T Page Nlni THE BANNER COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF CLACKA MAS vCOUNTY, OREGON. Showing the amount of cjaims al lowed, on what account, the amount of warrants drawn ,and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid on the 1st day of July, 1922. General Fund: Insurance Traffic Officer - Registration and Election. Sheriff's Office Clerk's office Recorder's Office ... Treasurer's Office Surveyor's, Office ' Assessor's Office Court House . Circuit Court County Court . Justice Court : - Coroner Insane : . School Superintendent Health Officer Cattle Indemnity .! Indigent Soldier : Widow's Pension Care of Poor . . .'. Jail Juvenile Court Scalp Bounty ..... Tax Rebate . . Printing and Advertising State and County Fairs. Sealer of Wts. & Measures Tax Department Prohibition Experting Books .. Emergency Fund Fire Patrol : ..... Damages Agricultural Agent 386.40 1307.55 4764.15 2903.06 4116.58 3378.15 2134.40 2789.53 4971.43 1573.12 3975.60 1745.26 1801.95 616.70 126.50 3114.57 249.05 185.87 330.00 3915.00 7334.39 1270.01 584.09 463.00 404.39 701.12 . 500.9 193.91 5472.57 989.15 . 400.00 1100.95 . 388.01 71075 1162.50 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS: , . General County Fund ...$ 7,107.28 General & District Roads, endorsed . Estimated interest thereon, 1 year at 6 per cent... General & District Roads not endorsed - Special .Roads Market Roads 1 Bond Roads Dog Fund , . 39.042.89 20,342.57 27,483.61 3,148.89 1,529.55 855.05 Total all warrants out standing .. 4379,166.27 AVAILABLE FUNDS: For the payment of General County Fund Warrants. $ 57,706.30 For the payment of Special Road Warrants . For the payment of Market Road Warrants - For the payment of General and District Road War rants -- For the payment of Bond Road Warrants - . For the payment of Dog 68,922.59 52,651.42 19,437.32 5,586.95 Fund Warrants 530.00 Total available Funds $204,834.58 Dog Fund, Roads and $ 65,962.71 .,... 213.00 Highways.: 189,807.60 . Total Ependitures. $255,983.31 Total Expenditures. Dog Fund : $ 213.00 General County Fund 65,962.71 Market Roads . ..... 31,118.31 District Road Fund - 63,660.78 Special Road IFund 23,395.75 General Road Fund 71,628.76 Bond Road Fund 4.00 Total Warrants Issued....$255,983.31 Overplus, General County Fund ; $ Overplus, Special Road Fd. Overplus, 'Market Road Fd. Overplus, Bond Road Fd Overplus, Dog Fund Indebtedness for General and District Road War rants, together with inter est thereon for 1 year at 6 50,599.02 65,773.70 51,121.87 4,731.90 ... 530.00 per cent STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. .4367,431.75 ) )ss. ) I, Fred A. Miller, County Clerk of the County of Clackamas, State of Ore on, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is true and correct In testimony whereof, I have hereun to set my hand ana affixed the seal of the County Court at Oregon Cty, Ore gon, ths 1st day of August, 1922. FRD A. MILLER, (SEAL) County Clerk Oregon City, Oregon. To Fred A. Miller, County Clerk, Clackamas County, Oregon I, W. J. Wilson, Sheriff and Tax Collector, submit herewith report, as by Law reauired, of taxes collected and paid to County Treasurer, during the " Semi-Annual ter bemginning Jan. 1, 1922, and ending June 30, 1922. 1921 tax, collected during term :.$787,209.59 ' . 1921 tax, paid Treasurer . 785,614.78 1919 1919 and 1920 tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922 and 1920 tax collected during term... Bal. 7,853.07 33,396.38 .4 41,249.45 1921 Tax $1594.81 Total balance and collections Paid County Treasurer 'during term 41,158.97 1915 to 1918 tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922 1915 to 1918 tax collected during term Bal. 531.60 2,936.34 1919-1920 $ 90.48. Total balance and collections Paid County Treasurer during term .