The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, August 10, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
I Hugs
that brides appreciate are to be found in
abundance at this store. Silver pieces,
whose graceful appearance belies their
substantial Weight, 'and whose apparent
value is far in excess of the price asked.
Engraving that is thoroughly in accordance
with the character pf the establishment at
no extra' charge. j
There's a big satisfaction in sending gifts
that are sure of a w4rm welcome and hearty
appreciation. I
Oregon city fQpnmtfc
a jCocal Tfews Stems a
Dr. and 'Mrs. George W. Terrill and
daughter Miss Opal of Ogden, Utah,
who hare been visiting Dr. TerriU's
brother, Charles P. Terrill and family
bf this city, making the trip from Og
den by motor, have left for a brief
sojourn at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McCord and
son Linwood of Brighton, Oregon, ac
companied by Mrs. McCord's mother,
Mrs. W. H. Sampson of Oregon City,
who have been on a motoring trip to
Southern Oregon, where' they visited
relatives, have returned to their re
spective homes.
Mrs. Pat McCormack of Sellwood,
formerly a resident of Oregon City,
visited her sisters Mrs. Isetta Albright
and 'Mrs. Ed. Jarrett and also her
motherMrs. Rider, on Thursday and
Friday of last week.
One of Oregon's Best Schools, Colton
Read of it in this issue. Ad. 8-10-4t
Mr. and Mrs. William Alldredge and
daughter Miss Eloise accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. Delias Armstrong and
little son motored to Woodburn, Sun
day. Mrs. Bert Hall and little son James
who motored to California last month
have returned to their home in this
Miss Mayme Gleason has returned
to her home in this city after a most
delightful visit at the home of Mrs.
Bert Brain of Scappoose, Oregon,
Mrs. "M. Gin anrl srvn FrAri awiim-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. F W. Andrews
and daughter Eleanor, motored over
the Columbia Highway, Sunday, going
as far as Cascade Locks where they
enjoyed a picnic lunch
Mrs. A. M. Scouton and daughter
who have been spending a few days at
Seaside, have returned home.
Miss Verne Curl who is employed
at the Bannon and Co. store and Miss
Bunny Owenby of the Oregon City
Mfg. Co. office force, are enjoying a
. two weeks' vacation at Seaside.
Mrs. W L. Blackburn and son Mar
vin, of Corvallis, were week end guests
of Mrs. Blackburn's sister, Mrs. Wal
ter Little.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Caufield
who have just returned from a visit
with their daughter, Mrs. Henderson at
Seaside, have gone to Government
Camp to spend a (ew days in their
summer home there.
Mrs. .Osborn's aunt Mrs. M. Chap
man and uncle, Mr W. C Green.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Kirchem and two
daughters of Logan, attended the pa
geant "which was given in Oregon City
on Wednesday of last week.
Colton School Announcement In
this issue. Ad. 8-10-4t.
Mr .and Mrs. George Boylan have
gone to Portland for a few days to
take care of the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Simmons, who have gone on a
motoring trip through 'the Southern
Oregon country.
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and
daughter Mildred have returned to
their home at Pullman, Wash., after
visiting at the home of Mrs. Roberts'
cousin, Mrs. J. A. Snover of this city.
Mrs. Jay Myers and little son, Havill
who have been at the Oregon City hos
pital whera Havill was born, were
taken to the home of Mrs. Myers' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Blount at Glad
Mrs. Harrv Calvert Tias returned tr
her home after spending a few days at
Gresham with her mother, Mrs. K. W.
Anderson, who has been ill.
Mrs. Bertha Adams, librarian of
Oregon City, has returned to her home
after spending her vacation with her
son Allen Adams and family in Port
land Read Colton School Ad in this issue.
Ad 8-10-4t
Mr. C. Scheu'oel went to Rhodonen
dren Friday of last week, where he
spent the week end, coming home
Sunday evening he brought Mrs.
Scheubel and daughter, Mrs. Eulalie
Bequeath and children Robert Clare
and Lee Junior, who have been en
joying a vacation at the Schuebel
summer home at Rhododendren.
Miss Dorothy Terrill, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Terrill, has been
at Kalispel, Montana, visiting an
uncle, Dr. Harry Terrill.
Mrs. Elmer Sutton and two children
have arrived in Oregon City, where
they will visit at the home of Mrs.
Sutton's mother, Mrs. McCorkle. Mrs.
