrick Tract, have sold their home and are leaving for California. ' Mrs. R. Bruce Horsfall is visiting with friends at the coast for two or three weeks. Mj and Mrs Aslock moved to Portland last week. (Mrs. C. Yochint is adding new rooms to her home. Mr. Richard Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, is making-an extended visit to Alaska, expecting to return in time to resume his col lege studies in September. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Polier, who have spent the last year in California, are returning to their home at Collins View this week. Mr and Mrs. George S Brown spent last Sunday afternoon motoring with friends Mrs J L Wandler is enjoying a visit from her mother of Pleasant Valley, Wash. Her brother anr his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Kapischla of Vancouver, Wash., also expect to visit her and take their mother home. Mrs. George S. itenit has been very ill with throat trouble, but is greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Bell, who have been visiting in California, expect to return to their home in Kilpatrick Tract next week. Their son, who was recently married, is moving to Capi tol Hill. Mrs. McMim and her son and Louise O'Dell. who motored to Can non Beach, have returned home. Mr. George Hartman, who had an an operation performed on his throat at the St. v Vincents hospital last Monday, is recovering nicely. jgOt ototototototototototototo ot BOLTON Ot inildred McKillican Ot & 7T IP JP JP 1? IP JP SP iP SP P SC J? Jf J? Mrs. Dan Hogan of West Linn and Miss Eleanor Hedgecock of Sellwood visited at the home of Mrs. S. E. Hogan last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rugg and daughter Helen of Oregon City were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKillican Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. D. McLarty of Bolton was a recent visitor at tne nome ot ner miece, Mrs. M. Wishart, of Sellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Davenport of West Linn were visitors at xthe home of Mr. . and Mrs. Gordon McKillican Tuesday evening. Miss Alta Worden of Willamette visited Ruby Hogan of Bolton Thursday. Mrs. Harold Layton of Willamette visited hei5 mother, Mrs. W. C. Mc Donald, of Bolton, Thursday. Juanita Clapp of Portland visited her mother Mrs. Clapp, Thursday. Lorn Clapp, who has just returned to his home in Bolton, after a vaca tion spent in the east, is very ill and not. expected to live. Mrs. H. D. McLarty and Mrs. S. E. Hogan visited ifriends in Qalnemah Thnrsday. . Mrs. Gordon McKillican was a vis itor at the home of Mrs. Thomas in Oregon City, Thursday. Mrs. Laurence Draper of Willam ette visited tier mother, Mrs. W. C. McDonald, Sutaday. Ruby Hogan visited Alta Worden of Willamette Sunday. Mrs. Dyke and eon Timothy of Sil ver Springs visited with Mrs. Dyke's daughter, Mrs. Jack Draper, Friday. Mr3. C. H. Reinke and son Charles of Willamette were recent Bolton visitors. Mrs. E. L. Jones visited relatives in Sellwood Thursday. . Mrs. Bess Ganguier was a Portland visitor on Friday. (Mr. and Mrs. W. Jones and son Earl are spending a few weeks vaca tion at the mountains. . Floyd Hogan of Gladstone is visit ing his parents. Mrs. Bainey of Canby visited her daughter, Mrs. N. Michels, of Bolton Sunday. v Wilbur Smith of Willamette was a visitor at the iome of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDonald Thursday. Mrs. N. McKillican and daughters returned from Newport Monday evening. TOWN MARSHAL'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS Notice is hereby given that the Re corder of the Town of Milwaukie, Ore gon, has transmitted to me the follow ing list of delinquent assessments against the property hereinafter de Scribed, situated in the Town of Mil waukie, County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, to-wit: (1) List for the extension of Harri son Street from 34th street easterly to the northeast corner of the Lot Whit comb D. L. C: Minthorn Addition to the City of Portland: ' Lot 26, Block 15. Fred Frederici, $6.96. Lot 27, Block 15, Fred Frederici, $6.96. Lot 28, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96. Lot 29, Block 15, Dilla R. Dale, $6.96. Lot 33, Block 15, Theo. andFlorence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 34, Block 15, Theo. and Florence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 35, Block 15, Theo. and Florence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 36, Block 15, Theo. and Flosence Backstrom, $6.96. Lot 37, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96. Lot 38, Block 15, Louise P. Vail, $6.96. v Lot 39, Block 15, Louise P Vial, $6.96. Lot 40, Block 15, Louise F. Vial, $6.96. Lot 