THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGOL THURSDAY, AUGUST 10,(1922 Page Seven Sandy Department Blanche R. Shelley The Parent-Teacher's picnic "will be held on Sunday, August 13th, instead of the 12th, as given in last week's issue. There -will be a good speaker and good music. Bring your lunch basket ana come. Ice cream and cake will be sold, the proceeds to go into the piano lund. Forest Fire Near Bull Run Reserve. A fire which holds a menace tor the Bull Run water Reserve started Sun day afternoon in an old burn near the Cameron-Hoog mill, supposedly from an engine. This is in the vicinity of Walker's Praire, southeast of Larch Mountain It now covers about a hun dred acres and is burning in the green timber what is known as a "crown fire." It is yet some twenty miles from Bull Run Lake, and is being heW in check. Unless a wind springs up, it is thought no further damage will result. The men from the Sany Lum ber Co." at Brightwood have been dis patched to combat thje flames. There are now close to a hundred men on the job. T H. Sherwood, Forest Super visor, came out from Portland this (Tuesday) morning to look over the situation Prospects Brghter for Road Work. F. D. Eason, resident engineer, re ports that they hope to begin actual rocking on the lower unit of the high way within a week. They are trying to arrange to have the gravel shipped to hunkers at Boring and delivered from there. This will save the time otherwise used in installing the rock crusher. If work can be started in the next few days, the rock can be placed from 'Sandy to Peterson's Corner in about three weeks. The surfacing can then be done, even tho the rainy weath er isat hand. Misson Festival Well Attended. The annual Mission Festival of the Sandy Lutheran Church was held Sun day in the grove back of the church. A minister from Mt. Angel and Rev. Coppleman- of Portland, were the speakers. Prof, and Wife Makes Annual Trip. Prof. Augur and wife, accompanied by their little dog, stayed over night in Sandy last week on their way to Welches, (where they will remain for some time. Prof. Augur and his wife take a horseback trip every summer. The Professor recently returned from an extended trip through the eastern states and Canada. He reports crops good in most of the sections visited. ' Sand Nine Again Victorious. The Sandy Base Ball team journeyed to Oswego Sunday and again covered itself with glory. It was a well played game from the start to finish, the score standing eleven to seven. Most of t?ie inhabitants of Sandy also journeyed over to root for the home boys, and many of them enjoyed a swim in the lake before returning. Camp. Fire Girls Here. Eight Camp Fire girls from Gres hani, under the supervision of Miss Alexander, are camped at Cedar Creek near the iMattingly place. Miss Wil lene Botkins, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.' Botkins, is one of the group. The girls wll leave Friday evening, having com pleted their ten days' outing. Studying Plant Disease. The Messrs. Wilber, Ferguson and Eppling of O. A C, left this morning after a week's stay spent in plant dis ease study in the vicinity of Sandy. Small Miss Celebrates. Little Mary Eason called in some of her friends last Saturday afternoon to make merry her fourth bifthday. A pink cake with the right number of pink candles tasted just aa good as it looked. Ice cream and candy were also served to Los Beers, Peggy Dod son, Dorothy Aschoff, Joe Hooker Shelley, Stearns Eason, and Mary Ea son. Mrs. Shelley assisted Mrs. Eason with the serving. Sandy Youngsters Hurt. One day last week Heinie Dittert was sawing a limb off of a tree when it flew back striking him on the nose nflicting a deep cut. While playing with a bunch of chil dren Sunday, Mildred Barnett received an injury to one of her eyes. Locals. Mr. and Mrs. J Scales and sons, and Mrs. Shelley and children motored to Corbett Sunday, where they were the guests at the Reed home. The young sters enjoyed ha thing in the river. 