Sutton's home is in Grand Junction,
Mrs. Charles Bollinger and son John
are spending a very enjoyable vacation
with her uncle Mr. M. W. Randall at
Molalla, Oregon.
ence McGeehan at Oregon City on Fri
day of last week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Miller have gone
to Seaside to enjoy a two weeks' va
cation with Mr. Miller's relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoenborn and
daughters Beverly and Maurine have
gone to their summer home at Rho
dodendren where they will enjoy a va
cation of several weeks' duration.
Mrs. George Bucholz who is cashier
at the J. C. Penny store accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Labbe of
Milwaukie, have gone to Bull Run to
visit Mrs C. F. Purdy for a week.
Mrs Thail Nelson, who has been at
Rockaway Beach , where she was taking-
care of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Blair
who has been very ill, has returned
to her home at Oregon City
Mr and Mrs. Frank Alldredge and
daughter Queven accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Alldredge left Sunday
moAing for Seaside, where they will
enjoy a two weeks' vacation.
' iMiss Elva Linton, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. V. E Powell
of Valseth, Oregon, has returned to
her home in' Oregon City
Mrs. Anna Holden of Oregon City
has returned to her home from a visit
to her sister Mrs. Hammock, at Mt.
Vernon, Wash. ''
Mr and Mrs Paul Mum power, who
are residents of Carver, Oregon, vis
ited friends in Oregon City on Monday
night of this week , ' . .
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruconich and
son Wilbur have gone to Crater Lake
andotherplaces of interest for a two
weeks' vacation.
Rev. A. H. Thompson and wife have
returned from an outing at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton and lit
tle son of Portland, visitedMrs. Eaton's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell of
Oregon City on Monday night of this
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brunner ac
companied by Mrs. Bruner's sister.
Miss Ella Krummell, are enjoying an
outing at Crater Lake.
Mrs. W. D Rider and little daughter
Alta Fay who have been at the Ore
gon -City hospital where little. Miss
Alta Fay was born have returned to
their home at Canby.
Tom Smith, who has been very ill at
his home on Tenth and Jackson Sts.,
has improved so as to he able to be
out on the streets again.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rau and daugh
ters Maxine and Eloise have gone to
Newport for a two weeks' vacation.
Mr7 and Mrs. William Johnson and
little son Billie have returned te their
home at Salem after 'visiting Mrs.
Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mfs. E. W.
Scott at Oregon City
Harless Ely is visiting his grand;
mother Mrs C. li. Playman, at Sea
side. Mrs Elnora Benewa is visiting her
father, E. F Ginther and her sister,
Mrs. Francis McGahuey at Beaver
Creek. ' -
Mrs. Frank Bigger of White Horse,
Yukon Territory, has arrived in Glad
stone, where she is visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Davenport. '
's Mr. and Mrs. William Andresen and
daughters have gone to Newport for a
few days' vacation.
Mrs. Carll Green and children,. Del
la . Jane, Billy and Frances Irene
and Mrs. Oiaf Dolberg and son Harry,
spent Wednesday at Laurelhurst Park
wherethey enjoyed the day picnicing.
Mr .and Mrs. O. D Eby and son
Marvin, Mrs Olive Fox and children
and Mr and Mrs. E. T. Beverlin mo
tored to Kelso Sunday. While at Kel
so Mr. Eby visited Mr. John "Alexan
der an old time friend
Mr. and Mrs John Surfus have pur
chased a new Dodge auto.
Frank Bly, who has been employed
in the W. C. Green barber shop, has
gone to Portland.
Mrs. Alvin Shephard and little son
Kieth, who have been at the home of
Mrs Shephard's mother at West Linn,
where Keith was iborn, have returned
to their home at Scotts Mills.
Wilsonville Department
Mrs. Charels Wagner
of Oswego formerly. j
. Mrs. S. E. Prosser has just returned !
from a week's visit at Newport (B
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .Bickner have
returned home after a three weeks'
trip to Crater Lake and Northern Cal
ifornia. They visited imany points of
interest along the way; among them
the Marble Halls out of Grants Pass
and the Ice Caves at Klamath Falls.
The Walter Messings have purchas
ed a new Durant car. Mrs. Wessling
has returned home from the Tilla
mook beaches.
, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steffens were
guests of Mr." and Mrs. I. A. Lord,
Mrs. George Meussig of Portland,
was the luncheon guest of Mrs.. Geo.
Emrich, Monday.
Mr. Edward Bullock of Salem, spent
Saturday and Sunday with his brother,
George Bullock ' He left Sunday night
to join his family in Berkeley, Cali
fornia, where they intend making their
Mr. and Mrs. A. W Bartlett and fam
ily from North Dakota, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulton, last week.
