The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, August 03, 1922, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page EigHfc
Misses Geneva, ana iuyrtle Young
aeiiguuuiiy entertained at their nonie
on Thursday in honor 01 Mrs. Lot C. '
.Uvernioie of Pendleton who is visiling
her parents, Mr. and ivirs. Ernest P.
Elliott of Oregon City. The afternoon
was spent in a social uime. Dainty re
freshments were served to Mrs. Lot
Livermore, Mrs. Charles Legler, Mrs.
Delias Armstrong, Mrs. Ralph Green,
Mrs. Charles Bollinger, Mrs. Albert
Estes, Miss Bertha Prifcbe, Misses
Geneva and Myrtle Young.
Mr. and Mrs. George Simmons and
son Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Boylan and son Bobby of Portland,
Mrs. W C. Green and grand children
Delia Jane and Billy and Mr. and Mrs.
Olaf Solbery and son Harvey of Ore
gon City enjoyed a birthday dinner on
'Monday of this week the occasion be
ing the birthdays of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Boylan of Oregon City, parents of Mrs.
Green, Mrs. Simmons and Chas. Boy
lan. ' ijjjjg
The xroral decorations were Nastur
tiums and sweet peas. Mrs. George
Simmons baked the birthday cakes,
having on each one the figures repre
senting the age of each one. Several
Useful and pretty gifts were received
by Mr. and Mrs. Boylan.
Miss Queveen Alldredge celebrated
her thirteenth birthday with a lawn
party on Thursday afternoon at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Trflnlr AHHrpHp-o. nn Minth anr Tnvlnr
Streets. There were 18 young ladies
present. Deliscious refreshments, were
served by Mrs. Alldredge.
James Gibbons and Walter Hodgkin-
son who have been at Hubbard nicking
loganberries have returned to Oregon
Misses Margaret and Josephine
Brady and Miss Ethel Mulligan have
gone to Seaside for a two weeks vaca
tion. Phillip J. Sinnott of Seattle a young
newspaper man, and a former Oregon
City lad visited his parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Sinnott at Oregon City,
Saturday evening.
Mr., and Mrs Fred A. Burdon and
daughter Fayne of Gladstone left Sun
day morning by auto for Seaside where
they will enjoy a two weeks vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson of Ore
gon City left Sunday for a motoring
trip to Crater Lake They will also
visit other places of interest.
Kev. and Mrs. Caradoc Morgan and
children left on Monday for Cannon
Beach where they will spend the
month of August. They will occupy
the C. G. Huntley cottage.
Mr. and Mrs E. H. Reddaway and
three sons who have been visiting at
the home of Mrs Reddaways parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Warnock at Mt.
Pleasant have returned to their home
at Milwaukie.
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield J. Howell and
son Merle of Oregon City accompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton and
son Robert Merle of Portland motored
to Albany and Corvallis Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. alph Green and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and
children; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoffman
and daughter and Mrs. John Green and
daughter Clara enjoyed Sunday on the
banks of the Molalla river near Oanby.
Miss Alice Stone official nurse at
the Crown Willamette Mill who has
been on her homestead near Molalla
for several months has returned to
West Linn and has taken up her dut
ies. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Morris and son
Bobbie, Mrs. Morris, mother, Mrs. L.
Goodfellow and Miss Cis Pratt who
have been enjoying a two weeks out
ing at Cannon Beach have returned to
their homes at Oregon City.
A little 'daughter whose weight was
6 pounds arrived at Willamette on
Thursday, July 27 for (Mr. and Mrs.
Arlie Johnson . She has ibeen given
the name of Violet Elizabeth.
Mrs. A. W. Good a resident of Port
land' who has been visiting her sister
Mrs. Frank Moore at Oregon City has
gone to Eugene where she will visit
friends for a few days.
John Mason who has been spending
the summer in British Columbia, has
returned to Oregon City. He will
teach in the high school at Eugene
this winter.
,' Mr. and Mrs.. George Howell and
sons Richard and Raymonod, accom
panied by Miss Frances Bowland and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bond and little
daughter have gone to Cannon Beach
to enjoy a three weeks vacation.
A Few
eal Bargains
In Used Motor Cars!
192 i Overland y.oo
1921 Crow Elkhart - 400.0a
- 19 1 8 Maxwell Roadster 185.00
1920 Ford Touring - 325.00
1 91 8 Ford Touring - 250.00
1919 Overland Sedan - 500.00
TERMS 40 percent down and
balance in ten months
Stokes Motor Co.