$ '1914 and prior tax on hand Jan. 1, 1922..-4 1914 and prior tax collected during term Total balance and collections during term Paid County Treasurer during term 3,494.94 3,055.01 Bal. 352.18 161.60 19154.918 49393 513.78 352.18 Total cash ibalance on hand July 1, 1922 Bal. 1914 & rior 161.60 ;.,...$2,286J82 RECAPITULATION. Total 1921 tax collection during term Total 1919-1920 tax on hand' and collected during term- Total 1915-1918 tax on hand and collected during term.. Total 1914 and prior tax on hand and collected during term ...$787,209.59 .. 41,249.45 .. 3,494.94 513.78 Total tax on hand and collected during iterm... Total tax paid County Treasurer during term Balance on hand Jul 1, 1922 .... .832,467.76 830,180.94 Forest Patrol Tax collected during term Paid to State Forester during term ..$ 928.20 928.20 ..$ 2,286.82 Balance F. P. Taxon hand ..$, 19.24 Respectfully submitted. ' W. J. WILSON, Tax Collector. I. D. TAYLOR, Deputy. COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT of the receipts and disbursements of CLACKAMAS COUNT, OREGON, for six months, ending, June 30th, 1922. Compiled by W. W. Everhart, County Treasurer. General and Consolidated Summary, showing the condition of the several classes of funds, of money received and paid out, from whom received and what source From January 1st, 1922, to June 30th, 1922, inclusive. SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT FUND Receipts: Jan 1st, 1922 Balance on hand . Sheriff, 1914-1516-17-18-19-20 taxes $ 7,487.24 Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected 1922 150,818.07 Interest collected by treasurer on bonded school districts 34-162-103-105-0.06-108-115 Credit Special Schools 132.92 Receipts .: $ 31,335.31 158,438.23 Total receipts Disbcrsements: Special school tax paid, school clerks..! $143,345.88 Express paid on school bonds and coupons from New York 2.84 1921 tax transfers: charge special schools- $ 9.74 $189,773.54 Transferred to school bond, interest and sinking fund, to cover redemptions 28,655.00 Total disbursements $172,013.46 JULY 1st, 1922 BALANCE ON HAND. SPECIAL CITY FUND. Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand.. Sherff, 1914 to 1920 taxes ..... Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected 1922.... Receipts Total receipts ... 1,609.40 57,814.94 4 17,760.08 $ 1,494.86 $ 59,424.34 $ 60,919.20 Disbcrsements: 1 Special Cit tax paid cities 1920 tax transfers; charge . cites .... Total disbursements - ..$ 58,965.52 4.00 ..$ 58,969.52 $ 58,969.52 Jcly 1st, 1 922, Balance on -band .... GENERAL COUNTY FUND. Jan. 1st.' 1922 Balance on hand. Sheriff, 1914 to 1920 inclusive $ 15,768.23 Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected 1922 242,437.00 1920 tax transfers, credit; Gen Co 9.74 Justice of the Peace, Fees . -. : . 7,765.40 J. G. Noe, County Recorder, Fees 3,524.40 ' W J. Wilson, Sheriff fees 1 421.39 F. A, Miller, County Clerk, fees . 3,954.40 A L. Dunn and W W. Everhart, Co., Treas., inter- - est collected on bank deposits .. 2,265.35 Miscellaneous fees : - 79.83 Bounty Fund , . .. 311.83 Refund '. , 34.00 $ 1,949.68 $ 46,692.98 $276,5:71.57 Paid Fish and Game Commission, tice of the Peace fines account Jus- County Court Order, transfer from Gen. Co. Fund to Gen. Roads - Transfer from Gen. Co. fund to Gen. Road Fund Transfer from Gen. Co. fund to Elementary school fund, 1st half, 1922 .. . 155.00 23,080.00 53.90 38,723.19 Total disbursements $265,558.25 July 1st, 1922; Balance on hand Jan. 1st, 1922 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND -Balance on hand : $ Sheriff, 1914 to 1920 taxes inclusve Sheriff, taxes of 1921 collected 1922 B. Nedder, County School Supt, account common school fund U. S. Forest Reserve Rentals from State; Receipts : : ; 3,276.15 60,046.61 14.59 102.16 $ 57,706.30 $ 4,606.39 .