, Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 17,1922 Do You Know The balance wheel of a watch must travel 3559 miles a year "on time." Reliable mechanism is guaranteed in every watch purchased here. We maintain an up to date repair de partment. All work guaranteed. OREGON CITY 6 cjCocal Tfews Stems & G. W. Woods, for three years cus todian of theo McLoughlin Park, left on Monday evening with his family for California. . Mary. Green and Mrs. Laura Sil verstein, formierly residents of Ore gon City, were local visitors on Sunday. Virginia Foilyce, the eleven year old granddaughter of Mrs. Thail Nel son, who has been visiting her grandmother in Oregon City, has re turned to her aunt's, Mrs. Ella Linn; in Portland. Miss Virginia and her grandmother visited relatives at Mo lalla last week. Marion Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, of Portland, who has been visiting her grand par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, of 13th and Main streets, Oregon City, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Chapman and son Gordon, accompanied by Mrs. Chapman's brother, W- C. Green, Mrs. W. C. Green and granddaughter, Del la Jane Green, have gone to Seaside for a week's outing. . A little daughter arrived at the hometof Mr. and Mrs. Frank O, Mc Keehan of 113 Center street Tuesday, August 8. The young lady weighed nine pounds and has been giveli the name of Blossom. Mrs. Matilda Charman is enjoying' a vacation at Government Camp, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Caufleld. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Skinner, who have been residing in Oregon City for some time, have taken possession of their new home at Willamette. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Downey and children of Willamette have returned to their home after a two week's out ing at Wilhoit. Mr. and Mrs. John Huerth, who haye been on a motoring trip up in Canada and the Sound cities, have returned to their home in Oregon City. Mrs. Minnie Ingram and daughter, Miss Marion, who have been visiting relatives at Molalla, have returned to Oregon City. While at Molalla they were guests of Mrs. Ingram's daugh ter, Mrs. John Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Montgomery and. daughter Thelma have moved to WestLinn from Willamette. Mr. and Mrs. William Lightoweler and children, Billie, George and Bet tie, have been enjoying a twelve days' vacation at Rockaway beach. They returned to their home at Oregon City on Friday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geeaves and children, Harold and Lydia, of Will amett are enjoying an outing camp ing at Taulatin beach. Mayor and Mrs. James Shannon had as their guests on Tuesday of last week, Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Cook and son Claude and daughter Geral .dine of Haleey, Oregon., Mr. and Mrs. William Millikin, whose home is in Seattle, Wash., vis ited Mr. Millikin's sister, Mrs. Fred C. Gadke, on Wednesday might of last week. Mrs. Andy Fromong and daughters Florence and Helene of Willamett, visited Mrs. George Fromong at Glad stone on Wednesday of last week. P. J. Winkle, a resident of West Linn, underwent a critical operation at St. Vincent's hospital on Wednes day morning of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartke accom panied !by Mrs. Hartke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bullard, of South Oregon Ciity, left Sunday for New port for an outing. They went by automobile. Mrs. Minda Church, who has been enjoying a vacation at Mt. Hood, where she was the guest of Mrs.. J. W. Meldrum, has returned to her home in Oregon' City. Mr and Mrs. Dean Butler and son Orville spent the week-end motoring to several beaches, going by way of Seaside and returning along the Tilla mook beaches. Burr Tatro, a former resident of Oregon City, butnow of The Dalles, visited at thehome of G. M. Caldwell on Thursday of last week. John F. Clark, W..T. Schwock and Dick Bittner motored to Willamina on Wednesday of last week to enjoy a day of fishing. Wlttl fitly