Maxwell Overland Willys-Knight
Sales, Service and Parts
1114 Main St. , Oregon. City
Mss Julia Wilson has returned home
after . spending a vacation at Ocean
Park, Washington.
Mrs. Louisa Lund is still ill at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Luxs. uuo liaison and sons, Vein ana
Wayne, nave -returned irom iutooua,
Washington, where they have spent a
coupie ot months with Mr. laisou,
who is interested in the fishing in
dustry. Charles Niron has returned to Os
wego after several years' absence. He
has bought the home formerly owned
by his son, Hefcuan. .
Wallace Worthington had a narrow
escape from death, Sunday when the
horse he was riding was hit by an
automobile at the east' approach of the
bridge that crosses Sucker creek. The
boy endeavored to pass an automibile
on the bridge and in so doing ran head
long into a machine coming from the
opposite direction. He was thrown
onto the hood of the car and escaped
with minor bruises. The horse how
ever, was terribly bruised and was
found to have a broken shoulder so
was shot, immediately. It was an old
time pet that had been in the family
twenty years.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Biokner have
returned home from Tacoma where
they visited Mrs. Bickners brother,
George Davisson. . '
The Wednesday "500" club was en
tertained by Mrs. Robert Fulton, Wed
nesday. Prizes were won by Mrs. Flo
Sumption, Mrs. Henry Borghorst and
Mrs. Wallace Wharton.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sigler have gone
to Hillsboro for a tew days.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Borghorst, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Steffens and Dr. and
Mrs. Sumption were entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lord,. Wednesday
Miss Audrey Cline is visiting in
Camas, Washington.
A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs.
Frank Anderson, Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Richards have
moved to their new home on 5 th and
E. Streets. .
Mrs. Carl Bethke has returned home
from Port Angeles. She also visited
Victoria, B. C. and other Sound Cities.
Mr. and Mrs. George Em rich have
returned from a two weeks trip; to
Crater Lake and the Marble Caves.
tt '
Mrs. K. B. Gibson
tfitf J? T Jf" J? a" J
Mr and 'Airs. Roy Douglass were Ore
gon City and Portland visitors on Fri
day.' i. S. Gibson attended the Farmers
picni cat Gresham last Saturday.
A party was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evans last Friday
evening in honor of their daughters;
Mrs. Perry Murphy, birthday. Quite a
large crowd gathered and a pleasant
time was sppnt by all present Along
about midnight a delicious luncheon,
consisting of sandwiches, coffee, pie
and cake was served.
Mr and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister and
children Ruby and Victor were the
dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Douglass, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Sr., were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. R. B Gibson,
Sunday afternoon.
W. J. Evans and Perry Murphy left
the first of the week for Eastern Ore
gon, where they will work through
Mr. and Mrs. George Preister and
children were the dinner-guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, Sunday.
Mrs. M. Dhulst and her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Ed. Dhulst were visiting with
Mrs: Ray Woodle, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle, of
Troutdale, were calling on Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Woodle, for a hort time
Sunday evening.
v? t? t t$
Mrs. J. J. Hattou &
7Jf jf Jt f J! IT Jf J," J? ? 1? J? J? fr"
Mrs. Henry Andrews of McMinnville
has been visiting her son andwife, Mr.
and Mrs. Emerson Andrews.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hattan and
children were guests of S. S. Dallas o'f
Damascus on Sunday.
Clinton Kneeley and family of Port
land have rented Mrs. Vic Hattans
place. ..
C. B. Smith has sold his home in
Carver an dwill move to Redland.
Mrs. Clifton was called to Portland
last week to attend the funeral of her
Uncle Guss Sperlng. -
The Sunday school from Bennett
chapel Gilbert Station, Portland came
in a body to Hattan beach on Sunday
after church. Services were held in
the park, sixteen then received the or
dinance of Baptism hy immersion.
Rev. McCaughly of the Baptist church
of Portland officiating. . The Openland-
er quartet sang several .beautiful selec
tions. The services were very impres
sive and very beautiful.
Mrs. Miller, Jack Carter and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Dallas of Damascus were
guests at dinner Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hattan, Mrs.
Miller and Mr. Carter are to leave soon
for Klamath Falls where they will
make their future home.
Mr. and 'Mrs.jU. SSlocum of Portland
were Carver caaers on Sunday, ivir.