41, Block 15, Louise P. Vial, $6.96. Lot 42 Block 15, Louise P. .Vial, $6.96. Lot 43, Block 15, Annie S. Miller, $6.96. Lot 44, Block 15 $6.96. Lot 45, Block 15, T. J. Cronise $6.96. Lot $6.96. Lot $6.96. Lot 26, Block 16, Mary V. Keene, Lot 27, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew ey, S6.96. Lot 28, Block 16, Henry Wilson Dew ey, $6.96. Lot 29, Block 16, Mary Leaman, $6.96. Lot 30, Block 16, Mary Leaman,' $6.96. Lot 31, Block 16, Mary V. Keene, $6.96. Lot 32, Block 16, Mary V Keene, $6.96. Lot 33, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96. Lot 34, Block 16, M. A. Bridgefield, $6.96. Lot, 35, Block 16, M. A. Bridgefield, $6.96. Lot ZS, Block 16, M. A. Bridgeford, $6.96.' Lot 37, Block 16, Mary V Keene, Lot 45, Block 16, R. P. and Hulda Killebrcw, 6.96. Lot 46, Block 16, R, P. and Hulda Killebrcw, S6.96. Lot 47, Block 16, -Fred J. Dunn, $6.96. Lot 48, Block 16, Fred J Dunn, $6.96. Lot 4, Block 41, Ella K. Dearborn, $6.96. Lot 5, Block. 41, W. T. Augustine, Annie S. Miller, 46, Block 15, T. J. Cronise, 25, Block 16, Mary V. Keene, TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD made by MOLALLA BAKERY Molalla, Oregon i: -' Ik ""fQr-T J ; a Cook With Electricity LtSlilCountless thousands of American housewives would .j.-J never have enjoyed real efficiency, economy, conven ience and cleanliness in their kitchen, had they not obeyed the National Slogan, Cook by Witt Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. $6.96. . Lot 6, Block 41,' W. T Augustine, $6.96. ( Lot 7 Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. Lot 8, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. ' - Lot 9, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. . , Lot 10, Block 41, Mary L. Clarke, $6.96. - Lot 11, Block 41, Helena C. Stewart, $6.96. Lot 12, Block 41, Helena C. Stewart, $6.96. Lot 13, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 14, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 15, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. . Lot 16, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 17, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. " Lot 18, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 19, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 20, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 21, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 22., Block 41, Honora Howe, said D. L. C; thence S. 1 08' E. 100 feet; thence west and parallel with said north boundary of said D. L. C. 77.56 feet to a point in the east line of 34th. Street if produced southerly from ' Harrison Street; thence North 100 feet tracing said east line of 34th Street if produced southerly to a point 30 feet south of said boundary line; thence east 77.56 feet to the place of beginning. Nelson A and Georgia I. Cooper, $21.29. A certain part of land described in Book 109 page 335 records of deeds in Clackamas County, Oregon,- conveyed by Julius J. Miller and Anna Miller, his wife, to Maggie Anjola, said cer tain part of land described as follows : Beginning at a point on the easterly (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 23 Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 24, Block 41, Honora Howe, (Trustee), $6.96. Lot 7, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96. Lot 8, Block 42, A. J. Smith, $6.96. Lot 9, Block 42, A. E. Mathews and T. I. Loughlin, '$6.96. Lot 10, Block 42, A. B Mathews and T. I. Longhlin, $6.96. Lot 11, Block, 42, Samuel Pearson, ?6.96. Lot 12, Block 42, Samuel Pearson, $6.96. Lot 13, Block 42, Fred Frederici, $6.96. Lot 14, Block 42, Alice M Spencer, $6.96. Lot 15, Block, 42, Alice M. Spencer, $66.96. A certain part of the land described in Book 153 page 351 records of deeds in Clackamas County Oregon, convey ed by Charl'otte Pratt to Nelson A. and Georgia I. Cooper, his wife said certain part described as follows: Beginning at a point 30 feet south of the north boundary line of Lot Whitcomb D. L. C. and 151.34 feet west of the north east corner of said D L. C. and 151.34 feet west of the northeast corner of Successful Graduates ARE THE BEST RECOMMENDATIONS OF o. a. e. This institution offers a thorough, practical, and standard education at a' cost within reach of the high school graduate It offers training for collegiate degrees in: Agriculture Mines Commerce - Pharmacy Engineering and Mechanic Art Vocational Eluca"oa Forestry Chemical Engineering Home Eo:momic3 Military Science and TactiC3 It offers training also in: The School of Music, Physical Education, Industrial Journalism. Fall Term Opens September 18 For circulars of information and illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon A Hundred American