Mrs. Albert Rosentreter was a lunch
eon guest of Mrs B. Scott, Tuesday.
Louis Smith, who. has been visiting
his mother in. Healdsburg, California,
returned home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosentreter en
tertained Miss Thelma Riser of1 Baker,
and Charles Hill of Portland, at din
ner Thursday evening.
, Mrs. J. N Bickner entertained Mrs.
Don Richards and Mrs. Rosentreter at
Mrs Dora E. Wilson entertained sev
eral friends at dinner, Saturday even
ing. Places were set for Mr. and Mrs.
E C. Gaze, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phil
ips, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Merrick, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Graham and the host
ess. .
Phil Parrish of Portland, was a din
ner guest at the Wallace Wharton
home, Monday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davidson have
returned home after spending two
weeks at Long Beach.
, Correspondent.
people made business trips to Oregon
City Paula Fisher, Fred Spangler and
daughters Helen and Virginia, and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Schenbon. -
s& v M gff
John Lehman J
j J
Mrs. A. Beach and son Arvel, are
enjoying a brief vacation at Chehalis,
Washington. Also John Lehman re
turned from Twin Rocks, and, Mrs.
J. R, Lewis came back to good old
Carus also.
Mr and Mrs- Glenn Yergen accom
panied by Mrs. Howard Davies brought
the two visitors home. .
Fred Spangler has lost one of his
fine Jersey calves and a young colt.
Tom Davies; of Beaver Creek, was
at the Ingram "apple farm" one day
last "week. Also Miss Maude O'Leary
was a delighted guest at the Caseday
home for a few days.
Herman Fisher has again started his
annual jobthreshing.
Wood hauling" Is quite a fad in
Carus. Mr. Kilgore and Mr. Guilliam
have succumbed to it.
Saturday, Gertrude Griffiths, Evelyn
and Margret Jones were customers at
Beaver Creek and and afternoon call
ers at the O'Leary home. Many of our
What Classified Ads
Will Do
Everyone has something to
buy, sell, rent or trade and in the
classified section of the Banne"r
Courier you have a common
meeting ground where the wants
of all may be paired off, and
each may get what he needs and
get rid of what he does not need. '
Mr. H. E. Reynolds, Route 2,
Oregon City, needed 5,000 cab
bage plants A small ad brought
offers of ; over 60,000 plants.
What are your needs. ' There is
no better way to reach 2000 peo
ple than through Banner-Courier
want ads. The cost is small,
1 cent a word with a minimum
charge of 25c. .
dinner, Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Osburn, whose Mrs. William Tickle of Salem, for-
home is located near the Sellwood merly Miss Mildred McBride, of Ore-
gardens, spent Sunday here visiting gon City, was the guest of Miss Flor-
Having recently purchased the grocery business of F. !B.
Schoenborn, we take this opportunity to announce to the
public that the store is open for service under new manage
ment with increased facilities for catering to your food wants.
Give us a trial you will always find our service the best.
Successors to "Shoenborn"
Corner 7th and Center Streets
Mrs. Stout ' returned from Portland
Monday, at which place she has been
under' the doctor's care, tier many
friends will be glad to know that she
is convalescing, rapidly.
Threshing in this vicinity is under
fuil sway and the number oi outfits at
work will make a short season. Some
farmers report a better yield than ex
pected owing to the very dry summer.
Quite a lot of adverse criticism was
caused in this community Iby the sum
mary dismissal of ferryman. Say with
out warning or cause other than the
tact that the present ferryman offered
to do it cheaper. Mr. Say contends
that he should have, been given an op
portunity to meet the, bid or reject it
A petition in' Mr. Say's favor was cir
culated and plentifully signed, hut "the
powers that be" remained adamant
and Mr. Emil Tauchmann is now the
official ferry-man.
'Mr. Charles Taylor is erecting a two-
story poultry house in the north end
of town and evidently intends to be
equipped in good shape. His enter
prise deserves the commendation of
the community.
Mi. Henry Aden and family returned
Tuesday from a trip to Junction City
and a week's vacation. Mr. Aden is
contemplating the erecting of a new
residence this fall on the site of the
one burned some time ago. This will
add censidrably to Wilson ville's sky
line which has quite a gap caused by
the big fire.
The wrter of these items is fairly
well known and easily communicated
with. The'publishers of this paper are
willing and eager to publish the news
of Wislonville. Why not hand in, or
inform the local correspondent of any
news in your neighborhood. Let's put
Wilsonville on the map! What say?