Stocum was formerly Carver (Bank
Mrs. R. E. Loomis had for her week
end visitors, her parents, Mr and Mrs.
N. A. Frost, and two sisters, Evlalia
and Evangeline of Forest Grove and
Mrs. Putman of St. Paul, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hull of Independ
ence were visiting their son and wife
C. C. Hull. . .
Mrs. J. Longlois of Bothell, Wash
ington, spent last week with her cou
sin, Mrs Wm.' Noland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and two daugh
ters, Mrs.' Nadia Harvey and daughter
Zona and Mr. Post were the week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Peake.
Mrs. Selligner of Washougal, Wash
ington, is the guest of Mr .and Mrs.
Fred Eckert for the week.
Notice of vacation of portion of Third
Street, Oregon City, Oregon.
NOTICE is hereby given that a peti
tion signed by the owners of all the
real property immediately adjoining
the street hereinafter described and of
the premises in the blocks next adja
cent to said adjoining property, the
accessibility to which will be lessened
by the vacation of said street, is now
pending before the Mayor and City
Council of said city of Oregon City to
vacate all that portion of Third Street
for its full width and extending from
the easterly line of Main street to the
Easterly side line of the railroad right
of way of the Southern Pacific Com
pany as same extends across Third
Street in Oregon City. Such vacated
area to be subject to and the City of
Oreeon City reserving therein 'and
thereon, the right to lay construct, op
erate and maintain the present water
pipes, conduits, flumes hydraulic and
other apparatus as well as new and
other pipes, conduits, flumes, hydraul
ic and other apparatus within the
limits but under the surface of said
vacated street, at a sufficient depth so
as not to interfere with the use of the
surface of said vacated street, or with
any reasonable use of said vacated
area by the industries and' property
owners to whom the title shall pass on
account of such vacation, and provided
further that if any such industries or
property owners shall make any ex
cavation in said vacated area, the said
water pipes, pipes, conduits, flumes,
hydraulic and other apparatus shall be
duly preserved, safeguarded and pro
tected at the expense of the Industry,
or property owner making such exca
vation. Said petition and an ordinance
vacating said portion of said Third
Street will be considered by the city
council of said city at a meeting there
of to be held in the council chamber
on the 6th day of-September, 1922, at
7:30 o'clock p. m, in a building on Main
street between 7th and 8th streets in
said city where the regular meetings
of said council are usually held.
This notice is published by order of
the city council of said city of Oregon
City made by resolution duly adopted
by said council on the 2nd day of
August, 1922.
DATED at Oregon City, Oregon, this
3rd day of August, 1922.
City Recorder of Oregon City, Ore.
Notice of vacation of portion of Main
Street in Oregon City, Oregon, and
the southerly extensions thereof.
NOTICE is hereby given that a peti-
Uon signed by the owners of all the
real property immediately adjoining
the street and road hereinafter des
cribed and of the premises in the
blocks next adjacent to said adjoining
property the accessibility to which will
be lessened by the vacation of said
street and road, is now pending before
the. Mayor and City Council of said
city of Oregon City to vacate that por
tion of Main Street in Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon, and any
southerly extensions thereof, including
the road or highway extending from
the southerly end of Main Street in
said city, along and near the east bank
of the Willamette River to the town of
Canemah, which portion of said Main
street and road to be vacated is more
particularly described as follows:
That portion ob Main Street in Ore
gon City, Clackamas county, Oregon,
and any southerly extensions thereof,
including the road or highway extend
ing from the southerly end of Main
Street in said Crfy, along and near the
east bank of the Willamette River to
the town of Canemah, which portion
of said Main Street and road to be va
cated is more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at a point within said
Main Street or road, which is 399 feet
southerly from th$ monument at the
intersection of the center line of Main
Street with the center line of Third
Street when measured" on the center
line of Main Street in the City of Ore
gon City, Oregon and which initial
point is at the extreme south boundary
or end of the .hard surface pavement
as the same is now laid on said Main
Street; thence following . the center
line of said Main Street and of said
street if extended including the road
or highway extending from the south
erly terminus of Main Street in a gen
eral southerly direction to the city lim-
its of the City of Oregon City, arid in
cluding the entire width of said street
and road and extensions thereof, on
each side of, parallel with and adja
cent to said center line and from and
including the east bank of the Willam
ette River to and including the easter
ly boundary"line of said Main street
and road, and extending In said south
erly direction as aforesaid, and includ
ing the entire length and breadth, of
said street and road as' aforesaid to the
said souther boundary line of the
city of Oregon City.