starts flly tin One of the most important requirements of a good motor oQ is that" it possess BtabLtity that is, that it maintain hs, chemical, composition and its lubricating body tinder all conditions of engine operation. If an oil changes hs chemical composition "breaks down" -athighoperatingtemperatures, it can no longer maintain a lubricating film be tween the bearing surfaces, and its -value as a lubricant is destroyed. C fain crude oils possess a higher degree of stability than others. Because of its large pro duction of practically every type of crude, this cc:i:pany is free to choose for the making of 2rolene only those crudes which are partic ularly adapted for the purpose. The Patented Vacuum Process In the process of distilling and refining these selected crudes, it is of the greatest import ance not to destroy their natural "oiliness" and stability. For this reason we employ our own patented high-vacuum process exclusively. By this process the oil produced Zerolene re tains all the natural "diliness" and stability of theoriginal,selectedcrudefromwhichitismade. No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner in the United States uses as high a vacuum as this company. Zerolene of the correct grade for your car gives perfect rubrication and permits the develop ment of maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage. - more powerfispeed less fndon aid wear iSmtkredLahrimtion STANDARD Oil. COMPANY ICallJbrnla) Mrs. George Batdorf and daughter Marian, residents of Willamette, spent Thursday of last week visiting relatives In Portland. ' Mrs. A. B. Buckles of Oregon City visited ier daughter, Mrs. Wtesley Miliken, at her home in Willamette on Friday of last weejc Mrs. Minnie Donovan of Oregon City attended the Multnomah county fair, which was held at Gresham last week. Miss Anita McCarver has returned to her home to- Oregon City, after en joying a three weeks' vacation fit Seaside, Oregon. Congressman Fordney. Will Retire George W Jackson, a resident of Oregon City, now employed at Van couver, Wash., visited his mother here on Sunday. Rev. J. R. Landsborough of Ana cortes, Wash., formerly pastor of the First Presbyterian church here, was visiting friends in Oregon City on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Steinniitz, who has been ill at her home on Seventh and Center streets, is- very much improved. Rev. H. G. Edgar and daughters Mary and Helen, who have been on a motoring trip in Washington, have returned to their home in Oregon City. Rev. Edgar and son John left Monday for a trip to Crater Lake. Mrs. Welk, a resident of Oregon City, visited Mrs. IHarry Nevill at Redland on' Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Don James of Oregon City has gone to California for a vacation. She is making the trip, by automobile with friends. Mrs. H. S. Anderson of Logan, formerly of Oregon City, has receiv ed word of the death of a sister in New Kork, Mrs. Anderson, visited her in New York last year. NO MATTER how highly you may appra i s e your livestock dead they are worthless. MORTALITY LIVESTOCK INSURANCE in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Co. will secure you against loss of money and invest ment ...should ...calamity fall upon you. It promises you just and. fair :..payment ...for ..the value of live stock you may lose through death by any eause. A feeling of security is only obtained by insur ing your stock. t Ask for particulars and rates. D REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main S Oregon City, Oregon ! p Li. 