'Mrs. Fred L. Proctor and daughter Arletha were guests of Mrs. Melvin Smith on the ranch near Sandy last week. , Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and grand son, Mr. and Mrs. Webber, and Mrs. Theiss of Portland, were dinner guests at the Sharnke home Sunday. The afternoon was spent at the Kubitza home. The Kubitzas had as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kleigel and children of Kelso. Mr. and 'Mrs. Casper Junker and sons were Portland callers Tuesday. Also R. E. Esson and wife Mrs. J. Scales is in town for Buyers' Week. Mrs. Sharnke spent Monday at Cher ryville, the guest of (Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bedensteen Miss Ruth Krebs came out from Portland and spent the week enjj with the home folks. Mr .and Mrs. George Bornstedt and family of Portland, were in Sandy Sat urday , afternoon speaking to old friends. Mrs. Louise Rlppy and four children accompanied by her sister, Miss Natila KrebS; were out from Portland Sun day to attend the Lutheran picnic. Monday, Herman Krebs took them and his mother to Sherwood, where they visited Otto Krebs. Mrs. Krebs will remain in Portland a week. annual reunion July 30, at the old Rob- Dins iaim on tne (oanks of the Atoiaiia river, over iUU or the clan being pres ent. - '- . u W. Robbins, president of the cian, acted as master of me. uays cere monies, which incliuded a line pro gram and a sumptuous dinner. The loiiowing officers were elected for xhe coming year, namely: Alvin Benson, president; Hertiert Robbins, vice-president, and -Mrs. Chester Roobins, secretary-treasurer. Lou Marts attended the round-up at The Dalles last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle Shaw are en- loving a visit from Miss Belle and Miss. Maude Shaw of Ontario, Oregon, sis ters of Mr, Shaw. Orvil Osborne visited last week in Portland with relatives. Mr. Wilhelm passed away at his home on Bear Creek, Saturday, Au gust 5, after a long illness. I. N. Bradley is enlarging and im proving his residence. E. L. Worley purchased a Ford from the Inland Garage this week Miss Reva Everhart who has recent ly undergone an operation at the Ore gon City hospital, for appendicitis, is improving rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Rainsel had as recent guests, Mr. and Mrs. Snell groves, their son and his jivife and baby, of Oklahoma Mrs. Otis Fogelsong arrived home Saturday from Oklahoma, where she has been visiting for the past month. Lyle Bartholomew of Salem, was a Molalla visitor, Sunday. William Burgess and wife returned last week from Oklahoma. where they have .been visiting. Mr, Burgess for merly had charge of the Molalla cream ery. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Tuley of Corval lis and daughter, Mrs Bundar and son-in-law Professor Bundar of Fruitland, Idaho, attended the Adventist meeting Canby Department Dr. John Fuller Us 1GS0US On last Thursday night, during the absence of W. M. Walker and family, a bunch of boys invaded their home one mile west of CanbK Wesley Kite, Leo Williams, ' Frank Stevens and a young man by the name of Newton, were taken in by local officials, and later turned over to Sheriff Wilson, who had been notified. Willam Steele of Oregon City was arrested by offi cials later, as one of the parties impli cated. A charge of theft was not sus tained in court at Oregon City, as the boys were scared away before they had succeeded in their attempt It was reported that some of the boys had previously worked for 'Mr. Walker and knowing that he had some straw berry juice canned, and in the house, had as their objective, the capture of this fruit juice, for a spree, as per haps they might get a "kick" out i it. . Capt. Corwin Fisher and wife of 4 the U S. A. on their way to Georgia, stopped in. Canby to visit for a few days last week with' his father, S. T. Fisher. The infant child of Mr ' and Mrs. Lewis Mitts was buried in Zion ceme tery last Thursday at 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Wait and Mrs Mary Kutzcheon left last Wednes day for Newport, Ore., where they will spend a .vacation of one month. Mr and Mrs. W. H Lyda, who live on a ranch one mile west of Canby, have produced a crop of the "Oregon Wonder" bean, which is claimed to be the largest ever seen in this section of the country. The pods grow as long as ten inches. Seventeen of the pods weigh one pound. Some bean for a dry season. Mrs. A. M. Condit of Vancouver, Wash., spent the week end with rela tives in Canby. . . At a meeting of the city council last Monday night, an offer of $7787.00 was decided upon by the council as the pur chase price to the Molalla Power Com pany,' for its holdings in the city light equipment The deal will,"in all prob ablity, be closed this week. Beauford Knight in company with his mother, was transacting business in Portland this week. Mrs. Olie Ogle and son, Prof. Wayne