The vacation to be subject, however,
to the right of the. city to lay, con
struct, operate and maintain the pres
ent water pipes, conduits, flumes, hy
draulic and other apparatus, as well
as new and other pipes, conduits,
flumes, hydraulic and other apparatus
within the limits but under the surface
Lof said vacated street and road, at a
sufficient depth so as not to interfere
with- the use of the surface of said va
cated street and road by the Portland
Railway, Light and Power Company,
Its successors and assigns, or with any
reasonable use of said vacated area by
the industries and property owners to
whom the title shall pass on account
of such vacation, and provided further
that if any such industries or proper
ty owners shall make any excavations
In said vacated area, the said water
pipes, pipes, conduits, flumes, hydraul
ic, and other apparatus shall be duly
preserved, safeguarded and protected
at the expense of the industry or prop
erty owner making such excavation,
and that such uses reserved shall not
interfere with the pedestrian travel
over the same and upon and along the
strip designated and dedicated for
such purpose between Oregon City and
the town of Canemah. Said vacated
area shall also be subject to and there
is hereby reserved unto the public
therein and thereon an easement of
the necessary width to accomodate the
passage-way for pedestrians only,
however, to the present stairway
which extends up the luff and. over
the right of way of the Southern Pacif
ic Company to a connection with what
is known as the Ward-La wton county
road (which is the proposed Pacific
Highway) at Oregon City, Oregon. The
commencement point of such passage
way is. on the easterly edge of the es
tablished walkway leading from Ore
gon City to Canemah, and approxi
mately 740 feet southeasterly from the
intersection of the center line of Third
and Main streets in the city of Oregon
City, Oregon. Provided, however, that
the use of said passage-way by such
pedestrians shall not be inconsistent
with the other uses in this notice de
signated. Said'petition and ordinance vacating
said portion of said street and road
will be considered by the City Conucil
jof said city at a meeting thereof to he
held in the council chamber on the 6th
day of September, 1922, at 7:30 o'clock
p. m., in a .building on Main Street be
tween 7th and 8th streets in said city
Iwhere the regular meetings of said
council are usually held.
This notice is published by order of
the city council of said city of Oregon
Citq made by resolution duly adopted
by said council on the 2nd day'of Aug
ust, 1922.
Dated at Oregon CTty, Oregon this
3rd day of August, 1922.
City Recorder of Oregon City, Ore.
is ll
List Your Property With
. C. Howland
'. 620 Main St.
Radio Receiving Set
Patiflactory results from your radio equipment-depend
on your battery. .
Prafe-O-Lite Batteries for the "A" circuit are practi
f reliable, efficient and economical. Handsome
Bahogany finished cases blend harmoniously with the
; farnishings of your home.
5 Ea us advise vou as to the size you need and the
proper care of your battery. We are also equipped
.3 rxharge it whenever necessary.
Every need dp
In The County Court Of The State Of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
In the matter of the Petition of Syl
ria Vienmann and others for the Vaca
tion of the county road along the east
bnk of the Willamette River,, from
Oregon City, to Canemah "in Section
31, T.2 S. R. 2 E. W. M.
Notice is hereby given that Wednes:
day, September 6, 1922, at 10 o'clock
A. hi. at the court room in the County
Court for Clackamas County, Oregon,
has been fixed as the time and place
for healing objections to or remon
strances tgainst the VACATION of a
part of the County Road along the
east bank 'oZ the Willamette River be
tween Oregon City and Canemah, Ore
gon, which is more particularly des
cribed as lollows:
Beginning r.t a point within the said
county read vhich is- 399 feet "souther
ly from the monument at the inter
section of the center line of Main
street with the center line of Third
street, when measured on the center
line of liain street, in the city of
Oregon City, Oregon, and which ini
tial point is at the extreme south
boundary or end of the hard-surface
pavement as same is now laid on said
Mai j street; thence following the cen
ter line of said County road in a gen
eral southerly direction and including
the entire width of said county road
on each side of, parallel with and
adjacent to said center line, and from
and including the east hank of the
Willamette River to and including the
easterly boundary line of said county
road, and extending in said southerly
direction,, as aforesaid, to the north
westerly sia2 line of the railroad right
of way of the Southern Pacific Com
pany, in the Town of Canemah, county
county and state aforesaid.
Dated August 2, 1922.