'J For more hours to spend with his little granddaughter and the rest of his family, Congressman Joseph W. Fordney of Michigan, 24 consecutive years In congress, has announced that he will retire. Although Fordney is only sixty nine years old he declares that he longs for a rest. The photograph shows him with his granddaughter Petriva Jackson. JOt 'J naM inn""" IF THE SUNBEAMS could reach down Ls2 into the dark corners of vour cellar, the feyil closet under your sink, the corners of 5 " ' your pantry shelves, the- dripping pan of your ice box, or into the fixtures of your bathroom, there would be no bad odors and your home would be free from disease germs. . No. 6 Disinfectant will care for those hiding places of disease which the sun cannot reach. It is safe, powerful and inexpensive. A 50c bottle will make 16 pails 6f disinfectant solution. It is an insect killer for use on dogs, poultry and cattle. It is a fly-repeller. In fact, there are so many uses for No. 6 Disinfectant that it ought to be in every home. It comes in 25c and 50c bottles 1 gal. ad 5 gal. tins in 30 and 50 gal. drums. For Sale only by lluntley-Draper Drug Co. The g4gg2 Slare HOME MADE IS NOT BITTER f T Y ? y T '4 ?: x. y y 5 y x y ytlice jCove's Orange Marmalade A Correctly,. Shredded Oregon Product Fruit and Sugar 100 Pure YOU WILL SAY IT IS DELICIOUS ALICE LOVE 1004 E. 27th. St. No. Portland, Oregon Member Associated Industries of Oregon t t tQj .. .. .. .. .. .. BANNER-COURIER WANT ADS BRING RESULTS New Studebaker Prices Now in Effect Total Approximate Reduction F. O. B. Factory Oregon City Light Six Chassis . $ 90.00 . $1000.00 Roadster, 2 pass 70.00 1190.00 Touring 70.00 1190.00 Coupe : 150.00 1445.00 Sedan 200.00 1775.00 Special Six Chassis 1. ...... $200.00 $1250.00 Touring 200.00 1525.00 Club Roadster ....... 200.00 1525.00 Roadster, 2 pass. . 175.00 1500.00 Coupe ...... 275.00 2200.00 Sedan - 300.00 2375.00 Big Six Chassis $200.00 $1590.00 Touring . ..... 135.00 ' 1940.00 Speedster 200.00 2075.00 Coupe 225.00 2650.00 Sedan 225.00 2850.00 STUDEBAKEFV CARS ARE AMERICA'S CHOICE They lead in quality, price and durability v iRISLEY MOTOR CO. Main at Fourth Street, Oregon City. " Phone 299J West Linn Oregon City Ferry Now Running Brady Mercantile Co, 1110-1112 Main St., Oregon City, Oregon. Canning Season Now On We can supply your needs in Fruit and Vegetables. Jars of All -flakes Buyers and sellers Hay, Grain, Feed and Country Produce. Phone 449 Be Consistent CO-OPERATION Buy At Home E33 m ' The Hunting Season Is Here The man who loves the woods and mountains, who's greatest joy is the pursuit of he deer and the wild fowl, has' left his vacation till the hunting sea son. Before you go on that trip, look over our stock of guns, ammunition and hunters' supplies. Be sure you are completely equipped with hunting clothing, game calls, gun oils, decoys, ammunition. Be fully prepared to en joy your vacation to the utmost. Oregon City Auto Co. 6th and Main St. Oregon City The Business Enterprises listed below, believe in reciprocity and wish to be classed as Friends of Labor, they are co-operating with us to advance along constructive lines and for a better understand ing. Buy at Home Tradejwith them, increase the value of the community. DR. FREEZE, Eye Specialist THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK HOGG BROTHERS, Furniture, Hardware STOKES MOTOR CAR COMPANY C. G. MILLER CO., Day and Night Garage A. C. HOWLAND, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Bonds BANK OF COMMERCE QUALITY CAFE N BANK OF OREGON CITY , BANNON AND CO., Dry Goods, Clothing HOLT GROCERY, 7th and Center St. BURMEISTER AND ANDRESEN, Jewelers HUNTLEY-DRAPER DRUG CO. McANULTY AND BARRY, Cigars, Restaurant OREGON CITY SAND AND GRAVEL CO. C. W. FRIEDRICH AND SON, Hardware OREGON CITY CASH MARKET NEAL, Mc AND ROSE, Jewelers STRAIGHT AND SALISBURY Plumbers JONES DRUG CO. PRJCE BROTHERS DEPARTMENT STORE THE BANNER-COURIER R. A. JUNKEN, Contractor, Builder FRANK BUSCH AND SONS, Hardware, Furniture JUSTIN AND MONTGOMERY, Men's Wear THE FALLS, Restaurant, Bakery LIBERTY THEATER STAR FARR, BROTHERS, Grocers, Butchers PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT LELAND AND LITTLE, Billiards F. C. GADKE, Plumbing, Heating W. B. EDDY, Drygoods and Shoes OREGON CITY CREAMERY CO. A. L. BEATIE, Firestone Tires LARSEN AND CO., Groceries WARREN AND BLODGETT, Vulcanizing . Retreading "B-mTZ-T TltT UTAmA'n S1 m "11. 1 f1 W. KidLd I lviuivis. u., oraaeDaKer c-ars t- OREGON CITY SHOE STORE HARRY GRAVES, Insurance ' 207-8 Masonic Building ' PARK-SHEPHERD MOTOR CO. is