Ogle and Miss Opal Wheeler spent last Sunday at Netart beach. Howard Eccles and wife and Mr. and Mrs Grant White left last Thurs day for an outing at ockaway beach, returning last Monday night. Mrs. Deltiert Hutchenson of Molalla, is visiting her aunt, Mrs R. Soper in Canby this week Judging from the new homes being erected in the vicinity of Canby, the farm and garden products are rapidly increasing the wealth of our commun ity. In a drive of five miles through the environs of Canby, one can count more than a dozen new modern homes under course of construction, nearly all of which are on good farms. Mr. Joe Endree and John Tacklenberg are constructing modern homes at New Era. Mrs. Lewis 'Grebe and son Henry, and Mrs. Detrick of Stickney, S. D., are visitors at the home of Charles Huiras. on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Henry Speis, former pastor of the M. E. church, was a Molalla visit or on Wednesday, being called here to preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Elizabeth Davidson. Dr. and Mrs. Todd returned Monday morning fro ma motor trip to Canada. They were accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Todd's sisters. Mis3 Cella Worley returned Thurs day from Sheridan, where she has ibeen visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Peters of Rochester, Indiana, who are motoring to Long Beach, California, were recent visitors at the S. A. Cardill home. td MOLALLA Mrs. A. D. Coxy f- ' Miss Dortha Nightengale is in the hospital in Oregon Cty, where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. George Blatchford is visiting with relatives in Scio this week. Fred Burns returned Tuesday from Grants Pass, where he has been for same time. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hertle have pur chased a Ford and will spend their vacation at th beach. Carl Prehn and Miss La Deam Win ters were ' visitors at the Dr. Prehn home last week. Duane Robbins, who has been at tending the summer course at O. A. C, arrived home Saturday He will be a senior at the college during the coming year. Mrs. Everett Douglas, who has (been visiting at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ramsey, has left for her home in Texas. Mrs. Golda Scott of Salem, was a recent Molalla visitor, being called here by the death of her grandmother, Mrs Davidson. Much property near Molalla has been threatened by forest fires recently but to date no great damage has been done. Proprty recently threatened includes the Slvter anrl J. K. P.nlo sawmills tho Frank Adams place and -Rufus C. Hol- man s summer home. The various blazes are however now thought to be under full control. The Robbins family held their third COLTON Maud B. Hunter J ffi Jp Jp a? Jf tf & J? J? p Jf If p p Jf Many of the farmers in this vicinity are engaged in fighting forest fires. Mr. J. W. Cogar, George Dhooghe, Lewis Pendleton and Helmer Bloom left on a trip for huckleberries, (Mon day. J. W. Davis was seriously injured at the Hult Bros sawmill by a bad fall. The Charles Hunter family visited at the Pete Dhooghe home last Sun day. J. A. Wall, one of Colton's enter prising merchants attended the Buy ers convention in Portland, Tuesday. Mr. John Shoberg spent Sunday at the Englund home. Mrs. Ada Nordlirig and daughter Anna of Portland, are visiting rela tives and friends at Colton. Mr. Marks and family will attend the campmeeting at Troutdale, Oregon. Miss McNutt of Nebraska, is visit ing Mrs. Lawrence Dahlstram. TRY GOLDEN CRUST BREAD made by MOLALLA BAKERY Molalla, Oregon JULIUS Q. STURE Reliable Dentistry Nerve Blocking Residence and Office Phone Sandy, Oregon Y T f ? ?: X jf t Sandy Drug Store - sells - Weatherly Ice Cream Eastman Kodaks, Films and Supplies T ? X 2 3f t ' EAGLE CREEK Mis. it. B. Uibson EAT MtHood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. Daily Served to Oregon City. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. ASK FOE PORT-O True Fruit Products Strawberry -Loganberry Cherry Orange ',. Tokay" Golden Mint- PORT-O FRUIT PRODUCTS GO. Portland, Oregon CANDY CORN Pure Delicious -Wholesome A STRICTLY OREGO N PRODUCT MADE BY . at Portland, Oregon Beaver Engraving Company Phone Main 2003 PHOTO ENGRAVING, PRINTING PLATES 148 Fifth St PORTLAND, ORE. W. J. Evans and Perry Murphey re turned last Friday from Eastern Ore gon. The threshers have been in the neighborhood and nearly everyone on the hill are through threshing. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. R Douglas and children, and Ed.. Chapman were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson, Miss Florence Douglas was the guest of Miss Irene Hayden Saturday even ing and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and H. S. Gibson wer4 Barton visitors on Mon day. R. B. and H. S. Gibson helped H. F. Gibson-with his threshing. Mr and Mrs. Ray Woodle, son,- Les lie, Mr. Murphey and Mr. and Mrs, Will Douglass were at Cedar Creek on Sunday on a pleasure trip &c$t tS i$ jjf9 ' rnFTF.PTYVTT.T;rc it Parnell Averill J a? if & if Jf f J? ? J? " f ip. Mrs. Winnie Douglas . has recent ly returned from Eastern Oregon, with the Tuor family. . Miss Minnie Raddatz of New Era has been engaged to teach the Cherry- ville school during the coming year. Mrs. Paul Koch who suffered BE A BOOSTE La Gran M area Cigars Smoke OREGON MADE HIGH GRADE UNION MADE If She Great Northwesl T Exact Size Also 10c sizes and 5c Marca Smokers Mason, Ehrman & Co. Distributors of The Nation's Finest Cigars. Porter's MacaFoni Made under the most sanitary conditions in a Sunshine Factory. Look for the Rich Red Label Porter-Scarpelli Macaroni Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 ' TRY ' : ' II Bradley's Pies East 5100 645 Grand Avenue Portland, Oregon. . III W.IJ Tl l.llJJ.MJWl The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" All new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. Every Merchant and , Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER FIRST NATIONAL BANK oi Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service 4 p. c. paid on Savings 512 Main St, Oregon City EDITORIAL HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home 8th at Main, Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers New location, Bank of Commerce Building. Oregon City Seventh and Main DOLLARS AND SENSE THE VALUE OF HOME BUYING SHOULD BE EVIDENT TO, EVERY OREGON CITY CITI ZEN. The keeping of Oregon City money in Oregon City should require no urging nor argument. A ROLLING DOLLAR WILL NEVER ROLL BACK YOUR WAY IF YOU START IT OUT OF TOWN. You have bid it goodbye on a long journey to' some other community whose Loyal Citizens will anchor it forever. IT IS TIME TO STICK UP FOR OREGON CITY. If I our hearts are here our dollars ought to ' be. And the way to keep them here is TO SPEND THEM HERE. Boosting a town requires somethingelse besides sentiment and talk.' That something else is action and lots of it. BUY EVERYTHING YOU EAT OR WEAR IN OREGON CITY. HIRE NO LABOR BUT ORE GON CITY LABOR. Employ no service but that perf ormed by an Oregon City concern. This is ac tion. REAL, TANGIBLE COMMUNITY-BOOSTING ACTION. Try it awhile, friends, and see how good it makes you feel to know that you are doing your full civic duty to Oregon City and its business, commercial and laboring interests. THE SEEMING INDUCEMENTS HELD OUT TO YOU BY OTHER TRADING CENTERS IS NO THING BUT BAIT TO PULL YOUR DOLLARS THEIR WAY. The so-called commercial glad-hand that is extended you will only be held out AS LONG AS YOU DOLLARS HOLD OUT. The interest they have in you is nothing but a selfish commercial inter est founded on nothing but a cold, calculating dollar basis. If you will stop and think you will admit this is so. THESE OTHER TRADING CENTERS COULD HAVE NO POSSIBLE INTEREST " IN THE ADVANCEMENT AND CIVIC SUCCESS OF OREGON CITY. And Oregon City is nothing more or less than another name for its citibens which in cludes you and ourselves. OREGON CITY BUSI NESS MEN TO BE FOR THEMSELVES, HAVE TO BE FOR OREGON CITY. - ' THEIR commercial transactions are warmed by this mutuality of interests and should be evidence that you have much in common. Much to cause you TO GIVE THEM YOU 100 PER CENT PATRON AGE IN SUPPORT. ' Think it over. - Jones Drug Co. "In business for your health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch & Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Dr. S. R. Smith CHIROPRACTOR i Relieves All Chronic Conditions Office Oregon City Bank Building Overland Maxwell $695 $1060 $1595 Willys-Knight F. O. Bs. Oregon City The three leaders in Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid v No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone 680-J DUR ANT CARS Beautiful, but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11 A. fracture of the right arm last week is X"X:xkK"XKX"XK"XxxX"XKxK"Xkxxkksxkkx: recovering. WWW