County Clerk for Clackamas Co.,
Run Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has "been appointed as ad
minstrator of the estate of Eveline
Dickey Criswell, deceased, by the
ipounty Court of Clackamas County.
Any and all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased are
hereby required to present the same,
duly "verified as by law required, with
proper vouchers, to me at my office,
room 3, Andresen building, Oregon
City, Oregon, on or before six months
from the date of the" first publication
of this notice.
- Administrator of the Estate of
Eveline Dickey Criswell.
Dated August 3, 1922.
Attorney for the Administrator.
Us. We Buy and Sell.
Oregon City, Ore.
For "Any
an automobile
Doctors Differ About Uncle Sam
Whether he is pictured as tall and slim, or
snug as a roly-poly it's all one to us we're
neutral. All we care about is FITTING
him in Overalls when he wants a suit and he '
surely will be fitted to the Queen's taste in'
The Farmer's Bank of Wihonville
XJhe Zftank XJhat ffiacks the farmer
Keep your money where
it will serve you best
fSaj it with Jfio users'
WANT ADS in these columns COST
RATES For first insertion 25 cents for s-ibnequent issues one cent a
word. Ads received too late for this column HI bi; cliissifif ! elsewhere.
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE 2 Sows, sired by Pacific
Wonder No. 263,427, fored to Sam
my's Champion of clean creek. No.
412,485, to Fairview, August 20 and
21. Also 1 young Sow and 2 fresh
cows. Alfred Lillie, Oregon City,
Oregon. Route 2, Box 169-A. 7-27-3tp
mond, Lawyer, Beaver Building,
Oregon City, Oregon. 5-17-4L
TO TRADE! Well located, ejgbjt
acrea, near McMinnville, Yamhill
county, for Oregon City residential
or acreage property. This place
has good buildings, with city water
and lights in house and barn. Fine
place for berries and chickens. One.
mile from West Side Tualatin
highway; seven miles from McMinn
ville. Write or se It J. Bennett at
Banner-Courier office.
PUBLIC AUCTION 4, 20 acre and. 2,
. 40 acre tracts, Thursday, August 10,
11 a. m. Improvements stock equip
ment, good roads. Seven miles
southeast of Sandy. C. C. Pilgrim
Eagle Creek, Oregon. l't-pd.
FOR SALE CHEAP Workingmans
home, 1 block from car line, three
lots, cement sidewalk and stone road
lawn, shade and fruit trees, berries,
grapes. 7th and Maple, Willamette.
FOR SALE OR TRADE for sheep, 12
high-grade Holstein heifers. John
Deminger, Route 2, Oregon City.
FOR SALE Chester White Pigs, D.
P. Law, R. F. D., No. 6, Phone 22F22.
Wanted Real Estate
MONEY TO LOAN on farms of over
ten acres at 6 per cent Long time
loans on easy payments. Federal
ioans a specialty. Alfred Graham,
anby. Oregon. 3-10-tf
For Sale Horses
FOR SALE 4 head young, largt
horses, sound and true, leaving coun
try, prices reasonable if taken at
once. Stopping at Red Front Barn,
Oregon City. . 7-20-4t-pd.
Wr.nted Mis : e.' laneous.
WANTED 5000 Danish Hall Head
cabbage plants. H. W. Reynolds, R.
F. D. No. 2. box 17-B.
WANTED To buy second hand
goods. VU pay cash for used fur
niture, tools, or any thing of com
mercial alje. Large stok of goods
for sale. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St
WANTED To buy, alder, maple, oak
and ash stumpage or on the road in
eight foot lengths. Address Hall,
Banner-Courier. 6-22 5t pd.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. State cash
price, full particulars. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis, Mfnn.
MIDDLE AGED woman wanted for
housekeeper in family of four.
Phone 417.
WANTEi30 to 50 Acres mostly im
proved, fair buildinfs, good roads,
not over 8 miles out of Oregon City,
to trade for rood Residence proper
ty close in, in Portland. Write full
description. Ely, Mac'ison and Ely,
Room 7, Beaver Building, Oregon
City. tf.
WANTED To buy a zood second
hand ZM inch wagon, half truck.
John Tucker, Route 2, box 4, Ore
gon City. lt-pd.
Farm for Sale
on the Mt. Hood Loop. If
you are in the market for
good farm, timber, confec
tionery stores, saw mills.
kJlVp Ui W 11L.C, VJICU. XJgi
Sandy, Ore.