Miss Pauline Bissell of Portland, is
visitngf her relatives, Sherman and
Raymond Seely.
Miss Leah Wagner has accepted the
chair of mathematics and-general sci
ence at the high school of Lebanon.
Miss Wagner, by painstakinig study
and close application, has fitted her
self for high school teaching and her
many friends wish her success in her
chosen field of endeavor. v
Among the important things tobe
disposed of at the next meeting of the
Wilsonville Grange will be a chicken
dinner. As this is a matter of gen-
i0 HIDING place is secure enough to guaran
" tee -absolute protection to your silverware,
diamonds, jewelry and other valuables. In these
days of so many robberies a safe deposit vault
is the only means by which you are sure of pro
tection of such valuables as insurance could nev
er replace. Rent a safe deposit vault at small
cost, it's guaranteed protection. Make This
Your Bank 1 per cent paid on savings.
Bank of. Oregon city;
eral interest to all Grangers, it is to be
hoped that a good attendance will be
recorded. The Wilsonville Grange
metts the second Saturday of each
month and all visiting Grangers are in
vited. -
Ye Festive Gravel Truck
We've an epidemic of trucks in this
town, -And
for rain we are hoping with
As they noisily race up and down '
And raise such a terrible djust.
They roar and back-fire as they travel,
And frequently something will
The county roads get all the gravel
And Wilsonville most of the dust.
But the problems of roads they'll un
As to .having good roads that we
, anust,
If we had a little more gravel
We'd have a little less dust.
W. A. Slyter.
ff tt tt 58 0
jf j? ' j? a? K ? f 4? jf ae js"
Women's Club Picnic.
The Oswego and Oak Grove Wo
men's Clubs held a joint meeting at
Oswego Lake, Friday. The afternoon
was spent in discussing business and
social topics after the serving of a
delicious picnic lunch. At the meet
ing, Miss Mathews, from Oak GTove,
sent in her resignation as Vice-president
of the County Federation and
Mrs. G. Howard Pettinger of Oswego,
was eelcted in her place. Four dele
gates from the clubs were also elected
to study ,in to the matter of transporta
tion between Oregon City and Oswego.
Annexation Election.
Monday the voters of Oswego and
South Town will vote on the incorpor
ation of the entire district into the
city of Oswego. In the last few years
Osweog has become very progressive
and has shown a very rapid growth
and there is very little doubt but that
the measure will carry. This will com
bine Old Town and Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs. James Costello from
Spokane, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
David Nelson. They were residents
The Farmer's Bank ; of Wilsonville
"Uhe iBank TJhat ffiacks the farmer
Keep your money where
it will serve you best
ii ;
f Say it with Jfilowers'
. . H. D. ADEN, Proprietor
Wilsonville, "Oregon
General Merchandise
Shakespeare Had the Right Idea
When he wrote: "Who steals my purse steals
trash .... but he who filches from me my good
name robs me of that which .... makes me poor
indeed." -
We value our reputation for Quality and Service
more than we do the profit from any sale.
We sell the best quality goods we can obtain. But
should anything you buy from us fail to deliver sat
isfactory service, we want an opportunity to make
good. ; ' ,
Our reputation for satisfactory dealing is worth
too much to us to have even one customer dissatisfied
Now We Are Offering The Following
for August
30x3 K. S. Fabric . -
30x3M K. S. Fabric 1 1
30x3i2 K. S. Cord .....:..
Excise Tax Extra
....$ 9.75
..-i 15.20
Larger Sizes As Low In Proportion
32x4 ,
Special features of the
' r MASON'
Extra heavy non skid "M"
tread, eight pjies of cord or
selected long staple cotton,
each ply rubber coated.
The bead contains five
braids of steel wire, each
braid in. wide with 21
strands to the braid.
Oregon City Retreading and
Vulcanizing Works
"The Home of Personal Service"
North-West Tire Co.
Warren & Blodgett, Prop.
407 Main St. Oregon Citv
Genuine Ford Parts
Expert Repair Work
"Equipped to serv YOU BEST"
At Elevator - Phone 390
Oregon City, Oregon
is made for ' floors and floors
only. That is why it looks so
well and lasts so long in spite
of the wear and tear and con
stant washing a floor must get.
A general all-around varnish
will not stand up. Get Mar-not
and watch it wear and hold
its lustre.
Tmt Woodwork and Furnitnro
For Out-of-doors Vanuahing
Every paint or varnish fox
every purpose here.
1003 Main St. ' Oregon City