$ 63,439.51 Total receipts Disbursements: . Paid County school Paid County school Paid County school , Total disbursements $ 68,045.90 warrants warrants warrants 62,365.00 348.26 1,025.00 $ 63,738.26 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand GENERAL AND DISTRICT ROAD FUND. Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand , . '. (General. District and Special Roads) Sheriff, 1914 to 1920 inclusive taxes $ 8,890.46 Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected. 1922 ; 133,712.00 Sale of rock and gravel ....r , ! . 4,141.44 Court Orders, transfers-- : - 7,846.57 . County Court Orders 58,448.65 Refunds : : 489.92 5 per cent, U. S. I .a nd sales .. . 036.48 4,307.64 $ ; 6,482.57 Receipts $213,835.52 Total receipts : Disbursements: Paid General and District Road wts. . .' ..$190,040.97 - Paid Interest on Gen and Dist County Court Orders, transfers Total disbursements ' , . July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 7,844.62 2,995.18 $220,318.09 $200,880.77 4 19,437.32 COUNTY FAIR FUND. Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 balance on hand . From State Fair Fund . . ...... Recepts .-. ... ....$ 2,002.82 62.86 2,00282 Total receipts . Disbursements: Paid County Fair warrants Total disbursements July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand $ 2,065.68 28.90 28.90 ..$ 2,036.78 Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922-Receipts STATE SCHOOL FUND. -Balance on 'hand 190.2 Total receipts . Disbursements: Total disbursements . Paid State school warrants July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand INSTITUTE FUND. Receipts: January 1st, 1922 Balance on hand Disbursements: None ' July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand - $ , $ 116.16 -...$ 190.25 116.16 74.09 13.04 13.04 Total receipts '. Disbursements: , Paid General County Fund warrants 11 Paid 0. P. Hoff, State Treasurer First half State Tax due from Clackamas County 1920 tax transfers, charge Gen. Co. . $323,264,55 .....4 64,428.14 139,116.89 i 1.13 GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL TUITION FUND. Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand Sheriff, 1915 to 1920 taxes inclusive- $ 1,782.66 -Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected 1922 . 30,039.77 Counties, Tuition 66.50 Receipts . . . ,. $ 16,364.84 $ 31,888.93 Total receipts - ... Disbursements: Paid General High school 1920 tax transfers, charge . Total disbursements .... $ 48,253.77 wts. .4 34,711.89 1.39 $ 34,713.28 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 0 UNCLAIMED ESTATE FUND: Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand .- $ Received from various estates Receipts : Total receipts . .. 171.20 Disbursements: Transfer charge Estate fund Paid Estates . Total disbursements ....$ .75 1,822;.01 $ 13,540.49 $ 1,961.61 f 171.20 $ 2,132.81 $ 1,822.76 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand t. 'MARKET ROAD FUND Receipts: ' ' Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on band .. Sheriff, 1919 and 1920 taxes Sheriff, 1921 taxes collected 1922 j State Highway Commission (1st half of Clacka mas County quota' County Court Orders, tax trailers 9 Donation ! - - Sam. A. Kozer, Sec. of State 876.22 25,844.79 24,711.79 1,538.11 SOO.OO 38.42 17,604.66 310.05 $ 13,974.35 $ 70,913.99 Total receipts DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Market road warrants $ 31,081.92 Court Orders j. 1,155.00 Total disbursements 84,888.34 4 32,236,92 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 4 52,651.42 . ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FUND Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on band Transferred from General County Fund, Chapter 38, Spec. Session 1920 " $ 38,723.19 Receipts 282.61 38,723.19 ACCRUED INTEREST ON SALE OF ROAD BONDS ($1,700,000.00) Receipts: , - ' . Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand : " I 91-66 Accrued interest $ 125.00 Receipts , , . 125.00 Total receipts Disbursements: None . July 1st, 1922 Balance on band - - .. - SCHOOL BUILDING FUND Receipts : , - -Jan. 1st, 1922, Balance on hand ! . - Receipts . Total receipts, . Disbursements: Paid warrants . 216.66 None 216.66 $ 7,055.38 None $ 6,955.38 Total warrants paid . July 1st, 1922, Balance on band . $ . 7,055.38 $ 6,955.38 SCHOOL BOND, INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Receipts: - , Jan; 1st, 1922, Balance on band Transferred from special school district tax to redeem school bonds, and interest, : $ 28.405.00 1920 tax . : ; . 250.00 Receipts 100.00 $ 8,202.50 28,655.00 CONDITION OF THE COUNTY TREASURY JULY 1, 1922 Cash balance in varous funds Special school district fund, 141 districts : $17,760.08 Special City fund, 14 Cities, 1,949.68 General County Fund. contains; Widows pension, Salaries, Supplies, Election and Jury, bounties and State Tax 57,706.30 County School Fund 4,307.64 General and District Road , Fund,' (70 and 30) Warrants called for . payment but never presented, principal and interest (6) County Fair Fund ; State School Fund , Institute Fund . July 1st, 1922 Total receipts ..... . Disbursements: Paid School bonds and semi-annual interest by County Treas. , : $ 22,017.50 Total disbursements $ 36,857.50 $ 22,017.50 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand $ 14,840.00 . MOTOR VEHICLE FUND Receipts : Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand : None . Sam A Kozer, Sec. of State, Motor Vehicle fund due Clackamas County .$ 26,768.91 Total receipts - .. Disbursements : Transferred to General and District road fund to redeem General and District road warrants, endorsed and not paid, for want of funds, 4 26,768.91 $ 26,768.91 Total disbursements .July 1st, 1922, Balance on hand DOG FUND Receipts: ' . Jan.. 1st, 1922, Balance on hand County Clerk dog license's ; ,. $ 26,768.91 ' None 640.00 103.00 Receipts 103.00 Total receipts Disbursements : . Paid warrants 213.00 Total disbursements 743.00 .213.00 FINAL STATEMENT SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS COUNTY TREASURY Receipts: ' Cash balance on hand, Jan. 1st, 1922 , $178,747.93 Fron delinquent taxes Total receipts Disbursements: Paid Elementary School warrants Total disbursements . . ..$ 39,005.80 July. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand ... - INTEREST ON BRIDGE BOND FUND Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand . Sheriff, 1920 taxes . $ 155.78 Received from Motor Vehicle Fund 11,825.00 Receipts . Total receipts" $ 39,005.80 39,005.80 None $ 2,835.34 11,980.78 Disbursements: Paid Semi-annual (5) interest on road N. Y. ($136,500.00) , Paid express on' coupons from N. Y. bonds, 5,912.50 .35 Total disbursements 14,816.12 $ 5,912.85 July 1st, 1922, Balance on hand Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922- ROAp BOND FUND -Balance on band Sale of bonds (Brdg-WiUamette) Gravel sold : $105,000.00 32.00 Receipts Total receipts ' Disbursements: Paid Bridge across Willamette $ 8,903.27 $ 6,236.21 4105.032.00 Paid Warrants ..$105,000.00 68L26 Total disbursements $111,268.21 $105,681.26 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand :: SPECIAL HO AD FUND Receipts: Jan. 1st, 1922 Balance on hand '. Sale of gravel . . ; Donations 1920 tax transfers Court orders . 1920 taxes . 1921 taxes collected Receipts : L 22.00 115.00 1,895.02 685.05 4,262.15 63,854.36 530.00 $ 30,225.17 Total receipts Disbursements : Paid Special road warrants .... Court Order Transfers . 