THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON THURSDAY, ALGUST 3, 1922 Page Seven Sandy Department Blanche R. Shelley P.-T. A. Holds Meeting The Sandy Parent-Teachers Associ ation met in regular session last Fri day evening in the City hall, -with the "President, Mrs. Anna Duke, in the chair. It was voted to change the meeting night from the last Friday of the monyi to the second Wednesday. The treasurer reported $52.70 in the piano fund. It was voted to have a picnic August 12th, in the Grove back of the Lutheran church. The program is in the hands of Madames Miller, Es son and Scales and an effort will be made to procure an interesting speak er for the occasion. The eats for the day will "be taken care of by Madames Perret, Sharnke, Junker and Krebs. Every one bring a .basket Ice cream and cake will be-sold to help swell the . piano fund. Monday in Portland. ' Heinie Dittert, an eleven year old Sandy boy considers himself a lucky trapper. When he visited ihis trap near the old Winsel mill a few days ago, he found a mountain beaver caught in it. Mrs. Shaw's (mother, who is with her son at Fairview, is very poorly and not expected to last much longer. Mr. Moss and father-in-law were Portland visitors Monday. The wild blackberry harvest is in full blast and in some places, there is an abundance of them.' The country is full of (wild tlack capp. Canby Department Logging Going On W. F. Strack has sold the alder and vine maple on his ranch near Sandy to Lobe Bros.' of Portland, who began work last week. The logs are hauled to Bull Run, shipped to Portland, and thence to Japan. Man Has Watery Experience H. Stone, who has been tending pump for Fred Beachal fell from his station one night last week, Into the river and was knocked unconscious. He floated down the river live or six. hundred yards before regaining con sciousness. He suffered severe cuts and bruises about the head and face and was taken to his home at Gresh am, where he is recovering. WorkmaVi Breaks Shoulder Hr T7- U.. -1 i nrArlrinnr rT ,lUr. XVt3 LUil U11I, WUU 13 nviaiug the Highway near Cherryville, broke his shoulder one day last week.. Dr. Williams was called and took him to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where he is doing nicely. Dr. John Fuller Aged Man Passes Mr. Burdick, aged 84 years, died at the family home near Firwood, Mon day morning about four o'clock. The .cause of his death is given as dropsy. Another One For Sandy The Corbett nine met defeat on the Sandy diamond last Sunday, Sandy winning ninteen to three. Sandy goes to Oswego next Sunday. Business Changes Hands R. A. Chowen and brother, of Salem, have bought C. L. Shaw's blacksmith shop, and took possession Tuesday morning. Locals .Mr. and Mrs. Purwell had as dinner guests last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. James Shoemaker, Rev. and Mrs. Han nab? and Mrs. Allen, alf of Portland. R." E. Esson an dDr. Williams were Porland visitors Monday. Mrs. Esson and children, who have heen visiting Mrs. Esson's mother at Lenti for a week, returned with Mr. Esson Mon day evening. Mr. Svlawn, who was hurt some time ago, is able to work. Dewey Alt is driving truck for Jack Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Logen have moved in to an apartment at Laundrie's. Mr. Armstrong, one of the rock crusher crew, cut his hand badly a few days ago. Jack Barnett came out from town to spend Sunday at home. Most of the younger set attended the dance at Boring last Saturday night. Miss Jean Proctor came home from Brookfield, Washington, last week, where she has been employed as a stenographer in a cannery for the past four months. She is at present work ing in the Clackamas county bank. Mrs. J. Barnett spent a coupje of days in Portland last week. Miss Hazel Beers is telling a good story on the family. The clock has a habit of running slow, and finally got to be a half hour behind the city time. Sunday night before retiring, Mrs. Beers run it up half an hour, when Mr. Beers came in, he remem bered the clock had been slow so he run it up half an hour. Then later in . the evening Miss Hazel came in, re membered the clock had been slow, so she run it up half an hour. Monday morning, Mr. Beers and Hazel went to work before the rest of Sandy was fairly awake. Melvin Ray returned Saturday night from Independence, where he has been for several weeks recovering from broken tendons in his leg. He is off his crutches but uses a cane. He started work Monday checking rock. ,Mrs. Ernest Harris left Tuesday by stage to join her husband at Govern ment Camp. Mt. Harris is stationed nine miles east of the Hotel and they will make the trip from there on horse back. Mrs Harris expects to be gone a week. Toney Miller, who has been being cared for at the home of Chas. Krebs, was moved Monday afternoon to Mrs. Wilson's home in Sandy The Scales family spent Sunday on Cedar Creek with Mr. and Mrs. Done and Mr. and Mrs. Long of Portland. The latter families camped there Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Long is- a merchant in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed and little daughter Frances, returned Sunday evening from a five week's auto trip which included a visit to Yellowstone Park. They report fairly good roads, but encountered lots of hot weather and dust. Mrs. Linfield spent Sunday and Look At This Garden J. C: Kaupisch for fourteen years a citizen of Canby, has the most wonder ful growth and variety,, Sin garden products, known to this section of the northwest. " Sixty varieties of products are grown on the six lots he cultivates, and every plant is wonderful in bulk of growth,, foliage and bloom. Those visiting the Clackamas county fair each year, will remember Mr. Kau pisch. - - The possibilities of a country cannot be decided (from viewing wreck's of farms, where dwell the drone, any more than you could pass judgment as to human life by a glance at the wrecks of manhood and womanhood; or of architecture by a study of saual id cabins and hovels, as having on display, some of his products in his booth in the farm exhibit building. Among the products of his genius in scientific farming last ' year, was a squash which tipped the scales at 261 pounds. The largest one grown by him previous to this was of 172 pounds. Everything Mr. Kaupisch pro duces on his one half block in Canby is as bulky in proportion to its nature, as the squash. Asked as to Ithe secret of his suc cess, Mr. Koup,isch replied that, since a small boy, he had loved to see things grow. A more specific reply is, "Work, water, and knoying how." And this,' I think is the true secret, not only of his success, but the secret, of all successful farming. Mr. Koupisch irrigates his ground using an electric motor, and secures his water from a well, sixty two feet in depth, and has an abundant supply. He rotates his crops, and when the life of the early products is spent, he pre pares the ground and' plants another crop for late scmmer use. He grows corn, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, onions, peas, strawberries, etc. from early summer to December and always in abundance. Seventy years" ago, this man of work and skill was born in Saxony, and is today, the embodiment of ambition and thrift. What he has done, and is doing, demonstrates to us, the latent possi bilities of the soil of Clackamas coun ty, when coupled with work, water and intellect. c This county being winter wet and summer dried, needs the skill, or skull pump, at a legislative body which has vision enough to see that it is jsut as possible and feasible, to extend a water pipje into the mountains for wat er, to grow our crops as it it to plaster a, highway fro Portland to the Siskiy ois over which to burn John Ds gas. And in the finality, the watered lands would lbiuld the roads. The successful way by which to boost the possibilities of our Oregon soil, is not through inked paper and sun parched and dwarfted products, but through quenching the thirst of our crops during hot summer days, by irrigation. "Plastered", roads will in crease the output of automobiles from Eastern factories, and the sale of gas to western patrons for the eastern oc topus, !but, the same amount of money spent for piping water to our land will in time, pay for plastering the roads. What Mr. Kaupisch the Canby gard ener has done on six lots, is possible for the entire Willamette valley. I am for good roads when bought With wat er. . , Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Washington and California bought their paved highways with water irrigation. And here is hoping that "some sweet day, a Moses, wll step upon Oregtins. stage of action and smite our rock ribbed mountains with a rod and bring forth water, as to Israel of old, and cause our beautiful Willamette valley to be come the garden spot of the west EAT MtHood Ice Cream Heathized to Preserve the Vitamines. Daily Served , to Oregon ' City. MT. HOOD ICE CREAM CO. Portland, Ore. ASE FOE PORT-O True Fruit Products Strawberry Loganberry . Cherry , Orange Tokay Golden Mint PORT0 FRUIT PRODUCTS GOt . .Portland, Oregon CANDY CORN Pure Delicious Wholesome A STRICTLY OREGO N PRODUCT MADE BY at Portland, Oregon SI Beaver Engraving Company Phone Main 2003 PHOTO ENGRAVING PRINTING PLATES 148 Fifth St PORTLAND, ORE. A very interesting game of baseball was played last Sunday on the Canby diamond, between the Oregon City and Canby teams. While the score was 5 to 0 in favor of Canby, Oregon City played well, and it was a good clean game and much appreciated by all who saw it Deputy sheriffs from Oregon City captured the moonshine plant of Bill Spencer on last Monday. It is report ed that the still was located on the C. Wilson farm five miles east of Can by and had been in operation for some time-' Since ts discovery, Mr. Spencer has ceased to operate it and is spend ing a vacation in Oregon City. Harry Garrett and wife of Eugene spent the week end in Canby, visiting at the hme of Dr. and Mrs. Dick Gar rett. Sam Wilkerspn, an old time resident of Canby and vicinity died in Canby last Friday. Mr. Wilkerson had been twice married, but in recent years through sickness and misfortune, be came unable to care for himself and has been under county care. He was 70 years of age at the time of his death. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. Boyd Moore at the M. E. church, etery. M H. Mooney, accompanied by of ficials made a business trip to Oregon City last Monday night. BE A BOOSTER Smoke La Gran Islarca Cigars OREGON MADE HIGH GRADE UNION MADE- Qiq Great Northwest vjf ;" Exact Size Also 10c sizes amd 5c Marca Smokers Enterment wasat Zion cem- Mason, Ehrman & Co. Distributors of The Nation's Finest Cigars. Porter's Macaroni Made under the most sanitary conditions i Sunshine Factory. ' 1 " the Rich Red Label Porter-Scarpelli Macaroni Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. TRY Bradley's Pies 'East 5100 645 Grand. Avenue Portland, Oregon. Oregon City Laundry Rebuilds The first of the business concerns hit by the recent fire at Fifth and Main Streets, to announce definite plans for the future is the Oregon City Laundry. Messrs Knoefel and Sco field proprietors have entered into contract with W. G. H. Kruger to erect for them a new cement laundry build ing 40x90 feet dimensions and one story high It will cost $6,000 and will be ready for occupancy September 10. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., ,, ,, ,, ,, ., ,. ,, ,, ,, ,. .. ., .. ,. .. I,.. !... .. .. ,, .. ,., , , .! . I, ,, Sandy Drug Store sells- Weatherly Ice Cream Eastman Kodaks, Films and Supplies .. . --.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . a .. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Quality Store Of Clackamas County Since 1895 The Home of . Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Queen Quality Shoes For Women 7th at Main Oregon City PARAMOUNT RESTAURANT All White Opposite Court House "Service with a Smile" All new equipment HAWLEY PULP and PAPER CO. Every Merchant and Every Customer Should Demand HAWLEY PAPER The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of -f on the wrapper all these years just to protect the coming WtV3f J-CUcUS generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby witti'a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othe"r narcotic substance. Its . age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signaturi JULIUS G. STURE Reliable Dentistry erve Blocking Residence and Office Phone Sandy, Oregon' In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THK CINTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Oregon City Safety, Honesty, Court esy, Service' 4 p. e. paid on Savings 512 Main St., ' Oregon City HOGG BROS. Hardware, Furniture Everything For The Home 8th at Main, -Ore. City BANK OF COMMERCE "The Bank That Backs The Farmers , New location, Bank of Commerce Building. Oregon City Seventh and Main . EDITORIAL IMAGINARY SAVINGS IT IS THE IMAGINARY SAVINGS. THAT PEOPLE MAKE ON PURCHASES THAT CAUSE THEM TO BE POOR OF PURSE. , It is also the same glittering inducement that causes some of our otherwise loyal Oregon City citi zens to go trailing off to outside places to spend their money for purchases THAT COULD BE MADE JUST AS ADVANTAGEOUSLY HERE AT HOME. We think we understand the fascination offered by supposedly greener fields of other merchandising centers. In fact it is the same magnet that invites one to explore the pages of a Mail Order catalog and charms one into- sending one's money away to A BUSINESS FIRM HUNDREDS OF MILES DISTANT. . It IS THE MAGNET OF IMAGINATION. An imaginationhat there is a selection and a quality and a price that cannot be obtained at home. And this idea is a mistaken one. PROSPERITY IS NOT COMING TO THE COMMUNITY THAT HAS LOST FAITH IN ITS BUSINESS INTERESTS. Sending or spend ing money away from Oregon City isn't doing Oregon City a$y good and profits accordingly the community in -which it is spent. And while we are speaking of PROSPERITY let us all pjut our shoulders to the wheel and make Good Times always possible by in dulging in normal business transactions; buying what you need when you need it; discrediting commercial pessimism and, as far as possi ble, SPENDING OUR DOLLARS WITHIN OURSELVES. This is real civic boosting; real co-operative community effort and real profit for all our citizens RESULTS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE THE IMAGINATION TO BE SEEN" AND APPRECIATED. f It is up to us Oregon City people to bring success to our-city. The path is plainly marked and the iguiding sign reads: TRADE AT HOME" Jones Drug Co. "In business for your health". Try our delicious foun tain lunch Frank Busch & . Sons "The Home of Good Furniture" "The Winchester Store" Visit our model grocery Dr. S. R. Smith CHIROPRACTOR Relieves All Chronic Conditions Office Oregon City Bank Building Overland $695 Maxwell - $1060 Willys-Knight $1595 F. O. B. Oregon City The three leaders in Motor Cars STOKES MOTOR CAR CO. Phone 750. 1114 Main. MAC DRY BATTERY No Water No Acid No Attention GUARANTEED FOR 3 YEARS Distributors for Clackamas County Green Point Garage Phone .680-J DURANT CARS Beautiful, but built to stand the "Gaff". May we take your fam ily for a ride? Weismandel and Payne Phone 284, Main and 11