Young Men Start Out in Life AT 651 is rich 3 are well off 6 are " self -supporting 36 have died 54 are dependent on charity. v WHEN young, all earned enough to save something regularly. THE independents did; the dependents didn't. . i W HICH class are you in? - A BANK account will helpyou keep in the Independent Class. Bank of Oregon city OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY boundary line of the Lot Whitcomb D. Li. V. Si) teet south of the northeast corner thereof and crunnine thence westerly parallel with the north line of said D. L. C. 151.34 feet to a point; thence southerly parallel with the east boundary line of said D. L. C. ; thence north along the east boundary line of said D. L. C. 100 feet to the place of beginning. Maggie Anjola, $42.12. The amount set opposite each lot or parcel of land is the amount of the unpaid assessment against said prop erty due and delinquent. In compliance with said list of de linquent assessmemts and pursuant to the Charter of the Town of Milwau kie, Oregon. I will on Mondav the 11th day of September, 1922, at the hour or a: 00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the front door of the Town Hall, in the Town of Milwaukie, Oregon, offer IT'S TRAVEL TIME ROUND TRIP FARES AFFORD GREAT SAVINGS IN TRAVEL COSTS THIS YEAR ' to Tillamook County Beaches - Newport hy-the-Sa Crafer Lake National Park - Oregon Caves National Monument Oregon's Forest, Lake, River and Mountain Resorts Shasta Mountain Resort ' - Yosemite National. Park SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO and to BACK EAST CITIES , Through California "THE WAY TO SEE MORE OF THE U. S. A." "Oregon Outdoors;" "California for the Tourist? and other beautiful-foldera will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST. For fares, reservations" and other particulars, ask agents Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. 1 (lInesj J for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the above described real property. ' Each lot or parcel of iana win De sold separately and for a sum equal to but not exceeding the amount of delinquent assessment thereon and intest and cost of ad-' vertising and sale. Where more than one bid is made the land will be sold to the bidder offering to take the same for the least amount of penalty and in terest. Competition will be (1) upon the penalty for the first penalty for the first period; (2) upon the penalty for the succeeding periods; (3) upon the rate of interest. Date of first publication, Aug, 10', 1922. Date of last pulication, Sept. 7, 1922. J. A. KECK, Marshal of Milwaukie, Oregon. 8-10-5t. At the Foot of Singer Hill Let Us Fix It If anything goes wrong with your Car call usup and We will fix it at once and at a very moderate charge. And if it is necessary to replace any part or bring the car to our shop, you will be pleased with the reasonable charge we make. We refer you to any customer. Capital Garage LES. CRAWFORD, Prop. 10th and R. R. I I I L n UMBER We are making a lead of our No. 3 common lumber. A We are putting out an exceptionally good grade at j exceptionally low prices. In as much, as you can use this for the btilk of the lumber that goes into a house jj it will pay you to see us and let us show you. s We can furnish all the lumber you need to build f a house and give you the very besfservice and price, j WILLAMETTE RIVER LUMBER CO . Phone 63 Wholesale and Retail 16th and Main Orptrnn flifv d 0 y. YOUR AILMENT Give it your immediate attention and enjoy health. Do not hesitate to investigate my methods used in treating various diseases. Have successfully treated many chronic and acute cases, in cluding Rheumatism, Headache, Asthma, Catarrh, Kidney, Iver, Heart, Stomach and Female Disorders. FREE CONSULTATION DR. O. R. KEHRES Chiropractic Physician Steam bath Massage, Electro-Chiropractic and Ozone treatments. Office Hours: 9 to 1, 2 to 5. 414-15 Stock Exchange Building, Third' and Yamhill Sts. Phone Main 2722 Portland Ore. Res. Phone, Tabor 1520 4 , H" - - - - OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO-DAY We are not seeking a great bulk of business from all over the country, but rather prefer the patronage and confidence of the good people residing in our own vicinity, who desire to do business with an institution ever ready and glad to render them every, reasonable accommoda tion and service. We would be glad to have you open an account any time, but why not today? SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Four (4) paid on time deposits, CARVER STATE BANK Carver, Oregon GRANT B. DIMICK, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice-Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Caehler