24,413.14 7,723.02 Total disbursements 70,833.158 $101,058.75 32,136.16 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand $ 68,922.59 TO REDUCE COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS Receipts: Received from 1921 tax (total) . Disbursements: Paid in calling warrants (Total) $ 21.047..24 i 20,424.74 July 1st, 1922 Total balance July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand 622.50 $269,508.86 From 1921 taxes collected in 1922 . From State Motor Vehicle license From State Market road fund : County Court transfers Receipts, other than taxes, including tax transfers, fees, fines, donations, etc., ..$ 44,561.16 785,614.78 - 26,768.91 .. 24,711.79 175,783.48 18,372.86 Receipts .$1,075,812.98 Disbursements: - Paid School Districts ; 1. Paid Redemption school bonds and interest Paid Cities Paid State Treasurer, (first half) State tax : . Paid Fish and Game Commission, fines - Paid County School Warrants j .. Paid County Fair Warrants .... Paid State School Warrants - $1,254,560.91 Paid General High School Warrants ....... Paid Interest on Road Bonds . Paid Elementary school warrants , Paid Road Bonds, sold to State highway Commis sion $105,000.00, paid Road bond warrants, $681.26 4 Paid School building warrants . C Court transfers, tax transfers and refunds $158,869.24 . 18,089.25 . 58,965.86 . 139,116.89 137.50 . 63,738.26 28.90 116.16 . 34,711.89 . 5,912.50 39,005.80 Paid by County Warrants Paid General and District Road warrants .. Paid Interest on road warrants (Gen. District), 105.681.26 . 6,955.38 .. 37,377.27 $668,706.16 and ...$185,120.56 Paid Special Road Warrants . Paid Market Road Warrants Paid Road Bond Warrants Paid General CCounty Fund Warrants Total disbursements 11,302.13 24,413.14 31,081.92 64,428.14 $316,345.89 $985,052.05 July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand ....$269,508.86 - - BOND INDEBTEDNESS ' ROAD BOND INDEBTEDNESS Clackamas County 5 Road Bonds $1,700,000.00 Issue, authorized, (November 24th, 1919) $250,000.00 Bonds issued Bonds sold: Road 2-B (Boones Ferry) $ 22,000.00 Road 9-A (Mulino across Wright's Bridge) ... Road 11-A . (Butte Creek at Monitor) Road 13-A f (West Linn) Road 3-B ' (ML Hood Loop) Oregon City Bright (at Oregon City, Oregon) ... Total Indebtedness July 1st, 1922 - . 16,500.00 36,000.00 11,000.00 46,000.00 105,000.00 SCHOOL BOND INDEBTEDNESS School Districts Bonded 15 Districts .... $236,500.00 $156;095.00 General High School Tuition Fund . Unclaimed estate fund j Market Road Fund Elementary school fund Interest on Bridge Bond Fund : - Road Bond Fund ($1,700,000.00) . Accrued interest sale of Road Bonds School Building Fund, (One District) School Bond, Interest and Sinking Fund , V Dog Fund I i General and District Road , WARRANT INDEBTEDNESS ' General and District Road warrants endorsed drawing 6 interest from July 16th, 1921 to June SOth, 1922, Inclusive, $399,042.89 Estimated time, twelve (12) months, at 6 or $20,342.57 interest for one day at 6 or "56.50 ' Total indebtedness as shown n the County Treasurer's Office, July 1st, 1922, Road Bonds, School Bonds and County 19,437.32 2,036.78 13.04 13,540.49 310.05 52,651.42 None 8,903.27 5,586.93 Special Road Fund To reduce County Indebtedness 216.66 100.00 14,840.00 530.00 68,922.59 622.50 Total - $269,508.86 Cash Balance July 1st 1922, $269,508.86 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF CLACKAMAS," ss. I, W. W. Everhart, Do hereby certify that the attached report, pages 1 to 10 inclusive are correct, that the deposits with the various banks, with cash. on hand held by me as county treasur er, at the close of business, June 30th, 1922, amount to $269,508.86. Witness my hand this 5th day of August, A. D. 1822. W. W. EVERHART, Treasurer of Clackamas County. CARVER Mrs. J. J. Hatton J Mr. and Mrs. Don Oliver and son of Spokane Wash., and Mrs. Knight of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Loomis, Thursday evening. They are cousins of 'Mr. Loomis and. are making a motor trip to Los Angeles where they expect to locate. . R. L. Peake. Frank Hattan, H. Bunt ing and John Holcomb drove to Linn ton, last Saturday. The cannery is making some im provements on its plant, th latest be ing the installation of a newboiler and other equipment. Miss Eulalia Frost of Forest urove, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Loomis. Mrs Cleve Stewart was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cole of Rainier, dur ing several days of last week. Mrs and Miss La crash or .roruana were guests of Mrs. R. L. Peake over the week end. Mr. Cleve Stewart, while . sawing wood last week, cut a deep gash in his shoulder, necessitating eight stitch es by the attending physician, Dr. O. . A. Welsh. H. Bunting and family attended a reunion at Woodburn last Sunday Mrs. M. J. Johnson is recovering from her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Loomis and son Robert Bruce, visited in Forest Grove, Sunday. Mildred Hattan and Evelyn Carr are visiting friends and relatives in Port land this week Mrs. R. E. Loomis entertained a group ot her menus xnursoay aiter noon, the occasion being in honor of Mrs. H. F. Hiller of Portland. A de lightful program was rendered follow ed by refreshments Those present were: Mrs. H. F. Hiller of Portland,, Mesdaimes S. Carver, M. J. Byers, J. Hattan, J. Bunting, R L! Peake, E. Andrews, F. Hattan, C. Hattan, T. E. Anderson, C. C. Hull and S. L. Link, and the Misses Olive and Madge By ers, all of Carver; Mrs. H. Harvey or Portland, M?s. H. Andrews ef McMinn- ville, Mrs. Hough of Omaha, Nebraska and the hostess. gv t tjfi fi Jt jp4 jfc t$ WILLAMETTE ' Jt Beulah Snudow , ' . ; Ot ' Mayor and 'Mrs. Harry Greaves, and children Harold and Lydia are camp- . ing at the "Elbow". They plan to re main there for the rest of the summer. Miss Mamie Wallace spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday visiting her grandmother Mrs. M E. Wallis of Portland. Mrs. M. J. Murphy and sons Frank, Donald and Eugene, of Calgary, Al berta, Canada, and Jack and Marion Murphy of Portland, spent 'Monday with the Tour family. Mrs. L. D. Hale of lone, Oregon, has returned to her home after a three weeks' visit with Mrs. George Batdorf. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott ' and children Walter and Marion of Shell ton, Washington, and Miss Helen Mil er of Sellwood spent Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs Joseph Silver man. ; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Larson and chil dren have gone to Cannon Beach where they will spend two weeks. Misses Hazel Hudson, Ruth Junken, Else Junken, Una Hyatt, and Verne ita Strong, chaperoned by Mrs. Hyatt, spent a week caanping at the "Elbow". The girls report a fine time. - ' Miss Julia Criteser returned from Eugene, last Frday, and will spend six weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. G. L. Snidow. . Miss Averill Morrell spent several days last week' visiting friends and relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. B. Montgomery and family have moved to West Linn. Mr. Gillett of Shane, Wyomng, spent a few days last week visiting' Mr. and Mrs. George DeBok. Mr. Gillett "is a Oil War veteran and while in Oregon will attend a G. A. R. convention. Mr. Bert Alderman of Pendleton vis ited Mr and Mrs. J. Edmonds on Tues- July 1st, 1922 Balance on hand . $ 5,586.95 Road Warrants $731,637.89 day and Wednesday of last week